In the last few days WWE has ended quite a few contracts,very similar to last years cull,and many believe more names will follow.
So far from the active roster we have lost Rhyno,Matt Hardy (who was medically cleared to return) & Molly Holly.
Also given the boot were Chilly Willy (OVW development talent),Jesus (injured) & Paul Bearer (yes he was still contracted).

So who will be next?

My guesses would be from the following list.

Shannon Moore
Paul Heyman
Ultimo Dragon
Charlie Haas
Steven Richards
The Hurricane

Also I have a feeling that the Dudleyz are far from safe!
Posted By: Rob Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2005-04-12 11:10 PM
heyman will stay (unless he choses otherwise). hurricane will definitely stay (unless he choses otherwise).

the rest are up for grabs, tho
Posted By: Charlie Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2005-04-12 11:42 PM
I'm not sure about Rosey and Haas, but I could see the others going.

I'd also like to add:

Garrison Cade: The WWE aren't really using him, and he was boring to start off with.

Val Venis: Old, and vaguely talented.

Hardcore Holly: He's apparently been acting like a bully backstage, so I;d fire him. And, he's been neglected. A surefire case.

Rene Dupree: I don't even know who the guy is. Not a good sign
All good choices!
Cade is sposed to be moving to SD,but I dont see why they just wont bypass SD & move him to the unemployment line!

Hardcore I have to say was gonna be on my list,but I just feel he has enough clout with Vince to keep him on board!

Nowhereman said:

Hardcore I have to say was gonna be on my list,but I just feel he has enough clout with Vince to keep him on board!

don't forget the fact that he's your boyfriend!
Yer only jealous cause the only boyfriend you could get was the Big Show!
he lied to me - he said he was big all over!
Poor ROY,his anus knew no pleasure!
until I met you...whcih led me to llance!
I thought Ultimo Dragon had been let go already...

Anyway, if I had to choose, my guess would be that they would get rid of Molly Holly, Victoria, and Ivory next. Because, with few exceptions, it seems that the only attractive women Vince wants on the roster are the ones with absolutely no wrestling talent.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2005-04-13 10:04 AM
Molly's gone. As of today. It's on the site.
Err...Charlie's said that. On the Matt Hardy and Rhyno thread.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2005-04-13 10:11 AM
Ain't read that one yet.

King Snarf said:
I thought Ultimo Dragon had been let go already...

Anyway, if I had to choose, my guess would be that they would get rid of Molly Holly, Victoria, and Ivory next. Because, with few exceptions, it seems that the only attractive women Vince wants on the roster are the ones with absolutely no wrestling talent.

Dragon is still contracted but seems to be sitting it out in Japan!
The official line is he will be back,but he was not happy with how he was handled!

As for Molly,please try & keep up!

Grimm said:
Ain't read that one yet.

Its also mentioned in my first post of this thread!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2005-04-13 7:45 PM
you can't expect me to pay attention to. . .stuff. yeah.

honestly, they might as well just save themselves the time and fire all the good wrestlers right now. that way, there's no need for anybody to watch Raw, Smackdown, or any of their other gimp ass shows.
I tell ya something though,the guys like Matt Hardy who use their own names or gimmicks are a lot bet off than people like Billy Gunn & Molly Holly who cant wrestle under the names that made them famous,because WWE owns it!

I like the idea of gimps wrestling though!

Nowhereman said:
In the last few days WWE has ended quite a few contracts,very similar to last years cull,and many believe more names will follow.
So far from the active roster we have lost Rhyno,Matt Hardy (who was medically cleared to return) & Molly Holly.
Also given the boot were Chilly Willy (OVW development talent),Jesus (injured) & Paul Bearer (yes he was still contracted).

So who will be next?

My guesses would be from the following list.

Shannon Moore
Paul Heyman
Ultimo Dragon
Charlie Haas
Steven Richards
The Hurricane

Also I have a feeling that the Dudleyz are far from safe!

Mark Jindrak won't be around much longer either.
What makes you say that?
He has been used quite a bit & is quite a prominent character,all the others are currently background fluff!

Nowhereman said:
What makes you say that?...

It's the curse of the WCW Power Plant!
Don't forget Nunzio.
Thanks ROY I needed a laugh.
Kinda Sorta sucks

Nowhereman said:
In the last few days WWE has ended quite a few contracts,very similar to last years cull,and many believe more names will follow.
So far from the active roster we have lost Rhyno,Matt Hardy (who was medically cleared to return) & Molly Holly.
Also given the boot were Chilly Willy (OVW development talent),Jesus (injured) & Paul Bearer (yes he was still contracted).

So who will be next?

My guesses would be from the following list.

Shannon Moore
Paul Heyman
Ultimo Dragon
Charlie Haas
Steven Richards
The Hurricane

Also I have a feeling that the Dudleyz are far from safe!

Haas is around, but going nowhere.

Akio is now Jimmy Wang Yang.

Hurricane had a long run as cruiserweight champion.

But Haas and Akio were let go!
They then came back!

Same with Shannon Moore!

The two I got wrong were Richards and Heyman (who is still under contract, despite being off tv).
Posted By: Grimm Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2007-04-20 6:24 PM
they cut the entire Deep South Wrestling territory this week.
Just the terriotry. The roster is being exported en masse to Steve Keirn's school in Tampa.
Posted By: PJP Re: Who will be next on the WWE chopping block! - 2007-04-20 8:43 PM

PJP said:

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 4:22 AM


Randy Orton was sent home today by the WWE after he reportedly damaged the hotel where they were staying at in Germany. It is unknown at this time if he was just kicked off the highly lucrative European tour or if a full suspension is in the works. Rhyno was suspended then released by the WWE for damaging property in a hotel during a WrestleMania weekend.


Posted By: Grimm Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 4:35 AM

remember how just a few short years ago, they kept shoving Orton down our throats and kept telling us how great he was an dhow he was the future of wrestling and all that nonsense?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 4:55 AM
orton is a great heel, his problem to me is the same bret hart had, he was a tweener. not quite heavy weight, too big too be a cruiser, could go to the top rope not, agile enough to be a high flyer, could brawl, not tough enough looking to be a brawler. hart overcame alot of this with support of the large canadian wwe audience and being in the right place at the right time, orton is no doubt a very good heel, but when your style has no definition its hard for the fans to really latch on to you
Posted By: Grimm Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 5:28 AM
plus, all those moves he kept botching. meh. Orton had the potential to be a great heel, but he has no real heart for wrestling. he got into it cuz daddy had to bail him out after his failed stint in the marines.

now, Edge, Edge is a great heel. I like how he reinvented himself a few years ago.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 5:51 AM
While I don't care for some of the choices he's made in his personal life, Edge is one of the best workers the WWE has right now.
Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 8:52 AM
Edge is definitely a great heel, it's true, but isn't he quite a lot more experienced than Orton? I mean, Orton's no longer really a rookie, but Edge has been going since at least the mid 90's.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 8:57 AM
That doesn't necessarily matter- Batista's been in the business since about '00-'01, Samoa Joe has been in the business for about half as long. Who would you say is the better of the two? Heck, Kurt's been in the business for about 8 years, and he's already better than many guys with twice as much experience in the ring.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 2:38 PM
I think the big mistake with Orton, is how WWE seem to change direction with him way too much.

When he first came in, he was pretty much a nonentity who nobody would have cared if he was heel or face.
Then his momentum was hurt by constantly injuring himself (more than likely to his lack of in ring skill, which while better now, still has not improved anywhere near as much as it should have by now).

Then when they hooked him up with Evolution, they made exactly the right move to get him:
a) some decent exposure
b) some experience and training

HHH and Flair did wonders for him, and the whole legend killer angle was best gimmick he had, and quite frankly, is how he should have stayed!

As soon as they put the belt on him, they turned him face, which was a huge mistake, and killed any momentum he had, as the fans were just not behind him.
He wasnt ready to be turned face and he certainly was not ready to carry the belt and the company.

Of course WWE realised this, and he promptly turned heel again.

Since then, he has been involved in issues of his own making with stories of backstage antics, drugs and generally being such a twat that even guys like Flair & HHH, who were former friends, didnt want to know him.

Now, with Edge, WWE used the internet to amp up his heel turn, and continously used this to make the fans really hate the guy, which has done wonders for his career.
With Orton they let all that slide and never really gave the fans anymore reasons to truly despise him.

Whether its cause WWE has grown bored with him, or feel that he no longer deserves their pushes due to his attitude/antics, I dont really know.

What I do know is, despite his short comings in ring, he could have been up there as an Edge level heel if he had continued with the legend killer gimmick.

Teaming him with Edge seemed like a great idea at first, but once again, that has been a wasted opportunity.

Personally I couldnt care less about the guy, but maybe that would have been different if WWE had handled him correctly.
Lets face it, I thought Edge was a total wanker after the Lita/Matt thing, and felt he was the one who shoulda been fired, but now I am so glad they kept him on as he is one of the strongest characters in WWE right now.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 5:07 PM
well i think if you have plans to push edge and you realized that matt had run his course he is the one you should fire, why keep the guy that has ran his course and fire the guy with the upside?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 5:12 PM
The only reason I say he shoulda been fired was that WWE had always had an unwritten policy that you do not mess with another superstars partner, or risk being fired!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-21 5:19 PM
i dont know that to really be the case, i think if you look back at any instances where that happened it was always the lower draw got sent packing...
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-22 1:35 AM
I don't think Matt had "run his course"; I think the booking hurt him when they moved him to RAW and made him a face. 'Cause when he was on Smackdown, he was getting very over as a heel, with his "Version One-ah" gimmick, the Mattitude facts (God, I LOVED those), and good promos and ring work in general. And let's not forget, with the Edge-Matt feud, Matt was just as hot. In fact, after they moved him back to Smackdown, they had that Taboo Tuesday poll to determine what Superstars would go against the team of Edge and whoever the hell Edge's partner was; Matt got more votes than Rey Mysterio, who has always been pretty popular.


Nowie said:Teaming him with Edge seemed like a great idea at first, but once again, that has been a wasted opportunity.

The funny thing is, when Edge and Orton fight, despite both using heel tactics, the fans cheer Edge.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-22 9:15 PM

King Snarf said:
Matt was just as hot.

Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-23 2:11 AM
Heat! With the fans! He was over!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-23 2:30 AM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

King Snarf said:
Matt was just as hot.

And this surprises you?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 2:31 AM
Just an update to the Orton story, I been hearing rumours that the damage Orton caused is a bit more than when Rhino kicked over a plant pot.
$50,000 of damage is the figure thats being thrown about!

WWE has issued a statement, but it pretty much says nothing!

I'd say Ortons career is on thin ice if thats true, but I really dont think he will lose his job as I think Vince still sees him as the future of the company!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 3:29 AM
That, and I'd be willing to believe that Vince is afraid TNA would try to snap him up as soon as possible.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 3:53 AM
that's the only good thing about him staying in the E. I won't have to see him show up in TNA.

Hey, Vince! Thanks for keeping Mark Henry and taking away the Alpha Lax!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 3:55 AM
Not to mention Lashley, Khali, and some of the other terrible wrestlers you employ.

A chilling thought just occurred to me however- What are the odds that Andrew Martin might show up in TNA???
Posted By: Grimm Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 3:57 AM
now that you've actually had to go and say it, probably pretty good.

although on the bright side, it would be funny to see him and Nash in a segment, and have Nash make fun of him.

Then they could reform the Skyscrapers with Lance Hoyt!!!
Posted By: PixieP Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 4:04 AM
Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #6676 and Wrestlezone.com


It was originally reported Friday that Randy Orton was sent home from the European tour for trashing a hotel room. The damage has been rumored to be estimated around $30,000. There has been talk that he will not be working next Sunday’s Backlash PPV. This has yet to be confirmed.

Here's some additional info...

An Update On Randy Orton Situation
04/23/2007 by Ryan Clark

With regard to the Randy Orton situation, there have been lots of rumors swirling around, and none of them good for Orton.

Although not confirmed, there is talk that Orton may even be pulled from Backlash this Sunday where he is scheduled to compete in a Fatal Four Way along with John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and Edge.

A few people have noticed that commercials airing to advertise the main-event at Backlash have not included Orton, however given WWE's history of advertising screw ups, this could just be a simple mistake.

The third generation star is no stranger to controversy in WWE after being accused of harassing former WWE employees Amy Weber and Rochelle Loewen, as well as being listed in a Sports Illustrated for obtaining the drugs clomiphene citrate and the steroids stanozolol, nandrolone, anastrozole, oxandrolone, and testosterone.

We will keep you updated on the situation, but it is clearly serious for Orton.

It was almost exactly a year ago that Orton was suspended for 60 days for another altercation:

ComicBloc: The Official Wrestling Thread Post #3415


Randy Orton was suspended by WWE this past week for 60 days following a major incident that only worsened his already poor backstage reputation. According to the Wrestling-Observer Newsletter, the final incident occurred at some point in Chicago. It is being called a "near disaster," and the feeling is that if Orton were not a top name, he would have been fired for his actions. But by no means was this an isolated incident. It was Orton's behavior that initially prompted WWE management to give Kurt Angle the title vacated by Batista.

And, while Orton avoided a suspension due to being booked for the WrestleMania main-event, an incident after No Way Out forced WWE to nix giving him the title at the 'Mania pay-per-view. These individual incidents only increased management's disapproval of Orton's behavior; he was specifically notorious for disrepecting female WWE workers.

Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 4:54 AM
Didn't he take a dump in someone's handbag?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 4:57 AM

King Snarf said:
Not to mention Lashley, Khali, and some of the other terrible wrestlers you employ.

A chilling thought just occurred to me however- What are the odds that Andrew Martin might show up in TNA???

I dont care what anyone says about TNA being better than WWE, they are all too willing to sign shit as soon as WWE lets them go.
Test would actually be considered talented compared to some ex-WWE "stars" that TNA has employed or approached!

From memory, I seem to remember hearing that Test approached TNA or vice versa, pretty much straight after he left WWE.
Dont know how serious they were!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 6:16 AM
While I never thought Test was a bad worker, he just never really seemed to improve at all.
Posted By: casselmm47 Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 4:44 PM

A few people have noticed that commercials airing to advertise the main-event at Backlash have not included Orton, however given WWE's history of advertising screw ups, this could just be a simple mistake.

What commercials are they watching? On the ads they've been using on USA and Sci-Fi (and DishTV PPV, for that matter) hey've been hyping the shit out of the ECW, WWE, and World Title matches in any ad I've seen, all including mentioning Orton as part of the Fatal-Four Way.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 5:15 PM
I think the point they are making is that despite there being shots of him in the promo, unlike Batista, Taker, Cena, Edge & HBK, he doesnt actually get a spotlight bit to say anything!
Check out the ad on thw WWE site!

Posted By: Grimm Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-04-25 8:17 PM
they also have commercials that run on other channels (including during impact), which frequently are different from what's advertised on the main channels.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-05-04 12:52 AM

source: pwtorch.com

The latest pwtorch newsletter is reporting that Randy Orton was a complete mess throughout the European Tour and he was asked to go home before the hotel incident. Although unclear, backstage sources indicate Orton wrecked the hotel room because he was told to leave, contrary to initial reports.

In any case, says one wrestler, "Nobody likes him, nobody feels sorry for him, nobody cares if he gets suspended or fired." Another WWE source says he's "just a screwed up kid" who needs therapy before he'll ever be reliable and reach his potential. Says another: "He's known for always having a piss-poor attitude" and "being a nice guy one minute, and a jerk the next."

Posted By: King Snarf Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-05-04 1:47 AM
I hope he doesn't get fired, 'cause then he'll try and get a job with TNA and hog up camera time there. He did learn how to chew scenery from the Game, after all....
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-05-04 2:27 AM
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-05-04 4:29 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-05-08 11:24 PM
Please feel free to read Grimms thread as it has more words!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Randy Orton Sent Home By WWE - 2007-05-08 11:54 PM
all your threads are belong to Grimm!