Posted By: Rex's Mom. Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 2:43 AM
There is something that has been bugging me. I've seen you in previous threads yell at my son to be nice to Jerry. Brian has shared with me PM's from you telling him to cut it out and leave him alone. Why didn't you jump in when Uschi was attack Jerry? Why is there no "Leave Jerry Alone!" video?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 3:42 AM
Posted By: URG Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 3:56 AM
Brittney am fell for the candy van again.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 4:04 AM
it's my secret shame!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 4:23 AM
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 4:51 AM
You little boys want some candy?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 4:52 AM
(you forgot to log in as joey)
Posted By: Uschi Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 4:52 AM
I put candy in my pants to attract children. But Joe Mama scares them away.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 5:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Uschi
I put candy in my pants to attract children. But Joe Mama scares them away.

that w whole lotta candy
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 5:02 AM
PCGay was walking along the street when Jerry stopped his car.
Beardgay:"Hey little boy, if I give you a sweet, will you come in my car?"
PCGay:"If you give me the whole pack, I'll cum in your mouth!"
Posted By: Uschi Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 5:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
PCGay was walking along the street when Jerry stopped his car.
Beardgay:"Hey little boy, if I give you a sweet, will you come in my car?"
PCGay:"Keep the candy; I'll cum in your mouth!"
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 5:18 AM
Jerry and PCGay are walking through a dark forest. PCGay says, "Jerry, I'm scared!" Jerry says, "You're scared? I've gotta walk outta here alone!"
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rex's Mom.
There is something that has been bugging me. I've seen you in previous threads yell at my son to be nice to Jerry. Brian has shared with me PM's from you telling him to cut it out and leave him alone. Why didn't you jump in when Uschi was attack Jerry? Why is there no "Leave Jerry Alone!" video?

I don't normally speak with alts, Nowhereman. They have bad breath and stare at my crotch too much. But, in your case, I will address this point as succinctly as possible.

Rex is bitter. Rex likes to moan and bitch and whine about everyone and everything, constantly. It's a given, and it's something I like to poke him with (unlike my penis, which is not sheathed in a sock = pointless). I don't really take him, or his complaints about Jerry very seriously. Why? Because he's rex. He is who he is.

Uschi created a mission for herself long ago to hate Beardguy. It was something easily ignored, as I didn't take her seriously. Thus, I couldn't see why Jerry would do the same. Rex went around complaining about Jerry to the point of absurdity. But, he never took the time or effort to Photoshop pictures or edit his posts. This is a clear and obvious difference in approach. One is rex being a troll (i.e. his lovable cranky self). The other is an unhealthy obsession with a complete stranger.

While rex complained about Jerry because of who he (rex) is, Uschi formed a loathing that was at once, disturbing, and equally disappointing. Uschi was once a poster who had a tight wit and intelligent take on pretty much everything. She was someone I could like, and enjoy being around. She did not wear her insecurities on her shoulder, and she did not allow anything message board-wise to affect her to the point of obsession.

However, for some reason, she decided she needed an enemy. Someone to attack and hate. Whether this was born of personal problems, emotional insecurities, or what, I cannot say. There seems to be no clear indication as to why she hates Jerry as much as she does. All I know is, she wanted to flail angrily at the world, and Jerry became her target.

Where I understand rex, and relatively the reasons behind why he acts the way he does (particularly towards Jerry), I do not understand Uschi or her actions. Thus, there would be no point voicing my opposition to her, as she is/was hellbent on her path.

To put it in better perspective, if she had expressed her opposition for my little "war" with G-Man around two years ago, she would have been wasting her breath. I was obsessed with our rivalry, much in the same way he was. And no "reason" was going to matter to me. Not from her, not from anyone.

In the end, Jerry is/was a big boy. He could always handle rex being rex. How or why Uschi was able to get to him, I don't know. But, the deal is done. You'll have to ask him the next time he decides to come back.

Does that answer the question?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Jerry and PCGay are walking through a dark forest. PCGay says, "Jerry, I'm scared!" Jerry says, "You're scared? I've gotta walk outta here alone!"

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Rex's Mom.
There is something that has been bugging me. I've seen you in previous threads yell at my son to be nice to Jerry. Brian has shared with me PM's from you telling him to cut it out and leave him alone. Why didn't you jump in when Uschi was attack Jerry? Why is there no "Leave Jerry Alone!" video?

I don't normally speak with alts, Nowhereman. They have bad breath and stare at my crotch too much. But, in your case, I will address this point as succinctly as possible.

Rex is bitter. Rex likes to moan and bitch and whine about everyone and everything, constantly. It's a given, and it's something I like to poke him with (unlike my penis, which is not sheathed in a sock = pointless). I don't really take him, or his complaints about Jerry very seriously. Why? Because he's rex. He is who he is.

Uschi created a mission for herself long ago to hate Beardguy. It was something easily ignored, as I didn't take her seriously. Thus, I couldn't see why Jerry would do the same. Rex went around complaining about Jerry to the point of absurdity. But, he never took the time or effort to Photoshop pictures or edit his posts. This is a clear and obvious difference in approach. One is rex being a troll (i.e. his lovable cranky self). The other is an unhealthy obsession with a complete stranger.

While rex complained about Jerry because of who he (rex) is, Uschi formed a loathing that was at once, disturbing, and equally disappointing. Uschi was once a poster who had a tight wit and intelligent take on pretty much everything. She was someone I could like, and enjoy being around. She did not wear her insecurities on her shoulder, and she did not allow anything message board-wise to affect her to the point of obsession.

However, for some reason, she decided she needed an enemy. Someone to attack and hate. Whether this was born of personal problems, emotional insecurities, or what, I cannot say. There seems to be no clear indication as to why she hates Jerry as much as she does. All I know is, she wanted to flail angrily at the world, and Jerry became her target.

Where I understand rex, and relatively the reasons behind why he acts the way he does (particularly towards Jerry), I do not understand Uschi or her actions. Thus, there would be no point voicing my opposition to her, as she is/was hellbent on her path.

To put it in better perspective, if she had expressed her opposition for my little "war" with G-Man around two years ago, she would have been wasting her breath. I was obsessed with our rivalry, much in the same way he was. And no "reason" was going to matter to me. Not from her, not from anyone.

In the end, Jerry is/was a big boy. He could always handle rex being rex. How or why Uschi was able to get to him, I don't know. But, the deal is done. You'll have to ask him the next time he decides to come back.

Does that answer the question?

I used to think Pro was kinda smart, but you really are a moron arent you? i cant believe you let beardguy play you like a fiddle. you really believe his innocent never hurt a fly crap dont you? it's obvious the guy is a prick, and you lash out at uschi, jeez wise up, and take the blinders off. uschi did this board a favor and everyone should be endebted to her for making this a better place.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:18 AM
Please count me as a vote for "Who gives a fuck?"
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:19 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

I used to think Pro was kinda smart, but you really are a moron arent you? i cant believe you let beardguy play you like a fiddle. you really believe his innocent never hurt a fly crap dont you? it's obvious the guy is a prick, and you lash out at uschi, jeez wise up, and take the blinders off. uschi did this board a favor and everyone should be endebted to her for making this a better place.

I'm sorry basams. How and when did I "lash out" at Uschi?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

I used to think Pro was kinda smart, but you really are a moron arent you? i cant believe you let beardguy play you like a fiddle. you really believe his innocent never hurt a fly crap dont you? it's obvious the guy is a prick, and you lash out at uschi, jeez wise up, and take the blinders off. uschi did this board a favor and everyone should be endebted to her for making this a better place.

I'm sorry basams. How and when did I "lash out" at Uschi?

please pro, your beyind "word semantics" arent you?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:24 AM
btw the alt that started this isnt Nowhereman he doesnt do the "mom jokes". and the alt was asking why you attacked Brian not uschi...
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
[quote=Rex's Mom.]There is something that has been bugging me.
Does that answer the question?

A camera, shower curtain and youtube would have worked just fine.

And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:26 AM
Seriously buddy, I wasn't trying to start anything. A question was asked, I answered honestly. I've got nothing against Uschi. She is who she is. This is a message board, and it honestly doesn't make a lot of difference to me in the end. But, I have an opinion, and if asked, I'll state it. That's all...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
[quote=Rex's Mom.]There is something that has been bugging me.
Does that answer the question?

A camera, shower curtain and youtube would have worked just fine.

And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.

Okay, that's a mental image I didn't need.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
[quote=Rex's Mom.]There is something that has been bugging me.
Does that answer the question?

A camera, shower curtain and youtube would have worked just fine.

And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.

Okay, that's a mental image I didn't need.

Junkies are ugly.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
btw the alt that started this isnt Nowhereman he doesnt do the "mom jokes".

Well, you never can tell, can you? ;\)

and the alt was asking why you attacked Brian not uschi...

I answered as honestly and fairly as I know how. It's the first, and last, time I've expressed the an opinion on the whole debacle...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
[quote=Rex's Mom.]There is something that has been bugging me.
Does that answer the question?

A camera, shower curtain and youtube would have worked just fine.

And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.

Okay, that's a mental image I didn't need.

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Seriously buddy, I wasn't trying to start anything. A question was asked, I answered honestly. I've got nothing against Uschi. She is who she is. This is a message board, and it honestly doesn't make a lot of difference to me in the end. But, I have an opinion, and if asked, I'll state it. That's all...

maybe lashed wasnt the proper word, but the fact that your naive enough to fall for beardguys stuff suprised me...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:28 AM

What makes you think catguy was a prick?

I always thought he was, well, just being beardguy.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.

Who said I hated Uschi?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
[quote=Rex's Mom.]There is something that has been bugging me.
Does that answer the question?

A camera, shower curtain and youtube would have worked just fine.

And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.

Okay, that's a mental image I didn't need.

Junkies are ugly.

Sex between the junkie and the Jesus freak is not something that needs to bounce around within my skull.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
[quote=Rex's Mom.]There is something that has been bugging me.
Does that answer the question?

A camera, shower curtain and youtube would have worked just fine.

And if you hate Uschi so much you to should just hate fuck like Klint and Elisa did.

Okay, that's a mental image I didn't need.

Junkies are ugly.

Sex between the junkie and the Jesus freak is not something that needs to bounce around within my skull.

He'd do a line off her shriveled cunt.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

What makes you think catguy was a prick?

I always thought he was, well, just being beardguy.

catguy or beardguy?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:30 AM
They're the same.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:31 AM
catguy is a alt isnt he?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:31 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
maybe lashed wasnt the proper word, but the fact that your naive enough to fall for beardguys stuff suprised me...

Well, I don't think Jerry is a "saint" or anything. And, I don't know that I would like to know him in real life or anything. And, to be honest, he did bring some of the threads down with his inability to have a sense of humor. But, generally speaking, I don't have a problem with people if they don't have a problem with me. Or, unless they fuck with a friend. Now, show me a post where Jerry was a cockhead, and I'll jump on the bandwagon. Otherwise, I'm just posting for fun...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
catguy is a alt isnt he?

Are we
Are we
Are we ourselves?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sex between the junkie and the Jesus freak is not something that needs to bounce around within my skull.

Yeah, but what a sitcom that would make...

 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
He'd do a line off her shriveled cunt.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
catguy is a alt isnt he?

Are we
Are we
Are we ourselves?

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
maybe lashed wasnt the proper word, but the fact that your naive enough to fall for beardguys stuff suprised me...

Well, I don't think Jerry is a "saint" or anything. And, I don't know that I would like to know him in real life or anything. And, to be honest, he did bring some of the threads down with his inability to have a sense of humor. But, generally speaking, I don't have a problem with people if they don't have a problem with me. Or, unless they fuck with a friend. Now, show me a post where Jerry was a cockhead, and I'll jump on the bandwagon. Otherwise, I'm just posting for fun...

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

You know Knut...it wouldn't hurt your stance to answer posts with more than a single word and an ellipses. Of course, I didn't notice it until Pariah and Rex pointed it out. But, fuck, it's all I can see now...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
maybe lashed wasnt the proper word, but the fact that your naive enough to fall for beardguys stuff suprised me...

Well, I don't think Jerry is a "saint" or anything. And, I don't know that I would like to know him in real life or anything. And, to be honest, he did bring some of the threads down with his inability to have a sense of humor. But, generally speaking, I don't have a problem with people if they don't have a problem with me. Or, unless they fuck with a friend. Now, show me a post where Jerry was a cockhead, and I'll jump on the bandwagon. Otherwise, I'm just posting for fun...


Well played. I actually clicked on that...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:37 AM
Posted By: rex Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

You know Knut...it wouldn't hurt your stance to answer posts with more than a single word and an ellipses. Of course, I didn't notice it until Pariah and Rex pointed it out. But, fuck, it's all I can see now...

About damn time.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:37 AM
I can roll with that...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:37 AM
its my way of pissing folks off. go back to hating uschi...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:38 AM
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:40 AM
Actually pro, Jerry did make a post in the "where were you on 9/11" thread that was offensive to the dead.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:40 AM
i agree...
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:41 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:42 AM
agreed (again)...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:42 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
its my way of pissing folks off. go back to hating uschi...

Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:42 AM
and.... space...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
Actually pro, Jerry did make a post in the "where were you on 9/11" thread that was offensive to the dead.

Did it have to do with PCG?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:49 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Sex between the junkie and the Jesus freak is not something that needs to bounce around within my skull.

Yeah, but what a sitcom that would make...

 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
He'd do a line off her shriveled cunt.

Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 6:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
Actually pro, Jerry did make a post in the "where were you on 9/11" thread that was offensive to the dead.

Did it have to do with PCG?


Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 7:05 AM
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, I had Just woke up to feed my cats. My boyfriend and I had been lying there spooning for a good two hours. I had gotten up to make us some western omelettes and biscuits. He came running into the kitchen, then in my arse, and told me to scurry into the living room to see the new. I was completely shock. I fell into his arms in tears. We did it right there on the couch and the eggs burnt.

lmfao!!! Was this edited by someone??!
Posted By: rex Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 7:07 AM
Does it matter?
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 7:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, I had Just woke up to feed my cats. My boyfriend and I had been lying there spooning for a good two hours. I had gotten up to make us some western omelettes and biscuits. He came running into the kitchen, then in my arse, and told me to scurry into the living room to see the new. I was completely shock. I fell into his arms in tears. We did it right there on the couch and the eggs burnt.

lmfao!!! Was this edited by someone??!

I improved it over the 8 paragraphs he had.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 7:11 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 7:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Does it matter?

Sure. If it wasn't edited.....YIKES!

If it was, it's a masterful tweak of humor...

 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
I improved it over the 8 paragraphs he had.

Well played...for a second I was like, WTF?!!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 7:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
Does it matter?

 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
I improved it over the 8 paragraphs he had.

Well played...for a second I was like, WTF?!!

I tweaked at least 200 of his first posts here.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 8:17 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Rex's Mom.
There is something that has been bugging me. I've seen you in previous threads yell at my son to be nice to Jerry. Brian has shared with me PM's from you telling him to cut it out and leave him alone. Why didn't you jump in when Uschi was attack Jerry? Why is there no "Leave Jerry Alone!" video?

I don't normally speak with alts, Nowhereman. They have bad breath and stare at my crotch too much. But, in your case, I will address this point as succinctly as possible.

Rex is bitter. Rex likes to moan and bitch and whine about everyone and everything, constantly. It's a given, and it's something I like to poke him with (unlike my penis, which is not sheathed in a sock = pointless). I don't really take him, or his complaints about Jerry very seriously. Why? Because he's rex. He is who he is.

Uschi created a mission for herself long ago to hate Beardguy. It was something easily ignored, as I didn't take her seriously. Thus, I couldn't see why Jerry would do the same. Rex went around complaining about Jerry to the point of absurdity. But, he never took the time or effort to Photoshop pictures or edit his posts. This is a clear and obvious difference in approach. One is rex being a troll (i.e. his lovable cranky self). The other is an unhealthy obsession with a complete stranger.

While rex complained about Jerry because of who he (rex) is, Uschi formed a loathing that was at once, disturbing, and equally disappointing. Uschi was once a poster who had a tight wit and intelligent take on pretty much everything. She was someone I could like, and enjoy being around. She did not wear her insecurities on her shoulder, and she did not allow anything message board-wise to affect her to the point of obsession.

However, for some reason, she decided she needed an enemy. Someone to attack and hate. Whether this was born of personal problems, emotional insecurities, or what, I cannot say. There seems to be no clear indication as to why she hates Jerry as much as she does. All I know is, she wanted to flail angrily at the world, and Jerry became her target.

Where I understand rex, and relatively the reasons behind why he acts the way he does (particularly towards Jerry), I do not understand Uschi or her actions. Thus, there would be no point voicing my opposition to her, as she is/was hellbent on her path.

To put it in better perspective, if she had expressed her opposition for my little "war" with G-Man around two years ago, she would have been wasting her breath. I was obsessed with our rivalry, much in the same way he was. And no "reason" was going to matter to me. Not from her, not from anyone.

In the end, Jerry is/was a big boy. He could always handle rex being rex. How or why Uschi was able to get to him, I don't know. But, the deal is done. You'll have to ask him the next time he decides to come back.

Does that answer the question?

I used to think Pro was kinda smart, but you really are a moron arent you? i cant believe you let beardguy play you like a fiddle. you really believe his innocent never hurt a fly crap dont you? it's obvious the guy is a prick, and you lash out at uschi, jeez wise up, and take the blinders off. uschi did this board a favor and everyone should be endebted to her for making this a better place.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 8:19 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

What makes you think catguy was a prick?

I always thought he was, well, just being beardguy.

They're not synonymous?
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 8:24 AM
Why are people here so obsessed with Beardguy57?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 8:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny

Holy shit that's fucking brilliant! He was actually being honest!?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 8:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Why are people here so obsessed with Beardguy57?

ask rex
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 3:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Why are people here so obsessed with Beardguy57?

Posted By: Captain Sweden Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 5:55 PM
I have seen nothing in the links that would prove BSAMS's statements right. The "offensive" was the picture of the fat woman, which wasn't worse than some of the posts Uschie has posted.

BSAMS has proved himself a fool once again.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 5:56 PM
Uh oh....
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 9:10 PM
Posted By: rex Re: Dear Prometheus - 2008-02-08 9:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
I have seen nothing in the links that would prove BSAMS's statements right. The "offensive" was the picture of the fat woman, which wasn't worse than some of the posts Uschie has posted.

BSAMS has proved himself a fool once again.

Just stop posting. Please.