I suppose you think this is humorous, don't you. Well it certainly is not!
It is not my fault that my promo's were sub par, and that despite my rigging of the polls, I still lost because I am a very unpopular person.
I bet you think you are very clever, just because you have friends, and have had sex with at least one female in your lifetime.
Well the last laugh is on you, for I came 8th in the Writer's digest short story competition, last year. Have you ever come so far from winning in your life? I bet you have not.
Why won't that dude knock that catipillar off his face?

Or is that poop?
 Originally Posted By: Mopius

don't forget I beat Sammitch, too!
Please, Grimm, no more posts about your sexual conquests.
Google 02/20/10 08:04 PM Reading a post
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: Grimm kicks Snarf's whiny ass; wins RDCW World Championship...
my victory celebration continues!

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