Posted By: rex Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 9:09 AM
I know this was brought up before, but I can't be arsed to look it up.
Posted By: rex Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 9:18 AM
My old screen name was rexstardust which I got from this monty python qoute:


Rex Stardust, lead electric triangle with Toad the Wet Sprocket has had to
have an elbow removed following their recent successful worldwide tour of
Finland. Flamboyant ambidextrous Rex apparently fell off the back of a
motorcycle. "Fell off the back of a motorcyclist, most likely," quipped ace
drummer Jumbo McCluney upon hearing of the accident. Plans are already
afoot for a major tour of Iceland.

My favorite band is Toad The Wet Sprocket and I found this as a somewhat humorous reference to them. I shortened my screen name to rex because rexstardust sounds really gay. Also because my brother always said I am shaped like a T-rex, so I found it fitting to change it to simply rex.
Posted By: Animalman Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 10:59 AM
Pretty self-explanatory:

The series changed my life.
Posted By: Chant Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 2:44 PM
Chant is an old Dungeons & Dragons character I used to play, that, and it was the first thing that came to my mind

simple as that
Mine is a crack at the D-O-double G thing going on when Snoop Dogg was becoming popular at my high school. Every idiot kid I knew my sophmore year of high school was *Name* Dogg, so I thought it'd be funny to call myself Stupid Dogg.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 5:21 PM
mine was a name I picked out for German class. I like it and it's my penname so I made it my alias.
Imnot Mister Mxy Pltk means "To ride a canoe" in spanish.
Posted By: mxy Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 10:05 PM
I'm mxy!
GAH! is the story behind my name......
Posted By: Rob Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2004-12-31 11:20 PM
my parents dont love me
I'm Brian Fellow!
Posted By: rex Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-01 1:55 AM
I'm Brian Jonopulos!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-01 2:20 AM
I'm Pariah!
<-----------that is me and that is my name. Well, it's actually James Jackson, but few call me that.
(I am) I'm me!
Cool topic but I somehow remember having this thread before :P

Okay I used to be really into Boede Thorne novels back in the day (high school) and her book, "Prelude to Vienna" had a main character named Elisa who was noted for her musical ability (played violin), kindness, and caring heart

Princess I got before the big "everybody wants to be a princess" movement. I actually got in from Hebrews where it says you are "sons and daughters of the King". Thats where I got it from anyways!

Put the two together and you have princesselisa
Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that "Prin cesse lisa" means "I DESPISE BLACK PEOPLE" in portuguese, I'm sure...
I got Darknight from Batman (I've always liked his nickname of "The Dark Knight" - very appropriate)

The 613 comes from the 613 commandments of the Torah.
when did they call bat-man The Dark Knight?
Posted By: ZOD Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-01 6:16 AM
I took this name when joining the DCMB after lurking and reading the MBL -- I had to have a superhero username, I figured. The concept comes from an approximation of me, as a nigh-invulnerable man.
The G-man is actually a play on my actual name/nickname.

But given Liddy's politics it actually works on a whole nother level
Posted By: the hulk Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-03 8:39 AM
Difficult kind is the name of a sheryl crow song that i found by accident at a bad time in college and it seemed to fit what i was going through and felt like so i made it my name for everything.

It also fits because i am difficult all the time!!!
You ever dance with a donkey by the pale moonlight?

they say that donkeys are a cowardly, superstitious lot.
Posted By: Drzsmith Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-04 3:26 PM
I'm really a doctor.
of love?

get a room!

the G-man said:
The G-man is actually a play on my actual name/nickname.

But given Liddy's politics it actually works on a whole nother level

You've been behind a hotel break-in, too?

Posted By: Fused Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-05 12:51 AM
Well my names from a character I made on an online game called Anarchy Online. I ended up djing for their online radio station and ended up dj fused. I still use the Fused name on the music tracks I write so here I am.
Posted By: Steve T Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-05 4:54 PM
My full name is Steven Tudor
When I first signed on to the DCMBs "Steve" was already gone and I didn't feel like sharing my whole name.
However I love and trust you all enough to do that here.


Steve T said:
My full name is Steven Tudor

I love your style of architecture!
Ji-iiiim... This is a family forum...

Stupid Dogg said:

I have reported you to the moderator. motherfucker.

the G-man said:
The G-man is actually a play on my actual name/nickname.
But given Liddy's politics it actually works on a whole nother level


Jim Jackson said:
You've been behind a hotel break-in, too?

Lucky for you I'm too classy to come back with a "deep throat" comment.
so have you 2 fucked yet?
post pics pls
in the robs blog forum......
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-06 12:07 PM
One time, while hanging with some college friends, I happened to snort while laughing. One of them responded with, "Hey, Matt just snarfed! Snarf!" And everyone started calling me that.

As for the King bit? One time me and some friends went to see Star Trek: Insurrection. Behind, some chucklehead kept making dumb comments. For example, when Picard was with his lady, this genius would go "Boi-oi-oing." Eventually, I was fed up. I turned around, ready to give this guy a good "Shut the Hell up." Now, I expected some pimply little twelve year old. Instead, I see some pimply, overweight twenty-something guy. I just gave him a look of complete disgust and said "Please. Some people are trying to enjoy the movie." Not a peep from him the rest of the film. After the movie ended, as me and my friends were leaving, I saw Tubby sitting there, still with a look of caution towards me. I said to my friends, "Behold, I am KING Snarf, Lord of Nerds and Losers! May all lesser nerds bow to me!"

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Ji-iiiim... This is a family forum...

stop it!
i just threw up in my mouth
My name comes from my earnest desire to sell worker and food grade monkies. I have also donated many monkies to the local MTRI or "Monkey Torture Research Institure" where Dr. Crank has made great leaps forward in the field of monkey toerture.


This country is full of what I like to call 'bleeding heart liberals,' who I guess are turned off by the idea of torturing monkeys for no good reason. I guess all can say is "Sorry...I'm the bad guy."

- Dr. Crank senior research fellow for MTRI

Posted By: rex Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-07 12:40 AM
When my dad was in the Air Force he used to do research on monkeys. We got the opportunity to go to his work a couple times and it was kinda freaks to see all the monkey skeletons.
Oh my God. [BSAMS] IS coming on to me.
...Ahh! ...Sorry, [BSAMS], but I don't go in for these backdoor shenanigans. Sure, I'm flattered, maybe even a little curious. But the answer is no.

so you guys are fucking!
Yes. Just not each other.
the spit roast method!
So who's the middle guy then?
im guessing rob.
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-08 10:56 PM

Stupid Dogg said:
Mine is a crack at the D-O-double G thing going on when Snoop Dogg was becoming popular at my high school. Every idiot kid I knew my sophmore year of high school was *Name* Dogg, so I thought it'd be funny to call myself Stupid Dogg.


That way I can I call you "Stupid" for short!
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-08 11:00 PM

Animalman said:
Pretty self-explanatory:

The series changed my life.

...but how was your life changed? You live at the zoo now or what?

BTW, this is one of the better comic book series anyone could hope to read.
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-08 11:01 PM

Uschi said:
mine was a name I picked out for German class. I like it and it's my penname so I made it my alias.

Damn! All this time I thought YOU really were a stinking Kraut! Turns out you're just stinking! Damn!
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-08 11:04 PM

THE Joe Quesada said:
You ever dance with a donkey by the pale moonlight?


uh...do I really HAVE to answer that?
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-08 11:05 PM

Drzsmith said:
I'm really a doctor.

Cool! I need a script for mind altering drugs Doc!
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-08 11:17 PM
OK OK OK already...I know you're all JUST dying to know how I came up w/ the user name "LLance"! Well it worked out that the 1st 'L' is for Lucious...need I proceed thru the rest of the letters in my user name? OK OK OK already! The 2nd 'L' is for doubly lucious! The 'a' is for doubly lucious grade A! The 'nce' is for doubly lucious grade a w/ niacin and vitamin c and e!!! Put it all together and you have me! LLance! A carefully and healthily put together user name! So...EAT ME ALREADY!

Now you know the top secret story behind my user name...soon to be made into a E! True Hollywood Story!

Or maybe I just took the name of the Black Canary's husband from Earth 2...Larry Lance. Sadly, that doesn't sound half as exciting as the above made-up tripe...
Hey! LLance didn't come up with a humorous comment about my screen name!
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-10 8:53 AM

King Snarf said:
Hey! LLance didn't come up with a humorous comment about my screen name!

I didn't realize I was suppose to Snarfy? Feel better now?
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-10 11:29 AM
A little, but you didn't comment on my anecdote explaining the story.
Posted By: Fused Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-10 12:14 PM
Something awful is happening.
Wednesday is a day of the week.

One of my favorite movies when I was signing up at the DCMBs was "Any Given Sunday," so I decided to use "Any Given Wednesday" as my monicer. The day after I made that decision, I realized how stupid that name sounded, but everyone else's names sounded stupid to me, so I kept it. Then I joined the JLR and since we were using our DCMB names as the names of our story heroes, I made my character's powers Wednesday-based.

Then Rob told us we couldn't play on that board anymore, but hinted that we COULD play here. I came here, but changed my name and kept the character's powers the same. Then I re-introduced Any Given Wednesday to the story and changed my RKMBs name to AGW cuz typing out "Any Given Wednesday" sucks. After a while, I got tired of that and shortened it to just Wednesday.
Posted By: rex Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-10 10:12 PM

We all know you got your name from this joke.


A man is looking for a job and comes across an ad in the classified section for "Pirate, apply to Capt. Peg Leg at the docks, will train the right person."

The man finds Capt. Peg Leg who is every bit a pirate, patch over the eye, hook for a hand, parrot on his shoulder etc. The captain says he'll hire the man and begins to describe the job

"On Mondays we go out to sea, find a ship, loot the ship, come back into port ad get so drunk we throw up all over our selves. Sounds like a good job, don't it son?"

Stammering the man says "Actually Capt. I'm not much of a drinker, I don't know I would like that very much."

"Well, " responds the Capt. "Perhaps you will like what we do on a Tuesday just a little bit better then. We go out, find a ship, loot the ship, come back to port, get drunk, find women and rape every one we find! Sounds like a good job now, doesnt it son?"

The man again stammers his reply: "As I said I really dont drink, and I've never raped a woman and I don't think I would like that either."

The Capt looks at him with his one good eye ands asks, "You're not some sort of a faggot, are ye? Not a homersexual, are ye?"

"No, no I'm not," the man responds.

"Oh well," says Peg Leg, "You won't like what we do on Wednesdays either then."

You know, a guy goes through all that effort to come up with a fake origin and you just go blurting out all his secrets.

Posted By: rex Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-11 2:30 AM
Your welcome.
Posted By: LLance Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-11 9:46 PM

King Snarf said:
A little, but you didn't comment on my anecdote explaining the story.

I have shit for memory Snarfie...you're just going to have to tell us! I honestly don't remember!
he said he was doing your and you made a sound like "snarf"....
Posted By: PenWing Re: Whats the story behind your screen name? - 2005-01-12 7:52 PM
I got PenWing by combining my two favorite hockey teams: Penguins + Red Wings = PenWing

Unfortunately, I can't watch either one right now.