Posted By: LLance LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-11-30 11:04 AM
The last few weeks have been the hardest of my life. On top of my brother dying I had eight family members move in with us just a couple of weeks prior. Two have since moved out but it looks like we're committed to the other six for a while anyway. I also had a shouting match with my sister which has since been rectified but I'm still kicking myself for letting her draw me into the confrontation in the first place. My brother owned and ran a sports web-site which has now become the family's financial responsibility. We all want to see the web-site continue...but are we equipped to keep the web-site going is the question running through my mind.. I think I am rambling so I will leave you with this good news-I started grief conseling today and I'm positive it will help in the long run. I also promise to try to show my face a little more around here. I do enjoy the people here and shame on me for being a stranger but it's really been hectic around here lately.
LLance, I wish all the best for you and your family in this time of grief. Just remember you have friends here. Trash-talking friends, yes, but friends nonetheless.
Posted By: LLance Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-11-30 11:21 AM
Just because they smell like trash doesn't mean they ARE tras...Oh! You said TRASH-TALKING! Nevermind!

Seriously thank you for the kind words TTT. I've always loved the people here. We all just know how to have a good time!
Posted By: URG Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-11-30 11:27 AM
Sorry about your loss Lance. I'll be adding my prayers to the many others out there for you & your family.

LLance said:
The last few weeks have been the hardest of my life. On top of my brother dying

LLance, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies.
Posted By: LLance Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-11-30 11:04 PM
Thanks guys! The kind words mean more than you could possibly know!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-11-30 11:21 PM
I'm sorry too, LLance.

Take care.
Sorry to hear that LLance, and I hope you're OK.
Awwwwwww Llance my heart goes out to you! If you lived near me, I'd take you out for ice-cream so you could vent to somebody! I'm really sorry bout everything!

I so understand your shouting match with your sis though. My lil sis' thinks she's right about EVERYTHING and you think that woulda changed now that shes 22 but nooo! She's taller than me though so rather then getting beaten up I just let her think her view on things is always right ;p

Feel free to ramble and vent on us anytime! That's what Rob's boards are for anyways!
Posted By: backwards7 Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-01 4:47 AM

I am sorry for the loss of your brother. It must be a devastating experience.

I know that the aftermath of a loved one's death, where you attempt to impose some kind of order on the life that they left behind, can also be emotionally shattering. I wish you as much mental and spiritual strength as you need to get through this difficult period and I hope that the passing of time will go some way towards making things better for you.
Posted By: the G-man Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-01 4:52 AM
LL, sorry for your loss.
Sorry about your loss, Llance. We're all praying for you.
Sorry to hear about yout loss, LLance. My family offers our very best wishes and prayers for you and yours.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-05 12:29 AM
Be strong LLance,things will get better!
i hope things turnaround soon for you Llance, and sorry to hear about your brother's passing.....
Posted By: LLance Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-05 11:44 AM
I thought this thread had become lost after a recent bsaming. I was certainly surprised to see it had resurfaced!

Thanks everybody for all of the kind thoughts. Things are certainly a little bit better a month later. All the relatives are gone now and we have our house back. That has helped. We took my Brother's ashes to a family plot across from the home where my Father was raised. That helped bring closure. Lots of things to be done with his estate still but things are slowly coming together. The big question is my Brother's web-site and if it will be able to continue. I think it will. The moderators and the posters at the web-site seem to be totally committed.
Posted By: whomod Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-09 1:15 AM
My sympathies. i can certainly relate.

I've been scare around these parts myself on account of similar circumstances. After a long illness, my grandmother (and only living grandparent) took a turn for the worst this past November. She had several caner related illnesses including a cancerous tumor that was inoperable. She was on morphine for the last days of her life and finally passed away on the 24th of last month (the day before Thanksgiving). So needless to say, there was no Thanksgiving festivities at my moms house this year, seeing as she spent most of that month anyways by my grandmothers bedside.

Just last week I returned from the funeral (in Mexico) which unfortunately also fell on the birthdate of my aunt who also happened to be my grandmothers closest daughter. Fate sucks that way i guess..

It was a pretty draining affair having to travel and be in the proximity of some family members with longstanding fueds and such. But we all got by. The funeral itself and wake was an emotionally draining experience too. So coming here and partaking of the usual pointless waste of times, wasn't on my list of priorities obviously enough.
My sympathies, WM.
Posted By: whomod Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-09 9:48 AM
Thanks Jim.

I appreciate that..
Posted By: LLance Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-09 10:41 PM
Sorry for your loss Whomod. I definitely feel your pain. I was dreading Thanksgiving but it actually was much better than what I thought it would be. I'm sure in time your holidays will be good again as well.
Posted By: whomod Re: LLance's life in the last few weeks... - 2004-12-23 12:18 PM
Thanks Llance.

And sorry for not thanking you soner too!

Again, my condolensces go out to you as well on your loss.

Until we're all reunited once more up above, eh?
How did Christmas turn out Lancers? Was everything alright with your family?