Posted By: Rob fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 12:38 AM
an oldie but goodie!

use your "genius" to overpower the mahon "genius" and improve the wwe. list 5 specific changes, alterations, or ideas that you feel will not only improve the product quality, but also help the business financially.

the rules:
  • your items have to be realistic - no "bring back flair from 1991" type wishes, or "fire everyone and hire college interns"
  • you also have to be specific - y'cant say "stop making shows suck" or "write better storylines."
  • Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 12:50 AM
    Kevin Costner- The Guardian
    Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 12:52 AM
    Bring back flair from 1991 or fire everyone and hire college interns

    Stop making shows suck and write better storylines.
    Posted By: Grimm Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 1:54 AM
    Nowhereman for mod!
    Posted By: Brad Lee Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 4:33 AM
    A simple one: When the fans continue to boo the face, make him a heel. When the fans continue to cheer the heel, make him a face.

    Another one: When the fans are clearly tired of the champion, pass the belt on to someone else.

    Oh, and: When a champion proves successful for a month, let him go for two or three, instead of returning the title to the previous champ that everyone is bored of.

    And how about: Keep McMahon out of the ring! Any McMahon!

    Finally: Push the wrestlers that the fans support, not the wrestlers that the fans are indifferent to!

    Oh, one more: Bring in some hot babes who can actually wrestle!
    Posted By: casselmm47 Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 4:15 PM
    1. Bring in a wrestler whose gimmick consists of fruity, delicious, delicious, fruity fruity fruity Skittles!

    2. Bring back a well-defined tag-division.

    3. Either shit-or-get-off-the-pot about 'separate brands'. I've seen the ECW champ (and defend his championship) on RAW and Smackdown more than I have on ECW!

    4. Drop the constant 'instant recap' bullshit. If I missed it 'before the commercial break', tough shit! I see more reruns of what I just saw a few minutes ago than I see original content!

    5. Slow-burn storylines. Wrestlers these days switch alliances, go from heel-to-face-back-to-heel status and flip-flop on whose side they're on like they have ADHD.

    Especially the whole thing about Skittles, k-thnx.
    Posted By: Rob Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 9:39 PM
    1) merge the brands.
    i'd even be willing to make this my only listed item, as i think this change alone would immediately fix a lot of what hurts the shows. keeping the two separate was a good idea when there was too many overpowering stars. but with injuries and career changes and quittings and firings etc, keeping the brands separate no longer makes sense. the pro/con balance is way on the con side now, and the two dillute rosters have stagnated shows, storylines, and performances. mix'em up -- even play out a "raw versus smackdown" storyline, where they constantly invade.

    2) factions
    four horsemen, nwo, evolution... hell, even the spirit squad. love them or hate them, they're memorable. factions have been around forever and tend to be great storyline movers. they create a gang or mob-like force, and help otherwise unpopular characters get-over in an easier light. faction wars are fun, factions-vs-uber faces can be fun, even the inevitable faction split up is fun. its a quick and easy way to create a compelling storyline.

    3) women's division
    women can't wrestle. anyone who has once accidentally shown some sorta ability in the ring is the exception that proves the rule. the "women's belt" matches are often referred to as the "concession stand" matches for good reason. even at mania, you can see people filing out. at the same time, everyone loves the hot little minxes! start utlizing them better by pairing up wrestlers with the chicks as managers or escorts or storyline girlfriends, and make sure the ladies still get out there and take their faux-tops off. occasionally delve into a mixed match, if you want. but otherwise, keep'em out.

    4) uber heel
    i honestly can't remember a heel, outside of triple h, that was not sneaky or cowardly about his actions -- one that didn't cower as the good guy approached. monster guys, like kane or heel batista, have come close -- but they're more so the 3rd or 4th ranked guy, that the champ beats on the way to a ppv. i think strategically positioning a uber heel (orton and edge are probably the best current bet. booker?) on top or towards the top would help establish the belt more.

    5) figure out cena
    he's the most popular character on the program. half love him (generous), half hate him (likely more). for the life of me, i can't figure out why. i mean, ok, maybe he's not the coolest or the most technical or the most experienced... whatever. i can understand a level of hatred. but for him to get booed to the extent he gets booed, i just don't get it. there are, every night, a dozen or so worse guys than him, many with their own big pushes. at the very least, you never hear abotu him complaining or abusing his power, he's the constant face for touring and advertising for wwe, and he's bringing in enormous money for them. like it or not, he's more than likely the future. but, its clear, right now, something has to give.

    i don't think that instantly means he has to become a heel. i think there are any number of avenue's they could take to alter his character to take advantage of the reaction. now, they keep pushing him out there as if he was receiving 100% cheers. why not make his character the "i don't give a fuck" persona? almost to the extent of being an anti-mahon (who receives about the same split, from the opposite fan demographics). doing so would not only make his reaction be justified, but it would give better control over it, and how to sway it in one direction or the other.
    Posted By: Joe Mama Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 10:16 PM
    The only way I'll even consider watching WWE anymore:

    1) No More Brand Seperation: After the Invasion storyline, this policy just didn't work and it continues to not work today. And the WWE knows it, which explains the near constant "cross-brand" matches. Just put everyone together and let them duke it out.

    2) Less Shilling For PPVs: We get it, there's a PPV coming up and you want to make sure we buy it. But the WWE shows have become nothing more than commercials for whatever PPVs are coming up. As a result, there's more boring backstage shit than there are matches and they go on for longer than the matches do. For the two weeks building up to the PPV, the only thing viewers should be exposed to is the occasional 30-second spot for the PPV. Then, with two weeks to go, the WWE can start pushing their PPV. But do it naturally - let the storylines evolve into PPV matches instead of having a PPV, a month's worth of soap opera fallout that becomes soap opera build-up to the next PPV, and a month's worth of PPV shilling by everyone on the show. It's overkill and it detracts from the program.

    Speaking of storylines...

    3) Stop Letting Storylines Overshadow Matches: The storylines are bad, generally overlong, and distract from the matches. The WWE needs better writers and less rambling soap operas.

    4) MORE MATCHES!!! Four matches in a two-hour show is unacceptable. Six is the minimum and eight is reasonable. Make it so.

    5) ECW: If you NEED an ECW, then it needs to stop being WWE-lite. Stop casting off wrestlers you're too lazy to develop to flounder in a watered-down non-promotion. Also, the E in ECW stands for "extreme". The current ECW is anything but. Fix that.
    Posted By: MisterJLA Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 10:32 PM
    I don't know, guys...I like Nowhereman's plan better...
    Posted By: Joe Mama Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-19 10:34 PM
    Not all of us wield NWM's power...or general cuntiness.
    Posted By: thedoctor Re: fix the WWE - 2007-04-20 10:13 PM
    I believe I have stated most of this before; but since Gobbo started this thread and is too lazy to use his own crap-ass search function, here we go again.

    Make the brand extension work.

    • ECW - No more WWECW. Let it go. Give Heyman the reigns and a budget. Put a good office team with him so he doesn't have to run everything himself. Make it Extreme again. Make it an alternative.

    • RAW & Smackdown - This is where I'd take it to the next level. I would make each show so that they we different in their approach to wrestling. Make RAW classic McMahon/WWE with big men wrestlers and cartoonish characters. Essentially, business as usual.

      For Smackdown, I'd move to storylines that blurred the edges a little more. Less over the top characters like The Boogeyman or Doink the Clown. I'd also focus more on the Cruiserweight division with hopefully using more luchadores and Japanese wrestlers to elevate the title and division. I'd also allow more experimentation with those who wore the Heavyweight title. Allow the Benoits, Jerichos, and the like more time to shine as champs instead of having to drop the belt to the same heel (HHH) every other week. Most importantly, I'd rebrand the show as WCW Smackdown. Bring the old WCW titles in and set it up as a different show that has content unlike what RAW is producing.

      No switching from one show to the next for wrestlers every other week.

    Less PPVs per brand

    I don't know how it sits now schedule wise, but I would give each brand 1 show every three months. Each brand would get a total of 4 PPVs a year. This allows more time for build ups of feuds, fine tuning of story lines, and burden the announcers and audiences less with schills for the next PPV. No cross promotion PPVs. Each brand should be run with different goals in mind, so trying to blend that into one show would cause much confusions and suckatude.

    Less Hollywood in Wrestling

    I've never understood why McMahon would let some guy who was writing Soap Operas a few years ago try and tell Ric Flair and Chris Jericho what to say on the mic. The writers should give the wrestlers bullet points on what needs to happen. "You need to injure his neck." "Sell the PPV this Sunday." Loosen the control WWE writers have over the show. Let the wrestlers do what they're supposed to.

    That's all I've got for right now.
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