Fox Interview Special:


LOS ANGELES -- Fox plans to broadcast an interview with O.J. Simpson in which the former football star discusses "how he would have committed" the slayings of his ex-wife and her friend, for which he was acquitted, the network said.

The two-part interview, titled "O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened," will air Nov. 27 and Nov. 29, the TV network said.

Simpson has agreed to an "unrestricted" interview with book publisher Judith Regan, Fox said.

"O.J. Simpson, in his own words, tells for the first time how he would have committed the murders if he were the one responsible for the crimes," the network said in a statement. "In the two-part event, Simpson describes how he would have carried out the murders he has vehemently denied committing for over a decade."

The interview will air days before Simpson's new book, "If I Did It,'' goes on sale Nov. 30. The book, published by Regan, "hypothetically describes how the murders would have been committed."

In a video clip on the network's Web site, an off-screen interviewer says to Simpson, "You wrote, 'I have never seen so much blood in my life.' "

"I don't think any two people could be murdered without everybody being covered in blood," Simpson responds.

Simpson, who now lives in Florida, was acquitted in a criminal trial of the 1994 killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. Simpson was later found liable in 1997 in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the Goldman family.

Messages left with Simpson and his attorney Yale Galanter were not immediately returned.

Even for Fox, this is pretty ridiculous. I'd say this was a joke of some kind, but it would be in such poor taste, it almost has to be real.

Is this the worst thing network TV has ever done?
That's fucking disgusting. The worst part is that a lot people will watch it, and of course he'll get a huge fucking cheque... basically for murdering his wife.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
That's fucking disgusting. The worst part is that a lot people will watch it, and of course he'll get a huge fucking cheque... basically for murdering his wife.

Hopefully, the Goldman family has already filed a lien on it.

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

Fuck you in your anal cavity! Blossom was great!

I'd fuck Six right in her Jewish nose.
I read that off Yahoo. There's gonna be a fucking book? That's sick. I'll be eager to see how many copies are sold. Since I work at a book store, I should treat people like shit if/when they buy it.
I bet your bosses would love that.
The book is obviously gonna sell well... and then Fox will adapt it into a movie, starring O.J. himself!

Wednesday said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

Fuck you in your anal cavity! Blossom was great!

I'd fuck Six right in her Jewish nose.

I still remember the episode where Six got date-raped.


rex said:
I bet your bosses would love that.

I've gotten away with worse.

The Time Trust said:

Anyone here ever read "Lamb To The Slaughter?" A housewife murders her husband with a frozen leg of lamb, calls the cops, and serves them the lamb for dinner. I think they adapted it for "Alfred Hitchcock Presents."

This made me think of that.

The Time Trust said:

That's a fake. I didn't kill nobody.

Neither did the Ramseys or Susan Smith.
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-18 7:25 PM
O'Reilly rips Murdoch, book, show

    Fox News firebrand Bill O'Reilly threatened yesterday to whack Rupert Murdoch in the wallet for promoting O.J. Simpson's how-I-murdered-my-wife book.

    Vowing to boycott any company that advertises on Fox's two-part special hyping O.J.'s "If I Did It," O'Reilly declared: "If every American walked away from the O.J. garbage, it wouldn't happen."

    "I'm not going to watch the Simpson show or even look at the book," he added. "If any company sponsors the TV program, I will not buy anything that company sells - ever."

    Geraldo Rivera, another Fox News star, piled on and called the book "appalling."

    Simpson's book is being published Nov. 30 by ReganBooks, which is named after its head, Judith Regan, and is an imprint in Murdoch's News Corp. - which also owns Fox broadcasting.

    appalled advertisers were already running away in droves from the TV tie-in Regan is scheduled to host on Nov. 27 and 29 on Fox Broadcasting. And some Fox affiliates told the network they would not carry the special at all.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-18 9:45 PM
I guess the OJ action figures are next!
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 12:03 AM

Beardguy57 said:
I guess the OJ action figures are next!

Been there, done that

Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 2:28 AM
No, I mean the OJ figures with knife and bloody gloves and the right arm with special stabbing action. Sorta like Kung Fu grip, but different!
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 3:52 AM
Geez, Jerry, show some imagination. Get a knife from a "GI Joe" and some red paint and customize your own.
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 4:04 AM
Washington Post:

    O.J. Simpson's forthcoming book, "If I Did It," could launch a profitable new series for publisher Judith Regan and her parent company, Rupert Murdoch's media empire. Let me suggest that she follow up with another snuff book, maybe "If I Shot My Wife in the Head," by Robert Blake, and then diversify into non-capital crimes with "If I Molested All Those Kids," by Michael Jackson.

How about "If I Had Drowned Her," by Ted Kennedy?
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 4:27 AM

the G-man said:
Geez, Jerry, show some imagination. Get a knife from a "GI Joe" and some red paint and customize your own.

Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 5:05 AM
how about we don't fucking care by the RKMBs?
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 5:34 AM
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 5:42 AM
Cool! Not many murderers give you their autographed photo!
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 5:45 AM
But you notice he signed it "OJ Dingo," so I guess that's part of his efforts at going undercover to "catch the real killers."
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 5:51 AM
"If the glove does not fit, you must aquit!"
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 5:56 AM
But what if the Dingos fit...?
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 6:12 AM
I thought the Dingos took her baby?
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 6:34 AM
The Dingos are the real killers?
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 7:38 AM
That's what Meryl Streep said in that movie.
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Book: O'Reilly v Fox - 2006-11-19 9:01 PM
NY Daily News

    Pressure grew yesterday on Rupert Murdoch's media empire to drop its appalling multimillion-dollar promotion of O.J. Simpson's memoir of hypothetically murdering his ex-wife.

    Advertisers ran from buying time on the Fox TV special, and some stations said they wouldn't show it.

    Tens of thousands of people signed an online petition started by the family of one of Simpson's alleged victims that accuses Murdoch's empire of funneling O.J. money.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:19 AM
Okay, I just got back from my all store Borders meeting. One of the things discussed was what we're doing with the book. We are NOT discounting it, or putting a lot of promotion behind it. Usually we discount new releases, so this is interesting to hear. Borders (as a company) is donating all the money they make off the book to an unnamed (as of now) charity to help people that are victims of domestic violence. I asked if other chains are doing anything similar and got "I don't know, I don't care".
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:22 AM
If they don't wanna profit from it why sell it in the first place? The donations are a great idea, but I doubt that's what motivates them to stock the book.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:24 AM
No it's not, their stocking the book because their a bookstore. Their not showing any bias in that regard in case someone may wish to buy it.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:27 AM
Oh. It's sucky that they're helping the guy make money from it, is all.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:32 AM
Unfortunately the only way to solve that problem is to stop him from releasing the book.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:34 AM

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Oh. It's sucky that they're helping the guy make money from it, is all.

I don't think O.J. can make money from the book. I think any of the money made on the book is/or should be going to the payment of his civil suit.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:37 AM
Does he still owe for that?

The release of this book makes me wonder what the guy has been doing for...what...10 years? He must be putting his kids out to make money cause there ain't no way he's getting a job.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-20 9:44 AM

Jeremy said:
Does he still owe for that?

Yes. Of course he hasn't been working so he won't have to pay it.

He is living off his NFL pension which the Goldman's aren't allowed to touch.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-21 1:02 AM
AOL is reporting this evening that the book and TV interview have both been canceled and labeled "ill-considered" in retrospect.
Posted By: the G-man O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-21 1:16 AM

    After a firestorm of criticism, News. Corp. said Monday that it has canceled the O.J. Simpson book and TV special "If I Did It."

    "I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project," said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman. "We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson."
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-21 2:24 AM

But you know he'll try some other publicity stunt. Maybe not right away, but in short time.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Book - 2006-11-21 2:27 AM

Jim Jackson said:
AOL is reporting this evening that the book and TV interview have both been canceled and labeled "ill-considered" in retrospect.

A wise choice!
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-21 2:30 AM

Jeremy said:

But you know he'll try some other publicity stunt. Maybe not right away, but in short time.

Like maybe OJ will jump a motorcycle over a tank filled with sharks?
Posted By: Steve T Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-28 3:22 PM
Didn't OJ move to a state where he didn't have to pay any of the money awarded in that suit?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-28 5:35 PM
No, he just isn't paying it. California law is set up to keep pensions protected from being used to pay court judgments, so his NFL pension can't be taken from him as payment. He then moved to Florida, which has state laws that prevent property seizures as payment for debts. He still owes the money legally no matter where in the US he moves. He's just using laws to keep the Goldman's from collecting.

thedoctor said:
No, he just isn't paying it. California law is set up to keep pensions protected from being used to pay court judgments, so his NFL pension can't be taken from him as payment. He then moved to Florida, which has state laws that prevent property seizures as payment for debts. He still owes the money legally no matter where in the US he moves. He's just using laws to keep the Goldman's from collecting.

didn't he also sink a lot of money into trust funds for his kids as well?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-28 6:08 PM
Probably so.
Posted By: Rob Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-28 11:18 PM

i knew i remembered this book from somewhere!
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-29 9:47 AM
Damn, Youtube is down again...
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-29 8:01 PM
Down with OJ?!
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson book canceled - 2006-11-30 12:16 AM
OJ killed YouTube!
Mastermind of Failed O.J. Simpson Book, is Fired

    O.J. Simpson's would-be publisher, Judith Regan, was fired, with her sensational, scandalous tenure at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. ending with a terse announcement.

    "Judith Regan's employment with HarperCollins has been terminated effective immediately," HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman said in a statement Friday. "The REGAN publishing program and staff will continue as part of the HarperCollins General Books Group."

    Regan's firing comes less than a month after Murdoch's cancellation of Simpson's hypothetical murder confession, "If I Did It," a planned book and Fox television interview that was greeted with instant and near-universal disgust when announced.

    The book was said to describe how Simpson hypothetically would have killed ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. He was acquitted of murder in 1995.
LA Judge freezes OJ Simpson's money...

    LOS ANGELES - A federal judge prohibited
    O.J. Simpson from using money he may have received from a canceled book deal and TV interview in which he reportedly told a hypothetical tale of how he would have killed his ex-wife and her friend Ronald Goldman.

    U.S. District Judge Manuel Real issued the order Wednesday, freezing the money during a hearing about a lawsuit filed last month by Goldman's father. It remains in effect until a Jan. 24 hearing.

    The federal lawsuit accuses Simpson of "fraudulent conveyance" and alleges that he created a shell corporation called Lorraine Brooke Associates last March that received at least $1.1 million.

    The suit contends the company was created to hide money from the book and TV deal so the Goldman family could not seize any of it to satisfy a 1997 wrongful death lawsuit judgment. With interest, that judgment is estimated at $38 million.

    Simpson was acquitted of criminal charges in the 1994 killings of former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

    The latest lawsuit seeks about $1.1 million plus punitive damages, although Goldman family attorney Jonathan Polak said he did not know how much money Lorraine Brooke Associates currently had in its account. He called the order preventing transfer or use of the money a first step to determining the figure. Otherwise, it would be a "moving target" because Simpson could move the money, Polak said.

    A call to Simpson's attorney, Yale Galanter, was not immediately returned Thursday.

    Simpson has said that he spent the proceeds he received as part of the deal. The book, titled "If I Did It" and scheduled to come out Nov. 30, was never released by News Corp.-owned HarperCollins and the TV interview never aired. News Corp. head Rupert Murdoch called off the project on Nov. 20, apologizing for "any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson."

    News Corp. has said the company paid $880,000 to a third party in connection with the project.

    Simpson has told The Associated Press that he took part in the project solely for personal profit and acknowledged that any financial gain was "blood money."
Posted By: thedoctor More O.J. Simpson Shenanigans - 2007-08-07 11:17 PM
Relatives of murder victim Ron Goldman won a court order on Tuesday seizing any money O.J. Simpson earns for lending his name and likeness to a football video game with a fictional team called the Assassins and a knife-wielding mascot.


Last week, Goldman's estate, led by his father Fred Goldman, secured rights to Simpson's aborted book, "If I Did It," containing his hypothetical first-person account of the murders, after a long legal fight with the now-bankrupt company set up to collect Simpson's reported $1 million advance.

In their latest bid to collect on the civil judgment, the Goldmans went after any licensing fees, royalties or other compensation Simpson was paid or will be paid for his name and likeness in the new video game, "All-Pro Football 2K8."

The game is published by Take-Two Interactive Software, the company behind such controversial video game titles as "Grand Theft Auto" and "Manhunt 2," which was banned in Britain and given the equivalent of an adults-only rating in the United States.


"All-Pro Football" features the likenesses of 240 retired National Football League players, including Simpson, whom game users can assign to fictional teams with preset names, one of which is "The Assassins."

As previewed on a Web site for video game promotional trailers, the team mascot is a hooded figure who makes stabbing motions with a large knife in the end zone when the Assassins score. Simpson does not have to be assigned to that team, but he was in a clip shown on the Game Trailers Web site.

Take-Two has declined to say how it obtained rights to Simpson's name and likeness but said he was compensated. The company also has issued a statement saying the knife-wielding Assassins mascot is "not specifically associated with O.J. Simpson, and the game does not promote any such connection."

Under the order issued by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Gerald Rosenberg, any earnings to Simpson that "have been paid, are due or may be due in the future" for use of his image and likeness in the video game must be turned over to the Goldman estate.

Moreover, Simpson was ordered to turn over copies of his Take-Two contract and related documents, as well as any other financial deals he has yet to disclose.

"Basically he (the judge) said to Mr. Simpson, 'Pay up,"' Goldman attorney David Cook said after the hearing.

Ronald Slates, a lawyer for Simpson, argued against the order, saying the California court lacked jurisdiction over his client, who has lived in Florida for several years.
Posted By: the G-man Re: More O.J. Simpson Shenanigans - 2007-09-14 3:47 PM
O.J. Simpson Being Questioned About Robbery

  • O.J. Simpson was being questioned Friday about a robbery that took place at the Palace Station casino in Las Vegas, police confirmed to KVVU.

    Several other people were also being questioned.

    The robbery took place late Thursday night. It was unclear whether it occurred on the casino floor or in a guest room.

    Simpson has not been arrested. A statement was expected to be issued by police later Friday.

    There is also a report that Simpson is accused of breaking into a room at the Palace Station casino on Thursday, but this has not been confirmed.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: More O.J. Simpson Shenanigans - 2007-09-14 4:36 PM
Heh, we'll have to see how this one goes now...

True fact: OJ and I share the same birthday: July 9.. he is exactly 10 years older than I.
Posted By: the G-man Re: More O.J. Simpson Shenanigans - 2007-09-14 11:01 PM
O.J. seems to be admitting that he took the property, but also seems to be denying he stole anything:

  • The former football star said he went to the room to retrieve property he said was stolen from him but denied breaking in.

    Simpson told The Associated Press auction house owner Tom Riccio called him several weeks ago to say some collectors "have a lot of your stuff and they don't want anyone to know they are selling it."

    Simpson, who was in Las Vegas for a friend's wedding, said he arranged to meet Riccio at the hotel and conducted a "sting operation."

    "Everybody knows this is stolen stuff," Simpson said. "Not only wasn't there a break-in, but Riccio came to the lobby and escorted us up to the room. In any event, it's stolen stuff that's mine. Nobody was roughed up."

Man, if there's an athlete you wouldn't want to steal memorabilia from, I would think it would be O.J. You could end up with your throat cut.
well if O.J. stole it then that must mean that he really really loves the stuff.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Simpson, who was in Las Vegas for a friend's wedding

He has friends?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: More O.J. Simpson Shenanigans - 2007-09-15 12:40 AM
OJ didn't steal the stuff, but he won't rest until the real thief is found.
Posted By: the G-man O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-16 9:57 PM
Associated Press:

  • O.J. Simpson was arrested Sunday on charges related to the armed robbery of Simpson sports memorabilia from a Las Vegas hotel room, Las Vegas police said Sunday.

    Lead investigator Lt. Clint Nichols said Sunday that Simpson had played a "substantial role" in the incident and that in earlier interviews with the police, Simpson had provided information that "changed the course of the investigation."

    Nichols said Simpson was taken into custody at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas without incident. Bail is expected to be set later Sunday.

    Earlier Sunday, Las Vegas police seized two firearms and arrested another man allegedly involved in the robbery, authorities said Sunday.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 12:15 AM
Oh, no!! Not another OJ trial!

Maybe this time, they'll put him away for a few years.

Then he can write a book on prison sex...
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 5:11 AM
What about the children? Won't someone think of the children?
New OJ mugshot.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 7:03 AM
He's being held without bail and could face 30 years in a state prison.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 8:04 AM
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 4:44 PM
So now there's an excellent chance he'll finally be in prison. Good.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 4:55 PM
If this does go to trial and ends with a conviction, you know the news will be saturated for months with people talking about whether it was due to the crime he was charged for or the fact that most people think he got away with murder in the previous trial and convicted him for that.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-17 9:12 PM
The 1992 riots in LA might have been a factor in OJ going free in 1995; perhaps
there was fear of more rioting if he was convicted of murder.

Maybe enough time has gone by - with enough thought been given - that even many of OJ's staunchest supporters having decided he is guilty of murder now?

I'd hate to see this become another "The white man is harrassing OJ again." kind of thing.

It ought not to be seen as white vs black... but, humans being humans, many will see it that way, I expect.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-18 2:02 AM
What are the chances that this could be one big setup with the goal to get OJ in jail? Fifteen minutes of fame would follow for some lucky person...
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-09-19 2:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
What are the chances that this could be one big setup with the goal to get OJ in jail? Fifteen minutes of fame would follow for some lucky person...

One of his buddies is already claiming it's a setup:

  • One of them men arrested with Simpson, Walter Alexander, said Tuesday that Simpson may have been tricked because another memorabilia dealer who tipped him off also recorded everything on tape.

    "It sounds like a setup to me," Alexander told ABC's "Good Morning America."

I don't know. Maybe the fact the guy recorded everything had less to do with a setup and more to do with the fact that any sane person is going to be nervous about being alone in a hotel room with A FUCKING MURDERER....?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-11-16 5:14 AM
  • OJ Simpson, the football star-turned-actor who was acquitted of double murder in 1995, was ordered to stand trial in what prosecutors say was the armed robbery of his own memorabilia from a pair of collectors.

    Las Vegas Judge Joe Bonaventure ordered Simpson, 60, to stand trial in the September 13 incident at the Palace Palace Station Hotel and Casino.

    Prosecutors say Simpson lead five accomplices in stealing the memorabilia at gunpoint from Bruce Fromong and Alfred Beardsley.

    Walter Alexander, Charles Cashmore and Michael McClinton were also charged in the case initially but agreed to plead guilty and testify for the prosecution.

    Both Alexander and McClinton told the court during the hearing that Simpson asked them to bring guns to the Palace Station, just off the Vegas strip, to intimidate Fromong and Beardsley.

    Defense lawyers asked Bonaventure to dismiss the charges, saying that Simpson went to the hotel room only to recover his own stolen belongings and did not have a gun.

    Another man who was with Simpson during the incident, Thomas Riccio, testified last week that the former star running back made no mention of guns while helping plan the incident and was bent on retrieving his stolen property.

    Simpson, who parlayed his fame as an athlete into a career in Hollywood, was acquitted of the June 12, 1994, murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ron Goldman after the sensational trial that transfixed much of the world.

    A civil court jury later found Simpson liable for the deaths and ordered him to pay $33.5 million (NZ$43.9 million) in damages to the victims' families, a judgment that remains largely unpaid.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J. Simpson Arrested in Armed Robbery - 2007-11-16 5:19 AM
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
  • OJ Simpson, the football star-turned-actor who was acquitted of double murder in 1995, was ordered to stand trial in what prosecutors say was the armed robbery of his own memorabilia from a pair of collectors.

    Las Vegas Judge Joe Bonaventure ordered Simpson, 60, to stand trial in the September 13 incident at the Palace Palace Station Hotel and Casino.

    Prosecutors say Simpson lead five accomplices in stealing the memorabilia at gunpoint from Bruce Fromong and Alfred Beardsley.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
well if O.J. stole it then that must mean that he really really loves the stuff.
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J.'s Bail Revoked - 2008-01-12 12:17 AM
OJ Going Directly to Jail
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: O.J.'s Bail Revoked - 2008-01-12 12:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
well if O.J. stole it then that must mean that he really really loves the stuff.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: O.J.'s Bail Revoked - 2008-01-12 1:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

I read that earlier online.

What a moron.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: O.J.'s Bail Revoked - 2008-01-12 1:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
well if O.J. stole it then that must mean that he really really loves the stuff.
Posted By: the G-man O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 9:23 PM
They just announced it over at Fox News. The Judge Sentenced him to a minimum term of six years and a maximum of fifteen years in prison for armed robbery.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 9:50 PM

ESPN reported a minimum of 8 years. Beautiful.
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 9:58 PM
O.J. Simpson Sentenced to 15 Years for Armed Robbery and Kidnapping

  • O.J. Simpson was sentenced Friday to 15 years in prison for armed robbery and kidnapping in a failed attempt to recover sports memorabilia from two collectibles peddlers.

    There will be the possibility of parole after six years, Judge Jackie Glass said.

    His co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart received the same sentence.

    Before the judge handed down his sentence, Simpson apologized to her and the Las Vegas court after learning he won't be able to be freed on bail if he appeals.

    Simpson appeared for his sentencing in a blue prison jumpsuit, shackles and handcuffs.

    "I stand before you today sorry," an emotional Simpson told Glass, fighting back tears. "I am apologetic to the people of Nevada. ... When I came here, I came here for a wedding. I didn't come to reclaim property."

    The 61-year-old former football star, who walked away a free man after a celebrated murder trial, faces mandatory prison time of between six years and life behind bars.

    Before Glass read his sentence, she ruled that Simpson cannot be freed on bail pending a possible appeal.

    She told Simpson that this case was unusual because everything was caught on tape.

    "The evidence in this case was overwhelming," she said. "This was actually a very violent event."

    Neither Simpson, who was acquitted of the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife and her friend in Los Angeles, nor his co-defendant and former golfing buddy, 54-year-old Stewart, testified at trial.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
O.J. Simpson Sentenced to 15 Years for Armed Robbery and Kidnapping

  • O.J. Simpson was sentenced Friday to 15 years in prison for armed robbery and kidnapping in a failed attempt to recover sports memorabilia from two collectibles peddlers.

    There will be the possibility of parole after six years, Judge Jackie Glass said.

    His co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart received the same sentence.

    Before the judge handed down his sentence, Simpson apologized to her and the Las Vegas court after learning he won't be able to be freed on bail if he appeals.

    Simpson appeared for his sentencing in a blue prison jumpsuit, shackles and handcuffs.

    "I stand before you today sorry," an emotional Simpson told Glass, fighting back tears. "I am apologetic to the people of Nevada. ... When I came here, I came here for a wedding. I didn't come to reclaim property."

    The 61-year-old former football star, who walked away a free man after a celebrated murder trial, faces mandatory prison time of between six years and life behind bars.

    Before Glass read his sentence, she ruled that Simpson cannot be freed on bail pending a possible appeal.

    She told Simpson that this case was unusual because everything was caught on tape.

    "The evidence in this case was overwhelming," she said. "This was actually a very violent event."

    Neither Simpson, who was acquitted of the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife and her friend in Los Angeles, nor his co-defendant and former golfing buddy, 54-year-old Stewart, testified at trial.

Doesn't he still have to serve another year or two after parole due to the severity of the gun charges? Could've sworn I heard the judge tack on the time after the initial sentencing due to severity of blah blah blah...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:08 PM
Who'll find the real killer now?
Posted By: rex Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:12 PM
your mom.
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:12 PM
Maybe this is all actually an elaborate ploy to allow him to go undercover.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:12 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Who'll find the real killer now?

It'll be the main plotline for the next season of 24.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:18 PM
4 years max, you know Obama will pardon him before he leaves office in 2012.
Posted By: rex Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:20 PM
I thought obama was going to elect himself "supreme ruler and Emperor of the People's Republic of America" after his second year?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:27 PM
He's already admitting he can't handle the job with his cabinet picks, I look for him to hit the road as soon as he can.
Posted By: Rob Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 10:38 PM
ill check the mail this weekend for my OJ prize!
Posted By: the G-man Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 11:30 PM
Now the Associated Press is reporting that, with consecutive sentences having been handed down for multiple charges, Simpson's sentence is a minimum of nine and a maximum of thirty-three years.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 11:39 PM
See? The good guys eventually do win.
Posted By: rex Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 11:44 PM
This should be interesting.

Chris Oakley talkative User Coffee-Deprived
5000+ posts 8 minutes 23 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Media
Thread: Re: O.J. Going to Prison
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-05 11:46 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

ESPN reported a minimum of 8 years. Beautiful.

All I can say is, the son of a bitch totally deserves his fate. Did you get a load of that lame "apology" he tried to softsoap the judge with? The only thing OJ's really sorry about is that this time he got caught in the act.

I personally hope the Nevada state prison board laughs in OJ's face every time he applies for parole.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-06 12:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
This should be interesting.

Chris Oakley talkative User Coffee-Deprived
5000+ posts 8 minutes 23 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Media
Thread: Re: O.J. Going to Prison

Another failed prediction.
Posted By: rex Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-06 12:44 PM
Simpson could have taken plea deal for less time

LAS VEGAS – O.J. Simpson is headed to prison for at least nine years, but a prosecutor says the former football star could have spent less time behind bars if he had accepted a plea deal before he was convicted.

Clark County District Attorney David Roger said Simpson was offered a deal for less prison time than the nine- to 33-year prison terms the graying former football star was sentenced to on Friday for kidnapping and assaulting two sports memorabilia dealers with a deadly weapon.

"Mr. Simpson wanted something just short of a public apology," Roger said. "We didn't think that was appropriate."

Roger did not offer specifics of the deal and Simpson's defense lawyers declined to discuss details.

"There was nothing that was palatable. Nothing acceptable," Simpson lawyer Yale Galanter said.

Co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart also rejected a deal that would have had him plead guilty to unspecified reduced charges in return for a promised sentence less than the 7 1/2 to 27 years he received, the prosecutor and defense lawyers said.

"It was a universal deal," said Stewart's lawyer, Brent Bryson. "Both defendants had to accept it. As we know, that didn't happen."

An emotional and hoarse Simpson said nothing about plea deals when he stood in shackles and blue jail garb and apologized before he was sentenced by Clark County District Court Judge Jackie Glass.

"In no way did I mean to hurt anybody, to steal anything from anyone," Simpson said, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it."

The judge said she was not convinced, and she denied that Simpson's acquittal in Los Angeles in the 1994 slaying of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, had any effect on a sentence that will make Simpson 70 years old before he is eligible for parole.

"I'm not here to try and cause any retribution or any payback for anything else. I want that to be perfectly clear to everybody," the judge said.

She called the evidence overwhelming, with the planning, confrontation and aftermath all recorded on audio or videotape.

"You went to the room, and you took guns," Glass told Simpson. "You used force. You took property, whether it was yours or somebody else's. And in this state, that amounts to robbery, with use of a deadly weapon."

"And Mr. Stewart, you got caught up in something," the judge added. "I'm not sure how much you knew. But clearly Mr. Simpson knew."

Simpson and Stewart were each convicted Oct. 3 of 12 criminal charges, including the kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon which led to their sentences, and the armed robbery, conspiracy and burglary sentences that the judge folded in with the rest. Glass threw out two coercion charges.

"We were preparing Mr. Simpson for the worst," Galanter said later. "We felt we did really well. Obviously, he's upset about the possibility of doing nine years."

Roger called it "a fair and just sentence under the circumstances" and said during a news conference that because the crimes were considered violent felonies, Simpson and Stewart won't be eligible for good time credits to lessen the minimum sentences.

The prosecutor said he did not expect they would immediately be released when they do seek parole.

Galanter and Bryson said they intend to appeal their clients' convictions. But they postponed plans to file notices of appeal Friday, after Glass asked them attend a Tuesday morning restitution hearing concerning the items stolen from memorabilia peddlers Bruce Fromong and Alfred Beardsley.

The hearing will coincide with sentencings for four former co-defendants in the case who took plea deals and testified against Simpson and Stewart. Michael McClinton, Charles Cashmore, Walter Alexander and Charles Ehrlich each could get probation or prison time. McClinton could get up to 11 years; the others face less.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-07 6:19 AM
He didn't want a pleas bargin because you can't appeal it. This SOB still thinks he's invincible.
Posted By: rex Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-07 6:20 AM
I wonder why he things that?

Its good to see that his ego made all of this worse.
Posted By: Pariah Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-07 6:54 AM
Isn't 15 years a little extreme for those charges?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-07 7:39 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-07 4:41 PM
It looks to be at the low end of the sentencing scale for that crime.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-07 10:18 PM
Yeah, I would think that a guy charged with not just burglary, but kidnapping with a deadly weapon would wind up with at least 15 years in prison.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-08 1:49 AM
Also, let's not forget - let's NOT forget, Dude - that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city - that ain't legal either.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-08 2:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Who'll find the real killer now?

It'll be the main plotline for the next season of 24.

Are you sure you got the right show?

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-08 4:38 AM
Maybe he should be on Smarter Than A 5th Grader. Didn't the dude he robbed set him up once before and videotaped it for a tabloid or something like that?
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-08 5:35 AM
They were serious charges to begin with, but it was in freaking Vegas. I don't think casinos want people running around with weapons in their hotels.

What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-08 6:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

Especially after he claims the stuff is still his and he's on tape joking about the whole thing. "if I did it", fucking prick. I hope Drew Peterson is next and gets the needle.
Posted By: Steve T Re: O.J. Going to Prison - 2008-12-08 1:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas.

For 6 to 15 years...