Posted By: Joe Mama WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-15 11:21 AM
Per The Doctor's request, this is the thread where you list your finishers, entrance music, what you look like when you wrestle, a profile, and anything else ye wanna add. I'll start.

My three major finishers are:

1) East Coast Hammer: Gorilla Press into a Death Valley Driver

2) Flying Tea Bag Slam: Frog Splash

3) Joe Mama-Lock: Texas Cloverleaf, modified with a knee resting on the back of the victim's neck

A set up maneuver I've been toying with is the Enforcer, which is Arn Anderson's Spine-Buster. Hit at the right time, it easily leads to any of my finishers. Plus, I gotta give a nod to a wrestler I've admired for a long time.

Right now, my entrance music is Rage Against the Machine's "Township Rebellion". That may change, but not until after Summer Scam. I generally wrestle in a Red Sox batting practice jersey (#15, props to Kevin Millar), blue jeans, and black steel-toed boots. When appropriate (hardcore matches, RwO matches, etc), I carry a Louisville Slugger with me (dunno where the barbed wire and the name "Polly" came from, but I can roll with it). As far as persona goes, think of an ECW-style face - not quite your standard good guy, but not an all-out heel.

There's a fairly decent start...
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-15 11:40 AM

As far as persona goes, think of an ECW-style face - not quite your standard good guy, but not an all-out heel.

I view your character's persona as a bit of Tommy Dreamer/Mick Foley with a good dash of old-school Dusty Rhodes.

Here's my stats:


Music: Misfits "All Hell Breaks Loose"

Titles Held: EuroTrash, Tag Team (2x)

Finishers: Grimmlock: (Sharpshooter)
Triple 6 Bomb (top rope powerbomb)
Kobe Special (turnbuckle chokeslam to the arena floor)

Group affiliation: Rob's World Order, The Hellions

Ring gear: Black long tights with black motorcycle boots. Black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, with a skull and crossbones image. Black leather motorcycle gloves. Black leather jacket.

Persona: My character was meant to be a Raven/Mankind type heel, initially, but there's a lot of Ric Flair that creeps into my promos, so he's a bit schizo. I also pull some Undertaker/Crow Sting shit occasionally.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-15 12:12 PM
Son of Mxy

Entrance Theme: Superstar

Titles Held: Lightweight Faggot

SoM's moveset is made up of simple power moves and some off-the cuff high-flying stuff. Basically she's too small to be a heavyweight but too big to be a cruiserweight.

Trademark moves:

Typhograpical Error - Moonsault from the third rope
Enunciation - the same as "tuning up the band", set-up for the superkick. i.e. - "SOM is enunciating!"
Subject-Verb Agreement - Superkick.

Group affiliation: None.

Ring gear:

Persona: HBK '95
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-15 6:31 PM
Cap'n Sammitch

I have got to come up with a better handle. Anyway, my character is pretty much an amalgamation of my three favorite wrestlers - Benoit, Jericho, and Edge. Hopefully I won't screw this up too much.

  • Clothing: For now, blue warmup pants with white trim, a Colts away jersey with Peyton's number and name on the back but with the sleeves cut off, and white and blue New Balance basketball shoes. For hardcore matches, the Cap'n carries either a martial-arts staff or a policeman's truncheon.

  • Entrance Music: Again, for now... 'Let's Get it Started' by Black Eyed Peas.

  • Moveset: A mishmash of different styles; usually basic moves like Edge's with a very strong and technically solid mat game like Benoit's, but occasional high-flying moves like Edge's or Jericho's. The Cap'n's too big to be a lightweight, really, but not a heavyweight either, so he depends on speed, agility, and thinking one step ahead of his opponents. In hardcore matches, he prefers a martial-arts staff to other weapons, and he knows how to use it rather well. If that's broken or taken away, he's not afraid to get up close and personal with a cop's nightstick, and he can improvise weapons using just about anything. He can absorb a lot of punishment and keep on going.

  • Signature moves: Submission - the Sammitch Submission (basically the Walls of Jericho); Finisher - the Sammitch Slam (a top-rope powerbomb finisher formerly known as the BBW Bomb ); Potential finishers and occasional signature moves - the Sammitch Spin (a 360° spinning kick that can potentially connect several times), the Sammitch Supplex (a cross-body German supplex that can be repeated), and the Staff Meeting (a hardcore-match move involving a flurry of strikes with the martial-arts staff from all sides). More to come?

  • Group affiliation: Workin' on it...

  • Persona: Pretty much a face all around, similar to a more recent Benoit, but not afraid to make a little mischief a la Jericho, and definitely not afraid to make himself heard on the mike.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-15 7:07 PM
I'm Mxy!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-15 8:33 PM

Grimm said:
I view your character's persona as a bit of Tommy Dreamer/Mick Foley with a good dash of old-school Dusty Rhodes.

I was thinking less Mick Foley or Dusty Rhodes (my only exposure to him as a lad was his questionable WWF stint, I've only re-discovered him via that Ric Flair DVD) and more ECW-style Tommy Dreamer, mixed with Arn Anderson. I like Tommy's extreme style and heart (the fans always seemed to love him, no matter who he was wrestling), mixed with Arn's guile, cunning, and old-school movies. I also like Arn's in-rings - he never really lost his shit on people but, when he directed his attention to someone, you KNEW he was gonna dole out a beat-down! And lemme say it again: his Spinebuster on Undertaker at WMX8 was my favorite moment of the last few years!

Here's some stuff I forgot:

Titles Held: EuroTrash (current)

Group affiliation: Nowhere World Order (former), Rob's World Order (former)

Persona: My character is meant to be Tommy Dreamer meets Arn Anderson. Hardcore style with a lot of mat-wrestling moves. I like a slow, even pace in a match. However, once it's going squarely in my favor, I'll speed up the pace leading up to The Enforcer (which sets up any one of my finishers). I'm not afraid to pull out the bat or any weapon if my opponent's "friends" should make an appearance.

(Thanks to Grimm for the assist on Persona)
Posted By: TK-069 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-16 1:29 AM

Nicknames: TK, Teek

Entrance Music: Wanksta, 50 Cent

Attire: Varies, but is always hip-hop inspired. Throwback basketball jerseys, Timberlands, Sean John, FUBU, Triple 5 Soul; blue and white are the usual colors.

Moveset: Unique. My style is easily adaptable to the opponent. But I'm usually a technical high-flyer.

Signature Moves:
  • The Orchepocalypse: Pumphandle Inverted DDT
  • The Flying Negra: Pheonix Splash
  • The Kansas City Flap-Jack: Orange Crush

Titles Held: Eurotrash Title

Affiliations: None

Persona: John Cena meets Val Venus meets Eddie Guerrero. I'm charismatic and happy-go-lucky, but can be easily angered if people step on my toes, so to speak. I get more vicious and vendictive as the match progresses, but would more likely beat them with my fist and feet than with a foreign object. And I love the ladies. duhh...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-16 2:19 AM

TK-069 said:

Attire: Varies, but is always hip-hop inspired. Throwback basketball jerseys, Timberlands, Sean John, FUBU, Triple 5 Soul; blue and white are the usual colors.

Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-18 6:47 AM
See page 3
Posted By: Kristogar Velo Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-18 9:35 AM
I haven't posted in this forum in awhile, but when I did I'm pretty sure I made my entrance music "Master of None" by Fireball Ministry. The only finisher I came up with was the G'Nort Leg Lift, used mostly in my GEEK days, which is a superkick except that I keep the pose after the guy goes down, so it looks like I'm pissing on him.

I was also the Big Cheese champion for 12 days.
Posted By: JQ Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-19 11:09 AM
Name: JQ
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-20 4:03 PM
Ok,I'll name JQ!
I name JQ,Cunt!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-20 4:20 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-20 5:25 PM
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-20 6:20 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-20 7:41 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-23 4:05 PM
Ok,starting to think about gimmicks & personalities,and this is how I view some of you:

(Might as well start with me though)

Nowhereman:Part Austin,part Jericho & part Undertaker
Grimm:Part Sting & part Kane
Snarf:Christian during his whiney stage
Urg:Part Big Show & part Kamala
TK-069:Val Venus
Joe Mama:Randy Orton
bsams:Part Foley,Part The Rock & part Doink the clown
Cap Sammich:Spike Dudley
thedoctor:Part Theodore Long & part William Regal
Son Of Mxy:Steven Richards
Rob Kamphausen:Pat Patterson
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-23 4:58 PM

Nowhereman said:
Joe Mama:Randy Orton

Considering how you feel about Randall K. Orton, I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult...
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-23 5:26 PM
Which Steven Richards do I remind you of? The ECW one or the Right To Censor one or the current underutilised richards?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-23 6:09 PM

Nowhereman said:
TK-069:Val Venus

Don't forget a little Godfather in there as well.


Nowhereman said:
thedoctor:Part Theodore Long & part William Regal

I don't know how to take the Theodore Long part, but I see the William Regal referrence as a compliment.

Posted By: King Snarf Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-23 11:12 PM

Nowhereman said:

I can live with that.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 2:22 AM

Son of Mxy said:
Which Steven Richards do I remind you of? The ECW one or the Right To Censor one or the current underutilised richards?

Blue World Order of course!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 2:24 AM
Nobody gonna argue bout Rob being Patterson I take it!
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 2:47 AM
Should we? Was Rob the first Intercuntinental Champ? Did he create the Fantasy Rumble? Or is he the mind behind Gay Boy Wrestling?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 2:57 AM
because Patterson is gay..

oh wait, shit. sorry...

....because Rob is Gay.
Posted By: Kristogar Velo Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 8:43 AM

Nowhereman said:

Let's get serious here...there's no way X-Pac would've gotten 16 votes(surprisingly, none of which were mine!) against anyone.

And even I've had more titles than Waltman's had pieces of ass.
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 10:32 AM
Yeah, I see you more like Tommy "Wildfire" Rich myself. :P
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-24 1:00 PM
Posted By: backwards7 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-08-26 4:22 AM
Name: backwards7

Entrance Music: The Streets – Turn The Page

Appearance: Black T shirt. Jeans. Nothing flash.

Style: Developed from Docklands Spar – a style of street fighting once popular around the wharves of East London. Originally this method of fighting blended bar room brawling with martial arts techniques learned from foreign sailors and included a knowledge of acupuncture and pressure points.

Trademark moves:

Hackney chin grip: The opponents chin is grasped in one hand and pressure points around the base of the jaw are exploited, causing extreme pain and humiliation as the victim dribbles saliva out from the corners of their mouths. Weak opponents can find themselves being manoeuvred around the ring, at arms length, unable to act through sheer agony and often crying like girls.

Doldrum: A calculated blow to the body knocks the wind out of the opponent. Almost instantly a follow up sweep directed at their thighs sends them crashing flat onto the floor of the ring. Opponents on the receiving end of a successfully executed Doldrum have reported a creeping sense of defeat and worthlessness in the aftermath that sometimes lingers for weeks following the fight.

Hasting’s Slip: Useful for escaping from secure locks and holds. The success of Hasting’s Slip depends on muscle groups in the arms and legs being aligned and then compressed so as to store large amounts of energy. When released, this stored energy causes the limbs to spring apart usually with enough impetus to break open a hold from the inside and frequently causing physical trauma to the opponent. During a bout with the now retired Brighton Hog, backwards7 escaped from a bear hug with such force that he broke both the hog’s arms and sent him tumbling over the ropes and into the neighbouring outdoor swimming pool where the performing dolphins lived. The move is named after the Limehouse escapologist – Charlie Hastings, whose most famous trick involved him being chained-up inside a barrel, that would then be nailed shut. Hastings would quickly slip out of his shackles, and then burst the barrel apart, from the inside.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-09-01 4:59 AM
I decided to come up with real moves, now that the novelty of pussy moves have worn off.

Typhograpical Error - Moonsault from the third rope
Enunciation - the same as "tuning up the band". i.e. - "SOM is enunciating!"
Subject-Verb Agreement - Superkick.
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-09-02 9:56 PM
I added these:

Spin-o-rama: spinning heal kick

And, a submission hold:

Spin-o-rama Lock: spinning sleeper hold
Posted By: notwedge Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-09-06 6:09 AM

Entrance theme: "Stone Cold Crazy" by Queen (recently changed from "Dope Nose" by Weezer")

Attire: Cargo shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirts almost always has a cartoon character on it. The rest is pretty standard wrestling gear; boots, knee pads, elbow pads and fingerless gloves. He also wears a cheap mask, the type that can easily be bought at a party supply store. He's a little small for a heavyweight, but he's too big to be a true lightweight.

Fighting style: Surprisingly, he seems to have some martial arts training and he uses Tae Kwon Do style kicks and hand strikes when he's being serious. The rest is traditonal wrestling with some daredevil tactics thrown in. his high flying comes more from an ability to take damage than from any real skill.

Signature moves:

Death Chop 2000: A chop off the top rope to the top of a standing foe's head. Not extremely effective but the kids love it.
Cobra Roll: a half twisting moonsault leg drop off the top rope. Just before he jumps he yells "Cobra!" like on the old GI Joe cartoon. It's the sort of move where he does it, he tries to pin but the pther guy kicks out and the announcer says "OH MY GAWD! HOW DID HE KICK OUT AFTER THAT?!"
Reverse Monkey Death Drop: A spinning version of Nova's Kryptonite Krunch (also known as Emerald Fusion #2 in Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain). Usually acts as the setup for...
The Deadly Knee Drop...OF DEATH! His usual finisher. Like the People's Elbow only with a knee drop at the end.

Persona: Drifts between comic heel and goofy anti-hero. Sort of a cross between Chris Jericho and Mankind during the Rock N' Sock days.

*Edit* added a signature move that I forgot to include and some details about when he usually does his signature moves
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-09-25 10:19 PM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:"Jump Around" by House of Pain

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Splendid Splinter (a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Big Dig (a reverse DDT)
The Logan Express (a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Cape Cod Crunch (an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Green Monster(a variation on John Cena's F-U)

OUTFITS:Vary from match to match but usually include a cap,jersey,or T-shirt from a New England pro or college sports team.Has been known to sport Reeboks for some matches.

Posted By: TK-069 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-09-26 7:34 AM



Nicknames: TK, Teek, The Daddy Mack

Entrance Music: Everything Is Raw, Busta Rhymes

Attire: Varies, but is always hip-hop inspired. When not competing, TK usually wears a flashy suit with fancy shoes and a large diamond-studded 'TK' medallion. Casual/Wrestling gear usually consists of throwback basketball jerseys, football jerseys, Sean John, FUBU, Triple 5 Soul, and a pair of Timberlands. Black, blue and white are the usual colors.

Moveset: Unique. TK's style is highly unorthadox, yet easily adaptable to the opponent. His base style can only be described as a "technical high-flyer".

Signature Moves:

  • The Orchepocalypse (Pumphandle Inverted DDT)
  • The Flying Negra (Pheonix Splash)
  • The Kansas City Flap-Jack (Orange Crush)
  • Gin and Juice (Twisting Screwdriver)

Titles Held: Eurotrash Title, World Heavyweight Cheese Title (current)

Group Affiliation: None

Allies: Joe Mama, Son of Mxy

Persona: John Cena meets Val Venus meets Godfather meets Eddie Guerrero. TK's generally a charismatic and happy-go-lucky person, but he can be easily angered if people step on his toes, so to speak. TK has a vicious streak that rarely let out, but when it does he tends to get vendictive as the match progresses. TK remains honor-bound in the squared circle, prefering to beat his opponents with his fist and feet than with a foreign object (unless the match calls for it). And everyone knows he loves the ladies. duhh...

Posted By: Franta Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-10-09 11:29 AM
Posted By: Louie Bastardo Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-10-20 2:40 AM
I told Q. T. not to pour his cham-Pan-ya on Debbie's dress. Great party.

Louie Bastardo

Occupation: manager, maker of champions, film producer

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: Hey, so I like to eat, okay? What's it to ya?

Hair: I keep it slicked back on my head. And cut short. There is no truth to the rumor that I color it in or that I have a bald spot. These are vile lies spread by those who are jealous of my fame and fortune.

Appearance: Bright, colorful hawaiian shirts open to my hairy chest, with a gold medallion around my neck. Tan slacks and black loafers. You know, classy.

I have come here to make stars and champions, baby! Let Louie Bastardo take you all the way to the top!

Louie Bastardo is a sleazy heel manager. Sort of a cross between Danny DeVito's usual sleazy roles and say, Bobby Heenan. Something like that. He's always accompanied by his statuesque blonde secretary, Grace. He's looking for people to manage.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-10-26 2:19 AM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Main Title theme from Jaws

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Splendid Splinter (a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Big Dig (a reverse DDT)
The Logan Express (a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Cape Cod Crunch (an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Green Monster(a variation on John Cena's F-U)

OUTFITS:Vary from match to match but usually include a cap,jersey,or T-shirt from a New England pro or college sports team.Has been known to sport Reeboks for some matches.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bastardo family

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt
Posted By: NurikoK98 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-11-24 2:45 AM
Name: Nuriko

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Ring costume: red kimono over a black bodysuit

Entrance music: "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors

Finishing move: The Hiroshima, 360 splash off the top rope

First match in RDCW: TBD

Affiliations: newest member of the Bastardo Family
Posted By: Bobo Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-02 6:53 AM
Posted By: NurikoK98 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-03 4:31 AM
Whoa what? :?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-03 5:39 AM
Don't worry about him, Nuriko. Actually, I have a question for you: Do you have a name for your finisher? Or do you want me or Grimm or Chris to come up with the name?
Posted By: NurikoK98 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-03 4:26 PM
Sure, you can come up with a name.
Any suggestions on entrance music?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-04 4:29 AM
I've got an name for the finisher "The Hiroshima mama!"
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-04 5:20 PM
As for entrance music,I was going to suggest "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors.
Posted By: NurikoK98 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-04 6:37 PM
Hmmm . . . that might work.

And I'm going to go with the Hiroshima as the name for the finishing move. Thanks, Nowhereman.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-23 2:10 AM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Snuff the Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Splendid Splinter (a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Big Dig (a reverse DDT)
The Logan Express (a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Cape Cod Crunch (an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Green Monster(a variation on John Cena's F-U)

OUTFITS:Has recently adopted military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bastardo family

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt

UPCOMING MATCHES:Scheduled to defend his titles in a triple threat two-falls bout at Arma Gadda Da Vida
Posted By: TheSkullofDoom Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-23 10:56 PM
Hey there. I'd just like to say that this sounds really interesting and I wouldn't mind joining in, but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-24 1:59 AM
Try doing a promo at the weekly show to introduce yourself.
You'll prolly get booked in a match the next week,then it should all work out from then!
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2004-12-24 6:36 AM

TheSkullofDoom said:
Hey there. I'd just like to say that this sounds really interesting and I wouldn't mind joining in, but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?

It's basically a parody of wrestling. Just look over this thread and get an idea for your character. Then find someone you want to work with and try to develop an angle with them.

Name: Skullofdoom

Entrance Music:

Signature Moves:

Personality Type:

Posted By: James_Fantastic 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2004-12-24 12:34 PM
Name: 'The One and Only' James Fantastic

Entrance Music: "Paper Plane" by Status Quo

Signature Moves: The One and Only (Swanton Bomb)
Super-Cool (Top Rope Bulldog with the foe standing on the mat)
The Fabacanrana (Flying Hurracanrana)
The Grip (Damascus head-leglock)

Personality Type: Since being kicked out of the Bastardo Family, Fantastic has undergone a change of heart, becoming a good guy. Now he fights injustice as 'The One and Only' James Fantastic!

Costume: White trouser and shirt under a union jack dustercoat. Fantastic also wears shades and (over time, as he scores major victories) a row of medals.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2004-12-27 4:25 PM
Updating my profile for my huge(7 inches when it's hard) comeback!

Name: Son of Mxy

Entrance Music: Jimmie's Chicken Shack's "Dropping Anchor".

Signature Moves:

Running Elbow smash (a la Misawa)
Mxyplex (Tiger suplex)
Son of Mxyplex (A tiger suplex from the top rope)

Personality Type: I don't need to describe it. My in-ring promos speak for themselves.
Nice. It'll be a pleasure beating the bejeebers out of you
Posted By: Charlie Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2004-12-31 6:52 PM
Hey there. Here's my profile.

Name: Charlie

Entrance Music: "Wild Boys" by Duran Duran

Signature Moves: The Tower of London! (Jacknife Powerbomb)
The Zeitgeist (DDT)
Kapitalizm (Rock Bottom)
Big Business (Fall Away Slam)

Personality Type: After becoming a member of the company, Charlie has slipped into the role of vicious heel easily enough. Still as wild and hardcore as ever, Charlie now attempts to mask this with a thin veneer of civilised behaviour. This cracks as soon as he gets in the ring, though, and he reverts ot the same vicious young man he always was...

Costume: Black trouser, whie shirt and black tie. Also a pair of shades.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-01-01 2:35 AM
What the fuck is this influx of Brits?
Me n ROY are the only real Brits here!
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-01-01 4:06 PM

Nowhereman said:
What the fuck is this influx of Brits?
Me n ROY are the only real Brits here!

Llance became british when you concquered Kentucky.
That's not a good thing.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-01-01 8:33 PM

Charlie said:
Hey there. Here's my profile.

Name: Charlie

Entrance Music: "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead

Signature Moves: The British Bulldog (Irish whip into the corner followed by running reverse elbow smash)
Tower of London (Table leg to the head)
Bulldog Brain (Running Headbutt)

Personality Type: Imagine an amalgamation of Spike Dudley and Al Snow, and you have Charlie. What he lacks in finesse he makes up for in a stubbornly hardcore mentality and a generous usage of is usual Finisher 'The Tower of London'. However, Charlie's love of violence does endear him to the crowd: After all, is there anything more satisfying than wanton destruction?

Costume: Battered black denims and a combat vest bearing the slogan 'Respect the ToL!'

Welcome aboard,Charlie.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-01-01 10:39 PM

Son of Mxy said:

Nowhereman said:
What the fuck is this influx of Brits?
Me n ROY are the only real Brits here!

Llance became british when you concquered Kentucky.

Well we didnt conquer Kentucky,they just laid down & said " Come on over boys!"
Is it any wonder Kentucky is abbreviated to the letters KY
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-04 8:25 PM
Name: PenWing

Catch Phrase: Sudden Death Rules!

For PenWing, it's all about Sudden Death. As soon as you step in the ring with him, you are one move away from defeat. It can be executed at any time, in many different ways. PenWing is not a big guy, so he has to live, and make his opponents live by that rule. PenWing is a hardcore, break all the rules kind of guy. He carries a Sherwood hockey stick wherever he goes, and if you get on his bad side, he will break it over your head. PenWing is fiercely loyal to his friends, and will not put himself above them. But, if the oportunity knocks, well, that's how he won the Hardcore Porn Belt the first time. In the end, to him, nothing is more important than the integrity of the RDCW, and with the Bastardo Family spitting on it the way they do, that means someone is going to have to clean house.

Entrance Music: We Will Rock You

Wrestling Gear:

  • Red Gordie Howe Red Wings jersey
    - red wrestling pants with white knee pads
    - grey "Nike" skate-like boots


  • Orange Bobby Clarke Philadelphia Flyers' jersey
    - black wrestling pants with orange knee pads
    - gray "Nike" skate-like boots

  • Black Cam Neely Boston Bruins jersey
    - black wrestling pants with gold knee pads
    - gray "Nike" skate-like boots

  • Black '94 Mario Lemieux Penguins jersey
    - black wrestling pants with gold knee pads
    - gray "Nike" skate-like boots

Signature Moves:

  • Sudden Death: Bulldog, 3/4 Face Lock - basically, it's a Diamond Cutter

  • The Winged Wheel: Bulldog, 3/4 Facelock, Back Flip - whith Sudden Death locked in, I run up the corner ropes and flip over my opponent, sending the back of his head to the mat

  • Spin-o-rama: spinning heal kick

  • The High Holy Howe: flying elbow from the top rope

  • Drag 'n Whip: Irish Whip into the ropes, followed by a spear on the return

  • Super Drag 'n Whip: Irish Whip into the ropes, followed by a Spin-o-rama on the return

  • British Columbia Two-hander (BC 2-hander): using the hockey stick like a baseball bat (the baseball being an opponent)

Submission: Sharpshooter

Weapon of choice: Sherwood hockey stick

Group Affiliation: Sudden Death Connection
  • Meeko (manager)
  • Captain Sammitch (tag partner)

Title History:
  • Heavyweight Cheese Champion
  • Donkey Lovin Tag Team Champion
  • 2x Hardcore Porn Champion
  • 2005 RDCW Rumble Winner
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-06 6:41 PM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Snuff the Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)

OUTFITS:Has recently adopted military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bastardo family

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt

UPCOMING MATCHES:Scheduled to face Joe Mama in a Fenway Park street fight at the RDCW Rumble
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-09 8:52 PM
Los Monstros Azules("The Blue Monsters")

TEAM MEMBERS:Senor Perdicion("Mister Doom")
El Daga("The Dagger")


ENTRANCE THEME:Luis Miguel's "Los Muchachos de Hoy"

SIGNATURE MOVES:El Asesino del Tijuana<"The Tijuana Assassin">(a double flying tackle off the top rope)
El Soplete<"The Blowtorch">(a German suplex followed by a flying legdrop)

APPEARANCE:Blue tights and masks;both men each stand close to 7' tall(hence their name "Los Monstros Azules");can frequently be seen carrying with them the masks or boots of various vanquished foes from previous matches

AFFILIATIONS:Newest members of the Bastardo Family

PERSONALITY:Fierce,relentlessly aggressive;go after an opponent's weaknesses like ants after a picnic basket


UPCOMING MATCHES:Scheduled to face Charlie in a handicap match on the 1/11 edition of "Tuesday Night Havoc"
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-09 10:29 PM

Coming off of a stint as acting GM, Grimm returns to the active roster of the RDCW. Is the MONSTER of RDCW truly reformed, or are his change in appearance and attitude merely a prelude to further horrors to come?

Music: Ghoultown "Return of the Living Dead"
Rob Zombie "Superbeast"
Misfits "All Hell Breaks Loose"

Titles Held: EuroTrash, Tag Team (2x)

The Grimmlock (Sharpshooter)
Triple 6 Bomb (top rope powerbomb)
Kobe Special (turnbuckle chokeslam to the arena floor)
The Flatliner (loaded glove heart punch)
The Crapping Wizard (kick to the head of kneeling opponent while wearing steel toed boots)

Group affiliation: currently none.
Former affiliations: Triple Set/Power Trip, Rob's World Order, The Hellions

Ring gear: Various indie comic tshirts (Faust, Crow, Poison Elves, etc.) blue jeans, steel toed gladiator boots, black leather jacket.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-10 3:52 AM
Huh. I could've sworn I had something in here. Well, it needs an update anyway...

King Snarf
Entrance Music- When It All Goes Wrong Again by Everclear
Personality- Just think back to when Kurt Angle and Edge and Christian were all hanging out together back in 2000.
Moves- The Wildsault: Like the Lionsault, but it's a corkscrew moonsault.
The Bastard Bomb: Fisherman Suplex into a Powerbomb
And, of course, the headlock!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-10 4:06 AM
Posted By: Charlie Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? *DELETED* - 2005-01-11 9:48 PM
Post deleted by Charlie
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 4:13 AM

Charlie said:

Formerly one of the most famous heels in Britain, Howler has reformed and joined the RDCW. Disgusted by Los Monstros's attack on a fan, he is determined to wipe them from the face of RDCW.

Music: 'Anarchy in the UK' by the Sex pistols, with a wolf howl over the opening

Signature Moves: Wolfman Slam (A Russian Leg Drop off the middle rope)
Savage Submission (Figure Four Leg Lock)
The Full Moon (A superplex)

Appearance: A Leather Biker Jacket with 'Howlerama' on the back over a bare (but very hairy) chest, with black leather trousers adorned with a lot of chains.

Feuds: Los Monstros Azules.

You might wanna rethink that music,up until recently Anarchy was my entrance music.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 4:23 AM
Anyway,heres my new info:

Entrance:Creeping death by Metallica

Fighting style:a cross between The Undertaker,Chris Jericho & Jeff Hardy

Character:A cross between Undertaker & crow era Sting!

Finishing moves:Crippler Cuntface (crossface)
Fuck off slam (chokeslam)
The flip off (shooting star press)
The poof smasher (last ride)

Weapon of choice:ebony baseball bat

Costume:Black leather trousers,black fingerless gloves,black t-shirt. Black trench coat,Oakley sunglasses & black bandana worn only on the way to the ring!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 10:04 AM
sneaky bunny:
enterance song:
Mindcandy - reconize

attire: ripped classic zeppelin t-shirt, faded black jeans.

bunny hop: drop kick from top rope
taxidermy: moonsualt top rope
bunny flop: suplex top rope
Lipstick Lesbian Tag Title:
Dec. 7, 2004-Feb. 27th, 2005

Women's booby champion:
March 28, 2005
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 10:11 AM
Nice move selection, Sneaky Bunny. Good stuff.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 10:19 AM
spank you mama
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 10:20 AM
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 10:33 AM

sneaky bunny said:
sneaky bunny:
enterance song: RHCP - scar tissue

attire: classic zeppelin t-shirt, faded black jeans.

bunny hop: drop kick from top rope
taxidermy: moonsualt top rope
bunny flop: suplex top rope

women's tag champ.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 10:53 AM
oh my bad, thanks
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 11:05 AM
No prob.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-12 6:05 PM
Senor Perdicion(a.k.a. Mister Doom)



WEIGHT:330 lbs.

APPEARANCE:Blue tights and mask;mask has a silhouette of the Grim Reaper stenciled on the front

AFFILIATONS:One half of Los Monstros Azules,member of the Bastardo Family

SIGNATURE MOVES:El Asesino del Tijuana<"The Tijuana Assassin">(a double flying tackle off the top rope;Perdicion mounts the right turnbuckle while his partner El Daga mounts the left,then at a nod from Daga they both plunge towards their dazed opponent and knock him flat on his back)
El Soplete<"The Blowtorch">(a German suplex followed by a flying legdrop;Perdicion administers the legdrop after Daga has delivered the suplex)
El Aliento Ultimo<"The Last Gasp">(an enzaguri;can be used either as a setup for El Soplete or as a finisher when Perdicion is competing in singles matches)

PERSONALITY:The firebrand of the team;is notorious back in Mexico for getting himself disqualified during several matches because of his temper

TITLES HELD:None in RDCW but was a 3-time heavyweight singles champ back in Mexico;also a two-time Mexican national tag team champion with El Daga
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-13 7:07 PM
El Daga(a.k.a. The Dagger)



WEIGHT:310 lbs.

APPEARANCE:Blue tights and mask;mask has a silhouette of a blood-dripping dagger stenciled on the front

AFFILIATONS:One half of Los Monstros Azules,member of the Bastardo Family

SIGNATURE MOVES:El Asesino del Tijuana<"The Tijuana Assassin">(a double flying tackle off the top rope;Daga mounts the left turnbuckle while his tag partner Senor Perdicion mounts the right,then at a nod from Daga they both plunge towards their dazed opponent and knock him flat on his back)
El Soplete<"The Blowtorch">(Daga nails the opponent with a German suplex followed up with a flying legdrop by Senor Perdicion)
El Verdugo<"The Executioner">(a sleeper hold;Daga uses it as his finisher in singles competition)

PERSONALITY:In contrast to Senor Perdicion,Daga is usually a cool customer--unless you try to steal his mask.

TITLES HELD:None in RDCW but was a two-time Mexican national tag team champion with Senor Perdicion;also enjoyed a run as tag team champ with Senor Maniaco<"Mr.Maniac"> and even had a brief stint as a hardcore champion on the independent circuit in Japan
Posted By: Darth Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-14 5:58 AM
Darth is part Undertaker, part Kane and part Sting. He's fast, he's huge, and he's mean.

Entrance Music: The Imperial March

Wrestling Gear: All black Jedi-like garb, black hooded cloak


    Sith-spawn: Reverse DDT (deathdrop)

    Sabre-stretch: Argentine Back Breaker Rack (torture rack)

    Darkside-slam: Back Breaker Rack Powerbomb (F-5, victim lands face first onto mat)

    Sabre-slam: Chokeslam


    Grimm - Together they are the Dark Lords

    Chesty Lerou - Although they don't publicly discuss their relationship, Chesty likes a man with power, and in her eyes, there are none more powerful than Darth.

    Combo Move: Straight to Hell (spike piledriver)- Darth sets up a piledriver for Grimm to spike off the second rope
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-14 6:07 AM
Well-played, gentlemen.
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-14 7:42 PM
Spandex Monkey Man

Description: Imagine a cross between The Hurricane and Mankind, and you have Spandex Monkey Man. Decidedly strange, he is nevertheless no pushover in the ring.

Entrance Music: A cry of 'SPANDEX MONKEY MAN!!!' followed by an insturmental version of Pinball Wizard by the Who

Signature Moves:

Monkey Drop (A Hogan Leg Drop)
Spandex Superkick (A spinning Superkick)
Flying Banana Chop (A top rope cross body)
The Might of the Monkey (Top Rope Diving Elbow, preceded by a cry of SPANDEX MONKEY MAN! and performed whilst his light show. Spandex also has a tendency to climb up to even higher objects and perform it off them).

Costume: Orange tights and cloak with a Yellow vest. He also wears an Orange Mask like Kyle Rayner's original one.
Posted By: Charlie Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? *DELETED* - 2005-01-26 12:35 AM
Post deleted by Charlie
Posted By: Balls Nasty Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-01-30 5:51 AM
Balls Nasty

Entrance Music: Bad Company by Bad Company
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 295 lbs.
Style: A kind of Macho Man Randy Savage/Ric Flair style. A mix of technical moves and brawling with a splash of showmanship flair.


    The Kentucky Falls: A Flair style knee drop from the top rope.
    The Tavernsmasher: A Death Valley Driver.
    The Camero Cut: Sets opponent up for a Samoan Drop, but instead turns it into a deadly stunner. Only used in the most necessary of instances.
Posted By: backwards7 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-02 8:14 PM
Brian Owlmouth (Manager)

Brian Owlmouth began his career as manager of 1960s boy group – The Puppeteers. After parents of the band members took out a restraining order against him, he moved on to make a living from buying out the artist rosters of record companies that had gone into receivership.

In 1990 he purchased the short lived Pink Unicorn Records at auction for the sum of £24 and obtained the services of backwards7 who was still under contract with the label.

backwards7: “Pink Unicorn records had been set up by a couple of builders. They did a lot of cash-in-hand work and they used the business as a way of concealing their profits from the taxman. When I was signed with them they had ten other acts on their books. All the songs on the label were written by a team of in-house writers – Martin Stokes and Jamie Kirk. They used to write soundtracks for pornos in their spare time. Part of the contract specified that artists had to wrestle one another for the songs that were deemed most likely to be hits. That’s how I came to record Kaleidoscopic April Parasol. Jerry (mild mannered, cardigan-wearing, fire-side crooner Jerry Fansfield) was never the same after I beat his head against that table. It was shortly after our fight that he began getting swastika’s tattooed onto various parts of his body and eating raw meat in public. Eventually the label had to let him go.

“Unfortunately, while wrestling to secure a follow up hit, I was injured by the guitar player from the skiffle group The Shoe Shiners. After that I was unable to fight and my career nose-dived.

“When Brian brought my contract he was able to use it to legally bind me to wrestle for him. Now my wife has left me, my children refuse to speak to me and I spend my days wrestling sweaty men in soiled spandex. I quit the music business precisely to avoid this.”
Posted By: Johnny Evil Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 12:19 AM

He's a cartoonishly evil guy who dresses sort of like Cobra Commander, only in red and black. His fighting style is a mix of "traditional" pro wrestling and mixed martial arts. Some of his signature moves:

THE CLUTCHES OF EVIL: A combined deathlock and facelock.

THE EVILSAULT: Visually identical to an Asai Moonsault, but MUCH more evil.

CRADLE TO GRAVE: Starts out like a fisherman's suplex, but he pauses in the straight up position and drops down for a neckbreaker (so, basically a mexican stretch buster done with a fisherman's suplex hold.)
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 1:35 AM
Rosalita, The Human Lovebomb

Personality/Background: Rosalita is a sultry asian woman, and also Spandex Monkey Man's sidekick. She is similar to Two-Ton Tommy in that whilst she can compete in matches she generally doesn't, preferring to act as Spandex's valet and general dogsbody.

Entrance Music: Spinning Around by Kylie Minogue

Signature Moves:

The Love Bomb (Michniku Driver)
The Mystic East (A Running DDT)

Costume: A Deep Right thong Bikini with Red knee high PVC high heeld boots.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 1:36 AM
An Asian named Rosalita???

Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 1:38 AM
Bearing in mind that she hangs around with a mad superhero, it's only to be expected.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 1:38 AM
No complaints, only admiration.
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 1:42 AM
Note: When I say treat her like a typical WWE female wrestler, I am talking the works. Wrestling in vats of jelly, pillowfights, public disrobing, anything. She's pretty much a comedy role, to fit in with Spandex's less-than-serious characterisation.
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 1:46 AM
We do that with all the RDCW hotties.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-04 3:44 AM
And Rob!
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-09 4:55 AM
And how!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-09 6:06 AM
A few signature moves that arent finishers.

Cunt-Fu kick (a variation on a running insaguri)

Cunt-Fu chop (a strike to the back of an opponents head/neck while standing back to back)

The Fucking Cuntline (a running clothesline)
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-09 7:12 PM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)

OUTFITS:Has adopted military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Former charter member of the Bastardo family

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt

UPCOMING MATCHES:To be announced
Posted By: Howlerama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-10 10:19 PM
Here's Howler's new profile. It'll be updated with further details after a promo I have to write.


Entrance Theme: 'Hungry Like The Wolf' by Duran Duran.

Signature Moves:

The Full Moon (Clothesline from Hell)
Wolfman Slam (Irish whip and Powerslam)
The Rage(Howler squirts a load of red liquid in the opponents face. A set-up for the Full moon)
Big Business (Fall Away Slam)

Costume: A black suit, with a white shirt and bootlace tie.

Personality: In the ring, Howler is the de facto leader of The Company. As the most experienced wrestler on the team, it is a role he has taken to, and he currently is dedicated to bringing the tag team gold into Company hands.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-10 10:21 PM

Howlerama said:
Here's Howler's new profile. It'll be updated with further details after a promo I have to write.


Entrance Theme: 'Wild Boys' by Duran Duran.

Shouldn't that be Hungry Like the Wolf?
Posted By: Howlerama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-10 10:24 PM
This is Highwayman's new profile. See Howler's re: further details.

The Highwayman

Entrance Music: 'Stand and Deliver' by Adam Ant

Signature Moves:

Stand and Deliver (Walls of Jericho)
The Hi-Jack (Spinning Wheel Kick off the top rope)
Highway Robbery (Rear Naked Choke Drop)
Big Business (Fall Away Slam)

Costume: Black suit trousers, white shirt and black tie with a black velvet drape jacket.

Personality: Highwayman is definitely one of the less pleasant wrestlers on the RDCW's roster. A notorious cad, he thinks nothing of breaking legs, arms and even necks in his quest to take The Comapny to the very top.
Posted By: Howlerama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-10 11:52 PM
And to cap off the new bios, here's Howlerama's new tag team bio.


Entrance Music: "I Want It All" By Queen

Double-Team Maneuvers: Hostile Takeover (3D)
Consumerism (Clothesline and German Suplex)
The Big Bucks (Super Double Powerbomb)
Posted By: The Reverend Willie Williams Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-11 1:50 AM
Name: Bill "Slick Willie" Williams

Manager of The Company

Entrance music: La Grange by ZZ Top

Slick Willie is an oil tycoon looking to have some fun in the wrestling business. He wears a white suit, white cowboy hat and boots, and a black collarless shirt. He is always seen with a girl in each arm, but they vary from week to week and month to month.

Lately, Slick has been regularly accompanied by Annie and Sindy, two of the finest women ever seen in the RDCW.

An alliance with Louie Bastardo has led to the formation of the Family Business, the most powerful faction in the RDCW. Slick leaves most of the day to day decisions to Louie, prefering to remain a silent partner in the arrangement. However, every now and then, Slick does like to make a little noise.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-11 11:32 AM
An oil tycoon. I love it!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-11 3:42 PM
You love any man,with or without money!
Posted By: Los Monstros Azules Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-11 8:33 PM
Los Monstros Azules("The Blue Monsters")

TEAM MEMBERS:Senor Perdicion("Mister Doom")
El Daga("The Dagger")


ENTRANCE THEME:Luis Miguel's "Los Muchachos de Hoy"

SIGNATURE MOVES:El Asesino del Tijuana<"The Tijuana Assassin">(a double flying tackle off the top rope)
El Soplete<"The Blowtorch">(a German suplex followed by a flying legdrop)

APPEARANCE:Blue tights and masks;both men each stand close to 7' tall(hence their name "Los Monstros Azules");can frequently be seen carrying with them the masks or boots of various vanquished foes from previous matches

AFFILIATIONS:Former members of the Bastardo Family

PERSONALITY:Fierce,relentlessly aggressive;go after an opponent's weaknesses like ants after a picnic basket

TITLES HELD:None in RDCW but were 2-time Mexican national tag team champions;individually Senor Perdicion has three reigns as Mexican national heavyweight champion to his credit while El Daga briefly held a hardcore title on the Japanese independent circuit

UPCOMING MATCHES:Entered in the mini-Rumble to determine challengers for the RDCW world tag team titles at No Way Out Of The Closet
Posted By: Tommy_Savitz Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-12 8:01 PM
Tommy Savitz

Personality: Tommy is a Croatian, who takes his work very seriously. Not that he doesn't have a sense of humour, but when he goes into the ring he does his job, whatever that may be. Also, he's not the type to dismiss the more comedic personas on the roster, like SPAMM or Notwedge, just because they don't work the same way he does. He just doesn't act like them.

Wrestling Style: Tommy's a very technical wrestler, with a strong emphasis on suplexes and submission moves. His general strategy is to knock them to the mat and then lock them in one of his arsenal of holds, including his dreaded finisher, 'The Surgeon's Knife'

Entrance Music: 'All Night Long' by Rainbow

Costume: A white surgeon's jacket that's been butoned up, and black trousers. Tommy also has long-ish hair, like Chris Jericho's except its black.

Signature Moves:

The Surgeon's Knife (Reverse Figure Four Leglock)
The Anaesthetist (Belly to Belly Suplex)
Amputation (Triangle Hold)
Posted By: Ian Bond Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-14 3:06 AM
Ian St. John Bond

HOMETOWN: London,England,UK

HEIGHT: 5'11"

APPEARANCE: usually wears dark blue or silver three-piece suits;sports a Union Jack stickpin on his tie and a gold Timex digital watch on his wrist

PERSONALITY: a cross between William Regal and Theodore Long. Loves to dazzle the fans by making the most spectacular possible entrances to the arena he can think of;one time he actually parachuted onto the roof of a Liverpool gym and then rapelled into the ring from one of the balcony sections of the stands.

BIO: This former Scotland Yard undercover detective comes to RDCW after enjoying a highly successful decade-long career on the independent circuit in Britain and Ireland. Having recently made the switch to managing,Ian arrives in RDCW with a threefold mission:1)recruit a stable of RDCW fan favorites to oppose the Bastardo Family;2)help fellow British superstar James Fantastic win his personal war against Louie Bastardo;3)shake up the RDCW tag team division,which he worries is in danger of becoming stagnant.

ENTRANCE MUSIC:The title theme from the BBC's House of Cards mini-series

UPCOMING APPEARANCES: will make his first official RDCW appearance at the 2/15 edition of Tuesday Night Havoc

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Anyone who tries to wage a battle of wits with me will find out that I'm armed to the teeth."
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-14 9:13 PM

Ian Bond said:
3)shake up the RDCW tag team division,which he worries is in danger of becoming stagnant.

I wouldn't have said it was becoming stagnant, what with the introduction of at least three new tag-teans I can think of.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-14 10:53 PM
Jesus H Christ,everyone knows British people are gay!

......Fuck it!
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 12:14 AM
Here's how I see some of the guys round here, in terms of equivalent characters. I know I'm probably over generous in some areas, but hey, I'm allowed to be.

Nowhereman- Steve Austin/Sting
James Fantastic- Shawn Michaels/Eddie Guerrerro
Notwedge- Hogan
Snarf- Edge if he won something
Chris Oakley- Randy Orton
Joe Mama- Kurt Angle
Grimm- Undertaker (Is he not the man?)
Darth- Kane
Tommy Savitz- Chris Benoit
Charlie- Spike Dudley
Spandex Monkey Man- Eugene, Mankind and The Hurricane all rolled into one.
Los Monstres Azules- The Hardyz
Howler- JBL
Highwayman- Christian
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 12:19 AM
Kurt Angle, eh? Interesting. Earlier in this thread, I said I saw myself as a Tommy Dreamer-meets-Arn Anderson type. Interesting the change that takes place when you go full-heel. Interesting selections, SPAMM.
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 12:54 AM
Where am I? Am I not comparable to anyone? Really. I want to know, because I have no idea who I compare to.
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 12:55 AM
I see you as being kinda like The Rock. Very much the people's champ, the face and good guy. Frankly, I'm voting for you at Robblemania
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 1:14 AM
Cool. Thanks for the compliment!
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 1:18 AM
Interesting list. Let me pick it apart.

Nowhereman- Steve Austin/Sting
Spot on with what he's been doing. Good call.

James Fantastic- Shawn Michaels/Eddie Guerrerro
Interesting. I can see some of that. I don't know how the musician angle works into it, but movewise, I can see parts of it.

Notwedge- Hogan
Quite honestly, I know you don't mean it that way, but this imo, is a tremendous insult to Notwedge. NW's character pulls more from Mick Foley, and in some regards is actually similar to your own.

Snarf- Edge if he won something
I can see where you're coming from here. It fits.

Chris Oakley- Randy Orton
I can somewhat see this, with the parallels to Oakley being ousted from the Bastardos and Orton's removal from Evolution. Interesting. What I was attempting with recent recaps, especially with the Rumble recap, was 96-97 era Steve Austin, around his feud with Bret Hart.

Joe Mama- Kurt Angle
Very curious. Now that JM's a Bastardo, I see him more in the Arn Anderson Enforcer role of the old school 4 Horsemen.

Grimm- Undertaker (Is he not the man?)
Heh. Thanks. I do use a lot of that. Also right now, I'm using some of ECW era Raven and mixing that in. I think some have added in bits of Batista as well, which I don't have a problem with.

Darth- Kane
Yep, I can see that one, too.

Tommy Savitz- Chris Benoit
Seems to work.

Charlie- Spike Dudley

Spandex Monkey Man- Eugene, Mankind and The Hurricane all rolled into one.
Right on.

Los Monstres Azules- The Hardyz
Don't see that one at all.

Howler- JBL
Highwayman- Christian
Interesting choices. Before Capt. Sammitch started posting, Doc and I were using him in a sort of Christian like role. Once he discovered the forum and actually began posting, he didn't want to go with that, though. He wanted a more Benoit/Jericho like character.

PenWing- The Rock
Hurm. Don't see that one either. To me, PenWing fits closer to Jericho, although not as sarcastic. I dunno.
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 1:30 AM

Grimm said:
PenWing- The Rock
Hurm. Don't see that one either. To me, PenWing fits closer to Jericho, although not as sarcastic. I dunno.

That's closer to where I see myself. I just didn't want to say it without one of the more knowledgable posters saying it first. I don't have anything close to Jericho's wit, but I really like his wrestling style, and his actions as a face. And I was inspired to do the jersey thing because he wears a Y2J jersey. I just take it the extra mile and do the hockey greats gimmick.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 1:35 AM
I hoped somebody would spot the recent Stone Cold style I been throwing in.
I kinda dropped the Jericho,humour & the Undertaker big dog stuff & replaced it with the Austin,no allies,tweener role.
Obviously Sting has always a big influence in my current persona!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 6:54 AM
I don't know if I could figure out many easy parallels for my character. Although I agree with the aforementioned - I was going for a classic face with good technical wrestling skills, so a Benoit/Jericho sort of character works for me.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 7:19 AM
I'd say I'm more like Christian than Edge. I'd say like I'm Christian but slightly more badass.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 2:07 PM
I seem to remember comparing you to Christian some time ago!
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-22 9:23 PM

Grimm said:
Los Monstres Azules- The Hardyz
Don't see that one at all.

I was thinking in terms of that very aerial style of fighting. I'll admit that I'm not very familiar with Mexican wrestling, which obviously they draw upon.

On the matter of Penwing, I can see why my Penwing/Rock comparison doesn't quite fit, but I never really saw him as being much like Jericho. I sorta could see him as being a bit like Eddie Guerrerro in that he's extremely versatile, able to go into a brawl or an aerial match without losing much. I would've loved to see him go againt Fantastic.

Sammitch, for me, is sorta like Matt Hardy. Not a great comparison, but I can't think of anyone quite like him.

Son of Mxy is another difficult one. I see something of Rey Mysterio in him, with a hint of Chavo Guerrerro.
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 12:42 AM
It's all opinion, Spamm. We're just trying to find enough common ground to get the general sense down.

Sammitch-Matt Hardy is an interesting comparison.

Son of Mxy actually bases a lot of his persona on early to mid nineties Shawn Michaels. The sort of cocky heel who's really good and is popular enough to switch over to being a face without much persona change. Wrestling wise, he's been watching a lot of Japanese stuff, and I think that's reflected in his last update.

PenWing vs. Fantastic, you say? Hmmm. . .
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 12:51 AM
I wouldn't mind going against Penwing, if only as a neat parrallel with the Jericho/Benoit feud of recent months.

I've written Face Fantastic as having a great respect for Penwing, and I sorta modelled elements of him on Penwing. Not very well, I grant you, but I still did.

If there's one thing that the RDCW lacks, it's actual muscle, by which I mean big muscular types like Batista and Chris Masters. We have several aerial superstars (man, our cruiserweight division could be so cool), and a lot of middleweights, but no real muscular types (I don't place Grimm or Darth in this category as they're 'Big guys').

I actually see a bit of John Cena's backstory in my guy. They both started as heels, but got their big push as faces.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 12:55 AM
I see the RDCW as ECW meets Attitude-era WWE. Not a ton of big guys, but the characters are so interesting that you don't miss 'em too much. I see Grimm, Darth, Nowhereman, and URG (obviously) as the few stereotypical "big men".
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 12:58 AM
Actually, I was thinking of extending the RDJL, as mine and Tommy's tag team is known, to include a few mid-card guys like URG and such like. That way even the mid-cards are bound into the overall arch.

What would URG's superhero persona be, I hear you ask? Two words. Captain. Caveman.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 12:58 AM
Posted By: Tommy_Savitz Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 1:00 AM
Also included will be The Indestructible Man as...The Indestructible Man!
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 1:02 AM

Joe Mama said:
I see the RDCW as ECW meets Attitude-era WWE. Not a ton of big guys, but the characters are so interesting that you don't miss 'em too much. I see Grimm, Darth, Nowhereman, and URG (obviously) as the few stereotypical "big men".

That's exactly what I think our aim should be. The captivating storylines and characters capped off with hard hitting in the ring (and sometimes out of it) action.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 1:18 AM

Tommy_Savitz said:
Also included will be The Indestructible Man as...The Indestructible Man!

What about his brother Bibbo? Will you be reuniting Punch/Counterpunch?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 3:42 AM
I'm Kevin Nash!
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 6:18 PM

Joe Mama said:

Tommy_Savitz said:
Also included will be The Indestructible Man as...The Indestructible Man!

What about his brother Bibbo? Will you be reuniting Punch/Counterpunch?

I should think so. I'm also going to peruse the back copies of Havoc to sign up another mid-card to make a team of six plus Rosalita.


After perusing the old stuff on the forum, I've decided that I will instead see if I can introduce another guy from elsewhere on the board as a posterless character. But I wanted to check this with the others on the boards to see what their feelings on the matter were. Good move or bad?
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 6:57 PM
You may want to talk to Darknight613. I don't know if he would want to get involved, but he would fit nicely into the RDJL. Also, you should contact the Hulk, just because.
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 7:07 PM
I'll look into Darknight 613, but I'm not so sure about Hulk. I did, however, have some thoughts about a prehistoric street fight between Hulk and URG which I thought would rock.
Posted By: Tommy_Savitz Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-23 7:37 PM
I'll scout him out on the idea.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-24 8:56 PM
Alrighty...let's see if I can figure out how to do this.


Hometown: Kobe, Japan

Personality: Ice-cold man of mystery type. He's as methodical as a machine, whose actions speak louder than words. He doesn't go for the flashy stuff. He's out for the victory, not the showmanship.

Background: Nobody really knows any facts about Shinobi Spade, and that's exactly how he likes it. There are countless rumors about him, however - some rumored to be spread by Spade himself.

Entrance Music: "Headstrong" by Trapt

Costume: Crew-cut hair, simple black pants, and a black playing card spade over his right eye.

Signature moves:

DEUCES WILD: Leaping double-kick aimed at an opponent's knees

FULL HOUSE: A scissor kick that crushes the ribs combined with twin strikes to the ears

ONE-EYED KING: A strike to the opponent's eyes resulting in temporary blindness

WILD CARD: Secret move that lets him break out of almost any hold (rumor has it involves deliberate dislocation of several bones.)

Finishing move:

ROYAL FLUSH: Variation of the Back Breaker Drop. Victim is grabbed by either the hair or hooked by the nose, and elbowed in the solar plexus while being slammed against Spade's knee
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-24 9:16 PM
Nice set of moves. I like the martial arts theme, and the seriousness should be fun to play around with.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-24 11:11 PM
How about a move called Aces & Eights?
Ya know,the dead mans hand!
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-25 12:23 AM
Nice set of moves, Darknight613.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-25 12:54 AM

Nowhereman said:
How about a move called Aces & Eights?
Ya know,the dead mans hand!

Ooooooh...I like it! I'll have to come up with something for that.
Posted By: PenWing Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-25 1:42 AM
The Dead Man's Hand would be a good name for a submission. Maybe some kind of wristlock?

And then there is the Bloody Mary (Queen of Hearts). But maybe that should be delivered by a female?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-25 2:50 AM

Darknight613 said:

Nowhereman said:
How about a move called Aces & Eights?
Ya know,the dead mans hand!

Ooooooh...I like it! I'll have to come up with something for that.

Oh,and I woulda gone with Ace of spades by Motorhead as my entrance music,but maybe thats a bit too obvious!
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-25 10:44 AM
Plus, didn't Charlie sued to have that as his entrance music?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-25 4:34 PM
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-02-27 2:56 PM
Entrance Music: Bring the Pain by Method Man

Attire: Almost always an impeccably ensembled purple tux. Chicks dig the purple tux.

Moveset: Wednesday is a technical wrestler.

Signature Moves: According to Wednesday, he has at least one signature move for each day of the week, plus a few others. So far we've seen...
  • "See You Next Tuesday": A super-kick
  • "Seven Days": A spinning moonsault
  • "MidWeek Crunch": A pile-driver

Titles Held: None

Affiliations: None

Persona: Women love him, men want to be him. That's how Wednesday would describe himself, but he's always been more of a cocky, arrogant, camera whore than an Honest Joe, so who really knows? He's at least a little right, however. You either love the perpetually grinning bastard or you loathe him.

An angel he is not. If he's not making out he's probably flirting. His prey of choice are Chesty Lerou, Wrestling divas, and hapless female fans.

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-02-28 5:04 PM

James_Fantastic said:

Signature Moves: The One and Only (Five Star Frog Splash)

Just spotted this one.
You do realise Billy Gunn used to have a finisher with the same name?
It was kinda like the Edgecution if I remember correctly!
Actually, I never realised that. Does that mean I'll have to come up with a new name? cos that kinda fitted in to the whole 'One and Only' James Fantastic gimmick I've got going at the moment.
Posted By: Grimm Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-02-28 9:49 PM
No, it's not a big deal. Hell, one of my moves shares a name with a move that Kanyon used to do. Who cares? Go with it.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-02-28 9:52 PM
You unoriginal bastids.

Kidding...you're fine, James. My spinebuster is called "The Enforcer" as a nod to Arn Anderson, who executes the move perfectly.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-02-28 10:10 PM
Lets just hope Vince never visits this board!
Posted By: backwards7 Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-02-28 10:53 PM

James_Fantastic said:
Actually, I never realised that. Does that mean I'll have to come up with a new name? cos that kinda fitted in to the whole 'One and Only' James Fantastic gimmick I've got going at the moment.

It's nothing to be unduly worried about. I obtained one of my moves by cracking open the skull of an opponent, locating the part of his brain in which the move was stored and then eating it. It's standard practice in unlicenced Britsh wrestling but not without its risks. Swallow the wrong piece of brain matter and you may find yourself with a newfound appreciation for the music of Celine Dion.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-02-28 11:12 PM
That explains your CD collection.
Posted By: Grimm Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 12:25 AM

Nowhereman said:
Lets just hope Vince never visits this board!

response A) Fuck Vince.

response B ) cue the Vince Mcmahon alt ID posting.

response C) why would he care seeing as how not only does Billy Gunn not work for him anymore, but also the "One" gimmick only lasted about six minutes to start with?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 12:30 AM
No, Grimm. I'm afraid you're wrong. Vince McMahon visiting this forum would be a good thing. He'd read threads like Arma-Gadda-Da-Vidda and the RDCW Rumble, realize that we're all better writers than the hacks he's paying now, and hire us all on the spot. That's a job I wouldn't mind taking, lemme tell ya. Or he'd somehow convince himself that we're a serious promotion and try to sign us all away from the RDCW or, better yet, try to acquire the RDCW from Rob. It's a no-lose situation!!!

By the by, can someone hook me up with a sound clip of Vince saying "YOU'RE FIRED!!!"? I love shouting that at my gal randomly.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 1:33 AM
1)Vince hates internet posters
2)Vince would sue us for something
3)Vince would buy RDCW,then squash it
4)Vince would rehire Rico & install Rob as his manager
5)Vince would fire us all

That is why its not a good idea for us to tempt Vinnie Mac so blatantly!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 1:45 AM
Can I still have the sound clip of "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" though?

Nowhereman said:
1)Vince hates internet posters
2)Vince would sue us for something
3)Vince would buy RDCW,then squash it
4)Vince would rehire Rico & install Rob as his manager
5)Vince would fire us all

That is why its not a good idea for us to tempt Vinnie Mac so blatantly!

You're Damn Right I Would! Don't Fuck With Me!

Joe Mama said:
Can I still have the sound clip of "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" though?

YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:02 AM

who the holy fuck do you think you are?
Posted By: PJP Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:06 AM
I think it's Vince McMahon .....you want I should rub him out Boss?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:07 AM
How are you able to talk with the throat injuries you suffered at the hands of Balls Nasty???

That said, you want I should rub him out Boss?
Posted By: PJP Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:08 AM
aasshhhhhhh urjdljkdsfl osososoosososososo 0e00e-e-edkdkjdjdjdjhdjdkdk dpododoikdkdkdk MAMA!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:11 AM
That's more like it. Speaking of which, are you gonna actually do something about the beatdown you received?
Posted By: PJP Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:13 AM
uyurydj oiweuiweu lloololoolololololol dodododododododododododododo BAAAAAALLLLLLLSLls NNNNNSNSNANAAASTY DDDIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:13 AM

Joe Mama said:

That said, you want I should rub him off Boss?

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:17 AM
More wishful thinking from Nowhereman, who's still waiting for his spongebath from Roy Batty.
Posted By: Ghost Hog Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:46 AM
Are you waiting to be the sponge, chump?
Posted By: Grimm Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 7:27 AM

1)Vince hates internet posters
so what. quite honestly, from his pov, he has every right to, as the internet fans are the ones constantly pointing out the flaws in the product, rather than just blindly accepting what we're spoonfed.

2)Vince would sue us for something
I think we're pretty well covered under the "parody" laws. Next.

3)Vince would buy RDCW,then squash it
If he's so far gone that he wants to pay exorbitant amounts of money for words typed on a messageboard then I say "show me the money" and you'll never see my fat ass again. I'll be down in palm springs with my new friends!

4)Vince would rehire Rico & install Rob as his manager
. . .and. . .????

5)Vince would fire us all
fire us from what, exactly? Posting online?
Posted By: Ghost Hog Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 7:31 AM
Would he have to fire the alternate ids too?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 8:01 AM

Ghost Hog said:
Are you waiting to be the sponge, chump?

Yawn...another jobber with an alt-ID. Go back to your regional promotion.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 6:48 PM

Grimm said:

1)Vince hates internet posters
so what. quite honestly, from his pov, he has every right to, as the internet fans are the ones constantly pointing out the flaws in the product, rather than just blindly accepting what we're spoonfed.

2)Vince would sue us for something
I think we're pretty well covered under the "parody" laws. Next.

3)Vince would buy RDCW,then squash it
If he's so far gone that he wants to pay exorbitant amounts of money for words typed on a messageboard then I say "show me the money" and you'll never see my fat ass again. I'll be down in palm springs with my new friends!

4)Vince would rehire Rico & install Rob as his manager
. . .and. . .????

5)Vince would fire us all
fire us from what, exactly? Posting online?

You are dead to me!
Posted By: Grimm Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 7:28 PM
I really think you're getting your panties bunched up over nothing here. You shouldn't get so uptight over stuff posted on a messageboard.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 8:02 PM
Yer the one who has taken this seriously!
Its called a joke!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 8:16 PM
Uh, guys? Can we move this to the Kayfabe Room? And can someone hook me up with that sound clip? My gal needs to be fired...
Posted By: Grimm Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 8:28 PM
Yes, I've been so serious about it that I've included two lines from a comedian in my responses.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-01 9:32 PM
I dont speak American!
Posted By: Grimm Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 12:01 AM
Me either.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 5:55 AM
I speak Hamiltuckian.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 6:04 AM
Thats funny,I thought you talked crap!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 6:25 AM
You're thinking of the Dave that eats poo..that's aussie.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 6:30 AM
is speaking crap the same as eastern arabic?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 1:26 PM
Show us your tits & I will tell you!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 8:39 PM
there ain't anything there to show!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-02 9:05 PM
Let us be the judges of that!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-03 1:53 AM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-03 5:06 AM
Show us your nipples. Nipples are better than tits because we lick and suck upon them.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-03 2:34 PM
There speaks the voice of wisdom!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-03 11:27 PM

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-04 2:17 AM
Tis a nice nipple indeed,but tis it your nipple oh sneaky one?
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-04 5:02 AM
i tis not tell thow if that am the nipple.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-04 6:54 AM
like? like what?
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-04 9:10 AM
i shall now hack at you!!


(all the eastern arabic i've gotten through so far. )
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-04 9:04 PM
You sound almost as queer as Kamperdoodle himself!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 12:32 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 4:11 AM
There once was a bunny who lived in a shoe
She got out her nipple
And Sammitch did too
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 4:15 AM

let me go vomit now.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 4:19 AM
Not in front of Sammitch...........he's hungry!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 6:51 AM
My older brother once had a party when he was in high school..I was chilling with all of the drunks and my brother threw up in a shoe....one of his buddies then proceeded to take a handful of said puke and eat it....
Posted By: madman marcum Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 8:22 AM
That's fucked up. That ain't right.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-05 4:18 PM

Captain Sammitch said:

Jealousy will get you nowhere!
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-06 11:06 AM
Name: 'The One and Only' James Fantastic

Entrance Music: "Paper Plane" by Status Quo

Signature Moves: The One and Only (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press)
Super-Cool (Top Rope Bulldog with the foe standing on the mat)
The Fabacanrana (Dragonrana)
The Grip (Damascus head-leglock)

Personality Type: Since being kicked out of the Bastardo Family, Fantastic has undergone a change of heart, becoming a good guy. Now he fights injustice as 'The One and Only' James Fantastic!

Costume: White trouser and shirt under a union jack dustercoat. Fantastic also wears shades and (over time, as he scores major victories) a row of medals.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-06 11:13 AM
Cool personality change. I like the entrance music.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-06 4:31 PM
Aww,I was hoping for entrance music by Chesney Hawkes
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-07 11:02 AM
Ehhhhh...no. Just no.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-07 4:41 PM
I am the one & only
They cant take that away from me
I am the one & only
Nobody I'd rather be
Posted By: El Superbeasto Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-08 7:59 AM
El Superbeasto, the Giant Luchadore

Height: Seven feet

Weight: 415 lbs.

Appearance: Seven feet in height, El Superbeasto, wears a blue-black wrestling mask at all times. Outside of the ring, he wears a dark grey suit with a similar colored shirt underneath. In the ring, he wears blue-black style singlet with black leggins with blue design work on the sides. Blue boots.

Entrance music: Del Castillo's "Back From the Grave"

Affiliation: The Bastardo Family

Signature moves:

*Giant Headbutt-exactly what it says.

*Giant Elbowdrop-El Superbeasto drops his full weight behind this move, flattening most opponents.

*Giantsault-El Superbeasto occasionally will use his lucha training to use moves of this type to devastating effect. Most rings cannot handle the Giant lucha maneuvers and reinforced rings often must be built to handle his matches.

*Chokeslam to Oblivion-mighty giant chokeslam.

Back history: The largest of all luchadores, rumored to have been found in the South American jungles roaming wild at a young age, El Superbeasto dominated the competition. His best known feud was with Los Monstrous Azules, as they battled in matches that annihilated rings across Mexico and Southern California. Now, Louie Bastardo has imported the Giant Beast to renew this war.
Posted By: Johnny Evil Re: 'The Skull of Doom's new identity' - 2005-03-08 11:10 PM
Please read No Way Out of the Closet before reading this.

Johnny Evil

History/Personality: Formerly known as Notwedge, he's gone even crazier. He's become tired of risking himself, entertaining people with goofy antics and not getting any respect. He's still a bit on the goofy side, but he's a little scary too.

Group affiliation: Bastardo Family

Catch phrase: The Merrie-Go-Round has broken down.

Entrance theme: "Lying from You" by Linkin Park

Appearance: Not the biggest guy, but bigger than a true lightweight. He typically wears cargo shorts and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Most of his T-shirts have a picture of a comic book, cartoon or sci-fi villain on them. He adds in the typical boots, kneepads, elbow pads and fingerless gloves for matches.

Fighting style: Typical wrestling moves with some Tae Kwon Do thrown in. He also uses some daredevil tactics, he isn't totally graceful but he can take a lot of damage. He's willing to hurt himself if he hurts the other guy more.

Signature moves:

(to go along with the "Merrie-Go-Round broken down" theme, Johnny Evil's signature moves all have names that used to belong to attractions at Walt Disney World but the attractions have have been replaced or renamed)

Surprise in the Sky: Formerly called Death Chop 2000, a karate chop off the top rope.

Mission to Mars: Formerly the Evilsault, an Asai Moonsault with a silly name.

The WEDway PeopleMover: Formerly called the Reverse Monkey Death Drop, a spinning Kryptonite Krunch.

The Skyway to Tomorrowland: Formerly the Cobra Roll, a half twisting moonsault leg drop.

The Making of Flubber: Previosly unamed move, he slams a chair into someone's face with a spinning hook kick.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: Formerly Cradle to Grave, a cradle neckbreaker that starts out like a fisherman's suplex.

Countdown to Extinction (CTX): A bridging Indian death lock/face lock combination.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-03-13 1:18 AM
Posted By: Charlie Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-03-22 12:03 AM
As an antidote to all these Bastardo bios, I thought I'd post my updated profile.

Name: Charlie

Entrance Music: "Durango 95" by The Ramones

Signature Moves: The Tower of London (Diamond Cutter)
The Zeitgeist (DDT)
Kapitalizm (Standing Leg Lock)
Big Business (Fall Away Slam)

Personality Type: After becoming a member of the company, Charlie has slipped into the role of vicious heel easily enough. Still as wild and hardcore as ever, Charlie now attempts to mask this with a thin veneer of civilised behaviour. This cracks as soon as he gets in the ring, though, and he reverts ot the same vicious young man he always was...

Costume: Black trouser, whie shirt and black tie. Also a pair of shades.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-03-24 4:26 AM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile drop-kick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)

OUTFITS:Has adopted military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bond Brigade

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt

UPCOMING MATCHES:Will face current RDCW Hardcore Champion Wednesday at Robblemania 21.
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-01 9:10 PM


Personality type: bits of "Deadman" Undertaker, mixed with ECW era Raven, and touches of the Great Muta.

Music: Single: Ghoultown "Return of the Living Dead"
Dark Lords: "Imperial March"

Titles Held: EuroTrash, Tag Team (2x)


Power moves: Grimm will frequently use powerbombs, suplexes, bodyslams, and ddts to wear down his opponents.

Technical moves:
Dragon Sleeper

Roughneck moves:
Kobe Special: turnbuckle chokeslam to the arena floor
The Flatliner: loaded glove heart punch
The Crapping Wizard: running kick to the head of kneeling opponent while wearing steel toed boots
138: DDT onto a steel chair
Grave Breath: spits green mist into opponent's face

The Grimmlock (Sharpshooter)
Triple 6 Bomb (top rope powerbomb)

Group affiliation: Dark Lords (tag team with Darth)

Ring gear: Single matches: Various indie comic tshirts (Faust, Crow, Poison Elves, etc.) or horror punk band shirts (Independants, Ghoultown, Misfits, Samhain) ripped blue jeans, steel toed gladiator boots, black leather jacket or overcoat. Dark Lords tag matches: all black ring gear over black robe.
Posted By: Howlerama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-01 10:32 PM

Personality: Essentially, combine JBL's arrogance with a big ol' dose of Austin's bad attitude, and that's Howler. His current persona is halfway between his original biker phase and the company man of recent months.

Entrance Theme: 'Whole Lotta Rosie' by AC/DC


The Lockdown: Top Rope Axe Handle
Downsizing: Tombstone Piledriver
Super Fall-Away Slam: Fairly self explanatory.
Big Business: Fall-Away Slam
The Chief: Death Valley Driver

In-Ring Attire: Black Trunks with matching knee pads and elbow pads. Howler does wear a suit, but not when wrestling.
Posted By: Howlerama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-02 8:49 AM
The Highwayman

Personality: Times may change, but The Highwayman never will. He's a vicious sonofabitch, with more than a little of HBK's cocky swagger to him. Also, don't make the mistake of assuming that he's not xcoming for you. Highwayman's gunning for everyone

Entrance Theme: 'Bad Boy Boogie' by AC/DC


Big Business: Fall-Away Slam
The Five-Leaf Clover: Texas Cloverleaf
Corporate Sponsor: Short-Arm Closthesline
Stand And Deliver: Superkick

In-Ring Attire: Black Trousers with black boots. Highwayman also wears Bret-Hart style shades.
Posted By: Tommy_Savitz Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-09 6:48 PM
Terri Savitz, formerly known as Rosalita

Personality: Terri is cheerful and playful, given to playing to the crowd. A surprisingly talented wrestler, Rosalita is still seen most often in RDJL related matches.

Music: Rod Stewart's 'Do Ya' Think I'm Sexy'


Power Moves: Rosalita makes frequent use of suplexes and hurracanrana's against femal foes, but for the most part she prefers to hit her opponent with a strong repertoire of kicks.

Technical Moves:
Rosalita's mat skills are generally pretty poor. She doesn't use holds at all, preferring to climb the turnbuckle to hit her foes with an aerial move.

Aerial Moves:
Springboard Seated Senton
Bridal Drop: Split Legged Splash
The Beast From The East: Terri leaps off the top rope as if performing a Splash, but rotates in mid air so the move turns into a Moonsault.
Missile Dropkick
The Dive: 450 Splash
Flying Double Smash: Terri leaps from the top rope and hits one foe with a Seated Senton whilst clotheslining the other to the mat. This can be performed as a double team, with the subject of the clothesline being raised in an Electric Chair position.

Finisher Moves: The Mystic East (Tiger Feint Kick)
The Wonderbomb (630 Splash)
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-20 7:03 PM
Spandex Monkey Man

Personality: Spandex Monkey Man, or Spamm as he is often referred to, will never change. More than a little unhinged, he is quite happy to risk life and limb in the ring in pursuit of victory.

Ring Gear: Spandex's costume has undergone a re-design. He now wears a pair of Orange and yellow tights (one leg yellow, the other orange), an orange and yellow vest with a banana insignia and a orange mask reminiscent of that formerly worn by Notwedge.

Music: The Who's 'Batman', preceded by a cry of SPANDEX MONKEY MAAAAN!


Power Moves: Spandex enjoys using punishing bodyslams on all his opponents, and is actually strong enough to bodyslam opponents much bigger than himself unaided. His Signature Power Moves are:-

Spandex Monkey Slam: TKO
Super-slam: Muscle Buster

Technical Moves: Technical? Spandex? You've gotta be joking. Actually, Spandex is a proficient technical wrestler, and can employ a variety of submission holds to good use. However, he only really makes regular use of a Standing Boston Crab, known as a Monkey Wrench.

Aerial Moves: Aerial moves are very dangerous, so naturally Spandex loves them. Mostly he uses bog standard splashes and legdrops, but he does have several signature moves that operate from the top rope. These include:

Super-Splash: 450 Splash
Spandex Monkey Drop: Corkscrew Leg drop
Spandex Supersault: Corkscrew Moonsault

Finisher Moves:
Spandex Superkick: Spinning Superkick
The Might of The Monkey: 619 and springboard Frog Splash, preceded by a cry of 'SPANDEX MONKEY MAAAAN!'
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-22 9:18 AM
Two-Ton Tommy

Personality: Tommy is the quiet muscle of SD-6. Not as vocal as tag partner Fantastic or former charge Nuriko, he is nevertheless blessed with strong charisma that comes from his imposing presence.

Entrance Music: 'Sunshine of your Love' by Cream

Ring Gear: Blue trunks and white boots with blue and white knee and elbow pads.


Tommy-Bomb: Crucifix Powerbomb
Two-Ton Powerslam: Falling Slam
Laying the Slam-down: Triple Tiger Suplex
Giant Kick: Irish whip and Spinning Heel Kick
Posted By: Charlie Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-22 5:49 PM
An new version of my bio, as I was never really happy with the last one


Personality: Throw in a whole lot of Randy Orton's arrogance and more than a little of Spike Dudley's untamed aggression and that's Charlie. He might wear a suit but he still wrestles like a loony.

Ring Gear: Out of the ring Charlie wears a suit, but in the ring Charlie wears Black Jeans and black shoes with a black bandana.

Music: Highway to Helll by AC/DC

Signature Moves:
The Tower of London: Stunner
The Pitbull DDT: Reverse Lifting DDT
Big Business: Fall Away Slam
Wall Street Drop: Diving Knee Drop
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-25 9:19 PM
Here's SD-6 Fantastic's bio. It's not too different from his old one, but I've worked on a few of the moves, and reintroduced an old one.

Name: The SD Rocker James Fantastic

Entrance Music: 'Sweet Child O'Mine' by Guns n' Roses

Signature Moves:

The One and Only (Top Rope Bulldog with the foe standing on the mat)
Fabacanrana (Dragonrana)
Classy Kick (Missile Dropkick)
The SD Rocker (Inverted Texas Cloverleaf)

Personality Type: Now a member of SD-6, Fantastic has adapted well to being a member of the team. Loud and exuberant, Fantastic has teamed up with the quiet giant Two-Ton Tommy, and the pair promise to wreak havoc on The Bastardo Family!

Costume: White trouser and shirt under a union jack dustercoat. Fantastic also wears shades and (over time, as he scores major victories) a row of medals.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-04-27 7:32 PM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile dropkick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)
Snuff the Rooster(a sleeper hold)

OUTFITS:Favors military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bond Brigade

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt

UPCOMING MATCHES:Will face Eurotrash champion Nowhereman and El Superbeasto in a triple threat match at Rehash
Posted By: Tommy_Savitz Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-05-14 11:57 AM
Tommy Savitz

Personality: Get Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner and throw in a little bit of Rowdy Roddy Piper. He loves talking about how 'damn good' he is, but manages to retain status as a face due to his tendency to follow the rules and play down the line. He's known as 'The Surgeon' due to his amazing technical ability, and his feard finisher maneuver 'The Surgeon's Knife'

Ring Gear: White Doctor's Jacket and white tights. Tommy also has shoulder-length black hair.

Entrance Music: 'Lyla' by Oasis


Power Moves: Tommy is a suplex specialist, and a lot of his time in matches is spent throwing his opponents to the mat. He's not fond of bodyslams, though, and isn't really built for Powerbombs. He has several signature power moves, including:

The Anaesthetist: Double Underhook Suplex
The Operating Table: Fisherman Superplex
Scalpelplex: Pumphandle Suplex

Technical Moves: Tommy is among the strongest mat workers in RDCW. A master of submission holds, Tommy can dominate in this area, and has proudly boasted that he has a record number of wins by submission on the indy circuit. Trademark moves here include:

Cardiac Arrest: Octopus Hold
The X-Ray: Reverse Figure Four Leglock
Malpractice: Argentine Backbreaker Rack

Aerial Maneuvres: Whilst Tommy does occasionally go to the top rope, he generally prefers to stay on the mat and work his opponent from there. He does include Diving leg Drops and Splashes in his regular moveset, but compared to other Lightweights like James Fantastic he's not an aerial god.

Finisher Moves:

The Surgeon's Knife: Regal Stretch. Tommy likes to boast that nobody has ever broken out of the hold unassisted, a fact that is actually true.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-10 9:58 PM
Name:Rob Blackandblue
Occupation:The greatest motherfucking wrestling promoter in the whole goddamn world,punks!
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Personality:Ten times cooler than any of you morons will ever be
Appearance:Nothing but style all the way.Only the best three-piece suits,the most expensive leather shoes,and the slickest shades are good enough for the R-man.
Entrance Music:"The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson
Background:For six glorious years I've been running X-Citing Power Wrestling(NOT X-cruciatingly Poor Wrestling,no matter what some people might say) out of my luxurious Hollywood office complex.Anybody who's ever seen an XPW show knows I'm a better promoter than Bischoff,Long,Heyman,and Kamphausen put together...which brings me to the reason I've come to RDCW.I'm here to liberate some of your top stars from this wasteland that Kamphausen has the nerve to call a wrestling organization and bring them out to sunny California where their talents can be truly appreciated.Chris Oakley is just the first name on my shopping list of RDCW stars who I plan to sign to my promotion(and he WILL join XPW,trust me)--I've got my eye on at least 15-20 other competitors,and it might interest you to know that the list of people I'm pursuing includes certain members of the Bastardo Family.
Affiliations:Founder,CEO,chief talent booker,and blow-by-blow commentator for XPW.
Catchphrase:"Follow the money,baby!"
Posted By: Lizzie Boring Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 9:41 PM
NAME:Lizzie Boring
Occupation:Goddess of XPW
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Personality:Ten times sexier than any of you sluts in RDCW will ever be
Appearance:Hotter than Georgia asphalt,baby!
Entrance Music:"Lady Marmalade" by Patti LaBelle
Background:I helped Rob Blackandblue create X-Citing Power Wrestling,and together we've built it into the best wrestling federation on earth.Every man wants to be with me,and every woman wants to be like me.
Catchphrase:"XPW Forever!"
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 9:47 PM
That's my Lizzie...ain't she awesome?
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 9:56 PM
Frankly, no.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:00 PM
I can't believe it!
I can't believe you had the balls to disrespect my Lizzie that way!
Your ass is doomed,fucker!
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:05 PM
And to think that only 2 seconds ago you were virtually kissinh my ass...
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:12 PM
Yeah, he's a dickbag like that.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:14 PM
You're a real comedian,aren't you?
Well,XPW will have the last laugh!
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:16 PM
See what I mean? Total dickbag.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:17 PM
You are so screwed when my world heavyweight champion Darien Irons gets hold of you,Grimm.
Posted By: Lizzie Boring Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:22 PM
Posted By: Grimm Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:23 PM

Rob Blackandblue said:
Wah wah wah. . .the RDCW guys kicked my guys asses!

Posted By: Lizzie Boring Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:25 PM
You're just jealous 'cause you're not a real man like my Robbie!
Fuck you.
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:26 PM

Lizzie Boring said:
You're just jealous 'cause you're not a real woman like my Robbie!
Fuck you.

Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Posted By: Lizzie Boring Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:28 PM
You're in for a lot of surprises,Jimmy boy,you stupid limey bastard.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:33 PM
You going to apologize to the nice lady,Jimbo,or do I have to whip your ass like the useless piece of shit you are?
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:36 PM
No, I'm not gonna apologise to your pet trannie, Rob, and you ain;t coming anywhere near my ass.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:46 PM
You're dead meat,fucker.
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-11 10:50 PM
Actually, I'm very much alive.
CHARACTER NAME:Rob Blackandblue(a.k.a. Rob Zucchini)
HIS ROLE:XPW creator and boss.He wants to use RDCW to expand his federation's profile to the East Coast.A legend in his own mind.

For further details about Blackandblue,see his Superstar Bio in the "WHO ARE YOU?!" thread.
HIS ROLE:Current X-Citing Power Wrestling world heavyweight champion.Not officially a member of Blackandblue's Army but frequently joins them in their muggings of anyone who opposes Blackandblue.Will hit you with everything up to,including,and well past the kitchen sink in order to win.

A Superstar Bio of Irons will be posted in the "WHO ARE YOU?!" thread shortly.

(WHOOHOO!I made the 4000 mark!)
Posted By: Darien Irons Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-13 10:52 PM
NAME:Darien Irons
Occupation:XPW World Heavyweight Champion
Weight:314 lbs.
Hometown:Brooklyn,New York
Titles Held:XPW World Heavyweight Championship,XPW World Tag Team Titles(2x with Danny Snoring and 3x with Huge Rick Fudley)
Personality:Everything about me says "REAL MAN" in capital letters,chumps!
Appearance:Muscles from head to toe.Big on leather jackets,wrangler jeans,and Doc Martens boots.
Entrance Music:"Untouchable" by John Cena
Background:I've been part of X-Citing Power Wrestling from Day 1,and now that Rob Blackandblue's about to expand to the East Coast you poor deprived RDCW fans are about to get a reminder of what REAL wrestling is all about compliments of me,"Big Man" Darien Irons.
Catchphrases:"The champ has spoken!"
"It's hunting season,and you're about to become my next trophy!"
Posted By: Obscene Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-16 10:00 PM
NAME:Obscene a.k.a. Pester
Occupation:XPW King of the Crapmatch Champion
Weight:393 lbs.
Titles Held:XPW World Tag Team Titles(1st time with Squid Mayhem,2nd time with Explosive G),XPW King of the Crapmatch Championship(2x)
Personality:I don't back down from anybody,asshole!Someone gets in my way,I break their face,their legs,and any other bones I can get hold of!
Entrance Music:"Highway To Hell" by AC/DC
Background:From the second Rob Blackandblue started XPW,I've always been willing to try any new gimmick match no matter how crappy it sounds...that's why I'm the King of the Crapmatch!I'm more hardcore than the whole RDCW roster put together,and I'll prove it every chance I get!
Catchphrase:"Let's get obscene!"
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-18 5:18 PM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile dropkick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)
Snuff the Rooster(a sleeper hold)

OUTFITS:Favors military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bond Brigade

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:RDCW IC Championship,RDCW Hardcore Title,XPW World Heavyweight Championship

UPCOMING MATCHES:Will face Sandalman in a Guantanamo cell match at One Night Stand
Posted By: Meeko Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-21 10:21 PM
Guess who's back...back again

That's right, you're not seeing things. Meeko really is the hottest girl in wrestling, and the greatest manager in the RDCW! One half of the first ever Lipstick Lesbian Tag Team Champions, and a former Women's Boobie Belt Champion, Meeko not only has the brains and looks, but also the power to back it all up.

Meeko founded SD-6 to be the first and last line of defense for all that is good and right about Rob's Damn Championship Wrestling.

Meeko, like Captain Sammitch, is primarily a technical wrestler who relies on various holds and explosive suplexes to control her opponent. However, at the blink of an eye she can break out into a series of high flying moves, and her finisher is devastating.

Meeko sports a black pantsuit with pink pinstripes. Her pink blouse, snapped closed in the front, except for the top two buttons, has lapels which overlap the lapels of her suit jacket. When Meeko is ready to get down to business, she just removes her jacket, rips off her blouse, and tears away her pants (Velcro along the side seams), to reveal a pink tank top, black wrestling tights with a pink trim, and her fashionable, black boots. Pretty in pink indeed.

Entrance Music: "Strike It Up" - Black Box

Signature Moves:

  • Meeko Bomb - a powerbomb

  • Meeko Lock - Figure Four Leg Lock

  • Meeko-cane-rana - hurricane-rana

  • Meekoplex - various suplexes

  • Meekosault - spiral moonsault
Posted By: PJP Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-24 4:38 PM
Damn she is Hot!!!!! Sorry Philsy!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-24 5:34 PM
Damn straight she's hot.
Posted By: Rob Blackandblue Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-27 2:35 AM
Name:Rob Blackandblue
Occupation:Creator and CEO of X-Citing Power Wrestling(XPW)
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Appearance:Wears the most expensive three-piece suits and leather shoes;also likes to sport gold jewelry when the mood suits him
Entrance Music:"The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson
Background:After making a fortune in the porn biz,Blackandblue formed XPW from the remnants of two LA-based indy wrestling promotions and turned it(with the help of his wife Lizzie Boring) into the most succcessful--and controversial--regional federation on the West Coast.Now Blackandblue is looking to expand his operations into the East,and he's chosen RDCW as the instrument for accomplishing his goal.The fact that his efforts to acquire RDCW talent have been repeatedly and harshly rebuffed so far doesn't sit well with him...nor is he too pleased that his federation's world heavyweight championship is currently in the hands of an RDCW competitor who is openly contemptuous of XPW in general and Blackandblue in particular.He has therefore declared war on RDCW and vowed to either conquer it or destroy it.
Affiliations:Founder,CEO,chief talent booker,and blow-by-blow commentator of XPW.
Favorite Catchphrase:"Follow the money,baby!"
Posted By: Justun Bearable Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-06-28 6:01 PM
Name:Justun Bearable
Weight:247 lbs.
Entrance Music:"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana
Appearance:Crewcut,"trendy" goatee;usually wears denim shorts and tank tops bearing the logos of some thrash-metal band
Personality:Will do anything and everything he possibly can to get on an opponent's nerves--and the fans'
Affiliations:Leader of the Journeymen in XPW
Titles Held:XPW world tag team championship(2X,1st time with Tony Repeato,2nd time with Schlock)
Signature Move:It's Unbearable(sidewalk slam/piledriver combo)
Catchphrase:"He's not just annoying...he's not just irritating....he's JUSTUN BEARABLE!"
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-08 6:34 PM
Mario Barini

ENTRANCE THEME:Sammy Hagar's "I Can't Drive 55"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Green Flag(a hurricanrana)
The Winner's Circle(an airplane spin followed by a power bomb)
The Crash and Burn(a flying tackle from the second rope)

OUTFITS:Usually wears a modified version of the standard Formula One driver's jumpsuit;when competing in hardcore matches he brings a crash helmet with him to the ring

AFFILIATIONS:Newest member of the Bond Brigade

PERSONALITY:Cool as ice even under the most intense pressure

TITLES HELD:Wrestling All-Stars Italia cruiserweight championship,UK Extreme hardcore title,Wrestling All-Stars Italia European championship

UPCOMING MATCHES:To be announced
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-08 6:50 PM
So THAT'S what happened to Sparky Plugg!
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-14 10:23 PM
Chris Oakley

ENTRANCE THEME:Alice in Chains' "Rooster"

SIGNATURE MOVES:The Kill 'Em All(a missile dropkick off the top rope)
The Full Metal Jacket(a reverse DDT)
The WMD(a flying tackle off the second rope)
The Lock and Load(an Irish Whip/power bomb combination)
The Red Alert(a variation on John Cena's F-U)
Snuff the Rooster(a sleeper hold)

OUTFITS:Favors military-style garb for his in-ring attire,most notably a "KILL 'EM ALL/LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!" T-shirt from the pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

AFFILIATIONS:Charter member of the Bond Brigade

PERSONALITY:Always looking for a fight.Has a chip on his shoulder you could park 747s on.

TITLES HELD:IC Championship,Hardcore Belt,XPW World Heavyweight title

UPCOMING MATCHES:Cell From Hell bout against PenWing at 7/12 edition of "Tuesday Night Havoc"
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-14 11:25 PM
Do we really need your profile every five minutes?
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-14 11:40 PM
It's been a lot longer than that since I last updated it,'kay?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-15 12:13 AM
You should have stayed with the theme to "Jaws", Oakley...
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-16 9:50 PM
Name: The SD Rocker James Fantastic

Entrance Music: 'Sweet Child O'Mine' by Guns n' Roses

Signature Moves:

The One and Only (Frog Splash)
Fabacanrana (Dragonrana)
Classy Kick (Missile Dropkick)
The TN Rocker (Inverted Texas Cloverleaf)

Personality Type: Leader of The Tuesday Night Rockers, Fantastic is loud and boisterous. A firm fan favourite, he is currently tagging up Two-Ton Tommy in the hunt for the Tag Team Titles.

Costume: White trouser and shirt under a union jack dustercoat. Fantastic also wears shades and brown cowboy boots, along with a white fedora he dons whenever he is about to perform The One and Only.
Posted By: Lor Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-07-26 4:18 AM
Name: Lor - The Real Harlequin

Music: "Revolution" by Aimee Allen

Lor has wrestled all over the world. She has been banned in half of those arenas, and has a reputation of being a loner only out for one thing, championship gold. Lor calls herself "The Real Harlequin", and takes offense to anyone trying to copy her act. Out of the ring, Lor is all attitude, sporting jeans, a black 'n' red "Harlequin" t-shirt, and boots. In the ring, Lor lays it all on the line as one of the greatest and most feared flyers in women's wrestling, as she sports her purple 'n' black "Harlequin" body suit, sans mask.


  • Punch & Judy: her Stone Cold Stunner

  • High Comedy: 450 Splash

  • The Last Laugh: Underhook Face Driver (Pedigree)

  • La Pagliaccia: Tazz-Mission (Katahajinay)

  • Harlequinaid: Cobra Clutch
Posted By: The Killer Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-01 6:35 PM
Name:The Killer
From:Parts unknown
Weight:310 lbs.(estimated)
Titles Held:Unknown--the Killer is rather enigmatic about his past
Signature Moves:The 1st Degree(a flying legdrop)
The Urge to Kill(a tombstone piledriver)
The Body Count(a variation on the Stone Cold Stunner)
Entrance Theme:"Angel of Death" by Slayer
Catchphrase:"I'm out for blood--yours!"
Posted By: James_Fantastic Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-11 12:12 PM
The Tuesday Night Rockers

Formerly known as The SD Rockers, The Tuesday Night Rockers are the quintessential high risk group. Combining the raw power of Two Ton Tommy, the technical power of Tommy Savitz and the aerial high-risk maneuvres of James Fantastic. Also affiliated to the group are Tommy's wife Terri and Nuriko, who may or may not be Two-Ton Tommy's girlfriend (James teases the pair about this constantly)

Entrance Music: 'Jump' by Van Halen

Finisher Moves: Tuesday Night Spectacular(Hart Attack-Two Ton Tommy performs the bear hug, whilst Tommy Savitz hits the clothesline)
The Rock n' Roll Endzone (Doomsday Rana- Two-Ton Tommy holds the opponent on his shoulders, Fantastic hits the diving hurracanrana)
Death by Rocker (Leapfrog Body Guillotine, Savitz holds the opponent in place and Fantastic hits the move)
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-11 7:59 PM
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Posted By: PCG342 Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-11 9:55 PM
Nowhereman sucks!

Please throw large rocks at him!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-11 10:30 PM

PCG342 said:
I am a worthless fagott who should not post in this forum as I have even less to contribute here than I contribute to the rest of the boards!

Please throw large rocks at me!

Tru dat playa!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-11 10:40 PM

PCG342 said:
I am a worthless fagott who should not post in this forum as I have even less to contribute here than I contribute to the rest of the boards!

Please throw large rocks at me!

i'm sure they can set up something with you and tons of fun.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-11 11:20 PM
Just don't spam the voting, bunny!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-12 4:25 AM
Mario Barini just made his first appearance!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-08-13 12:10 AM
I am Stone Cold Steve Nostin,and I will do whatever I want,whenever I want & nobody can do a damn thing about it!
And thats the bottom line,you cunts,cause Stone Cold said so!

Posted By: Charlie Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-09-16 6:53 PM
A new Charlie profile, with updated signature moves and new entrance music.


Personality: Do you really need to ask? He's a psycho who's permanently pissed off at anyone and everyone. He hasn't changed in months.

Ring Gear: Out of the ring Charlie wears a suit, but in the ring Charlie wears Black Jeans and a black leather vest (like Stone Cold used to wear), along with a black headscarf.

Music: Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana

Signature Moves:
The Tower of London: TKO
The Enforcer: Arn Anderson style Spinebuster
The Pitbull Line: Running table leg to The head.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-09-17 12:39 AM
You're using one of MY signature moves??? Boy, you and I are gonna have to discuss that!!!

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-09-22 3:44 AM

MisterJLA said:
You should have stayed with the theme to "Jaws", Oakley...

Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-10-09 8:07 PM
Spandex Monkey Man

Personality: Since joining The Darjk Lords, the only thing that's changed about SPAMM is that he's even crazier than he used to be. Now accompanied by his ever faithful friends 'Mr. Staple Gun' and 'Mr. Sledge Hammer', SPAMM's transformed into a lean mean. hardcore machine. (Imagine a cross between Raven and The Blue Meanie).

Ring Gear: Black three quarter length jeans and a black t-shirt bearing the slogan 'Mr. Sledge Hammer says Hello!'. SPAMM still wears a mask, but it's black.

Music: 'I let Go' by Eighteen Visions


Power Moves: SPAMM doesn't tend to use Power moves much, although he mixes it up there on occasion. His tradmark moves in this area are:

The Monkey DDT: Double Underhook DDT
The Painplex: Release German Suplex

Technical Moves: In his new guis SPAMM has pretty much given up the ghost of any sort of technical wrestling. The submission move is not of the new SPAMM.

Aerial Moves: The new SPAMM doesn't go to the top rope as much as he used to. He still does, you understand, just not as much. He does have a trademark move, though:

The Dark Clown: Halo

Rough-Neck Moves: For 'Rough-Neck' read 'Hardcore'. SPAMM has taken to this field with astonishing panache, given that he hasn;t even touched this area since he stopped being the Monkey Guy. Trademark moves here include:

Mr. Staple Gun: He attacks people with a Staple Gun.
Mr. Sledge Hammer: Do I really have to Explain?
The 666: Monkey DDT onto Carpet Tacks
The Powerpunch: Knuckle Duster Low Blow

Finisher Moves:
Super Monkey Driver: Flip Piledriver
Greetings from Mr. Sledge Hammer: SPAMM climbs to the tope rope with Mr. Sledge Hammer in hand before leaping off and hitting his foe over the head with the hammer.
Posted By: Doc Paragon Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-10-21 12:18 AM
Paragon's profile on the way

Entrance Music: "Ode to Joy"


Shoulders of Atlas: Torture Rack

Class in Session: Figure Four Leglock

Paragon of Virtue: Walls of Jericho style Boston Crab

more to come.
Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2005-10-21 2:22 AM
  • Name: Doc.Mid-Nite
  • Affiliation: Free agent/The Doctor
  • Arsenal of moves: The Blackout Bomb, The "Nite Cap" Van Daminator, The "Lights Out" Cobra Clutch, and The "Lethal Dose" DDT
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: WHO ARE YOU?!? - 2006-05-20 9:46 AM

Son of Mxy said:
I decided to come up with real moves, now that the novelty of pussy moves have worn off.

Typhograpical Error - Moonsault from the third rope
Enunciation - the same as "tuning up the band". i.e. - "SOM is enunciating!"
Subject-Verb Agreement - Superkick.