Posted By: PenWing The new Batsuit - 2004-10-28 10:14 PM
I know we have pics of this somewhere, but this is the latest pic from JoBlo.com. I hope it works.

Posted By: Rob Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-28 11:01 PM
i saw a fan-shot movie of this the other day. i dunno if it was the weird lighting (it was on a chicago roof top), but the suit gave a clear black and gray look to it (i.e; the BTAS cartoon).
Posted By: Captain Cranky Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-28 11:02 PM
Unless the new batsuit is a red X in a blue box....................we didn't get it.
Posted By: Rob Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-28 11:22 PM
here, i made a wallpaper out of it:

Posted By: thedoctor Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-28 11:29 PM

PenWing said:
I know we have pics of this somewhere, but this is the latest pic from JoBlo.com. I hope it works.


Posted By: PenWing Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 3:47 AM
Yeah, I figured it wouldn't work. That's why I included both links. I don't know why images aren't linking for me anymore. I guess nobody wants to share.

Rob, cool wallpaper.
Posted By: Steve T Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 11:15 AM
I miss the nipples!

Not really!
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 12:51 PM
It sucks.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 12:51 PM
The belt and gloves are cool though.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 4:06 PM
Nothing beats the 1989 Keaton suit,realistic looking muscles,not those square panels all over it!
Posted By: Rob Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 7:01 PM
the suit is very cool. i love the stylized chest emblem (i wonder why the movie logo is different?). the belt also rules -- good choice with the gold and the downward angle.

i agree with nowie, tho, that the realistic muscles look better. like i've said before, the stylized ab idea, which was used in the latter batman films, is just stupid. why have anything there at all? at least the realistic looking muscles would give the impression that batman was really that buff.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-29 9:33 PM
Yup,thats why in the first film when Bats had been knocked down by the Jokers goons,when they were checking him out,it was only then that they realised he was wearing armour.
These obviously armoured suits take away from the way Bats was always viewed as being something more than human by cowardly villains.
Seeing the suit above just shows he needs protection cause he is human.
Kinda loses something of the mystique that surrounds a so called "urban legend"!
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-30 1:27 AM
You see? We do agree on something guys.

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-30 2:20 AM
You think I'm gonna let Rob get his hands anywhere near my body,you can think again!
Posted By: Rob Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-30 8:11 AM
heh. nowhereman wants to think about my hands on his body again. poof!


i'm not really agreeing. not with pariah, anyway, who said "it sucks." i said "the suit is very cool."

"one of these things is not like the other..."
Posted By: Nonoxynol9 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-30 8:01 PM

thedoctor said:

PenWing said:
I know we have pics of this somewhere, but this is the latest pic from JoBlo.com. I hope it works.


What the hell are those little triangular things hinging his cape to his cowl? I don't like those. They remind me of hoody draw-strings.

Posted By: Nonoxynol9 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-30 8:04 PM
P.S. I still think the suit from the Sandy Collora "Dead End" mini-film was the best.
Posted By: whomod Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-30 8:28 PM
Hate the cowl, hate the cape, hate the little triangular thingees...

Yet I still have faith in the film itself...

Maybe if he's lit right....
Posted By: Prometheus Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 12:37 AM
Jeez-us, you nerds are picky!

May I remind you of a movie called Batman & Robin?

The suit is great. The cast is great. Hopefully, the movie will be, too.

But, instead of celebrating the return and hopeful greatness of this franchise, you sit here and nitpick things like the cape-clasps and stylized-body armor of the abs?

Give me a break. Go read a comic book if you want your "fantasy Bat", sweatin'-it-up in spadex with little boys. I'll take a realistic look anyday.....
Posted By: rex Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 12:41 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 3:06 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
heh. nowhereman wants to think about my hands on his body again. poof!


i'm not really agreeing. not with pariah, anyway, who said "it sucks." i said "the suit is very cool."

"one of these things is not like the other..."

I meant agreement that the 89 suit is the best.
Posted By: Nonoxynol9 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:02 AM

Prometheus said:
Jeez-us, you nerds are picky!

May I remind you of a movie called Batman & Robin?

The suit is great. The cast is great. Hopefully, the movie will be, too.

But, instead of celebrating the return and hopeful greatness of this franchise, you sit here and nitpick things like the cape-clasps and stylized-body armor of the abs?

Give me a break. Go read a comic book if you want your "fantasy Bat", sweatin'-it-up in spadex with little boys. I'll take a realistic look anyday.....

If commenting on the subject topic and sharing my opinion of the new suit is "picky", and if that makes me a "nerd", then so be it.

I have a right to critique the Batsuit. I'm a fan. I enjoy discussing it.



P.S. Why do people always have to resort to gay-oriented Batman/Robin jokes? It's been done as many times as Madonna's holes. It's not really all that funny anymore.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:09 AM
That Sealab show is funny.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:30 AM

Nonoxynol9 said:

Prometheus said:
Jeez-us, you nerds are picky!

May I remind you of a movie called Batman & Robin?

The suit is great. The cast is great. Hopefully, the movie will be, too.

But, instead of celebrating the return and hopeful greatness of this franchise, you sit here and nitpick things like the cape-clasps and stylized-body armor of the abs?

Give me a break. Go read a comic book if you want your "fantasy Bat", sweatin'-it-up in spadex with little boys. I'll take a realistic look anyday.....

If commenting on the subject topic and sharing my opinion of the new suit is "picky", and if that makes me a "nerd", then so be it.

I have a right to critique the Batsuit. I'm a fan. I enjoy discussing it.



P.S. Why do people always have to resort to gay-oriented Batman/Robin jokes? It's been done as many times as Madonna's holes. It's not really all that funny anymore.

I wanted to say something along these lines except more addressing the cheap-shaotedness of the Batman&Robin movie, but I didn't feel like getting into abother patented Prometheus-Pariah argument in the media forum.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:31 AM

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
That Sealab show is funny.

I agree.

I got all the eps from Torrents.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:41 AM
"Vengence is mine," quoth Alvis. Then he shot that guy right in the freakin' face.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:46 AM


















Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:47 AM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:55 AM
IMDB.com's entry for the movie shows that it's going for the old Joe Chill murder of the Wayan's instead of the Joker. It also looks as though Bats will have to deal with underworld bastards as well as the Scarecrow with an actor cast as Carmine Falcone.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:58 AM
An actor?

I would have cast a muppet.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 7:20 PM

Nonoxynol9 said:
If commenting on the subject topic and sharing my opinion of the new suit is "picky", and if that makes me a "nerd", then so be it.

I have a right to critique the Batsuit. I'm a fan. I enjoy discussing it.



P.S. Why do people always have to resort to gay-oriented Batman/Robin jokes? It's been done as many times as Madonna's holes. It's not really all that funny anymore.

I find it interesting that you responded as if I were singling you out, alone from the pack.

P.S. The jokes are prevalent, because it is so evident within the Bat mythology (not to mention, it's the fastest way to get Rob's panties in a wad..... )

And the Madonna jokes are old. Sheesh.

Pariah, I am ASHAMED of you! How dare you not take the normal bait. I expect better of you, young man....
Posted By: Rob Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:36 PM
i didn't think the commentary was aimed towards me because the first thing i said was "the suit is very cool." i have my nitpicks, sure. i cant figure how anyone doesnt -- we are talking about comic book fans.

the suit in the third movie had some cool aspects -- namely the solid color and larger emlbem. but, of course, the nipples and credit cards introduced through out the last two were horrible. the second movie had a decent suit, though also had those weird stylized abs. the first movie's suit was great, but even that wasn't without its little problems for me -- the symbol was wrong (!!) and the belt was too bright. the new suit has a better symbol, better coloring, and better belt. my only nitpicks were on the muscle form.

similar nitpicks come with the car. i liked the 89 batmobile the best. the second movie modified it unnecessarily. the third and fourth were retarded. i think this movie's batmobile looks very cool, though.

mostly, i think this new movies batsuit and batmobile are organically designed for a reason: this is the beginning. its batman starting out, not knowing everything. maybe the stylized abs allow for greater flexability, or something. its all new to him. the car looks like he patched it together himself, and im sure there's a reason for that, too -- he probably did. i'm fine with all of this stuff.

at the end of it, i really couldn't give a fuck about the suit or the car or whatever. the movie looks kick ass.
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 8:45 PM

And complaining about little triangular things that I didn't notice until it was pointed out to me is not only nitpicking, but picking at the skin after the nit has been picked. Eventually you're going to bore a hole into your head and all your brains will leak out.

Hmmm. Maybe these guys should keep picking.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-10-31 11:16 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
i didn't think the commentary was aimed towards me because the first thing i said was "the suit is very cool."

I love you Kampestein. You're the aunt that I never knew I wanted.....


i liked the 89 batmobile the best. the second movie modified it unnecessarily. the third and fourth were retarded.

mostly, i think this new movies batsuit and batmobile are organically designed for a reason: this is the beginning. its batman starting out, not knowing everything. maybe the stylized abs allow for greater flexability, or something. its all new to him. the car looks like he patched it together himself, and im sure there's a reason for that, too -- he probably did. i'm fine with all of this stuff.

at the end of it, i really couldn't give a fuck about the suit or the car or whatever. the movie looks kick ass.

Couldn't agree more on all points....

And, Disco, if your wisdom grows with your age, then we are all in trouble. Well said.
Posted By: Steve T Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-01 11:59 AM

thedoctor said:
murder of the Wayan's

Presumably this is in respinse to "White Chicks"
Posted By: Pariah Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-01 12:23 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
i didn't think the commentary was aimed towards me because the first thing i said was "the suit is very cool." i have my nitpicks, sure. i cant figure how anyone doesnt -- we are talking about comic book fans.

the suit in the third movie had some cool aspects -- namely the solid color and larger emlbem. but, of course, the nipples and credit cards introduced through out the last two were horrible. the second movie had a decent suit, though also had those weird stylized abs. the first movie's suit was great, but even that wasn't without its little problems for me -- the symbol was wrong (!!) and the belt was too bright. the new suit has a better symbol, better coloring, and better belt. my only nitpicks were on the muscle form.

similar nitpicks come with the car. i liked the 89 batmobile the best. the second movie modified it unnecessarily. the third and fourth were retarded. i think this movie's batmobile looks very cool, though.

mostly, i think this new movies batsuit and batmobile are organically designed for a reason: this is the beginning. its batman starting out, not knowing everything. maybe the stylized abs allow for greater flexability, or something. its all new to him. the car looks like he patched it together himself, and im sure there's a reason for that, too -- he probably did. i'm fine with all of this stuff.

at the end of it, i really couldn't give a fuck about the suit or the car or whatever. the movie looks kick ass.

I guess I can agree with that.

But.....The cowl. What the fuck is up with the cowl!?

Plus--More importantly--I read the script. And I didn't like it at all. Too many cliches and I'm really pissed that he took out the best part of Batman that has always attracted me to the character. He knew that one thing about his personality was there, and Chris very showingly took it out.
Posted By: Nonoxynol9 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 1:55 AM
Yep, Prom, I implied you singled me out b/c it was me, and only me, who pointed out the triangular cape-clasps.

I said I didn't like them.

Which is obviously picking the skin after the nit or whatever the fuck that meant.

Do you guys piss over everyone's Lucky Charms?

It's like I'm hanging with a buncha 's sometimes.

Posted By: Prometheus Oingo-Boingo - 2004-11-02 3:45 AM

Nonoxynol9 said:
Yep, Prom, I implied you singled me out b/c it was me, and only me, who pointed out the triangular cape-clasps.

I said I didn't like them.

Which is obviously picking the skin after the nit or whatever the fuck that meant.

Do you guys piss over everyone's Lucky Charms?

I calls 'em like I sees 'em. And, really, don't take it so personally. You have a right to your opinions. Just as I have a right to stab you in the pride when you come off anal-retentive about insignificant details. But, it's all about brotherly love. And the lack therein. Go forward into the past, and you shall find what you cannot seek.

And some things.

Either way, celebrate the Bat. If the movie sucks, the movie sucks. If it is good, it's good. Let's wait and find out, instead of searching and destroying the things we assume we aren't going to enjoy.


It's like I'm hanging with a buncha 's sometimes.


Irony, thy name is evident....
Posted By: Nonoxynol9 Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 7:29 PM
I hope I didn't sound like I thought the movie itself was going to suck. I'm anticipating this movie like none other ever before. You're absolutely right... the cast is PERFECT, and everything else is impeccable. I even like the logic behind the concept that it's the "beginning" of Batman's career, so of course thing's are going to be bulky, armored, and tank-like (in the case of the Batmobile).

I simply stated the fact that I didn't like the cape-clasps. That's it. That doesn't mean I think the entire suit sucks or that I think it reflects poorly on the movie as a whole.

But either way, the point is moot, I'm probably flogging a dead horse.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 8:32 PM
Why did you kill my horse?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 8:57 PM
It was assisted suicide. It didn't want to live after you let Joe Quesada ride it.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 9:55 PM
Hey, five bucks is five bucks....
Posted By: Grimm Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 10:18 PM
Really? Hey, I got five bucks, can I ride your dead horse, too? What will twenty get me?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 11:26 PM
Four rides on my dead horse, and a small cup of whiskey....
Posted By: thedoctor Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-02 11:35 PM
... and a WWE contract.
Posted By: Grimm Re: The new Batsuit - 2004-11-03 12:37 AM
whiskey and a contract! TOP OF THE WORLD, MA!!!