I'm talking about robberies, carjacking, any situation where you MUST do exactly as they say.

Never happened to me, but I hear it's terrifying for you life to be in another person's hands no matter how good you may be at martial arts.

If you have, what's it like? How does it change you?
Yeah, but I was actually pretty dazed at the time, so I didn't have the ability to be scared. I was at a rave in the Mojave and the "bad" crowd started getting rowdy. I and a couple others try to help settle 'em down and then they pull a gun on us (me). I'm like, "What the fuck did you bring a gun here for!?" Then he was tackled from the side and me and a couple others started dog piling him. Anyway, him and his friends left after someone pistol-whipped the guy with his own gun.

An hour afterwards when we were driving home and the fumes were wearing off, I was like, "Oh my God! I had a gun pointed at me!"

And I never went to a rave in the desert again.....Er, that is to say I was never invited to one again so I haven't gone in awhile.
just laser tag and paint gun wars.....scary.... also my brother shot me with a BB gun a few times. I've shot girls in the face

with my penis.
One of my brothers almost shot me once. It was 2am, I was punding on the front door and in his drunken stupor he decided to answer the door with a loaded gun. Luckily he didn't pull the trigger.

I still have no idea why he kept the fucking thing loaded in the first place.
I've had several people threaten to pull knives on me.
I always say "Go on then"
They never do!

Gay cunts!
The DEA raided our pharmacy once. They had guns out. I was sick that day.


Pariah said:
my mom made my cousin take me to the desert for a camping trip. I had a sip of beer and shit my pants and then told everyone it was a bullet wound.

An hour afterwards when we were driving home and the fumes were wearing off, I was like, "Oh my God! I shit my pants!"

And I never went to a campout in the desert again.....Er, that is to say I was never invited to one again so I haven't left my mom's basement in awhile.

Yes, I've been shot, in the hip, by a dude who for some reason thought I was hanging out near his house and littering (if you can believe that) while I was on town watch duty. I got shot right outside the civic center delivering reports for the town watch. Got his license number, he got arrested but somehow the cops never called me about prosecuting the jerk. He was 68 years old, believe it or not. Fun!

Does that count as "pointed at" though? It was a drive by. Anyway, imagine how embarassing it is to get shot in a drive by by a 68 year old geezer!
not exactly, but I've been in a situation where, if a weapon had gone off it would've meant either death or serious injury to me and my teammates.

When I was in the army we had a platoon live-fire exercise. We were 9 men in an apc, all with fully loaded assault rifles. Had one of those rifles gone off the bullet would have ricochetted all over the tightly packed apc.

calculated risk, obviously, and not at all frightening. At least nowhere near Pariah's experience.

r3x29yz4a said:

Pariah said:
my mom made my cousin take me to the desert for a camping trip. I had a sip of beer and shit my pants and then told everyone it was a bullet wound.

An hour afterwards when we were driving home and the fumes were wearing off, I was like, "Oh my God! I shit my pants!"

And I never went to a campout in the desert again.....Er, that is to say I was never invited to one again so I haven't left my mom's basement in awhile.

I've shot girls in the face. With my penis.

...oh, damn, somebody already said that.
And we didnt believe them either!

PJP said:
just laser tag and paint gun wars.....scary.... also my brother shot me with a BB gun a few times. I've shot girls in the face

with my penis.

"This is my rifle! This is my gun!
This is for fighting! This is for fun!"

My little sister pointed a rifle at me once. After that my dad began keeping them locked up (he restored and rebuilt rifles as a hobby). Thankfully I've never had any kind of firearm pointed at me since.

With all the guns being smuggled in from the U.S., though, it's bound to happen sooner or later.
Outside of his time as an MP in the USAF, my dad had a gun pointed at him on a number of occasions. We lived in a pretty rough part of Cleveland (as opposed to all the other parts?), and his work took him into way rougher parts of Cleveland. Nothing ever came of it - the last time it happened (right in front of the house) he swatted it aside and told the guy "Don't be an idiot." The guy walked away. Almost amusing if my mom hadn't been so freaked out when she called me about it.
The fact that I can avoid such situations for me, my family, my friends and the vast majority of my countrymen is the reason Why I support strict gun-control.

While my own experience as stated above is nothing compared to what other people have experienced this is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. I can't even begin to imagine what goes through ones head when that gun is pointed at you.

Is he going to shoot, is it loaded, why me, why is he doing this, what'll he do next. etc. etc.

It's scary to even think of it
Life is potentially scary. You never know if you looked both ways enough times before you cross the street, you never know if the guy in the other lane is sober or not, you never know if the plane you're on will get to its destination. Anything can happen. You can either live in fear of the what ifs, or you can just live and let others do the same thing.
Isn't having a gun living in fear?

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Isn't having a gun living in fear?

No, it's being practical.

Damn kids on my lawn with their ZZ Top!
What other reason than being afraid of being mugged or something would you have for keeping a gun?
People hunt. People also shoot guns at fireing ranges for fun. In rural areas guns are used to kill animals who damage homes and other property like armadillos.

And, besides, being prepared and being afraid are two different things. I have bottled water, canned food, candles, flashlights with extra batteries, portable radio, and candles in my home for emergencies. This doesn't mean I'm afraid of hurricanes. I'm just prepared for one because I live in an area that can and has gotten hit by them.

thedoctor said:
People hunt. People also shoot guns at fireing


thedoctor said:
People hunt. People also shoot guns at fireing ranges for fun. In rural areas guns are used to kill animals who damage homes and other property like armadillos.

Only the last one sounds like "being practical", and it's limited to rural areas.


And, besides, being prepared and being afraid are two different things.

There's an infinite number of things you could get prepared for.
my brothers own guns to hunt. the one that pointed the handgun at me has it because...um, still not sure. If I ever asked, it would probably be a stupid reason, like its cool or something.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

thedoctor said:
People hunt. People also shoot guns at fireing ranges for fun. In rural areas guns are used to kill animals who damage homes and other property like armadillos.

Only the last one sounds like "being practical", and it's limited to rural areas.

Hunting is practical as well, though I would also limit that to rural areas as well.


Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

And, besides, being prepared and being afraid are two different things.

There's an infinite number of things you could get prepared for.

Still no proof of fear by any means.
It's still what Sammitch was talking about: you can never predict what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go with the odds and trust that I won't need a gun. I don't think guns are necessary if you live in an urban area... if anything, buying one raises the possibilities that something dangerous will fall in the wrong hands. In modern life, guns are toys for grown men. That's why I have no problem with their purchase being as restricted as it possibly could be.
I'm not in total disagreement with you. Guns should be registered. Gun owners should have to display a proficiency with gun safety and usage. And shit like AK-47's have no place in the average citizen's hands.

Have you ever had a gun pointed to you by someone other than a cop?

its.. the sole reason i hate holidays. specifically... chirstmas.

thedoctor said:
I'm not in total disagreement with you. Guns should be registered. Gun owners should have to display a proficiency with gun safety and usage. And shit like AK-47's have no place in the average citizen's hands.

i totally agree with you doc.

i dont think the average citizan should be alowed to have an arsenal in their house either.

unless they are registered Zombie Killers for when the zombies attack.... then its okay. but they have to show their membership card!
I worked in a 24 hr. Adult bookstore for a couple of months when work was scarce back in '94.I worked the 1-9am shift because there were very few people & I could bring a stack of comics to read(all the porn mags were in sealed plastic).Anywho about 2-2:30am one night,a guy came in dressed in black with a ski-mask on & pointed the gun at me and robbed the place.He had me lie down on my stomach and count to 200 before getting up after he left.I got to 30 before I called the cops.They never caught the guy to my knowledge.While the experiance was pretty scary,it could've been worse & I haven't had any phobias about guns develop or anything.

allan1 said:
(all the porn mags were in sealed plastic)

I'm sure there was a damned good reason for that.

Good to hear that nothing happened to our precious allan1. Damn them if he had hurt you. Damn him I say.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
It's still what Sammitch was talking about: you can never predict what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go with the odds and trust that I won't need a gun. I don't think guns are necessary if you live in an urban area... if anything, buying one raises the possibilities that something dangerous will fall in the wrong hands. In modern life, guns are toys for grown men. That's why I have no problem with their purchase being as restricted as it possibly could be.

Whoa, that was really... I didn't click.
I had a gun pulled on me at a Blockbuster I worked at--gave the guy $75 and they caught him a day or so later.

Also had a bum pull a gun on me in San Francisco.
And at a couple of house parties.

But that's it.
I'm relieved that those of you who were robbed at gun point or who had a gun pulled on them are uninjured. I have not had anyone pull a gun on me..but the show's not over yet...

Modfather, I am very sorry you got shot! That sounds like a terrible experience - I can only imagine how painful it must have been...