Posted By: Captain Sammitch about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-09 4:37 PM
we've held it off as long as we could stand, but his liver's shut down. he hasn't eaten in a week and he's barely been able to drink anything. I've had to carry him inside from his last three walks and he's almost completely withdrawn from everyone. we can't let him continue to suffer. this is really gonna suck... \:\(
Posted By: the G-man Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-09 5:41 PM
Sorry to hear it. Is this Jake?
he left at 10:56 this morning. I was with him up until and during the final injection. jake had just enough left in the tank to turn his head a little and lick my hand once or twice, then he just sort of drifted off and they waited a few minutes and administered the final shot. I'm just glad he's not hurting anymore.

Posted By: the G-man Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-09 7:27 PM

I remember five or so years ago when Jake wasn't doing well and you thought he wouldn't make it then.

I mention this because he lasted another five years thanks to you and your family which is, some say, roughly thirty years in dog terms. That says to me that you guys gave him a long and good life.

My condolences, buddy.
Posted By: Grimm Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-10 1:45 AM
sorry, man. it's rough watching a pet go.
Posted By: Rob Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-10 3:44 AM
sorry about jake, sammitch. \:\/

alexis really wants to get a burmese mountain dog. they're good dogs, but have some sorta genetic defect that makes their average life span like 5 years, with the final year or so being painful to them.

i grew up with dogs (well, with people, but they had dogs) so i'm all too familiar with how sad it is when they go. too devastating an experience to get just 5 years out of it.
Posted By: the G-man Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-10 3:53 AM
I never knew that about the Bernise Mountain Dogs. One of the secretaries at my office has a couple. They're nice dogs but big and drool a lot.
I have a friend who has a Burnese.I haven't sen him drooling. He is a bit hyper.

Sorry the hear about your dog,Sammitch.

Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-10 8:31 AM
Sorry to hear about your dog Sammitch. I've gone through 3 pet deaths last year and I know how sad those can be.

One of our dogs, a 10+ year old mongrel with no name gave birth in front of our doorstep, the pup was DOA and the mongrel staggered around for a bit, drank her milk and went backyard to lie down and pass away.

The other was my in-laws' guard dog, who tried to climb over a bench while she was on a leash and ended up getting hanged, with the leash twisting itself on her jaw which prevented her from making a noise and alerting people.

The last was a really old shi tzuh(it was already an adult when they bought it, it stayed with them for about 5 years) who suffered from the same thing as Jake (old age/liver failure), it started while me and my wife was on vacation, and it seemed like it just waited for her to come back. When my wife visited, it ate solid food before going to sleep. It didn't wake up again.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-10 8:51 AM
Sorry Phil. It's never easy to lose a friend. \:\(
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: about to take my dog to the vet... - 2011-04-10 11:35 PM
Sorry, Phil.
