Posted By: Son of Mxy Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-05-31 12:18 AM

I love the part where Lucifer felt bad about a woman taking a bullet for him. Or that part where he let a black angel threaten him. Or that part where he offers to help the LAPD catch criminals. Or every scene where he's trying/failing to be Tony Stark.

The funny thing is that they're probably going to get a lot of flack from religious people for "portraying the devil as a good guy" when they could have stayed true to the source material and portrayed the devil as manipulative and selfish.

Posted By: the G-man Re: Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-05-31 4:18 PM
Yeah. The holy rollers are already demanding the show be canceled.
Of course being it's a fantasy show on fox, it will probably get canceled anyway
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-06-02 5:02 PM
Ill watch it if the refer to him as "Lou"
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-06-03 1:31 AM
I didnt read the comic, so I would watch this with no preconceptions, mainly because I thought it looked like a good show.

I also will watch it, and enjoy it, just to piss off fanboys and religious fanatics.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-06-03 1:57 AM
They're calling it "the Underworld".

If they're going to write a show that parodies preexisting material, they should at least have the balls to stick to it.

I imagine the name "Hell" has too many negative connotations and, therefore, they don't want it being associated with a heroic Satan who's supposed to be a man-of-the-people.

No doubt, the entire show will make a case that "evil" and "wicked" are arbitrary statements, and that while Lucifer may be both of those, they're not actually harmful to others as long as you're friendly and charming. Include some boilerplate ironies like "Even the devil wouldn't be that much of an asshole!" (see also: Drive Angry's reference to Satan being a well-read conversationalist who despises child-killers), and you have yourself a formulaic piece of shit.

I have to wonder if whether or not Geiman and/or Carey would have ever conceived the idea were it not for Paradise Lost. I mean, I understand why contemporary media is trying to remove malice and malevolence from historically villainous figures and turn them into heroic (or anti-heroic as the case may be) iconoclasts: it fuels the anti-binary narrative. But I have to wonder how much of their methodology for achieving that end was conceived without pre-twentieth century help.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-06-03 3:11 AM
I'm still going to try and give the show a watch. It does look good, at the very least - it has better special effects compared to Constantine. But I'm not hating on the show simply because it's different from the source material, but because the change doesn't look too good. Lucifer comes off as a douchebag in this one. It's like he's trying (and failing) to be RDJ's Tony Stark.

The change in the show is not the same as Deadshot being black, where the change is superficial and probably won't affect the quality of the story. It's on the same level as Fox turning Doctor Doom into an angry blogger.

On an unrelated note, the show reminds me of one show that I liked: Whedon's Angel.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Fox's Lucifer TV Series. - 2015-06-05 3:50 AM
Lucifer in the comics is like this: "When he raises his fist to strike, the stars dim." And he just doesn't give a fuck about anything at all.

Lucifer in this TV series is, "I am as addictive as heroin." And he feels morally (!) obliged to help the LAPD.

One is not the same as the other. The teaser is amusing, but it is so far removed from the (beloved) source material that I feel no attachment to it.

As for the female cop, what was the name of the vengeful female angel in the Lucifer stand alone issue who uses the Chinese woman as a catspaw? Perhaps she is her.