Posted By: whomod Coachella/All Points West Festivals. - 2008-01-23 5:52 AM
Well this years lineup almost completely sucks. Jack Johnson as headliner???

All talk is that the east coast version (new this year) will be a lot better. So Rob will probably luck out and this will definitely be the first time I don' go to Coachella weekend in Palm Springs.

I'd want to see The Verve, Madness and Love and Rockets. But if every year past is any indication, i can probably expect these bands to play warm up gigs at the Glass House the day before Coachella. 2 years ago Bauhaus did and last year The Jesus And Mary Chain did as well.

So i'm about $1000.00 dollars ahead ($500.00 for 2 3 day passes + about $500.00 to book a long weekend in Palm Springs).

Hopefully this doesn't spell the end of Coachella seeing as how I haven't found ANYONE who's happy about this lineup. I'll keep an eye out for the All Points West Festival and maybe I'll have to book a trip to NY/NJ.
Posted By: whomod Re: Coachella/All Points West Festivals. - 2008-01-23 6:02 AM
I see they just added Fatboy Slim to the poster as of last night.

Still not enough.

Seeing as Coachella is known for the OMG! out of left field headliners, i'd want something along the lines of David Bowie, reuniting The Smashing Pumpkins, The Jam, The Stone Roses or The Smiths.

Plus why the fuck aren't the Klaxons playing?? I guess getting the NME album of the year doesn't count as much as writing the Curious George soundtrack, this year.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Coachella/All Points West Festivals. - 2008-01-23 6:09 AM
I'm glad I've never gone.
Every year looks shittier.
Posted By: whomod Re: Coachella/All Points West Festivals. - 2008-01-23 6:14 AM
It's normally the funnest weekend of the yar.

This year looks crap though.

Talk is Radiohead and Aphex Twin are among the acts for All Points West though. Radiohead alone probably won't get me to go seeing as how I avoided seeing them at last years Coachella .
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Coachella/All Points West Festivals. - 2008-01-23 6:19 AM
Why is APW on the east coast? \:p

eh. I don't even go to big name shows anymore because I feel no energy from big name bands. Furthermore, you're stuffed in like sardines with other folks of potentially questionable body odor... and then the temp rises during the night and the mixture of sweat and scents waft in the air... combine that with various states of drunkeness and I'd rather listen to my music at home.
Posted By: whomod Re: Coachella/All Points West Festivals. - 2008-01-23 6:31 AM
Well that WAS the cool thing about Coachella. It has a more laid back vibe and you generally didn't get the frat boy set attending due to the absence of traditional big "alternative" bands. So it was very conducive to just chilling or else meeting non stupid people while enjoying cool up and coming or influential bands.

It certainly was no Woodstock where you had aggro alternative and dumb drunken college rapists trolling about.

the only time Coachella got out of hand was 2 years ago when these idiots decided to book Madonna to play in a fucking dance tent. That was the one time where you looked around and for the life of you couldn't figure out who these stupid jackasses were. And again last year on he 3rd day when they booked Rage Against The Machine. That day you did have the idiots that had drunkenness and stupidity in their eyes.

But when you have eclectic acts that have big buzz or are highly influential but have little radio airplay, it tends to weed out that element.

But as I said, this year has smaller bands that I've already seen play before and headliners who aren't that great. So i'll sit this year out baring some big revelation.