Posted By: K-nutreturns Joe... - 2008-12-07 12:25 AM
your thoughts?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 1:38 AM
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 2:21 AM
I loved The Last Dragon when I was a kid, but I'd almost completely forgotten about it until I saw this.

I have no problem with a remake.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 2:39 AM
I, as a rule, hate remakes. With few exceptions (John Carpenter's The Thing and Cronenberg's The Fly come to mind), I find them largely unnecessary, self-indulgent, and rarely as good as the original. I'm at the point with Hollywood, which is now starting to remake foreign films that get little to no release in the US ([REC] and Let The Right One In come to mind), where I see little reason to see any but the occasional flick. Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon is no exception. The flick is a product of its time. Every facet of the film oozes 80s cheese, from the music to the set design to the special effects (and so on). On some small level, I appreciate that the son of Berry Gordy is involved, and I think [the] RZA will do as right as he can to the original. Sam Jackson is older than Sho' Nuff should be, but he really is the best choice in this bad situation. I'd hope that this production would cast Mos Def as [Bruce] Leroy, but I doubt that'll happen. In fact, I don't see how any good will come of this - do they have the balls to attack the current music trends (emo, Disney Factory pedo-pop, etc)? Methinks not. So, good luck to them, but I don't see myself rushing out to see the results. I have the original on DVD, and that's good enough for me.

Which, I suppose, is a more verbose and level-headed way to respond how you'd expect. But rest assured that my first reaction to hearing this news a while ago was a psychotic, Tourettes-like barrage of "FUCK!!!"s and "CUNT!!!"s.

Let me show you what I AM looking forward to:

And this...you're welcome.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 2:48 AM
fair enough.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 2:49 AM
i dont hate the idea but im not expecting much. still ill probably check it out if and when this gets made...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 3:27 AM
No love for Black Dynamite?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 3:40 AM
i think its pretty obvious im gonna have to check that out.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Joe... - 2008-12-07 6:15 AM
I'm looking forward to this!