The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe - Looks good so far.

The Pink Panther - Good cast. Kinda wonder about following Peter Sellers and Blake Edwards's footsteps, though. And a clean shaven Jean Reno. Weirder and weirder.

The Honeymooners - I think it speaks for itself.

The Cave - The title alone inspires awe and excitement.
Save the Green Planet - I have no fucking idea where all that shit came from, but it looks cool as hell.

thedoctor said:
The Pink Panther - Good cast. Kinda wonder about following Peter Sellers and Blake Edwards's footsteps, though. And a clean shaven Jean Reno. Weirder and weirder.

When I first heard about this, I thought it would be a disaster. But, after seeing the preview on Sunday, I think Steve Marin might just pull this off.

thedoctor said:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe - Looks good so far.

I saw the trailer for Narnia for the first time when I went to see Episode III, so, of course, I saw it in the biggest, baddest, non-IMAX movie theatre I could find.



thedoctor said:
The Pink Panther - Good cast. Kinda wonder about following Peter Sellers and Blake Edwards's footsteps, though. And a clean shaven Jean Reno. Weirder and weirder.

Yeah, when I saw the poster for this I thought it would be stupid, but I was going to see it anyway cuz I'm a fan of Martin, Kline, and Reno (I'm not a fan of Beyonce on the big screen, though). After seeing the trailer, I was actually looking forward to it.


thedoctor said:
The Honeymooners - I think it speaks for itself.

As a member of the African-American community, I apologize.


thedoctor said:
The Cave - The title alone inspires awe and excitement.

Not really interested.


thedoctor said:
Save the Green Planet - I have no fucking idea where all that shit came from, but it looks cool as hell.

I saw the initial trailer for the first time a few months ago. I don't think it'll get the same publicity as other movies since it's foreign, but I've been psyched about this for months and I'm hoping this will make up for not seeing Oldboy when it was in theatres.

Wednesday said:

thedoctor said:
The Honeymooners - I think it speaks for itself.

As a member of the African-American community, I apologize.


thedoctor said:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe - Looks good so far.

This looks very good. This is probobly going to be my most anticipated movie now that Star Wars is done.


The Pink Panther - Good cast. Kinda wonder about following Peter Sellers and Blake Edwards's footsteps, though. And a clean shaven Jean Reno. Weirder and weirder.

I'll give it a shot.


The Honeymooners - I think it speaks for itself.

I think the African-American community owes us an appology.


The Cave - The title alone inspires awe and excitement.

I couldn't even make it through the entire trailer, I can't imaging one and a half to two hours of that tripe.

Wednesday said:

thedoctor said:
The Honeymooners - I think it speaks for itself.

As a member of the African-American community, I apologize.

That's all I've ever asked for. On behalf of the rest of the world (namely, myself), I accept your apology.
Now apologise for Urkel!

Danny said:
Now apologise for Urkel!

What did the African-American community have to do with him?
They supported his drug habit. 'Cause all drug dealers are African Americans.
That's not true...exactly.

Danny said:
They supported his drug habit. 'Cause all drug dealers are African Americans.

What about that guy that supplied Vincent in Pulp Fiction?
Jesus? He loves you, man.

Prometheus said:

Danny said:
Now apologise for Urkel!

What did the African-American community have to do with him?

I don't even think they were aware of Family Matters. That was more like a white people watching safe black people show.

As a member of the African-American community, I apologize.

A little thank you for the whole freeing you from slavery would be nice too.

Pit Pat said:

As a member of the African-American community, I apologize.

A little thank you for the whole freeing you from slavery would be nice too.

I thought you great-great granddad's motto was "People selling people to people".
As another member of the African American community, I ain't apologizin' fo' shit til all you cracka muthas give up some serious "my Bad"'s for Napoleon Dynamite...as well as the last American Pie flick, Showgirls, Grease 2 and Gigli.

At least only Black people go see bad Black movies. You fuckers market your bullshit to EVERYBODY...

And to those that don't wish to apologize: You can fellate me for 15 minutes.
By the way, anybody got a trailer for Fantastic Four?

All of them are at that site.
On Demand is good too.
On Demand kicks fucking ass. I think thats the greatest thing Comcast has ever done.
I supposed to get the DV recorder later this week...
George A. Romero's Land of the Dead - The Father of the Zombie movie returns to his series of the undead running amuck.

A Sound of Thunder - Based off of Ray Bradbury's writings.

Howl's Moving Castle - For you anime buffs.

The Devil's Rejects - 2nd trailer for the Rob Zombie sequel to House of 1000 Corpses

Wallace & Gromit: Were Rabbit - Always liked these movies.

Zathura - A movie exactly like Jumanji from the guy who wrote Jumanji.
I'll be seeing Land Of The Dead on its opening weekend. I love Romero's Living Dead movies.

Devil's Rejects will have to wait until some reviews - HO1KC was a disappointment to me. I saw it at a matinee and then, because I thought maybe the time I saw it affected my opinion, I saw a midnight showing. Both times I thought it was...well, boring. There were a few good scenes in it, but overall it was just a game of "What 70s Horror Movie Is Rob Zombie Referencing?" I like Rob, I want to like his movies, but I'm gonna take my time seeing 'em.

thedoctor said:
George A. Romero's Land of the Dead - The Father of the Zombie movie returns to his series of the undead running amuck.

I can't wait for this!

Joe Mama said:
I'll be seeing Land Of The Dead on its opening weekend. I love Romero's Living Dead movies.

Devil's Rejects will have to wait until some reviews - HO1KC was a disappointment to me. I saw it at a matinee and then, because I thought maybe the time I saw it affected my opinion, I saw a midnight showing. Both times I thought it was...well, boring. There were a few good scenes in it, but overall it was just a game of "What 70s Horror Movie Is Rob Zombie Referencing?" I like Rob, I want to like his movies, but I'm gonna take my time seeing 'em.

Same here. I kept hearing about how it was so disturbing that the original distributor dropped it and he had to find a new one. Then they cut a lot of the really disturbing scenes. Nothing really special from what I saw. And all the deleted scenes were of just, IIRC, three or four stabs of the knife and just cutting down some scenes because they just kinda ran on. I think the hype killed it.
It was originally set to be released through Universal. But, although they knew what Rob was doing at all times, they got scared when they viewed the finished product and gave the rights back to him to find a distributor. Then MGM was supposed to release it until they heard an off-the-cuff, tongue-in-cheek comment by Rob that pissed them off. Exit MGM, enter Lion's Gate (or Artisan or Anchor Bay...I can never remember which). Three years after it was finished, the movie was released.

For me it was less the hype that killed it, and more the fact that there were no scenes that I DIDN'T think "Saw that in..." I loved Sheri Moon Zombie's song and dance number, and I didn't hate the movie. I was just bored by it. From what I've heard and read, Devil's Rejects is less of a straight horror flick and more of a dark, brutal, on-the-run/road trip movie. I want to see it, but I'll wait for the reviews...
I had no idea they were working on some based off of Ray Bradbury. This is great. I can't wait to check it out.

Seeing as how my roommate loves Christian Bale, we will be seeing Howl's Moving Castle. I like the guy's quality of animation, but there are a few things I don't like (I really don't know how to articulate it -- but there's too many different styles of just...random stuff...in his movies). My other roommate likes Spirited Away, but I prefer Princess Mononokee. And this is coming from the girl that doesn't like many animes.

I've seen the other Wallace and Gromitt stuff, and I loved Chicken Run. Combine this with my unhealthy obsession with bunnies, and I'll even take Dakota to the movie with me.

Cowgirl Jack said:
Combine this with my unhealthy obsession with bunnies

Wake up.

I've been...watching you.
Um...yeah...that bunny freaks me out. Donnie Darko didn't scare me, but it was back when Dakota slept in my bedroom and ran around the place at night. He decided to park his face about two inches from my eyes, so that the next morning I woke up to what appeared to me a freaky rabbit. Poor guy got hurled across the room for that stunt...
    Aeon Flux

    No Direction Home: Bob Dylan - Documentary by Martin Scorsese about Dylan that'll show in two parts on PBS in Sept.

    The Fog - John Carpenter must be gettin' some serious bank off all these remakes of his old movies.

    The Exorcism of Emily Rose - Yeah, I think we all know whose bandwagon they're trying to jump onto here.

    Mirror Mask - I think my monitor just dropped acid.

    The Great Raid - Based on a true story about freeing a WWII POW camp in the Pacific and supposed to be less Hollywood war movie than most.

And, because I hate you all, V for Vendetta.