Posted By: PJP I've been blocked by another Obamanaut on Twitter - 2009-09-04 3:48 PM
First Mark Waid got all pissy when I challenged him on Obama and then blocked me....and now Will Carroll.

Will Carroll is a baseball injury "expert". He is a fat fuck that lives in his parent's basement and does not have a very thick skin. He made a comment yesterday about Obama making a speech to kids not being a big deal and that if Reagan did it we'd all be ok with it. All I said to him in return is "stick to baseball that is what you are good at." he got mad at me told me that I told him to shut up and thanks for playing and then blocked me.

you can find him at http://www.twitter.com/injuryexpert

ask him why he hates america?
The only time I remember listening or watching an address from the President was George H. W. Bush.

He said don't do drugs. It took him twenty minutes to say don't do drugs but basically that was the message.

What will Obama's be on?
first he was to speak on staying in school. Then (the controversial part) he was to ask the students to write essays on how they (the kids) could help Obama achieve his and their goals. Basically an essay saying All Hail the Glorious Leader.
Oh bloody hell.
 Originally Posted By: PJP
He made a comment yesterday about Obama making a speech to kids not being a big deal and that if Reagan did it we'd all be ok with it.

Reagan loved his country, there's a difference.
BSAMS, be fair. Obama loves his country too. We just don't know what country that is...

i spit out my milk and cookies!
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: PJP
He made a comment yesterday about Obama making a speech to kids not being a big deal and that if Reagan did it we'd all be ok with it.

Reagan loved his country, there's a difference.

Right up until he forgot all about it...and his own name..etc etc etc
Even with his mind gone he cared more about it than Hussein Obama!
Fascists like to get into the hearts of the vulnerable (kids) and turn them against their parents. This is only the first step.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
BSAMS, be fair. Obama loves his country too. We just don't know what country that is...

 Originally Posted By: basams
i spit out my milk and cookies!

Yeah, I just spat out half-chewed teriyaki chicken fingers.
rex just spit out Rob's cock!
 Originally Posted By: PJP
rex just spit out Rob's cock!

And put it right back in like a trooper!