Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Crikey! - 2006-09-04 9:10 AM


September 04, 2006 02:14pm
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THE Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, is dead.

He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said today.

It is understood he was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest and reportedly into his heart .

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary when the tragedy occured.

The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) was called about 11am (AEST) and an emergency services helicopter was flown to the crew's boat on Batt Reef, off the coast near Cairns, with a doctor and emergency services paramedic on board.

Irwin had a puncture wound to the left side of his chest and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Irwin's body is being flown to Cairns.

Tasmania Police this afternoon confirmed his wife Terri was travelling in the state at the time of the tragedy.

A spokeswoman said police had made contact with Mrs Irwin and "passed on a message relating to the death of her husband".

The Irwins have two children - a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin, eight, and a three-year-old son, Robert (Bob) Clarence Irwin.

Steve Irwin - known worldwide as the Crocodile Hunter - was famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchcry "Crikey!".

In an sad twist, it has been reported that his new documentary was aimed at demystifying the stingray.

Irwin's Crocodile Hunter program was first broadcast in 1992 and has been shown around the world on cable network Discovery.

He has also starred in movies and has developed the Australia Zoo wildlife park, north of Brisbane, which was started by his parents Bob and Lyn Irwin.

Tributes have already started pouring in for the larger-than-life character.

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who used a photograph of his family at Australia Zoo for his official Christmas card last year, hailed Mr Irwin for his work in promoting Australia.

Irwin was heavily involved in last year's "G'Day LA" campaign.

"The minister knew him, was fond of him and was very, very appreciative of all the work he'd done to promote Australia overseas," a spokesman said.

A Tourism Queensland spokeswoman said the death was shocking and paid tribute to Irwin's "enormous contribution" to his adopted state.

"I don't think we could even estimate how much he brought us through his personality and his profile and his enthusiasm about Queensland," she said.

Posted By: rex Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 9:13 AM
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 9:19 AM
Not my fault the original thread got posted in the wrong forum.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 3:51 PM

wannabuyamonkey said:

September 04, 2006 02:14pm

so this won't happen for another 7 hours and 20 minutes? should we try and save him?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 4:13 PM
No. Because tampering with the time stream is always wrong, Ray.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 5:59 PM
Unless you're really Captain James T. Kirk.....then everything you do is right & you get to score with green alien chicks.
Posted By: Killconey Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 9:50 PM
I am a sad, sick human being who actually laughed out loud when I read this. I pictured him saying, "Crikey! Look at the size of that stinger! Let's see what happens if I give it a little poke..." and then I laughed.

Do I feel bad? Yeah. I do. I feel sorry for his family.

Is this exactly how I pictured Steve dying? Damn straight.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 9:53 PM
Actually I pictured a crock biting his head off.

But yeah, I feel bad for his family.
Posted By: Killconey Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 9:55 PM
That would have been even funnier.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-04 10:02 PM
This is no real surprise, it was only a matter of time before some animal killed him!
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-05 1:48 AM

In an sad twist, it has been reported that his new documentary was aimed at demystifying the stingray.

This makes me think of that Grizzley man. You get these people trying to say how nice animals are then they get killed. I'm sorry, but I don;t feel sorry for any of these people untill one of them makes a doccumentry called "Serriously folks, Don;t fuck with animals, they're mean and stupid and will fuck your shit up so just stay the hell away"
Posted By: the G-man Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-05 5:35 AM

wannabuyamonkey said:

In an sad twist, it has been reported that his new documentary was aimed at demystifying the stingray.

This makes me think of that Grizzley man. You get these people trying to say how nice animals are then they get killed. I'm sorry, but I don;t feel sorry for any of these people untill one of them makes a doccumentry called "Serriously folks, Don;t fuck with animals, they're mean and stupid and will fuck your shit up so just stay the hell away"

Funny. I just got back from visiting the N.Y. State Fair and even the rabbit pens had warnings reminding people that...duh...animals bite.

And here we have people trying to tell us how nice grizzly bears and stingrays are.
Posted By: Ariel AKA Warp Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-05 5:41 AM

wannabuyamonkey said:
This makes me think of that Grizzley man. You get these people trying to say how nice animals are then they get killed. I'm sorry, but I don;t feel sorry for any of these people untill one of them makes a doccumentry called "Serriously folks, Don;t fuck with animals, they're mean and stupid and will fuck your shit up so just stay the hell away"

Wild animals are not mean or stupid. They are animals, not used to people. Yes they will "fuck your shit up" and you should "stay the hell away", but that does not make them mean or stupid.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-05 6:11 PM
'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin's Death Caught on Videotape

    Steve Irwin was videotaped pulling a poisonous stingray barb from his chest in his last moments of life, officials said Tuesday, as tributes poured in for TV's "Crocodile Hunter."

    Police said there was nothing suspicious about Irwin's death and no evidence he provoked the animal. Irwin, 44, was stabbed through the heart on Monday while snorkeling with a stingray during filming of a new TV program on Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

    John Stainton, Irwin's manager who was among the crew on the reef, said the fatal blow was caught on videotape, and described viewing the footage as having the "terrible" experience of watching a friend die.

    "It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone," Stainton told reporters in Cairns, where Irwin's body was taken for an autopsy.

    Queensland state police were holding the tape as evidence for a coroner's inquiry -- a standard procedure in high-profile deaths or those caused by other than natural causes.

Someday this will make for the highest rated "TV Bloopers and Practical Jokes" special ever.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-05 6:14 PM
It's unfortunate for Steve and his family, especially his two children who will grow up without him.

However, they're called "wild animals" for a reason. They do not possess human emotionality or cognitive processes. Those who want to pass on a deeper understanding and appreciation of animals are to be thanked and lauded. But there were aspects of Steve's approach that always came across as contemptuous of the creatures--he at times did not appear to respect their abilities and their wherewithall to kill, because killing is what they do.
Posted By: difficult kind Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-06 1:02 AM

Jeremy said:
Actually I pictured a crock biting his head off.

But yeah, I feel bad for his family.

i thought so too!
Posted By: Ariel AKA Warp Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-06 6:39 AM
Why did it have to be Steve Irwin? Why couldn't it be someone older like Sean Connery?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Crikey! Grim video may hit Net - 2006-09-07 12:07 AM
Crikey!Grim video may hit Net

    There are no plans to air video capturing the shocking death of famed "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, but media experts predicted yesterday it will soon be circulating on the Internet.

    John Stainton, Irwin's manager and friend, said he viewed the footage showing the wildlife wild man being stabbed in the heart by a stingray's venomous barbed tail Monday and described it as "terrible."

    Stainton said the cameraman kept filming the 44-year-old Animal Planet network star in the throes of death on Australia's Great Barrier Reef because he didn't realize the gravity of the situation until he saw blood.

    While Stainton said every effort will be made to keep the video away from the public, media experts said they doubted the footage could be kept under wraps.

    "The key point is once there's something on film, it's impossible to keep it contained," said Paul Levinson, chairman of Fordam University's Department of Communication and Media Studies.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-07 4:26 PM

Jim Jackson said:
It's unfortunate for Steve and his family, especially his two children who will grow up without him.

However, they're called "wild animals" for a reason. They do not possess human emotionality or cognitive processes. Those who want to pass on a deeper understanding and appreciation of animals are to be thanked and lauded. But there were aspects of Steve's approach that always came across as contemptuous of the creatures--he at times did not appear to respect their abilities and their wherewithall to kill, because killing is what they do.

It appears at least one other agrees with me

    SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) -- Comments by academic Germaine Greer on the death of wildlife TV star Steve Irwin have triggered a storm of anger with the Australian author criticized for being "insensitive" and "elitist."

    Greer, best known for her feminist book "The Female Eunuch", said Wednesday Irwin was an "embarrassment" and a "self-deluded animal torturer."

    Irwin, who gained international fame for his "Crocodile Hunter" TV series, was killed Monday by a stingray barb while filming a wildlife documentary.

    Speaking on Australian TV Channel Nine's "A Current Affair" news program Wednesday, Greer described those who mourned Irwin's passing as "idiots" and said possibly millions of Australians were embarrassed by him.

    Greer said Irwin had not treated animals with the respect they deserved.

    "He would tell you how dangerous they were and he would proceed to intrude on their space and humiliate (them) really -- treat them with massive insensitivity," she said. "It's no surprise he came to grief."
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-07 4:32 PM
What she's really saying is: "I want publicity!"

Whether you agree with what he did, or not, there's no reason to come out and badmouth the dead. That's just disrespectful...
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-07 5:18 PM
I disagree. I think there was much to Irwin's approach that *was* disrespectful to animals.

And you're saying Irwin *didn't* want publicity?

Maybe badmouthing the dead imparts lessons to the living. The guy fed a croc with his baby in his arms.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-07 5:31 PM

Jim Jackson said:
I disagree. I think there was much to Irwin's approach that *was* disrespectful to animals.

So, it's better to feel bad for animals than to simply pay respect for the dead?


And you're saying Irwin *didn't* want publicity?

That point has nothing to do with mine. Sure he wanted publicity. However, he never took advantage of someone's death to get it.


Maybe badmouthing the dead imparts lessons to the living. The guy fed a croc with his baby in his arms.

What if he had fed a dog with a baby in his arms? What about a bird? A fish? Babies can die from all of those things, including drowning in a fishtank.

The point isn't whether Irwin was a bad father. He wasn't, as far as most people are concerned, a "bad guy". He entertained. Simple as that. Whether he was "disrespectful of animals" is also irrelevant for this point. She does not stop at calling him an "idiot", but, goes on to lay the same accusation at people who are mourning his passing. There's a world of difference there. If Bush died, would it be right to make disparaging remarks about him, his presidency, and the people mourning his passing? Of course not. An idiot he may be, but, he's still a human. And, a little respect for his death would not be uncalled for, whether you agree with him or not.

She wants to badmouth Irwin? Fine. She should at least have the decency to wait for some mourning time to pass. However, when she jumps on the bandwagon to get this kind of statement out, it's utterly transparent that all she wants is attention...
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-07 6:09 PM
No, she may have legitimate issues. Yes, her decorum in expressing her issues is of questionable taste.
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 4:14 AM
The guy can't even die peacefully without people arguing over him........
Posted By: Pariah Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 8:26 AM
Amazingly enough, I agree with Pro.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 8:31 AM

Jim Jackson said:
I disagree. I think there was much to Irwin's approach that *was* disrespectful to animals.

And you're saying Irwin *didn't* want publicity?

Maybe badmouthing the dead imparts lessons to the living. The guy fed a croc with his baby in his arms.

if this had been a gay guy dying from aids for buttfucking i bet jim wouldnt be singing the same tune....
Posted By: Pariah Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 9:38 AM
It's not funny.....But it is true.

Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 1:28 PM

Pariah said:
Amazingly enough, I agree with Pro.

i too feel dirty for agreeing with him!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 3:34 PM
Wanna take a bath?
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 4:48 PM
not really
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 5:11 PM

Jim Jackson said:
I disagree. I think there was much to Irwin's approach that *was* disrespectful to animals.

And you're saying Irwin *didn't* want publicity?

Maybe badmouthing the dead imparts lessons to the living. The guy fed a croc with his baby in his arms.

I think the main point is that despite how you feel about how he treated the animals, Irwin wanted publicity for them. He taught conservation and informed people about the creatures he handled to build up knowledge and sympathy for their shrinking numbers and environments. Whatever you feel about his approach, that was his aim. I'm not a 100% sure, but I don't think he ever got rich off of his movies and shows. All that money went back into his zoo and other conservation efforts.

Now, what is the purpose of this reporter's op/ed piece? Is she helping a greater cause? Or is she just trying to steal some thunder from a person's death?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 9:49 PM
I honestly believe the reporter was trying to advance a greater cause but that she did it in such a heavy handed and insensitive manner that she actually accomplished little but pissing off people.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-08 11:47 PM
It's just been revealed that, just before his death, Steve Irwin had been diagnosed with a rare disease:

His hand was shaped like a kid.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-09 12:49 AM
That explains so little...
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-09 2:41 AM
Apperantly this is only the second recorded death by stingray off the coast of Austrailia.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Crikey! - 2006-09-13 8:31 AM