Posted By: sneaky bunny Llance = Dead - 2008-01-30 9:32 PM

Escaped Steer Found In Colerain Twp.

Last Update: 1:10 pm

Web produced by: Neil Relyea

Police say a steer which escaped in Colerain Township yesterday was found, then put down earlier this evening.

A press release from the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office states that a helicopter spotted the steer in a wooded area near Pebblevalley Drive, then units were dispatched and SPCA officers were able to hit it with a dart.

Police say the steer continued and presented a traffic hazard on Dry Ridge Road, in addition to charging and damaging a SPCA vehicle.

They say it continued on to the Pebblecreek Golf Course where it charged a "civilian vehicle," damaging it.

The press release states that although the animal slowed down, the dart had little impact and the steer continued towards I-275.

Police say officers intercepted the steer before it reached the highway and put it down with one round.

The press release concludes that it was in the interest of public safety that the decision was made to stop the animal before anyone was hurt.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Llance = Dead - 2008-01-30 9:48 PM
Booooooooooooorn Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Llance = Dead - 2008-01-30 10:12 PM
This was Cinci's big news Monday. This and the school lunch update.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Llance = Dead - 2008-01-31 4:37 AM