Posted By: jafabian NBC's The Apprentice - 2004-02-27 9:27 AM
Is anyone watching this show? Since I work in the corporate world I've been following this and I find it relatable, entertaining and educational in a lot of respects. So far, the lessons shown are as follows:

1) SEX SELLS. You can sell total crap if cleavage and a pretty blonde is involved.

2) Be loyal. Always. Whether it's your employer or your departement or team, be loyal. If it means lying your ass off, then so be it.

3) Pick and choose your battles. Learn when to be quiet and when to speak up.

4) Never, ever, sit and take abuse. No one respects that. Defend yourself no matter who the other person is. If you have to stand up to the boss, so be it.

5) Make an impression on the boss. ANY impression. It's better than no impression.

6) When selling a product, learn who the customer is. Never assume.

7) Don't be a dickhead. No one likes a dickhead.

8) SEX SELLS! I can't emphaize that enough.
Posted By: Mr. Nobody Re: NBC's The Apprentice - 2004-02-27 1:57 PM
I'm forced to watch this show, but have to admit it's one of the few of its ilk that I can almost stomach.
Posted By: jafabian Re: NBC's The Apprentice - 2004-02-29 11:21 AM
It's probably the most "realistic" reality show that's on, amazingly enough. I've said from the beginning that Troy would win this thing. Interestingly enough, he's the only one out of the whole group that never went to college.