Posted By: harleykwin Wanted trailer - 2007-11-01 1:01 PM

Not surprisingly, this is going to have a different spin than Millar's "evil triumphs/heroes are fucked" story. With the Professor saying that the Fraternity's "purpose is to maintain stability in an unstable world - to kill one to save 1,000" the whole "evil wins" aspect don't look like its gonna show up here. And I like Freeman, but I'm not too sure of him as the Professor. The action clips looked cool, though.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-01 2:23 PM

"Wanted tells the tale of one apathetic nobody's transformation into an unparalled enforcer of justice."


Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-01 3:29 PM
Yeah. So much for the villains ruling the world scenario. Trying to make them altruistically motivated entirely misses Millar's Ultimate SSOV point.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-01 3:31 PM
Oh. Whoops. Read the rest of the website
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-01 5:40 PM
I've never read the book and I haven't been to the website, but the trailer looks a bit too much like yet another Matrix rip-off to me.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-03 6:10 PM
The book is very good, if you like villain books.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-03 10:40 PM
What are "villain books"?
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-03 10:44 PM
Books about villains. From the villains perspective.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-03 10:46 PM
I guess I never thought of that as a "genre."
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-04 4:25 AM
Well, the movie does look like a Matrix-y concept. However, I'm totally down with that idea. Especially with Angelina in the mix...
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-05 3:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Books about villains. From the villains perspective.

There haven't been many. Secret Society of Supervillains, Suicide Squad, Thunderbolts, Wanted, Gail Simone's recent stuff..
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-05 6:25 PM
There was also that terrible Joker series in the mid-seventies.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-06 1:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I've never read the book and I haven't been to the website, but the trailer looks a bit too much like yet another Matrix rip-off to me.

Excellent book, G. Millar is in top form here and the art is beautiful (J.G. Jones). Its in trade now and worth your time. Give it a shot.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-06 3:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
There was also that terrible Joker series in the mid-seventies.

Oh, I was going to mention that one but it didn't have any redeeming qualities.

Good villain books focus on characterisatio of the badguys. I don't read The Flash but I understand the Rogues Gallery make the book. Justice League Europe reached its peak in my opinion when the Extremists had the world on the ropes. Each of the Extremist had very different personalities - more depth than may of the Leaguers.

The classic villain book IMO is 100 Bullets. I know its also a caper/gangster/Reservoir Dogs riff, but its also a pure villain book. The Minutemen are brillantly ruthless - ranging from the field leader, Wylie Times, the one with the most conscience and who is the quickest and never misses a shot to Cole Burns the slick man with the knife. Each character is quite different but each one is uttely dangerous. Watching the panels with Milo casually drop a brick onto a car made me realise they are more frightening than any classic supervillain.

Wanted is the same. The Fox's training of Wesley is fantastically measured in being exponentially gruesome: get used to killing by practicing firing bullets at corpses and working in an abbotoir, and work your way down.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-06 6:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves

The classic villain book IMO is 100 Bullets. I know its also a caper/gangster/Reservoir Dogs riff, but its also a pure villain book. The Minutemen are brillantly ruthless - ranging from the field leader, Wylie Times, the one with the most conscience and who is the quickest and never misses a shot to Cole Burns the slick man with the knife. Each character is quite different but each one is uttely dangerous. Watching the panels with Milo casually drop a brick onto a car made me realise they are more frightening than any classic supervillain.

Fuck yeah. Seconded.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-11 9:35 AM
Trailer was tight but, I'm dissappointed that the movie doesn't appear to closely follow the comic. As an aside, I would have liked if Wesley had been played by Eminiem. I'd also prefer Halle to Angelina.

I'll still check it out....anything with Morgan Freeman in it will usually be pretty good.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Wanted trailer - 2007-11-11 9:49 AM
I am disinclined to see this movie.

I hate slow-motion over-indulgence topped off by excessive Angelina "skank" Jolie exhibition.

The only movie Jolie was good in was the one in which she was seen the least: The Good Shepherd. It's really telling of De Niro's great skill as a director.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted trailer - 2008-02-03 2:24 AM
AICN reports, and has a link to a spot that will air on the Super Bowl. Not sure if it's the same trailer or not as I didn't bother to click on the AICN link.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-24 5:11 PM
Borat Was Right: Angie's New Movie Proves It
  • two things are gleaned quickly from watching this comic book-turned-screen mess: First, Borat may have been right about Kazakhstan. Second, only Marvel Comics can make this kind of movie properly.

    First, Borat. Director Timur Bekmambetov is from Kazakhstan and it shows. This is his first American movie, and I believe it is his first in English. This could be a clue as to why "Wanted" — which is visually arresting and loaded with enough computer-generated graphics to spawn many video games — is also incoherent. I still have little idea what it was about. Neither did most of the audience in my screening.

    But the concept for "Wanted" is based on a comic book by Mark Millar. I’m not familiar with it, and the movie does nothing to explain it. The screenplay takes McAvoy’s Wesley Gibson, a "nobody" who whines about his boring life, and turns him abruptly into a superhero enforcer of justice.

    Wesley is also the son of a famous assassin whom he’s never met. He learns this from Jolie, who is billed as the movie’s star but isn’t. She’s rather a beautiful, if mostly mysterious, second-fiddle player, a member of a league of assassins known as "The Fraternity" led by Morgan Freeman.

    Unlike the hit Marvel movies, "Wanted" is fuzzy on all facts. It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. There’s no love story. The main character, Wesley, is poorly drawn even though McAvoy is incredibly appealing as he tries to help the audience figure out the story.

    At 5-foot-7 on a very good day, McAvoy is an odd choice for action hero. But maybe his agents are hoping to turn the 29-year-old Scottish actor into the new Tom Cruise. Stranger things have happened.

    As for Angelina: She’s in and out of the film. Her role is inconsistent and underdeveloped. She has little dialogue. Mostly she does her "Tomb Raider" thing, shoots big futuristic machine guns and gives a lot of angry stares. She also sports a panoply of tattoos that you can only hope were washable.

    The word from insiders is that she took this role as a trade-off so Universal would make Clint Eastwood’s "Changeling," in which she stars.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-24 5:26 PM
Yeah, well...I'm still gonna check it out. I'll see a matinee so I don't waste too much money in case it's really ass. There's a cool restricted trailer on the movie site as well as a short "making of" with Mark Millar.


Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-24 6:22 PM
this is a netflix at best. it has nothing to do with the comic (unfortunately), so i'm not inclined to spend $12.50 to see it.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-24 9:41 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-24 9:51 PM
Yeah. I still haven't seen Indiana Jones or the Hulk, and Batman's coming out soon. No way I'm spending my cash on a loose adaptation of a comic I haven't read, directed by someone who apparently can't speak English.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-24 9:55 PM
I saw Indy last week and enjoyed it. still got Hulk, plus waiting for Hellboy and DK.

Nightwatch was meh at best. The book was actually decent, though not supergreat.

The whole point of Wanted was it was about the villains and the villains actually won and ran the world. If you remove that, then you're left with exactly what the reviewer posted: a fuzzy, incoherent, plotless excuse for Matrix wannabe action scenes.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 12:13 AM
I'm just gonna wait for Hellboy thanks.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 12:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Borat Was Right: Angie's New Movie Proves It
  • two things are gleaned quickly from watching this comic book-turned-screen mess: First, Borat may have been right about Kazakhstan. Second, only Marvel Comics can make this kind of movie properly.

    First, Borat. Director Timur Bekmambetov is from Kazakhstan and it shows. This is his first American movie, and I believe it is his first in English. This could be a clue as to why "Wanted" — which is visually arresting and loaded with enough computer-generated graphics to spawn many video games — is also incoherent. I still have little idea what it was about. Neither did most of the audience in my screening.

    But the concept for "Wanted" is based on a comic book by Mark Millar. I’m not familiar with it, and the movie does nothing to explain it. The screenplay takes McAvoy’s Wesley Gibson, a "nobody" who whines about his boring life, and turns him abruptly into a superhero enforcer of justice.

    Wesley is also the son of a famous assassin whom he’s never met. He learns this from Jolie, who is billed as the movie’s star but isn’t. She’s rather a beautiful, if mostly mysterious, second-fiddle player, a member of a league of assassins known as "The Fraternity" led by Morgan Freeman.

    Unlike the hit Marvel movies, "Wanted" is fuzzy on all facts. It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. There’s no love story. The main character, Wesley, is poorly drawn even though McAvoy is incredibly appealing as he tries to help the audience figure out the story.

    At 5-foot-7 on a very good day, McAvoy is an odd choice for action hero. But maybe his agents are hoping to turn the 29-year-old Scottish actor into the new Tom Cruise. Stranger things have happened.

    As for Angelina: She’s in and out of the film. Her role is inconsistent and underdeveloped. She has little dialogue. Mostly she does her "Tomb Raider" thing, shoots big futuristic machine guns and gives a lot of angry stares. She also sports a panoply of tattoos that you can only hope were washable.

    The word from insiders is that she took this role as a trade-off so Universal would make Clint Eastwood’s "Changeling," in which she stars.

Oh jeez...what a dumb fucking FOX NEWS review!

First he makes racist complaints about the director (which part of the movie was solely based on his nationality?)

Second, he complains because there's no love story (FOR ONCE!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!).

Third, he complains because McAvoy isn't tall enough to be an action hero. I didn't realize there was a universal requirement.

Fourth, he whines about Jolie's tattoos (how did this affect the integrity of the movie?) and then end it with a level of girly Hollywood gossip I would expect to find on Inside Edition, or some other media rag.

But, then again, it's FOX NEWS. What should I expect, fair and balance facts or reviews? Heh.

The movie may suck-ass. No doubt. But don't bring some surface level "yu wont likke thes cause it mkes ya THINK" eighth grade review if you expect to be taken seriously...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 12:42 AM
BTW, none of that was about you, G. Just the reviewer, and the cult site you pulled it from...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 12:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
If you remove that, then you're left with exactly what the reviewer posted: a fuzzy, incoherent, plotless excuse for Matrix wannabe action scenes.

Agreed. However, I don't agree with how the reviewer went about making the review. It was as lazy and as pointless as the movie he supposedly didn't enjoy...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 12:56 AM
I have to say, I know nothing of the comic books, but the trailers leave me cold.
Without seeming to judge a film too harshle without seeing it, but it really looks like style over substance!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 1:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
If you remove that, then you're left with exactly what the reviewer posted: a fuzzy, incoherent, plotless excuse for Matrix wannabe action scenes.

Agreed. However, I don't agree with how the reviewer went about making the review. It was as lazy and as pointless as the movie he supposedly didn't enjoy...

he didn't even want to to do the review he hated it so much! ahhh, bad review, bad movie. when will they learn?

X2, Sin City, 300, Batman Begins, Hellboy, Iron Man. that's how you do it.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 1:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, none of that was about you, G. Just the reviewer, and the cult site you pulled it from...


But the reviewer as Fox is their token liberal, gay, H'Wood queen type. Like most guy libs he tries to be Joan Rivers. Some of his reviews are amusing for the sheer level of cattiness and sometimes interesting because of crazy remarks like comparing the director to Borat. I don't necessarily endorse his reviews (or any other review I post here), but since (as you might guess) I tend to frequent Fox more than, say, MSNBC/Olbermann-city (because Fox is fair and balanced ;\) ) I just happen to read them more than most others.

In this defense, however, I think some of his apparent ignorance about the story (ie, calling the lead character a superhero) is based on the fact the movie so badly mangled the original plot of the Millar story.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 4:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
this is a netflix at best. it has nothing to do with the comic (unfortunately), so i'm not inclined to spend $12.50 to see it.

$12.50? Holy crap woman! What theater are you going to?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 4:58 AM
She lives in Manhattan. Nuff said.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 4:59 AM

fucking new york prices...
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 5:00 AM
Good point. Though it'll be a sad day when I have to stop using my college ID.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 7:27 AM
Whatever...I'm still gonna check it out. Early flick cost $5. While I agree that it doesn't hold true enough to the comic I'll still support the genre.

Hell I sat thru the first Hulk, Punisher, BOTH Fantastic Fours, Spidey 3 AND Daredevil. It's a safe bet that this won't be the worst comic based movie I've ever seen.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 2:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
Whatever...I'm still gonna check it out. Early flick cost $5. While I agree that it doesn't hold true enough to the comic I'll still support the genre.

When you do that the only thing you are supporting is the notion that H'Wood can make faithless, soulless, adaptations of comic books and, no matter how bad they might be, a certain percentage of fanboys will make the film profitable.

That creates the incentive to make more bad films and less good ones. After all, why try to make a good one if people like you will pay to "support the genre" no matter what?
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 3:55 PM
Well, if my finski is the one that puts this movie over the record set by Spidey 3...all the better. I like the trailer. I think the movie looks decent and I happen to like Matrix-y rip offs. I'm not going to summarily dismiss the flick cuz some reviewer didn't like it and it doesn't pass the RKMBs smell test. I'd see it even if I didn't know it was based on a comic. The fact that it is...even if it's not a faithful adaptation...is a bonus.

If, after I see it, I think it sucks, I'll let you know. If I think it's cool, I'll keep it to myself so none of you can be enticed to spend money to see such dreck.

You guys are making this movie out to be League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and I just don't think it's gonna be that bad....
Posted By: the G-man Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 5:06 PM
Fair enough. However, two observations:

1. If you see the movie because the trailers and other publicity make you believe you'll enjoy it, that's cool. However, in your earlier post you seemed to be saying you were supporting it, regardless of whether it looked any good, and just going because you automically support "comic book" movies. That's the only thing I found questionable.

2. I don't think your ticket will be the one that puts this over anything. However, I have noticed a certain trend among some comic book fans to want to automatically see any comic book-based film, not matter how crappy and, further, read that film studios count on that when the make these films, allowing them to justify a certain low level of quality. Now that we have films like BB, Iron Man and [hopefully] TDK setting the bar a lot higher, I'd like to see the fans support that concept by being a bit choosier with what films they rush out to see.

In any event, I hope you enjoy the film.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 5:18 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-25 8:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
this is a netflix at best. it has nothing to do with the comic (unfortunately), so i'm not inclined to spend $12.50 to see it.

$12.50? Holy crap woman! What theater are you going to?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
She lives in Manhattan. Nuff said.

 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

fucking new york prices...

yes, to all of the above.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-26 2:50 AM
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-26 5:37 AM
OK, see...now that was ass. I watched the pilot a few months ago.

Pros - Ving Rhames and the chick from Friday Night Lights

Cons - it's about fucking Aquaman...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:15 AM
Not suprising, another bad review.


Movie Review
Wanted (2008)
Chuck Hodes/Universal Pictures
June 27, 2008

You Talkin’ to Me, Boys? (Bang-Bang, My Pretties)

Published: June 27, 2008

The money shot in “Wanted,” its pièce-de-special-effects-résistance and reason for green-lighted being, appears in the opening minutes of this noisy, ultraviolent shoot-’em-up with Angelina Jolie, her many tattoos and some guys. A man has soared onto the roof of a high-rise where he has laid a handful of others to waste. Suddenly the camera cuts to his face as a bullet exits his forehead in slow motion, his skin stretching forward as the projectile tears through it, going straight for the camera and our already numbed skulls.

Well, that’s one way to get the attention of fickle moviegoers, particularly if, like the director Timur Bekmambetov, you’ve got nothing else going for your big Hollywood debut except Ms. Jolie and a couple of ideas recycled from “The Matrix” and “Fight Club.” Mind you, Ms. Jolie has been perfectly cast as a super-scary, seemingly amoral assassin named (wait for it) Fox. Few American actresses, especially those with such pin-skinny arms, can make beating a guy to the ground look so easy and, yeah, man, like fun. With her mean smiley-sneer and snug clothes, her heels and hieroglyphics, she cuts the kind of disciplinarian figure who can bring antsy boys of all ages to their knees or at least into their theater seats.

Beating down the audience is what the crudest entertainments try to do, and in this respect, and in every other, “Wanted” is nothing new. And Mr. Bekmambetov, a Russian filmmaker who has earned a cult following with his razzly-dazzly thrillers “Day Watch” and “Night Watch,” certainly proves here that he knows how to use every blunt tool of the bullying trade: flashy effects, zippy cuts, simulated death, walls of sound, wheels of steel and, in between the bullets and blood, a hot mama to make the brother-to-brother, man-on-man action less worrisome. This is, after all, a movie almost entirely organized around the sights and sounds of men piercing one another’s bodies, which makes for a whole lot of twitching and spurting.

“Wanted” is a goof, then, and for a short stretch a pretty diverting one. The basic story, culled from a comic-book series by Mark Millar and J. G. Jones, revolves around a pusillanimous cubicle drone named Wesley (James McAvoy, going for cheeky and packing new muscle), who, at least in the movie, has been conceptualized along the same Everyman lines as Edward Norton’s character in “Fight Club.” Both have soul-sucking jobs, self-mocking voiceovers and a glamorous comrade in violence who ushers them into thrilling worlds of excitement and life-altering action, except that Mr. Norton’s friend is played by Brad Pitt, and Mr. McAvoy’s friend is played by Mr. Pitt’s real partner, Ms. Jolie, which, for about a millisecond makes this sound far more interesting than what actually materializes on screen.

What does turn up looks familiar — the slowed bullets, the air that ripples like water, an underground group, here called the Fraternity — especially if you’ve seen “The Matrix.” Although Mr. Bekmambetov and his team take plenty of cues from that film, they have tried to distinguish their dystopian nightmare by borrowing from even farther afield. To that end the Fraternity practices its murderous skills on pig carcasses (much as Daniel Day-Lewis does in “Gangs of New York”) while bunkered in a sprawling factory (that looks like Hogwarts). I’m pretty sure I saw the fabulous recovery room — a concrete spa filled with sunken tubs and lighted candles where Fraternity members go for restorative soaks after a hard day of carnage — in a layout in Vogue.

The problem is that after a grindingly repetitive rotation of bang-bang, boom-boom, knuckle sandwiches and exploding heads, I wanted to sink into one of those tubs myself (minus the rats scuttling nearby). There’s no denying Mr. Bekmambetov’s energy or enthusiasm: he blows people and stuff up with gusto. But all his visual ideas, or at least the memorable ones, are borrowed, as are the pitifully few thoughts in the script by Michael Brandt, Derek Haas and Chris Morgan. Even if the ideas in “The Matrix” didn’t blow your mind or stir memories of college-age woolgathering, at least it has ideas and real feeling. There’s something at stake in its world, which is why its fusion of skepticism and sincerity worked so well, and still does.

Things happen in “Wanted,” but no one cares. You could call that nihilism, but even nihilism requires commitment of a kind and this, by contrast, is a movie built on indifference. Fox and the rest of the Fraternity — headed by Morgan Freeman, voice and eyes glazed with boredom — initiate Wesley into their killing ways. He, in turn, discovers their dusty secrets (blah-blah, monks and weaving), eyeballs the other guys (Common and Thomas Kretschmann, both wasted) and learns how to make a bullet curve through the air, a trick that soon loses its wow factor. Mr. Bekmambetov jerks the strings, setting his puppets to dancing. Right on cue Mr. McAvoy swaggers and Ms. Jolie smiles even as Mr. Freeman checks his watch, beating me to the punch.

“Wanted” is rated R. (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.) Nonstop violence, brief kitchen-counter sex.

Opens on Friday nationwide.

Directed by Timur Bekmambetov; written by Michael Brandt, Derek Haas and Chris Morgan, based on a story by Mr. Brandt and Mr. Haas and the comic books by Mark Millar and J. G. Jones; director of photography, Mitchell Amundsen; edited by David Brenner; music by Danny Elfman; production designer, John Myhre; produced by Marc Platt, Jim Lemley, Jason Netter and Iain Smith; released by Universal Pictures. Running time: 1 hour 44 minutes.

WITH: James McAvoy (Wesley), Morgan Freeman (Sloan), Angelina Jolie (Fox), Terence Stamp (Pekwarsky), Thomas Kretschmann (Cross) and Common (the Gunsmith).
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:17 AM
Too bad.

If the money shot had been across Angelina's back I might have tossed down the ten bucks for admission.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:18 AM
Fair! Who's the fucking Nihilist here?!
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:19 AM
Say what you like about the tenets of national socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:23 AM
burg, put down the pipe, sweetie.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:25 AM
Lebowski addiction is worse than heroin and crack combined...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:26 AM
jesus christ, I'm so tired I didn't even catch that...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:27 AM
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:29 AM
Rest and drink, sweetums...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:31 AM
well, the drinking i'm taking care of tonite! in, like, 3 hours though... \:\(
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
well, the drinking i'm taking care of tonite! in, like, 3 hours though... \:\(

I thought you always had an emergency stash of Jameson's to keep the shakes away...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:44 AM
not at work, hon... which, sadly, is where I still am...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:45 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 1:47 AM
tell us something we don't know!
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 2:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
not at work, hon... which, sadly, is where I still am...

Silly Harley...that's what they make these for...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 4:04 AM
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 4:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
not at work, hon... which, sadly, is where I still am...

Silly Harley...that's what they make these for...

You sir, know how to accessorize.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 5:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
tell us something we don't know!

Bears are only born in winter.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 7:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
not at work, hon... which, sadly, is where I still am...

Silly Harley...that's what they make these for...

You sir, know how to accessorize.

I work in a jewlery store, remember?
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 8:08 AM
CBR Review of Wanted

Did it in 2 parts...if you've read the comic and if you haven't.

Last paragraph of the "if you've read it" review...

“Wanted” is, at best, a throw-back to earlier comic book adaptations that disregarded the purity of its source concepts to make a film for a “wider audience.” At worst, it is a film made in the cynical belief the filmmakers can change any aspect they want because the core audience will come and see it anyway. That same attitude that gave us video game films like “Super Mario Bros.” and “Street Fighter.”

Damn...that's basically what G-Man said...

Whatever, I still gotta go.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 6:26 PM
How disappointing... eh, well, I might check it out.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 9:34 PM
Just got back. Parts were good, parts were ass. I spent five bucks sat in air conditioning, saw a cool trailer for the new DeNiro/Pacino movie, saw some decent special effects.

I didn't hate it. As a comic movie it rates 4 out of 10...the first 1/2 hour or so was just as Millar wrote it. The rest...not so much. But you already knew that.

As a summer actioner taking up space between Hulk and Hancock..? 6 out of 10.

In sum, if you are prepared to hate it cuz it ain't like the comic...you've seen all you need to see by watching the trailer. If you got some time and you've got nothing better to doon a hot summer day or night...check it out. It's better than Episode 1...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 11:12 PM
The user reviews on Yahoo! actually have it as being a decent popcorn action flick. It seems like the big disadvantage of the movie was them leaving out the concepts of superheroes and villains.
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: Wanted review - 2008-06-27 11:32 PM