Posted By: rex Girl Gets Cabbage Patch Doll With Obscene Message - 2005-01-07 3:55 AM


Girl Gets Cabbage Patch Doll With Obscene Message
Serial Numbers Generated By Computer

SAN DIEGO -- Christmas Day brought an unwelcome gift for an Augusta, Ga., girl.

Cabbage Patch Doll Comes With Obscene Serial Number

Diamond Robinson, 9, received a Cabbage Patch doll from her parents.

The doll comes with adoption paperwork, but in Diamond's case, the serial number was obscene.

Her parents are angry that their daughter had to wake up to profanity on the special day.

"She was like, 'Dad, you need to see this.' She showed it to my wife and my wife called me and they showed it to me and I couldn't believe it," said Lucius Robinson, Diamond's dad.

The Play-Along Company makes Cabbage Patch Dolls and said the serial number was generated by computer and was not deliberate.

Two million of the dolls are sold in the United States every year.


We've got software that filters our product's registration codes so stuff like that doesn't happen...

Poor kid. I suppose she'll end up on Jerry or Maurie now...
worse than that! she'll probably turn to drugs and prostitution! Her life will be over and she'll die of AIDS and various VD's before she's 18! all because her Cabbage Patch kids ID number said FUCKME. truly a tragedy. I hope they get a bazillion dollars from those bastards!
When ZOD was a child, ZOD's little pull string action figure always said "Only God can past judgement, make them an appointment with Him." ZOD turned out fine!

KNEEL before ZOD!!!
The first rule of Project Mayhem is "you do not talk about Project Mayhem".

I knew a kid who got the random name of Dick Hairy on the birth certificate. This was back in the eighties when they were selling out like crazy. The mom contacted the manufacturer and they refunded the money for the doll and the kid got to pick a new name for it.

rex said:
I knew a kid who got the random name of Dick Hairy on the birth certificate. This was back in the eighties when they were selling out like crazy. The mom contacted the manufacturer and they refunded the money for the doll and the kid got to pick a new name for it.

And the name the kid picked was probably ten times more obscene.