Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-11-30 3:41 PM
Oooooooooookay, I know I'm not the only one, so who else is going to go see it Dec. 13?

I'm going, actually, I'm running to the movies and playing hookie from work so I can actually see the first showing of the day. If its really good, I may just stay for a few more shows and buy the bootleg when I can find that brother by the check cashing place! :)

Don't get me wrong...I'm not obsessed! *Worf...Drool* I'm just excited about seeing the franchise go on. Or I could be excited about the fact that this is probably the last TNG movie and they can finally move on to the DS9 ones! *Sisko and Worf...Drool*

At any rate, I hope this one don't suck. I have ot admit that the last three haven't impressed me much, but here's to hope.

Posted By: allan1 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-11-30 3:44 PM
I'll be going to see it.It looks pretty good.
Posted By: Bianca Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 8:21 AM
I will be going as well...but probably not opening week. My 1 Trek person has her holiday party either that Friday or Saturday (and she works weekends too, blech!) so I'll be seeing it...just not as early as I had hoped...

I need a movie buddy with a great schedule! Who want's the position? [wink]
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 8:28 AM
Anyone that says they won't be going opening week scares me. I mean, Really Bianca. How can you deny yourself the earliest glimps of Worf?
Posted By: Rob Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 8:36 AM
why hello there, princess!


ok, star trek? notta fan. its the one uber geeky thing i've never been into.

however, even from an "outsiders" point of view, the movie looks pretty cool, with all the neato special effects and war scenes n'what not. i might be willing to give it a try.

the most star trekking i've ever done is watching a few episodes of the new tv show, enterprise. mostly out of fondness for the quantum leap show and specifically out of lust for that jolene blalok (sp?!?!?) chick. i love her and she loves me back.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 8:47 AM
You mean Franta don't you?

Anyways,I'm amazed at how little I've heard of this movie.I never saw a trailer for it in the theatre & when I finally saw it on the Star Trek III DVD,I was amazed.This actually looks like a worthy successor to "Wrath of Khan"."First Contact" came close but not quite.
Posted By: Bianca Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 8:55 AM
Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
Anyone that says they won't be going opening week scares me. I mean, Really Bianca. How can you deny yourself the earliest glimps of Worf?

Hey..I don't mind going to the occasional movie alone...but for Trek...na, that's something even I won't do.

So...I'll just wait a few extra days and then go see it with my movie buddy.

It's okay...really it is. And then, I'll have someone who can drool over Worf with me...which is always better. [wink]
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-11-30 9:26 PM
Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:why hello there, princess!

Hiya! Long time, no see huh?

Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:hmm...
ok, star trek? notta fan. its the one uber geeky thing i've never been into.

Not a fan? See, its your type that really scares me. More so then those that are not going opening week.

Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:however, even from an "outsiders" point of view, the movie looks pretty cool, with all the neato special effects and war scenes n'what not. i might be willing to give it a try.
Give it a try...OR ELSE! We must support my man's movie!

Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:the most star trekking i've ever done is watching a few episodes of the new tv show, enterprise. mostly out of fondness for the quantum leap show and specifically out of lust for that jolene blalok (sp?!?!?) chick.
Why are you watching Enterprise? Man, that's garbage! No wonder you have no love for the Star Trek franchise. Man, you need substance! Watch the late stuff from TNG and all of DS9 stuff. You'll get a better understanding that's for sure!

Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:i love her and she loves me back.
[humina humina] <---------do you look like this? Sad, really really sad!
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-11-30 9:30 PM
Originally posted by allan1:You mean Franta don't you?
Of course he does silly! Wasn't you reading?

Originally posted by allan1:Anyways, I'm amazed at how little I've heard of this movie. I never saw a trailer for it in the theatre & when I finally saw it on the Star Trek III DVD, I was amazed. This actually looks like a worthy successor to "Wrath of Khan". "First Contact" came close but not quite.
I'm amazed you think First Contact was close. It wasn't in my book. Anyway, you are right about one thing. It isn't being well promoted. They just started showing the commercials on TV like Tuesday! I thought that sucked, but Star Trek has a huge trailer, plus info on the movie. Maybe they thought that was enough.

Go figure.
Posted By: Rob Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-11-30 9:35 PM
Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
Not a fan? See, its your type that really scares me. More so then those that are not going opening week.


i've done my geekly duties. i've paid my nerdly price. i've served my dorkly time.

im not going for perfect attendance.

Why are you watching Enterprise? Man, that's garbage!
i watch it cuz its like "star trek lite"

i can get involved in the show without wearing the big ears and knowing the foreign alien languages.

i dont want to get too attached -- i've been hurt before.

[humina humina] <---------do you look like this? Sad, really really sad!
you'll not come between us, you hear me?!?!
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 12:46 AM
I'll probably see it opening night. It looks good, but I'm sure it's gonna flub storywise. The only problem I have so far with it is the Remans (Romulan stormtroopers). Their make-up looks displaced. In SW and Farscape, they do body and face make-up complete with prosthetics. Seriously,would different species have only an alien-looking face and a humanoid body? No! That's one thing that's always gotten on my nerves about Star Trek.
Posted By: Animalman Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 3:58 AM
It's an even number so it's got to be good. The villain looks like a terrible actor, though.
Posted By: Sonhaven Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 4:31 AM
I didn't even see the last Star Trek movie and I consider myself a fan (maybe thats why I didn't see it). However this new one looks really good! I think I'm going to see it opening night.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-01 3:32 PM
Originally posted by Princess Koriand'r:
Originally posted by allan1:You mean Franta don't you?
Of course he does silly! Wasn't you reading?

Originally posted by allan1:Anyways, I'm amazed at how little I've heard of this movie. I never saw a trailer for it in the theatre & when I finally saw it on the Star Trek III DVD, I was amazed. This actually looks like a worthy successor to "Wrath of Khan". "First Contact" came close but not quite.
I'm amazed you think First Contact was close. It wasn't in my book. Anyway, you are right about one thing. It isn't being well promoted. They just started showing the commercials on TV like Tuesday! I thought that sucked, but Star Trek has a huge trailer, plus info on the movie. Maybe they thought that was enough.

Go figure.

Well,"First Contact" was the closest to "Wrath of Khan" in pure action & fighting.I thought it was close in the way it portrayed Picards relationship with the Borg to the way Khan felt about Kirk.Both movies used quotes from Moby Dick.It's funny how Picard's actions resembled Khans...the obsession with the enemy & such.
Posted By: THE Franta Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 10:27 AM
I hope to see it opening day with my brother, although we also hoped to see the Bond flick opening weekend and still wont get to see it until this Sunday....

But as far as the "buzz" goes Kenya there are not any plans at all for DS9 films, unfortunatlely. Nana Vistor(Kira Nerys) said as of last year nobody was willing to do a DS9 movie. Now that coul dall be a buncha hubub to strike up interest in a film but seeing as DS9 has always been the step child of the Trek family I believe it. DS9 was quickly put aside for Voyager coz the good trek show was contracted to syndication while the shitty one had its home base on the UPN, their own network. I dont know about you Kenya but WGN had the rights here for DS9 and kept switching the time slots none of which were ever very good. That and the fact that the current novelizations of DS9 are picking up the story right after the last episode leads me to believe there are no plans for the future of DS9 onscreen. [no no no]
Posted By: Animalman Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 12:30 PM
Deep Space Nine just didn't have the following(especially not one that continues to this day with reruns) Next Generation had. Realistically, how many people do you think would go to see a DSN movie?
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 12:33 PM
A lot!
Posted By: Animalman Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 12:36 PM
Uh huh, and of these people, how many are not friends and family that you've threatened to disembowl if they don't go see the movie?

That's what I thought.
Posted By: THE Franta Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 1:00 PM
Read my post above as to WHY DS9 didnt have the following!
The studios put their time and effort in to marketing the shitfest known as Voyager (possibly one of the all time lamest sci fi series ever).
If they really wanted to they could create a following for DS9, hell my mom loves STNG and she started with the movies and now watches re-runs!
Unfortunately though I dont think DS9 will ever see the big screen. More likely a new series will be developed is the latest rumor.
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 1:07 PM
Then there's the fact that TNG didn't do well because it was the hottest shit going on TV, It did so well because at the freaking time, it had no COMPETITION ON TV! There was noting on! DS9 had to deal with Hercules and Xena and other stuff that burned hot, but burned out eventurally. If the series sucked so much, why did it last 7 years? I don't know of any business that would sink money into something that so, as you say, totally sucked, if it wasn't worth it.

[ 12-03-2002, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: Princess Koriand'r ]
Posted By: Animalman Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 1:28 PM
Wait, which series are you talking about? I never said DS9 "sucked", are you referring to Franta's dissaproval of Voyager?
Posted By: THE Franta Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-03 1:32 PM
You're right and DS9 was on the same station as Hercules and Xena here so DS9 got bumped from the prime viewing time.
Chicago would seem to be one of the prime areas one would wish to capture ratings from but as I said it was hard to follow when it was on. I being a die hard Quark fan did however!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-13 12:58 AM
Yeah, I know the damn movie comes out tomorrow. But I also know how you Trekkies are. So here you go. Click on over to IGNFilmForce to get a sneak peek. Scroll down to where it says Media Page and scope out some scenes from the picture.

[ 12-12-2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: thedoctor ]
Posted By: Franta Claus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-13 2:49 AM
My brother has an office Christmas party he is going to......with HIS WIFE!

Ill have to wait until next weekend now!!!

I think its revenge for getting him drunk last weekend at 007!
Posted By: Silver Armadillo Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-13 7:41 PM
Originally posted by Franta Claus:

I think its revenge for getting him drunk last weekend at 007!

You had to be taught a lesson
Although your pain does not come close to what I endured
Posted By: allan1 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-14 8:29 AM
I'm going tonight!!!

Whoo-HOO!! [biiiig grin]
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-14 8:55 AM
Originally posted by Franta Claus:

Ill have to wait until next weekend now!!

Damn! I'll poor out some beer for ya homie!
Posted By: Rob Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-13 9:15 PM
i tried to work seeing this movie into a few conversations. i had to disguise my intentions, so i wasnt perceived as a trekkie. then, if one of them said "hey, are you telling us you wanna see that movie?" i could say "oh no, no... porn. i wanted to see porn."

it doesnt look likely.

however, i will be watching porn.
Posted By: Bianca Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-16 5:27 PM
Well, I saw Nemesis on Saturday night...and I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best of the series...but I think it wasn't the worst either.

I'll give it a rating of: 3.5 out of 5.

Picard: The toast...good God Jean-Luc....get it together man! Yeah Riker has been your 1st officer for 15 years but come on...ugh! I prefer my Jean-Luc Picard to have less humor (too much is just ick) than this one had.

Worf: Where was he? He had a few lines and stood around in the background. Grr...what a waste of a perfect male specimen!

Troi: Ehh, I think she's lost everything she gained the last two season on TNG...and now, she's back to where she started (and what's up with the hokey "light on the eyes" shtick). Too bad for the character.

Riker: Gah...he still irritates me...but it was good to see him get his arse beaten a bit by the Reman Viceroy...and to actually have some wear & tear show through afterwards.

Geordi: No goodbye's to ____ which kinda stunk. You'd think that after all that time, there would've been some kind of goodbye.

Crusher: Again, they give her almost nothing. I guess it's what they do with the doctor's in the movies ehh?

Data: What can I say? He's certainly showing his age (even under all that android make-up)...but it's still sad (and those of you who have seen it, know why).

Shinzon: I liked him (as a villain) up until the last half/3rd quarter of the movie.


Guinan: Too short. I've always enjoyed Whoopie's portrayal of Guinan.

Dr. Pulaski: Totally missed her cameo, but she's in the credits. Oh well.

Admiral Janeway: Man, talk about forced. I guess going from Captain from Admiral making a person stuffy...and I used to like her character too. *sigh*

Wesley Crusher: Saw him, didn't hear him, still no closure on his character.

Bryan Singer: Did you see him? He was there...he was one of the bridge officers.

Dina Meyer: She was Barbara Gordon/Oracle on the short lived "Birds of Prey" on the WB... Commander Donatra was her character. She was the one who tried to touch Shinzon if that helps you any.

[ 12-16-2002, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Bianca ]
Posted By: Franta Claus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-18 2:09 AM
GOOD NEWS! Silvi and I took our mom to see it last night!

Gotta agree with the B.



Why has Worf been turned into the comic relief? Is it coz Data no longer fits that role and writes the scripts? And NO mention of being Klingon Ambassador as mentioned at the end of DS9.

I did like how the evil clone wasnt a fully grown Picard, Id always wondered how clones were the same age as their DNA.

Gimme a Break TIME. SO Data's dead? Yeah right, the minute his memories were transferred into larry (what Silvi calls B-4 what a twank name!) and later the remark Data has a ONE TIME ONLY transporter badge, I knew Data was gonna be killed saving Jeanie. Only to have larry take over.

I hated Guinan Pulaski and Wesley glad they didnt talk, Pulaski was the only one I missed.

Janeway telling Picard HIS missions were boring...thats the pot calling the kettle! No I take that back, Picard's mission shouldnt even be compared to Janeways lame ass bunch!

Sadly Troi has been reduced to a simp. A drunk in one move and a crybaby the next.

Action scenes while very cool, seemed a bit contrived...

So....is this REALLY the last movie?
Ya think they'll instead follow Riker on Titan? (Which they only mention a dozen times.) If so you think they'll bring in 7 of Boobies? Or maybe some decent folks from DS9?
Posted By: allan1 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-18 3:35 PM
I can't really see another Star Trek movie coming out.And though for the most part I enjoyed this one,I'm not sure I want another one to come out.
Posted By: Franta Claus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 3:23 AM
I heard one reviewer say that he thought this one had too much inside stuff for the Trek fans.
Agree? Disagree?
Posted By: Bianca Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 5:20 AM
Inside stuff? Like what?
Posted By: Franta Claus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 5:28 AM
Im not really sure what he meant..thats why I asked the non trek fans...
Posted By: Bianca Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 5:42 AM
Ahh...too much inside knowledge for non-fans to know about. I gotcha.

Let's see, it could be:

* Why Riker calles Deanna "Imzadi"

* The part about trying to recall the song Data was trying to whistle (If you haven't seen the very 1st episode, then you wouldn't know what it was).

Crap...I'm drawing a blank now...
Posted By: Franta Claus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 6:00 AM
the sexual tension between Geordi and Wesley
Posted By: Bianca Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 5:24 PM
Don't make me hurt you...I like Geordi!
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 9:48 PM
Originally posted by Franta Claus:
the sexual tension between Geordi and Wesley

[...rassamnfrackin...] You know--fanfiction wise--Riker is seen as bi sexual, Data and Geordi are always slashed (M/M paired) with each other or Data is slashed with his brother Lore, and Wesley is the boytoy of any male character in the series. The slash stories are numerous, my man Worf is the only one no one has really bothered to Slash.. I guess you can say he's too much man! [biiiig grin]
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-19 9:59 PM
Originally posted by Franta Claus:
I heard one reviewer say that he thought this one had too much inside stuff for the Trek fans.
Agree? Disagree?

I think he's talking about this: Remember how Star Trek loves those complex A, B, and C sub story lines? And how usually they can manage to pull it off? Well Nemesis had :

A: Picard and Picard Jr. Storyline going on.

B: Data and B4 Storyline going on.

C: Troi and Picard Jr. storyline going on.

D: Picard Jr and Rimmus loyalty storyline going on.

E: Data and Picard storyline going on.

F: Baddest Ship storyline going on and lets not forget:

G: Baddest Tore the fuck off ship!

Nemesis had so much shit going on at once that they haven't managed to do any one thing right. I think that's what it boils down to basiclly. To many damned plot twists and the quality of the storyline suffers.
Posted By: Franta Claus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-24 12:13 PM
WE're calling B4, larry, Kenya!!!!
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-25 8:08 AM
I wouldn't call myself a fan of Star Trek, but I enjoy it.

I can't say the same for this movie.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-25 8:33 AM
It was alright, but in some parts, it didn't make sense. Take for instance, the scenes prior, during and after the ramming. Why couldn't Shinzon move away faster? We was zooming by the E and other Romulan ships blasting them to smithereens. All of a sudden, he couln't move.
Oh, please.

Then when they hit, we knew Picard's ship lost atmosphere, why not Shinzon's? Instead, the little Remans are running away from the saucer section. I know that hole they punched through wasn't air-tight. Blast some of those bastards through! And afterwards, the pause. The long dreaded pause. Maybe if there was some good dramatic music during the moment instead of a silent, 15 second look of the damage, I would be pleased.

It's good, but there's a lot of crap wrong with it.
Posted By: Princess Koriand'r Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2002-12-27 6:45 AM
Originally posted by Franta Claus:
WE're calling B4, larry, Kenya!!!!

I'm calling you Larry Franta!!! [biiiig grin]
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2004-12-12 6:25 AM

Franta Claus said:
WE're calling B4, larry, Kenya!!!!

I see...
Posted By: PJP Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-14 12:42 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-14 12:44 AM
I saw this movie when it first came out and now twice in the past 2 days it gets better with every watch......I'm really going to miss Data, Piccard and the others......Jean Luc is the fucking man.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-14 12:47 AM
Nothing will ever beat "All Good Things..."
Posted By: PJP Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-14 12:48 AM

Wednesday said:
Nothing will ever beat "All Good Things..."

Damn Staright......" I should have done this along time ago "
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-14 4:38 AM
Did anyone catch the "rest of the ending" in the deleted scenes? Some funny stuff. I wonder why they cut it....
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-14 10:35 AM
Deleted scenes on Nemesis, or the last TNG episode (which I loved too by the way, I love that show)?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2005-02-15 3:26 AM
Oh sorry. Nemesis. There's about five more minutes to the ending scenes that wasn't in the film....
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2012-12-16 7:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: THE Franta
This is the best Thanksmas ever!
Posted By: MrJSA Re: Star Trek X--Nemesis - 2012-12-16 9:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Animalman
It's an even number so it's got to be good. The villain looks like a terrible actor, though.