Posted By: Prometheus Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:10 PM
Okay, you know these eco-challenges they do, where teams are put together to make their way across specified geography, and all that? Usually it involved mountains and jungles and stuff. Always dangerous, and very physically intensive.

So, say everyone here was split up in four member teams, sent out to do the same. Who would you pick as your team? You're stuck with these three individuals for about a month, hiking the wilderness, camping, and simply surviving. Who would you choose to spend that much time with, and why?

For example, I'd pick:

    Cunty McBastard himself, Nowhereman. I know that the conversations would never be boring, and we could shoot the shit about movies and Brit culture. Not to mention, if we encountered any wild beasts, he could probably handle them with his bare hands. And/or, throw me at them as an offering while he made his escape.

    As much as I give him shit, I'd go with Sammitch. Phil may crave attention and need constant encouragment, but, the boy's got a brain on him. He'd definitely be useful in figuring out the logistics of the terrain.

    Finally, I'd take Harley. She's smart, funny, hot, and speaks a second language. If she wasn't there just for the moral/sexual support, then, at least it's nice to have a pair of tits around when you get tired of the other two sweaty dicks.

So, who's your three and why?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:21 PM
Who needs three people? I'd just take Cowgirl.

She's like some sort of Amazonian warrior princess who would save my sorry ass from pretty much any danger we'd encounter AND kill, prep and cook whatever food we'd need.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:23 PM

the G-man said:
Who needs three people? I'd just take Cowgirl.

She's like some sort of Amazonian warrior princess who would save my sorry ass from pretty much any danger we'd encounter AND kill, prep and cook whatever food we'd need.

I like how in the first part, you put her up on the throne of modern, independent, tough women. And then, in the second part, you put her back in the kitchen...
Posted By: the G-man Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:26 PM
Heh. That was purely unintentional and actually intended to showcase my inadequacies.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:41 PM
It was still funny, though...
Posted By: klinton Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:47 PM

the G-man said:
actually intended to showcase my inadequacies.

But...you said nothing about her sporting a decent sized cock...
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 6:55 PM
At least one of the three would be a Katrina survivor (Grimm, Doc or Pro) the been there done that quality of dealing with horrible circumstances at the spur of the moment would be important in certain situations.

Some female....hmmm...CJ, I guess, because she knows science stuff and has some medical knowledge (vet or no), and she seems fit enough.

And, I hate to say it, but the Welsh guy.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 10:03 PM

As much as I give him shit, I'd go with Sammitch. Phil may crave attention and need constant encouragment, but, the boy's got a brain on him. He'd definitely be useful in figuring out the logistics of the terrain.

so in other words, you need someone else to hand off to Nowhereman as animal bait so you can live longer!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 11:27 PM
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-27 11:56 PM

Grimm said:

As much as I give him shit, I'd go with Sammitch. Phil may crave attention and need constant encouragment, but, the boy's got a brain on him. He'd definitely be useful in figuring out the logistics of the terrain.

so in other words, you need someone else to hand off to Nowhereman as animal bait so you can live longer!

Prometheus is devious, just like the Prydonians!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 1:13 AM

Prometheus said:

Finally, I'd take Harley. She's smart, funny, hot, and speaks a second language. If she wasn't there just for the moral/sexual support, then, at least it's nice to have a pair of tits around when you get tired of the other two sweaty dicks.[/LIST]

It's always about the boobies with this board, which is all well and good, but...c'mon, Pro, what about my onion? My fabulous booty would be completely unappreciated by you...

Ok, my three:

1. NWM - in addition to being entertaining and the funniest motherfucker on this here board (yes, I know CC, I misunderstand that you are always serious...) he's tough and I think he would be able to deal with the rugged wildlife/jungle crap we'd invariabley have to deal with - he'd prolly be able kill some animals with his bare hands for shits and giggles, so we'd definitely have food to eat ... and I think he'd have my back if we ran into trouble.

2. CJ - Admittedly, I don't know CJ as well as some of y'all do, but the little that I've been able to glean makes me want to pick her. It's not that she loves GWTW or that, like me, she isn't fond of metrosexual men - though both are positive signs - but she seems like she is a smart cookie; has the whole science-y/medical thing going on; and can hold her own. She seems to have most of her shit together and I get the impression she'd work well as a team player. Note: Had this been a team thing dealing with computers, I woulda gone with Bunny.

3. I'm torn between Pro and doc here. Both dealt with Katrina, so both know how to get through exceedingly tough situations, and both are funny as hell, and have that sexy, sarcastic wit that I dig, which would make the time fly by faster. Not to mention their hot southern accents, which wouldn't do dick in a shitty situation, but I dig them sweet accents, so I thought I'd mention it... Plus, if CJ and I promised them some jello wrestling at the end of the month, both of them would prolly do all the hard tasks in the interim...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 1:24 AM

harleykwin said:
c'mon, Pro, what about my onion?


3. I'm torn between Pro and doc here. Both dealt with Katrina, so both know how to get through exceedingly tough situations, and both are funny as hell, and have that sexy, sarcastic wit that I dig, which would make the time fly by faster. Not to mention their hot southern accents, which wouldn't do dick in a shitty situation, but I dig them sweet accents, so I thought I'd mention it... Plus, if CJ and I promised them some jello wrestling at the end of the month, both of them would prolly do all the hard tasks in the interim...

Well, fuck. With CJ along for the ride, I'm pretty sure Doc would be okay if we "shared" the burden of you two...

Get lost, Cunty!

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 1:25 AM

Beardguy57 said:
Prometheus is devious, just like the Prydonians!

No one else here could possibly have gotten that reference except me.

Well done, Jerry...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 1:30 AM

Prometheus said:

harleykwin said:
c'mon, Pro, what about my onion?

I dunno... are you saying that you would appreciate booty?


3. I'm torn between Pro and doc here. Both dealt with Katrina, so both know how to get through exceedingly tough situations, and both are funny as hell, and have that sexy, sarcastic wit that I dig, which would make the time fly by faster. Not to mention their hot southern accents, which wouldn't do dick in a shitty situation, but I dig them sweet accents, so I thought I'd mention it... Plus, if CJ and I promised them some jello wrestling at the end of the month, both of them would prolly do all the hard tasks in the interim...

Well, fuck. With CJ along for the ride, I'm pretty sure Doc would be okay if we "shared" the burden of you two...

Get lost, Cunty!

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 1:44 AM
I'd pick:
All the hot chicks...............nuff said!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 2:25 AM
Jack the Li'l Death, LOCH HEXEN, and (of course) Mxy.
  • CJ - We'd need someone with enough medical knowledge to keep everyone on their feet. General knowledge about just about everything doesn't hurt either. Plus she'd most definitely be able to order us guys around without much trouble.
  • Aussie-Dave - The man has done a lot of traveling, and would most likely know his way around better than most. His personality would probably be useful in keeping the rest of the team from killing each other (read: killing me). Plus, he's Australian, so he'd be able to survive just about anything man, beast, or nature could throw at him. Not to mention he could keep other teams from following our trail by ensuring that no droppings would be left behind!
  • Nowhereman - kicking ass, taking names, and giving us practice at making heads or tails of nigh-unintelligible dialects of English - you can count on Nowhereman for all of these. Plus his expertise on motorbikes and - along with Aussie-Dave - the world outside of North America would prove very handy. Not to mention his unparalleled ability to employ profanity, witty insults, and Photoshop to thoroughly demoralize members of the other teams... in between thoroughly demoralizing members of our team.

It's almost like Pro's team, except with an Australian instead of a Canadian! Though it really was difficult to choose between Dave and Pro - I ended up going with travel experience and the fact that Pro would most likely be ready to kill me even sooner than Nowhereman would.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 4:08 AM
When did I become Mr.Fucking Popularity on these boards?
Yer all a buncha cunts, especially Snarf............who hasnt even posted yet!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 4:11 AM

Prometheus said:

Beardguy57 said:
Prometheus is devious, just like the Prydonians!

No one else here could possibly have gotten that reference except me.

You say that like its something to be proud of!
Posted By: allan1 Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 5:37 AM
My picks:
Nowhereman-Not because he's a tough guy but because we like the same music.

Butterrican-I know she doesn't post much here anymore,but I don't really know the other wimmens who post these days and I've seen Butter's boobs & ass without her clothes on 'em so she's definitely along for the ride.

BSAMS-He's just cool.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 5:43 AM

Captain Sammitch said:
Nowhereman - kicking ass, taking names, and giving us practice at making heads or tails of nigh-unintelligible dialects of English - you can count on Nowhereman for all of these. Plus his expertise on motorbikes and - along with Aussie-Dave - the world outside of North America would prove very handy. Not to mention his unparalleled ability to employ profanity, witty insults, and Photoshop to thoroughly demoralize members of the other teams... in between thoroughly demoralizing members of our team.

Posted By: Balloon Knot Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 8:23 AM
I would take the Following Three

Elisa - To kill and leave in the middle of nowhere
Chris oakley - To kill and Leave in the middle of nowhere
Rex - To injure and leave stranded in the middle of nowhere, Sockless.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 3:24 PM
A better idea would be, to break, or tear off both his arms & legs & leave him laying next to a pile of socks!
That would be pure torture for him!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 8:22 PM

Nowhereman said:
When did I become Mr.Fucking Popularity on these boards?

You're the rebel without a clue who found out he's the prom king!
Posted By: cross Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-01-28 9:41 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-01 10:34 PM

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
When did I become Mr.Fucking Popularity on these boards?

You're the rebel without a clue who found out he's the prom king!

Is that like Burger King?
Posted By: Grimm Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-02 11:28 AM
yeah, only gayer.
Posted By: Balloon Knot Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-02 2:31 PM

Grimm said:
yeah, only gayer.

Rob's gonna be jealous.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-02 3:22 PM
He thought Burger King trumped all other kings in the gayness stakes!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-02 11:55 PM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-03 3:17 AM
hah. with a whopper.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-02-03 3:50 AM
Klinton - His knowledge of Pony Island might help our travel across various terrain and the amount of alcohol in his system we'd have a basic first aid kit.
Glacier16 - He silently lead us to food and water like that bush boy from Walkabout
Harley - Simply to climb up a tree to get fruit then back down the tree and back up the (fence) tree and down the tree...
Posted By: URG Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-08 3:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Prometheus said:

Finally, I'd take Harley. She's smart, funny, hot, and speaks a second language. If she wasn't there just for the moral/sexual support, then, at least it's nice to have a pair of tits around when you get tired of the other two sweaty dicks.[/LIST]

It's always about the boobies with this board, which is all well and good, but...c'mon, Pro, what about my onion? My fabulous booty would be completely unappreciated by you... <img src="/images/graemlins/nono.gif" alt="" />
URG would worship it by day give it bountiful love at night.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-08 4:25 AM
I'd pick a team of all the people I hate (yeah I know that'd be most of the board), then I'd fuck off and leave them in the middle of a cannibal village!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-08 4:51 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
I'd pick a team of all the people I hate (yeah I know that'd be most of the board), then I'd fuck off and leave them in the middle of a cannibal village!

Or you could save yourself a lot of work and just fuck off.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-08 5:28 AM
When I said cannibals, I wasnt actually talking about Joe, but any mention of food and he shows up!
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-08 11:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
I'd pick:
All the hot chicks...............nuff said!

Posted By: URG Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 7:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
When I said cannibals, I wasnt actually talking about Joe, but any mention of food and he shows up!
Wave a hot dog and Joe comes running like Oprah.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 4:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: URG
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
When I said cannibals, I wasnt actually talking about Joe, but any mention of food and he shows up!
Wave a hot dog and Joe comes running like Oprah.

Oprah doesn't run. She is carried by dozen of her minions, like Xerxes in 300. So, what I'm saying is "yeah, basically."
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 5:42 PM
xerxes is too skinny of a comparison. you should have gone with jabba...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 5:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
xerxes is too skinny of a comparison. you should have gone with jabba...

I shit on you...go pretend you've felt a woman's (non-medical related) touch, Knurkel.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 8:57 PM
thats ok JM. unlike you and your blow up dolls i can get the real thing...
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 8:58 PM
mmmm, the real thing.

good stuff, you guys should try it
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 8:59 PM
isnt it wonderful? poor JM...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 9:01 PM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
thats ok JM. unlike you and your blow up dolls i can get the real thing...

... if they'll take pennies.

Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 9:04 PM
hey. oaklands cheap enough damnit!
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 9:04 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 9:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
thats ok JM. unlike you and your blow up dolls i can get the real thing...

That's a mean thing to say. My blow up dolls demand an apology, you sissy virgin - the only "real thing" you get is a finger in the ass during your prostate exam.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 9:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
thats ok JM. unlike you and your chicken wings dolls i can get the real thing...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 9:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
thats ok JM. unlike you and your chicken wings dolls i can get the real thing...

Dammit, Sneaky, keep my pet names for you out of this!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 10:24 PM
 Originally Posted By: big_pimp_tim
mmmm, the real thing.

good stuff, you guys should try it

Posted By: thedoctor Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 10:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: big_pimp_tim
mmmm, the real thing.

good stuff, you guys should try it

The blind following the blind.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-09 10:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
thats ok JM. unlike you and your blow up dolls i can get the real thing...

... if they'll take pennies.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rQROFkpvPbg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rQROFkpvPbg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
When did Pro/Carl start wearing a shirt?
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
[*]Aussie-Dave - The man has done a lot of traveling, and would most likely know his way around better than most. His personality would probably be useful in keeping the rest of the team from killing each other (read: killing me). Plus, he's Australian, so he'd be able to survive just about anything man, beast, or nature could throw at him. Not to mention he could keep other teams from following our trail by ensuring that no droppings would be left behind!

How funny. You forget I am nuclear-powered, and thereofre do not need to eat, sleep or masturbate.

Well, not eat or sleep, anyway.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-10 11:08 PM
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
[quote=Captain Sammitch]

How funny. You forget I am nuclear-powered, and thereofre do not need to eat, sleep or masturbate.

Well, not eat or sleep, anyway.

Yeah, so if we starved you of poo, you would survive wouldya?
I doubt it!
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-10 11:20 PM
Dang it this is hard!

Um.........okay I would take Jeff Glacier (obviously!)-I'm in love with him, he's tall, muscular, and can woop anybodys butt. And he knows a lot of random, practical, trivial things like camping that would come in handy! And everytime I'm in my own little world about to be hit by some dangerous car or something, he always saves my life!

Rexys *and not becuase he's one of the girls* but because he's athletic (rides his bike everywhere), a great communicator, and skilled in the art of survival. Hey, who knows. He could meet a jungle chick or something!

And last place is tied between Nowhereman *because he's just so tough, hilarious, and has experienced managing difficult people. After all, I would stop my griping with the "Stfu" look! AND Cross because Cross is used to using his intelligence to navigate the high seas which means he's a really sharp critical thinker and can come up with some great solutions. PLUS he's great in art so if we ever want to be discovered and skip the amazing dangerous hike/through the mountains and the jungle he'd probably come up with some crop circle way of getting us rescued!

PS: Notice I left out the notable drama queens..........
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-10 11:35 PM
I'd fucking kill you all

and thats before we even left civilisation.
Posted By: rex Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-11 1:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: PrincessElisa

but because he's athletic (rides his bike everywhere),

I'm fat. Calling me athletic is like calling rob straight.

a great communicator,

Since when?

and skilled in the art of survival.


Hey, who knows. He could meet a jungle chick or something!

I don't date black girls.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-11 4:45 PM
even if they didn't have feet and hands?
I'd take ya Nowie just so I'd have a decent accent to listen to!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-11 7:35 PM
You'd prolly be the only person to understand him too.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-12 4:01 AM
Sorry we dont speak French!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-12 10:17 AM
 Originally Posted By: PrincessElisa
Cross is used to using his intelligence to navigate the high seas which means he's a really sharp critical thinker and can come up with some great solutions.

Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-12 10:45 AM
i would wake up tired n grouchy and throw everyone else's punk ass over the top rope. thus being alone. but a job well done always makes me happy, so i would be content
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-12 11:57 PM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Sorry we dont speak French!

And you don't speak English!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-13 2:56 AM
Sorry, can you try speaking English.
The language of the pond hopper is not one I am familiar with!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-13 3:09 AM
No, honestly!
Bollocks" is a word of Anglo Saxon origin, meaning testicles in British English and in Hiberno-English. The word is often used figuratively, most commonly as a noun to mean "nonsense" or as an expletive following a minor accident or misfortune, but also in a number of other ways: as an adjective to mean "poor quality" or "useless", as a noun to mean "top quality" or "perfection" (e.g. "That bike is the dog's bollocks!"), and in various compound expressions
In America we say BULLSHIT!
Posted By: Captain Howdy Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-13 3:11 AM
Stop talking bollocks you cunt faced shit monkey!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-13 6:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Sorry, can you try speaking English.
The language of the pond hopper is not one I am familiar with!

That's because you can't understand proper English, silly Fred!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-13 8:47 PM
Sorry, did you say something about snails and garlic?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2007-08-15 3:20 AM
I fergit that you only understand fish and chips!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2008-09-19 4:10 AM
and boobs
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Around the World with the RKMBers - 2008-09-19 4:27 AM
Time travel!