Looks good. I guess in the actual film they have the Superman S but can't have it in the promos.
Wasn't this going to be called "Faster than a Speeding Bullet", or something?
Just watched the trailer. Looks really damn good, actually. I dig Adrian Brody, as well as Diane Lane and Bob Hoskins. Hell, even looks like Affleck might be bearable, as well...

Prometheus said:
Wasn't this going to be called "Faster than a Speeding Bullet", or something?

Warner threatened to sue.
That's part of why the S isn't in the trailer but is in the movie. They want this kept separate in all promotions from Superman Returns.
Fucking corporations. When will they ever learn? Don't they realize that a movie like this could get a whole new crowd interested in their franchise? What is it about free publicity that freaks these suits out? Jeez...
Posted By: rex Re: Hollywoodland trailer (George Reeves biopic) - 2006-07-23 1:56 AM

Prometheus said:
Fucking corporations. When will they ever learn? Don't they realize that a movie like this could get a whole new crowd interested in their franchise? What is it about free publicity that freaks these suits out? Jeez...

Posted By: rex Re: Hollywoodland trailer (George Reeves biopic) - 2006-07-23 2:24 AM

Prometheus said:
Fucking corporations. When will they ever learn? Don't they realize that a movie like this could get a whole new crowd interested in their franchise? What is it about free publicity that freaks these suits out? Jeez...

The worry is that it would possibly take away bums on seats from their own Superman movie or portray their character in a bad light.
The last thing Warner wants when their Superman pic is in theatres is a movie about Superman killing himself!
"Any publicity is good publicity."
Tell that to the movies that have sunk because of bad reviews!

Prometheus said:
"Any publicity is good publicity."

What the fuck do you know, ball sucker?

Hollywoodman said:

Prometheus said:
"Any publicity is good publicity."

What the fuck do you know, ball sucker?

Hello rex!
Posted By: rex Re: Hollywoodland trailer (George Reeves biopic) - 2006-07-23 4:08 AM
That one isn't me.
Sure JQ....suuuure....
Fox News

    Ben Affleck’s performance in "Hollywoodland" is said to be so good it will revive his ailing career.

    Affleck plays George Reeves, TV’s Superman, who committed suicide at the height of his popularity.

    But for Affleck it’s cleverly a supporting role, with Adrien Brody in the lead.

    Strangely, "Hollywoodland" is getting an all-star premiere this weekend in the Hamptons, even though its actual opening is more than a month away. But good for Ben, he deserves a break. …


the G-man said:

Ben Affleck’s performance in "Hollywoodland" is said to be so good it will revive his ailing career.

Ben Affleck had a career?
So, FOX news can now see the future, as WELL as create "The Truth"?

Prometheus said:
So, FOX news can now see the future, as WELL as create "The Truth"?

well they do seem to have a psychic connection to Bush.
Posted By: rex Re: Hollywoodland trailer (George Reeves biopic) - 2006-07-28 5:09 AM
You guys still read what g-man links to?
'Hollywoodland' the Year's Best, So Far

    It's safe to say as we come to the end of the summer movie season that "Hollywoodland," starring Oscar-winners Adrien Brody and Ben Affleck, is the best high-profile movie of the year.

    I had to put my money on a winner up to this point, it would be "Hollywoodland" for best picture, Affleck for best supporting actor and Diane Lane for best supporting actress.

I'm not sure it was that much of a stretch for Affleck to play a washed up actor with a drinking problem who got his start in films that appeal to comic book fans
I'm interested in this movie. Have long wanted to know the truth ..I recall watching the show on tv when it was only a few years old....I remember laughing with a friend at work years ago about how it looked like Reeves was laying on a table when he flew.

Beardguy57 said:
I'm interested in this movie. Have long wanted to know the truth ..

He killed himself.

thedoctor said:

Beardguy57 said:
I'm interested in this movie. Have long wanted to know the truth ..

He killed himself.

Says you!

Beardguy57 said:
I'm interested in this movie. Have long wanted to know the truth ..

This movie is a fictionalized account, however, from what I've heard.

Meaning that I expect several democratic senators to demand it not be released and Ray and MEM to support that demand on that basis.

I've heard there are innacuracies in this film. Perhaps we should have it pulled.
I want to go see it, but I refuse to go to movies alone. I've got to talk someone into seeing it...

the G-man said:

Beardguy57 said:
I'm interested in this movie. Have long wanted to know the truth ..

This movie is a fictionalized account, however, from what I've heard.

Meaning that I expect several democratic senators to demand it not be released and Ray and MEM to support that demand on that basis.

well if it blames the death on one particular person by fictionalizing scenes and ommitting ones that make someone else look bad then yes.
if its 3,000 deaths 5 years ago that has caused thousands more to die afterward. then yes.

however if its a 50 year old murder case and is presenting a theory or point of view then that's a horse of a different color.
Saw this about a week ago. Damn good movie, even with Affleck. It covers just about all the angles. I like the story they created for Brody's character that coincides with Reeves's. Brody's character and actions are fictionalized (he's an amalgamation of several real people), but they tried to stay as accurate as possible with Reeves's portions.
I actually thought Affleck did a damn good job in this movie. I bought him as Reeves.

In the end, I wish there had been a little more revealed about it all. I guess I expected the writers/director to actually make a decision on what really happened...
They did. The ending was intended to say "Reeves shot himself."

My description may be a little off since it's been over a year since I saw it but as I recall, throughout the film we saw different people's different versions of what they claimed or thought happened to Reeves when he went upstairs and to the bedroom. In each of those scenes, Reeves looked the way he did in all the flashbacks: fairly young (younger than Reeves was, in fact) and still glamorous.

But in the last version of that scene we saw, at the end of movie, Reeve looked older and fatter than Affleck did in the rest of the movie (even in the other versions of the bedroom scene). He was tired, drunk and clearly depressed. The implication sure seemed to be "This is is the 'real' version."

And, in that version, the 'answer' was "he shot himself."
Pretty much. The 'flashbacks', I believe, represented Simo's (Brody) visualization of the incident based on who he was suspecting at the time (both of which were the main conspiracies thrown around at the time and since). The last 'flashback' was after Simo watched the footage of Reeves tumbling around, trying to display that he was still physically fit and capable but wasn't. It's with Simo's realization that Reeves's life wasn't that grand and glamorous and that Reeves could never be happy with the life he had. The Simo character was a reflection of Reeves. Only he was able to realize the flaw in struggling to be famous and understanding how good what you have is.
Hmmm, perhaps. Nice insight to both of you. It's been well over six months or more since I watched it, but I think I still must have just "missed" this inference. Sounds pretty accurate, though...
You should lay off the pipe while watching movies, Pro. It makes it easier to pick up the nuances.
I didn't care much for the movie.. for the most part, I found it depressing and boring.
It was about a man killing himself....you expected the "feel good" movie of the year?
No, but I expected to at least be entertained!
 Originally Posted By: Angry Drunk G-man
You should lay off the pipe while watching movies, Pro. It makes it easier to pick up the nuances.

Oh Angry Drunk Gay-Man, how many times do I have to tell you? I wish I were still smoking The Pot! When I'm high, I might actually catch things like that. But, unfortunately, I had to see it all sober and shit. Ruins it everytime for me...
I have yet to see this movie, but I really want to soon. George Reeves was actually my great-grandmothers cousin. I was a big fan of the old Superman show as a kid and I was shocked as a little tyke could be when I found out. When I was about 13 she made a comment that it was pretty well accepted within the family that it was a suicide.