Posted By: MisterJLA Flair taking the "Big Gold" belt to WWE... - 2007-04-18 3:19 AM
I'm about 17 or so years late with this, but after watching the Horsemen DVD, I'm interested in this event.

I've heard Flair's side of the story on the Ultimate Flair and the Horsemen DVDs, and his story seemed a little different each time he told it. Did anyone ever hear Jim Herd's comments on this? What is that guy doing professionally now?

As much as I like Flair, it was a shitty thing to do to all of WCW. He could have caused some damage to the company, and refusing to pass the belt to Luger or Windham on the way out was shitty, too. Surprisingly, the move didn't do too much to hurt WCW, and Flair's fist trip to WWE never really caught on.

EPIC takes from the board?
I shit on Hogan!
Nowhereman for mod!
Well, fans in WCW were quite upset. Following Flair's departure, there were many chants of "We Want Flair".
I thought Flair kept the belt because they wouldn't return his deposit.
Flair put a approx. 20,000 deposit on the belt, according to most sources Herd decided not to give the deposit back because the belt cost roughly 5,000 bucks. The huge deposit was to disourage the champ from dropping the belt elsehwere, not to cover the value which was much less.

I dont think it was such a bad thing for Flair to do, remeber Arn, and Tully left for greener pastures previously, all wrestlers did at one time or another when another territory offered more $. WCW put Flair as champ because he drew them $ not because they felt faithful to him, and when Herd wanted to go cartoony Flair didnt fit in with his plans.

Actually Flairs first trip was catching on great but Vince tried his best to book it away, Flair saw the writing on the wall and went back to WCW.
Let's not forget the Royal Rumble, which was made even more memorable by Bobby Heenan's classic rooting for Flair heel commentary.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Flair taking the "Big Gold" belt to WWE... - 2007-04-18 8:38 AM
it was EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WCW and Jim Herd didn't appreciate Flair, so he left. I remember it like it was yesterday when Bobby Heenan brought the belt out on Wrestling Challenge. I thought Monsoon was gonna have a heart attack!

"That's not Hogan's belt!"

"Comparing this belt to Hogan's belt is like comparing ice cream to horse manure! Comparing the man who wears this belt to Hogan is like comparing ice cream to horse manure!"

the early part of Flair's run was great, with a classic feud with Piper, and the AWESHOME Rumble match.

Dec. 7th, 1991, my dad made a special trip just to take me to pensacola to see Flair vs. Piper live! it's one of my favorite memories.

but Mahon was never gonna let Flair look better than the established "WWE" talent. plus, Flair was a heel, and the faces always had to come out on top in Mahonland.

I also remember when he returned to WCW just a couple years later and how ecstatic the fans were!
And WCW did their damnedest to make Flair look dumb there, too.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Flair taking the "Big Gold" belt to WWE... - 2007-04-18 8:47 PM
that was only after Bischoff and Hogan came into power. 93/94 were pretty fair to Flair.

Grimm said:
that was only after Bischoff and Hogan came into power. 93/94 were pretty fair to Flair.

Y'gotta be fair to Flair!!!
I'm surprised Snarf hasnt blamed this all on HHH yet!
He wasn't Triple H then. He was... *snicker*... Terra Ryzin! God, that makes me chuckle....
So that makes him a totally different person doesnt it!

And, on top of that, someone called "King Snarf", and chose the name themselves, should not be throwing stones!
Posted By: PJP Re: Flair taking the "Big Gold" belt to WWE... - 2007-04-19 8:19 PM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
Flair put a approx. 20,000 deposit on the belt, according to most sources Herd decided not to give the deposit back because the belt cost roughly 5,000 bucks. The huge deposit was to disourage the champ from dropping the belt elsehwere, not to cover the value which was much less.

I dont think it was such a bad thing for Flair to do, remeber Arn, and Tully left for greener pastures previously, all wrestlers did at one time or another when another territory offered more $. WCW put Flair as champ because he drew them $ not because they felt faithful to him, and when Herd wanted to go cartoony Flair didnt fit in with his plans.

Actually Flairs first trip was catching on great but Vince tried his best to book it away, Flair saw the writing on the wall and went back to WCW.

you should be a mod here and in the womens forum also media and random chat.

Nowhereman said:
So that makes him a totally different person doesnt it!

And, on top of that, someone called "King Snarf", and chose the name themselves, should not be throwing stones!

"Snarf" was a nickname bestowed upon me in college.
Yet you chose to use it here queerbag!

King Snarf said:

Nowhereman said:
So that makes him a totally different person doesnt it!

And, on top of that, someone called "King Snarf", and chose the name themselves, should not be throwing stones!

"Snarf" was a nickname bestowed upon me in college.

You went to college, and you work for GameStop???

MisterJLA said:

King Snarf said:

Nowhereman said:
So that makes him a totally different person doesnt it!

And, on top of that, someone called "King Snarf", and chose the name themselves, should not be throwing stones!

"Snarf" was a nickname bestowed upon me in college.

You went to college, and you work for GameStop???

He didn't say he finished...
I'm actually back in school now, slowly trying to make something of my life. O don't wanna end up like rex, after all....