Posted By: Snapman Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-15 6:04 PM
Professor Snape kills Albus Dumbledore
Half Blood Prince is Godric Gryffindor
Hermione and Ron are finally a thing
Draco leaves Hogwarts

and if u don't believe me you can see JIM NORTON at THE ODEON IN CLEVELAND

Thanks to shroomman_100 on wackbag.com for the spoilers.
Posted By: PJP Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-15 6:15 PM
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-15 6:21 PM
People go insane for this stuff. I worked at Borders a couple years back when Order of the Phoenix came out and was running the till for three hours straight without a lull while people came up and bought Harry Potter.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-15 6:25 PM
what's a lull?
Posted By: PJP Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-15 6:27 PM

Wednesday said:
what's a lull?

Look in between your pants.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-15 6:27 PM
    v. lulled, lull·ing, lulls
    v. tr.

    1. To cause to sleep or rest; soothe or calm.
    2. To deceive into trustfulness: “that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims” (S.J. Perelman).


    1. A relatively calm interval, as in a storm.
    2. An interval of lessened activity: a lull in sales.
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-16 5:35 AM
Amazing how the marketing people are manipulating the media into giving them free publicity. Admirably brilliant.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-17 1:28 PM
I went yesterday morning to Waldenbooks to get it and there was a guy working there dressed in robes,had a drawn lightning scar on his head & carrying a smoking goblet.There were smoking goblets everywhere and Harry Potter music playing......quite surreal.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-17 2:42 PM
the books are actually very entertaining and well written.
one of the best parts is that they have twists and unexpected turns.
of course you ruined that for me on this one, you fuck.
Posted By: Snapman Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-17 11:35 PM
If I can spoil the book for one person, my job is done.
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-18 2:43 AM

Snapman said:
Professor Snape kills Albus Dumbledore

If they'd just done this four books ago, there'd be no need to replace Richard Harris...

So, is Severus overseeing Hogwarts now? If so, whatever shall Harry & Co. do?!
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-18 2:44 AM

Chewy Walrus said:
So, is Severus overseeing Hogwarts now? If so, whatever shall Harry & Co. do?!

Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-19 4:30 AM
I downloaded the audiobook.
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-20 11:50 PM
Posted By: Jay Orin Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-21 9:34 PM
Snape is the Half Bllod Prince! Prat!
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-21 10:11 PM

Wednesday said:
what's a lull?

It's a city in England that J. K. Rowling now owns.
Posted By: NurikoK98 Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2005-07-22 1:46 AM

Snapman said:
Professor Snape kills Albus Dumbledore

This is actually true.

Half Blood Prince is Godric Gryffindor


Hermione and Ron are finally a thing

Yes, but only after some nauseating Ron/Lavenderness.

Draco leaves Hogwarts

So does everybody else. They close the school down.

I read it straight through in only two days. My mom's got it now. I'm being nice and not spoiling her.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Harry Potter fever! - 2006-06-28 12:32 AM
Harry may not make it

    wo characters will die in the seventh and final Harry Potter book - and one of them might be the young wizard himself.

    Author J.K. Rowling told a British TV show yesterday she can't bear the thought of "non-author-written sequels."

    "After I'm dead and gone they won't be able to bring back the character," she said.

    Fearing a deluge of hate mail, Rowling quickly added that "the last book is not finished."

    Rowling said she always planned on writing seven books, so she knew the title character would last at least that long.

    "I have never been tempted to kill him off before the final because I've always planned seven books, and I want to finish on seven books," she said.

    But stoking interest by hinting that Harry or another beloved character might buy the farm has helped Rowling sell more than 300 million books.