I live in a low income area. Their are a LOT of young children here. They are LOUD! And they mess with my property, and other properties here. On a FEW occasions, the little bastards set fire to the field behind my house! Is that F%&k#d up or what????

And the adults yell, and go " YO! " a lot. Who do they think they are, Rocky Balboa? So it's the over crowding and the noise I do NOT like.

What really pisses you off about YOUR neighbors?
No one gives a shit about you living in the ghetto.
My neighbors......don't even get me started.

I decided to practice flute on my patio one day (it was early in the afternoon) and keep in mind I've played for thirteen years, majored in music at UNT for two years, so I'm pretty, darn good. Anyways...bout an hour later I head on inside. Immediately two of my neighbors knocked on my door and was like, "dude..you're so good, how long have you played, etc."

Then a cop shows up and said one of the neighbors called and complained. We were all in shock but I figured out who it was, these two, bitter angry old couple that sit out on their porch and get drunk every day diagonally across from me. GRRRRRRRRR! THEY are the ones with their radios up blasting all the time. So I called the cops on them and complained....awwwww sweet revenge.

Anyways.....thats what pisses me off. It's my freakin house and patio, why can't I play whenever and whatever I want, especially when I'm good, ya know?
Sometimes the old dude below me plays classic hard rock all night long.

One day I'll grab my fire arm kick down his door and blow away his stereo.

Just to see his face when it dies.

If I get the chance I'm shooting the mother fuckers TV too just for spite.
Sorry, Princess! Neighbors Suck!! The nearest nieghbor I had in MD was over a HALF MILE AWAY!

So, living here in Stupidville, PA, I can sympathasize with you.

Do you like James Galway? He's one of my favorite flute players....
James Galway rocks......heard him in concert several years ago Kinda full of himself though....he was doing a master class and had like twenty flutes out on stands. When we asked if we could play one, he gets all pmsy about it.

Why bring them all anyways? They were Brannan......the best flutes out there. My friends were taking out mortgages on their parents house to buy a USED one but anyways.....

thats my galway story!

I used to live in Maryland...thats kinda close to PA!
lets just say i quite often call the cops cause of the family next door.
Lets see Neighbors, Id have to say that they seem to have a endless supply of little kids who yell and scream all day long no matter how often i run them over, and if its not lil kids screamin and yelling its the parents arguing or yelling in spanish with the polka music cranked up at 2 am
I hate when they fuck my dog to death.

I bought my house 3 years ago and promptly cut down about 20 hideously ugly trees in the front and back. This caused an uproar with some of the neighbors especially since some of the trees were close to our borders. Meanwhile their son was coming in to my yard to play in a stream that goes through my yard and he used to fuck with a stone wall I built around the stream. It finally ended with me telling the neighbor to go fuck himself and to keep his kids off my property.
Since then I have planted 15 new trees that make beautiful flowers in the spring.......so they can all go fuck themselves.
After I first bought the house I rented it out to some people from Denmark. (I now hate people from Denmark......sorry Chant)
Well these dirty motherfuckers did their best to trash the house. I didn't care that much because I was planning on gutting the motherfucker anyhow. But they also tried to leave 2 months before the lease ran out. They tried to give me ahard time but I just took their things stuck them in the garage and changed the locks and had my lawyer tell them it was considered abandoned property and would be mine if they didn't get rid of it. I had such a fucking good iron clad lease I can't thank my lawyer enough for that........well anyhoo the reason I'm telling this story is in the almost 2 years the danish scum was living there they got to be good buddies with some of the other neighbors who I hadn't feuded with. Long story short they think we are bad guys too now. So out of almost 7-8 houses in my surrounding area I am on good terms with only 2 of those neighbors. Lucky for me my brother lives one street away from me! Fuck the Neighbors.
My bedroom wal is my neighbors livingroom wall. My neighbors are the loudest fucks ever. They have woken me up from a dead sleep a number of times and I have had to bang on their door at 1, 2 and 3 am on a weekday morning to tell them to shut the fuck up.

harleykwin said:
My bedroom wal is my neighbors livingroom wall. My neighbors are the loudest fucks ever. They have woken me up from a dead sleep a number of times and I have had to bang on their door at 1, 2 and 3 am on a weekday morning to tell them to shut the fuck up.

Ouch! Harley, that really sucks.... Sorry you have that problem.

PJP said:
I bought my house 3 years ago and promptly cut down about 20 hideously ugly trees in the front and back. This caused an uproar with some of the neighbors especially since some of the trees were close to our borders. Meanwhile their son was coming in to my yard to play in a stream that goes through my yard and he used to fuck with a stone wall I built around the stream. It finally ended with me telling the neighbor to go fuck himself and to keep his kids off my property.
Since then I have planted 15 new trees that make beautiful flowers in the spring.......so they can all go fuck themselves.
After I first bought the house I rented it out to some people from Denmark. (I now hate people from Denmark......sorry Chant)
Well these dirty motherfuckers did their best to trash the house. I didn't care that much because I was planning on gutting the motherfucker anyhow. But they also tried to leave 2 months before the lease ran out. They tried to give me ahard time but I just took their things stuck them in the garage and changed the locks and had my lawyer tell them it was considered abandoned property and would be mine if they didn't get rid of it. I had such a fucking good iron clad lease I can't thank my lawyer enough for that........well anyhoo the reason I'm telling this story is in the almost 2 years the danish scum was living there they got to be good buddies with some of the other neighbors who I hadn't feuded with. Long story short they think we are bad guys too now. So out of almost 7-8 houses in my surrounding area I am on good terms with only 2 of those neighbors. Lucky for me my brother lives one street away from me! Fuck the Neighbors.

That sounds really shitty, PJ.... Sorry it's like that for you on your block............I feel the same way about ALL my nieghbors..we have a LOT of Russian immigrants here..I have learned to NOT like Russians because of them...

They go through my trash, and now I wait till the trash men are on my block before I put the one trash bag out with my discarded important papers in it... They often stand and stare into my garage when the door is open..I hate that shit! I don't bother to look in THIER garages, I don't want to see their discarded excercise machines, yard tools, etc...and the neighbors in general are noisy, and throw all manner of trash into the street... Yuck!
All the neighbors in my area are pretty cool. They don't bother us, we don't bother them

Balloon Knot said:
All the neighbors in my area are pretty cool. They don't bother us, we don't bother them

Damn! BK, I hope you realize how fortunate you are!!!
But one of my friends has this downstairs neighbor that blares this classic rock at all hours of the nite. I swear one of these days he is going to bust down his door and blow away his stereo, I wouldn't be surprised if he took out his TV also just for spite

Balloon Knot said:
But one of my friends has this downstairs neighbor that blares this classic rock at all hours of the nite. I swear one of these days he is going to bust down his door and blow away his stereo, I wouldn't be surprised if he took out his TV also just for spite

I saw THAT post, too.


Uschi said:


Bitch, where have you been?
That dude has a nice TV too.

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
That dude has a nice TV too.

i want to take your neighbors childrens Toys that they just leave lying out front and throw them in the dumpster

Balloon Knot said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
That dude has a nice TV too.

i want to take your neighbors childrens Toys that they just leave lying out front and throw them in the dumpster


Beardguy57 said:
I live in a low income area. Their are a LOT of young children here. They are LOUD! And they mess with my property, and other properties here. On a FEW occasions, the little bastards set fire to the field behind my house! Is that F%&k#d up or what????

Don't blame the children. Blame the parents who aren't raising them.
Well typed, Jim. Well typed.
Sillly boy...I am that neighbor that pisses off all of the other neighbors!

Jim Jackson said:

Beardguy57 said:
I live in a low income area. Their are a LOT of young children here. They are LOUD! And they mess with my property, and other properties here. On a FEW occasions, the little bastards set fire to the field behind my house! Is that F%&k#d up or what????

Don't blame the children. Blame the parents who aren't raising them.

I blame the children. I blame the parents. I blame society for not making people more aware of raising children properly.
I raised my children properly! The oldest has already sent me a Father's Day card from jail 2 days early! Is that a good sign you raised your children right or what?

LLance said:
I raised my children properly! The oldest has already sent me a Father's Day card from jail 2 days early! Is that a good sign you raised your children right or what?

Last year he actually broke out of jail for my birthday!
my neighbors cant keep their noses on their own side of the fence. they are always looking into my yard from the allie which seperates our houses, they also think they own the allie. i have two huge gorgeous trees in my yard, the only ones for a block of two so when the swep the allie they sweep everything in to my yard now there is a constent "wall" of stuff up there. i wont clean it up, i just wont. if they want to take the responsiblity of sweeping the allie they can dispose of their crap properly.

they also call the town on us the moment we dont mow the lawn, last summer their thing was my small pond. it use to be the neighbors next to me doing stuff for them but they move thank god. we use to have gold fish in the pond well the neighbor moved the pump so it pumped out the water in pond almost killing my fish! i was mad. the broke my fence leaning on it so much cause their so fat trying to look at my pond. i put up on of the bright orange snow drift things that are about 4 feet high. i think it looks cool. they hate it ha!

another lady a house down stairs at us all the time. just once i would love to have sex out side, load, ruff, sex just to piss them off. but theyd call the cops for sure.

i dont understand old people

Lor said:
my neighbors cant keep their noses on their own side of the fence. they are always looking into my yard from the allie which seperates our houses, they also think they own the allie. i have two huge gorgeous trees in my yard, the only ones for a block of two so when the swep the allie they sweep everything in to my yard now there is a constent "wall" of stuff up there. i wont clean it up, i just wont. if they want to take the responsiblity of sweeping the allie they can dispose of their crap properly.

they also call the town on us the moment we dont mow the lawn, last summer their thing was my small pond. it use to be the neighbors next to me doing stuff for them but they move thank god. we use to have gold fish in the pond well the neighbor moved the pump so it pumped out the water in pond almost killing my fish! i was mad. the broke my fence leaning on it so much cause their so fat trying to look at my pond. i put up on of the bright orange snow drift things that are about 4 feet high. i think it looks cool. they hate it ha!

another lady a house down stairs at us all the time. just once i would love to have sex out side, load, ruff, sex just to piss them off. but theyd call the cops for sure.

i dont understand old people

where have you been?
She's been LURKING!
W H O A !
Today, my neighbors were LOUD! Lots of yelling, and racing their cars up and down the street. This usually sets off cars alarms. It's not so cute when they do it at 3 am.
i have not been lurking!

i just have a life thats all.
If I was radioactive and drank milk, would I then have a half and half life?

Lor said:
i have not been lurking!

i just have a life thats all.

BUT...BUT....your one of us...you can't have a life....that's not normal. damnit you registered here you gave up your rights for a life!
On one side of me, I have an ice cream parlor/landscaping supply company. The customers, despite numerous complaints to the owners, still throw their shit over the fence, as do the landscapers in the back *cough* underpaid mexican illegal immigrants *cough*. They are running their trucks in and out all night. On the other side of me is a dude, his loud wife, and 8,000 screaming kids (they run a day care or something.) This dude ALWAYS has to mow his lawn at the same time I am, God knows why. He also stops dead in his tracks whenever I have my BB gun and he sees me. Total dead mouse count for the past week: 4. It's been a slow week.

PCG342 said:
On one side of me, I have an ice cream parlor/landscaping supply company. The customers, despite numerous complaints to the owners, still throw their shit over the fence, as do the landscapers in the back *cough* underpaid mexican illegal immigrants *cough*. They are running their trucks in and out all night. On the other side of me is a dude, his loud wife, and 8,000 screaming kids (they run a day care or something.) This dude ALWAYS has to mow his lawn at the same time I am, God knows why. He also stops dead in his tracks whenever I have my BB gun and he sees me. Total dead mouse count for the past week: 4. It's been a slow week.

Cartoon mice are more fun than real mice. Ever have a mouse jump on you when you're emptying a trash can? I did. Scared the shit outta me, too. Damn mice.
Grain barrels, Catguy. Grain barrels. Gotta get them out of the barrel. Can't feed the horse mouse gibs and grain...