Very good way to go out but Peterson is a dumb fuck for leaving a successful TV series/paycheck. He was a great part of the show but Fishburn should be a good replacement. Jerry Orbach is turning over in his grave somewhere tonight.
The Dick and Jane killer gave me the creeps. Good acting.
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Very good way to go out but Peterson is a dumb fuck for leaving a successful TV series/paycheck.

He's still a producer of the show so he still gets the majority of his paycheck without having to act.

Uh, I mean:

You stupid Greek. Don't you read the credits? He's the executive producer. That's where the money is not in playacting.
I already knew that he was a producer but as an actor you want to stay relevant. Nobody knows or gives a fuck about Producers. Things rarely work out for people that leave hit shows. Yes he will still be making money but creatively he might be upset about what is out there. Gandolfini is not doing much these days. He's doing some BS broadway show for a few weeks but other than that he is almost forgotten. For every George Clooney there are 10 Anthony Edwards' out there.
I don't think he wants to be Clooney or Edwards. As I mentioned, he still gets most of his paycheck due to being the producer of the show (without actually have to show up on the set) and, according to what I just read in an interview with him he really just wants to kick back and do small theater and take it "easy."

Basically, as I see it, he's now a millionaire and, like a lot of guys in that position in their fifties (he's 55 or 56 I think), he's retiring.
So, what happened? Did he die or retire or something? How come there are never spoilers when I actually want them? I guess that's why they're called spoilers. Hoa. That's some deep shit right there. PJP are you recording this?
he helped solve one last big case and then he retired. Sara had moved to Costa Rica to do research and he followed her there.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
I don't think he wants to be Clooney or Edwards. As I mentioned, he still gets most of his paycheck due to being the producer of the show (without actually have to show up on the set) and, according to what I just read in an interview with him he really just wants to kick back and do small theater and take it "easy."

Basically, as I see it, he's now a millionaire and, like a lot of guys in that position in their fifties (he's 55 or 56 I think), he's retiring.
most actors that give a shit about the craft work until they die. I like Peterson but I feel he shouldn't have left while the show was still going strong. I read an article with him saying he wants to still act but do movies or theater(not retire)......well what if none of those things happen. It's not exactly hard work for these guys.
Yeah, I don't mean "retire" as in "never work again," but "retire" as in "work when he feels like it instead of showing up on a set every week."
Being that this is a hit series Peterson likely earned way more per episode as an actor than and executive producer. Usually hit series give their stars an executive producer credit as a way to give them more residuals with the reruns. But when a series is a hit the stars per episode take is way more than any producer.
I can respect him as a person for not being all about the money. But if he was a close friend of mine My advice would be to stick with it until the series gets cancelled, which ultimately will happen to every show at some point.
If I was him I would stick it out, unless of course he is burned out and just wants to enjoy the money he's made. Life's about doing what you like.
Pariah is all over this picture.