Posted By: Uschi as published in the medical magazine "DUH" - 2009-03-08 6:28 AM
(with props to Norm MacDonald for the title)

Scientists in the study of sex appeal have discovered that heterosexual males find women more sexy when they are smelling "copulance," the scent found prominent in a woman's vaginal fluids.

I think it is time the perfume industry went the way of the dinosaurs. Time for women to stick a couple fingers in and dab THAT behind their ears.
Posted By: Rob Re: as published in the medical magazine "DUH" - 2009-03-08 6:47 AM
or let us do it for you!
Posted By: Rob Re: as published in the medical magazine "DUH" - 2009-03-08 6:56 AM
(and poor, ill-fated duh magazine)
Posted By: Uschi Re: as published in the medical magazine "DUH" - 2009-03-08 8:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
(and poor, ill-fated duh magazine)

Norm used it in a Weekend Update skit a million years ago.