Hey boys and girls, here's a new edition of our favorite game (well, besides Pin the Gay on the Rob),

Beat this Caption!

Your job is to supply a better caption than the one with which I have provided you. Bonus points go to proper grammatical usage resulting in sentences that do not end with a preposition. Of course, since points are meaningless, proper grammar is not something you should worry about.

Whoops, there go my bonus points!

Without further ado . . .

The musician's violin was enough to bring the soldier to tears. As for the musician, the soldier's tear gas proved more than adequate.

Beat that, suckers!

Abdullah fiddles while Fallujah burns.
is everyone's favorite game to pin bibbo on me? ...or just bibbo's?

either way, i should have at least been asked.

though ruben was the inevitable winner, at least one vote was reserved for tzeitel.
You know you like it, big boy . . .
...so I do have permission to shoot him? Okay thanks boss.

Hello, General? Isn't there something about this brand of torture in the Articles of the Geneva Convention???

Can you tell me again why I have to wear this hat?

but sir, nothing in the manual explains the retaliatory mesasure for this.

Rob Kamphausen said:

"Can you hear me now? Good!"