I'm going to Lancaster, PA, to a Renaissance Faire tomorrow.

I'll make a full report on it when I get home tomorrow. It will be the first time that I will ever have been to one. I hope to have fun!
Okay, I got up at about 6 am yesterday and got myself ready. My friend arrived a little after 8 am. We left shortly afterwards.

It took over an hour and a half to get there. We stopped for some breakfast enroute, It began to rain hard, but it ceased raining by the time we got to the Faire in Lebanon, Pa.

We arrived shortly after the Faire opened at 11 am, got our tickets, and went in. I had no idea of how fun it would be! I thought it was going to be stupid and boring, but it was the exact opposite!

Their were a LOT of people! They were friendly, for the most part, and the performers were amiable and quite good at what they did. The age range of those who attended was from newborns to about age 80.

The first act we saw was a husband and wife team who juggled flaming ten pins, had trained dogs, and also juggled axes and midieval swords! The dogs were cute and jumped through hoops. The husband and wife were amazing as they passed flaming ten pins and axes to each other in a tandem juggling act. They were very good!

We also saw a guy who swallowed swords, a few people on stilts, a lot of people dressed as pirates ( That was the theme) and a couple of musicians at a show - one who played flute, the other, guitar. They performed quite well! I bought one of their cd's after their performance. They play old english standards and some original compositions, too.

Also saw a show with five women who sang, and they were fun! They got some guy from the audience and he had fun as they sang to him. The women were attractive and sang quite well.

There was a hypnotist show, and it was mostly the young ones who actually participated. They were funny! The Hypnotist...who was the same guy from the husband and wife team who had juggled the flaming ten pins and the midieval swords.... is an excellent showman! He had a group of about 20 people convinced that they were on a rocket to the moon, the opposite sex, and more!

We saw another musical performance, this one with a husband and wife who played renaissance era music. They were quite friendly, and played beautifully! They played only woodwind instruments.

The food was superb! I did get an upset stomach from eating too many strange foods but was able to buy some ant - acids, which helped.

The finale was just exquisite! The performers sang, danced, played period piece instruments, swallowed swords, fought a duel with flaming swords, made jokes and were in general nothing short of amazing!

At the end of the 80 minute or so finale, confetti was blasted out onto the audience. What a cool end to a wonderful day!

Yes, there was booze, and I had a glass of meade, which has a bittersweet taste, and a big glass of Lager, which was good! My friend had a glass of Lager, too. We both enjoyed it.

We both had a fantastic time yesterday.

If a Renaissance Faire is in your area, go if you can.

Here is the site to the Faire I attended:


I'm glad I went, and will be going again in 3 weeks.
I forgot to mention: The Faire started at 11 am, and was over by about 8:30 pm.
I'm glad you had a good time, BeardGuy! It sounds like it's very different from the ones around here. Sounds like you're hooked now!
Thanks, Ariel! Yeah, I can't wait till I go back in a few more weeks!

What are the Faires like that you have attended?
first, no confetti lol
The one we were married at has a booth with homemade root beer (it's really good, they also have one called Elven Mist, it's like sprite) Both the michigan one have daily parades with all the merchants and royal court. The opening starts with cannons being fired and the King & Queen greet the faire goers that get there early enough.
Those Faires that you mentioned sound pretty darn good to me! I think it's awesome that you two got married at a Faire!
i'll try to dig up a few of the pics from the wedding and from other times at the faire.
My ex used to have a chainmail bikini--for ren fairs. I went once and all I noticed was chicks with their breats hanging waaayyy out...I didn't mind.

Ariel AKA Warp said:
i'll try to dig up a few of the pics from the wedding and from other times at the faire.

That would be cool!

Pig Iron said:
My ex used to have a chainmail bikini--for ren fairs. I went once and all I noticed was chicks with their breats hanging waaayyy out...I didn't mind.

I was aware of many revealing outfits last Saturday!
I was at a ren faire last year - got a kick ass corset with skulls all over it, but there were breasteses everywhere! That aside, the costumes and shows were amazing! I had an awesome time and am going to another one in about 2 weeks!

harleykwin said:
I was at a ren faire last year - got a kick ass corset with skulls all over it, but there were breasteses everywhere! That aside, the costumes and shows were amazing! I had an awesome time and am going to another one in about 2 weeks!

Awesome! The Faires are great fun! I saw everything from newborns to seniors in their 80's at the Faire! Lotta folks love Faires! Glad you like 'em too, Harley.

harleykwin said:
I was at a ren faire last year - got a kick ass corset with skulls all over it, but there were breasteses everywhere! That aside, the costumes and shows were amazing! I had an awesome time and am going to another one in about 2 weeks!

Too late. I already used that on her in another thread...

Rob Kamphausen said:

harleykwin said:
I was at a ren faire last year - got a kick ass corset with skulls all over it, but there were breasteses everywhere! That aside, the costumes and shows were amazing! I had an awesome time and am going to another one in about 2 weeks!


Prometheus said:
Too late. I already used that on her in another thread...

Aye, he did, but I think it was in reference to Uschi's breasteseseses...

I predict, this graemlin will be overused and very quickly at that...
You are in error about the first. But, not about the second...

Prometheus said:
You are in error about the first.


Really? For real? I don't think so...


But, not about the second...

Si, yo se.

Pig Iron said:
My ex used to have a chainmail bikini--for ren fairs. I went once and all I noticed was chicks with their breats hanging waaayyy out...I didn't mind.

last year i was cleaning out the basement, came across a box of porn and a few cd's of photos from mexico and ren faires...all high rez pics of women with big tits.

harleykwin said:

Prometheus said:
You are in error about the first.


Really? For real? I don't think so...

See: This day has been complete shit...

Prometheus said:

harleykwin said:

Prometheus said:
You are in error about the first.


Really? For real? I don't think so...

See: This day has been complete shit...


harleykwin said:

Prometheus said:

you haven't seen her in the strapless she wore for her sister's (IIRC) wedding? you missed out, Pro...

and glad you had an opp to use the new graemlin...

I was right!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wiiin!!!!! hahahaha!

harleykwin said:

Prometheus said:
Too late. I already used that on her in another thread...

Aye, he did, but I think it was in reference to Uschi's breasteseseses...

See: This day has been complete shit...


Prometheus said:
I love Uschi. I want to skull-fuck her and bite her left sack when she orgasms. I want to have her cosmic-hippy children, and forge an igloo in the Mojave desert, where we will create ornate, spanish mirrors from the dry, scorching dunes. When we grow old together, and haven't spoken to each other in fourteen years, I will transcend the time/space barrier and take us to 1817, where she can enjoy a barrel of her favorite French grapes. When she breathes her last breath, I will cremate her in the heart of a nuclear reactor. I'll spread her radioactive ashes over the methane lakes of Europa, and ignite the surface of the moon so that the universe may bear witness to the shining glory of her memory.

But.....the graemlin was meant for Harley...


Prometheus said:

harleykwin said:

Prometheus said:
Too late. I already used that on her in another thread...

Aye, he did, but I think it was in reference to Uschi's breasteseseses...

See: This day has been complete shit...

You re-posted this, and yet, you're still wrong...


Prometheus said:
I love Uschi. I want to skull-fuck her and bite her left sack when she orgasms. I want to have her cosmic-hippy children, and forge an igloo in the Mojave desert, where we will create ornate, spanish mirrors from the dry, scorching dunes. When we grow old together, and haven't spoken to each other in fourteen years, I will transcend the time/space barrier and take us to 1817, where she can enjoy a barrel of her favorite French grapes. When she breathes her last breath, I will cremate her in the heart of a nuclear reactor. I'll spread her radioactive ashes over the methane lakes of Europa, and ignite the surface of the moon so that the universe may bear witness to the shining glory of her memory.

But.....the graemlin was meant for Harley...

greedy southern boy...
Oh jeezus woman! Do I have to walk you through the entire conversation?


harleykwin said:
Aye, he did, but I think it was in reference to Uschi's breasteseseses...


Prometheus said:
You are in error about the first.


harleykwin said:

Really? For real? I don't think so...


Prometheus said:
I love Uschi. I want to skull-fuck her and bite her left sack when she orgasms. I want to have her cosmic-hippy children, and forge an igloo in the Mojave desert, where we will create ornate, spanish mirrors from the dry, scorching dunes. When we grow old together, and haven't spoken to each other in fourteen years, I will transcend the time/space barrier and take us to 1817, where she can enjoy a barrel of her favorite French grapes. When she breathes her last breath, I will cremate her in the heart of a nuclear reactor. I'll spread her radioactive ashes over the methane lakes of Europa, and ignite the surface of the moon so that the universe may bear witness to the shining glory of her memory.

But.....the graemlin was meant for Harley...

And, you still owe me a full-figure pic...