Posted By: Grimm Charlton Heston was the original Indiana Jones - 2011-04-19 11:57 PM

how unoriginal are Lucas and Spielberg?
It's on Netflix, folks.
Not only did Lucasberg rip this movie off. The Coen bothers used the opening music for Jackie Treehorn's party! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Back before Raiders came out, Jim Steranko (who did concept art for the movie) had an article about the film in his then-mag Mediascene.

In the article, Steranko, along with Spielberg and Lucas (as I recall), were pretty open about Raiders being nothing but a pastiche of movies they loved growing up.

BTW, here's some of the Steranko designs for the film:

The fourth picture will be played by Bruce Campbell...

Of course, being concept paintings, these were done before the role was cast. So I'm pretty sure that Steranko just used his standard "superhero/man of action" facial features for the role.
Yeah, Indy has a chin growing on his chin...
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
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how unoriginal are Lucas and Spielberg?

URG sleeps at broken code! LLance would am be proud.
yes, G-Tard, we've always known Raiders and all was supposed to be an "homage." what we didn't know was that their definition of "homage" matched Bryan Singer's.
From Incas' Wikipage:
The film is often cited by film buffs as a direct inspiration for the Indiana Jones franchise of films, with many of the scenes in Secret of the Incas bear a striking resemblance in tone and structure to scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Throughout Secret of the Incas, the main character, Harry Steele, can be seen wearing the "Indiana Jones" outfit - brown leather jacket, fedora, tan pants, an over-the-shoulder bag, and revolver.[2] The character also sometimes wears a light beard, unusual for films of its time, and there is a tomb scene involving a revelatory shaft of light similar to the "Map Room" sequence in Raiders.

Raiders' costume designer Deborah Nadoolman Landis noted that the inspiration for Indiana's costume was Charlton Heston's Harry Steele in Secret of the Incas: "We did watch this film together as a crew several times, and I always thought it strange that the filmmakers did not credit it later as the inspiration for the series" and quipped that the film is "almost a shot for shot Raiders of the Lost Ark."[3]