I dont know if any of you mugs have seen this, but a couple of months ago the BBC released a new three part series called Sherlock, written by Moffat.

The concept is different to traditional Sherlock Holmes adaptations in that it is set in the modern day, and each episode is 90 mins long, essentially making each episode a film (which is the reason there are only three episodes per series).

Martin Freeman from The (UK) Office and Hitchhikers guide.. plays Watson, while relative unknown, Bendict Cumberbatch plays Holmes.

With Who I was very disapointed with his writing, but in this series its spot on (written with fellow Who writer Mark Gatiss).

While Freeman and Cumberbatch are both great in their roles, the actor playing Moriarty (I wont mention his name in case you feel the need to see it, and dont want to spoil who it is) steals the final episode with his appearance.

The series was incredibly well recieved with each episode picking up something like seven million viewers, which is obviously very high, especially considering it beat Top Gear, which is one of the UKs top rated shows.

Obviously most of you download or watch online, but the whole series was released on DVD in the UK a couple of weeks ago.

I should also mention that the second series has been given the go ahead for next year (same format of three 90 min episodes).
Posted By: iggy Re: For the attention of fans of Steven Moffat - 2010-09-24 9:23 PM
Sounds cool. I'll give it try.
Well, his Who is super-awesome. So, there's that. I've been avoiding this Sherlock so far because I felt the lead actor looked like a complete douche. However, if YOU are saying something about it, I might try it...
I've heard very good things about this but I don't think it airs here until October.
amazed you even gave smith a look on who then, as he looks far more douchey ;\)
Seriously tho, he totally nails the part.

Of note for Who fans is that his mother, Wanda Ventham, has played three different roles on Who. once in 67, once in 77 and oncce in 87
Wh-a-t? Any idea which episodes? Are we talking Matt Smith's mother??
Seriously, Pro, it's the internet. He gave you the chick's name. Look it up.
I'm lazy and was having an adult discussion about kiddie things. Piss off!
no pro, i was talking about cumberbatch. If you look up wanda on wiki, it mentions which three eps they were.
I am sitting on a train coming back from a gig, so i will be fucked if i am gonna look it up.
OOOOOh! Cuntersnatch. That guy. Cool. Don't care. Poof.
What kind of "gig" are you returning from? Are you a male escort now? Are you playing in a band? Was it a show that involved live snakes? I know how you Welsh like your voodoo...