My 49ers are sucking big time. This is the worst ive ever seen them play. They will be lucky to win another game this season. But what really sucks. I mean REALLY SUCKS, is the fact that due too the extra trade up into the first round last year, Our first round pick goes to FREAKING NEW ENGLAND(who we all know are gonna win it all). Those bastards are gonna get a top five pick after winning the superbowl! We are priviledged to get the colts first rounder which will be like 30th overall. Joy.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: you know what I hate the most about this? - 2007-11-13 11:29 AM
They can always trade up, you whiny bitch.
Besides, I'm not counting the Steelers out.
Who cares about the NFC...
I care about my team...
Posted By: PJP Re: you know what I hate the most about this? - 2007-11-13 3:29 PM
did you think they were a super bowl team this year?

they have lots of holes to fill still and Alex Smith is looking like a bust.
 Originally Posted By: TK-069
Who cares about the NFC...

 Originally Posted By: PJP
did you think they were a super bowl team this year?

they have lots of holes to fill still and Alex Smith is looking like a bust.

no i didnt think they were a superbowl team. but there was some hope for the first time in a long time after the way we finished last year plus some of the FA's we picked up so im just a little shocked that we suck this bad...
Niners-Seahawks was the first MNF that I haven't watched at least one quarter of in the past 25 years. I've sat thru some terrible football in my life but the prospect of watching the Bay City Bungelers go up against the Seahags made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Sorry Playa...at least you still have the Raiders.

Oh, wait....

and i hate the raiders...
Posted By: TK-069 Re: you know what I hate the most about this? - 2007-11-14 11:39 AM
The only upside I see with the Niners is the defense, but that's only looking good on paper. Clements is overrated and was overpaid by a shitload. Patrick Willis and Manny Lawson appear to be legit but they need quality coaching BAD. Get themselves a reliable DE and run stuffing tackle and maybe they can do a few things.

Don't get me started on the offense...
theres nothing to start with. as far as clements, yeah they way overpaid him but i think he has been solid. I think the linebackers are getting good coaching from singletary but having manny out for the season hurt bad. the D-line sucks and is in need of a major overhaul. I love BY but he doesnt have it in him anymore...
Posted By: TK-069 Re: you know what I hate the most about this? - 2007-11-15 2:11 AM
I'm surprised he's still playing after all this time. It's cool and all that he can play on the line being as "undersized" as he is... but yeah. Time to start anew. Lawson's on IR, sure. The LBs need more depth though. Roderick Green (WHO?) isn't going to help them much. In my opinion, this is what I think the team needs to focus on draft day, top being the most important...


I think Alex still has potential, but the staff seems to not be able to tell their elbows from their asses. Could Norv really have been THIS integral to the offense? Geez.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: you know what I hate the most about this? - 2007-11-15 2:12 AM
...i can also rant about the Jets if you like, Bobo.
I can too.

Here it is:

They suck.
Linemen win games.
 Originally Posted By: TK-069
I'm surprised he's still playing after all this time. It's cool and all that he can play on the line being as "undersized" as he is... but yeah. Time to start anew. Lawson's on IR, sure. The LBs need more depth though. Roderick Green (WHO?) isn't going to help them much. In my opinion, this is what I think the team needs to focus on draft day, top being the most important...


not bad... I'd put DL,OL and then WR.

 Originally Posted By: TK-069
Could Norv really have been THIS integral to the offense? Geez.

yes. we were last in the league in offense both years before he came. then he leaves and we go right back to the bottom...

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Linemen win games.

you have to have at least one to win you some games (good Dline or good Oline)
Posted By: TK-069 Re: you know what I hate the most about this? - 2007-11-15 6:08 AM
Well they have Staley... but they can't spend consecutive first round picks... OH WAIT. THE PATS HAVE IT! Doyyyyyyy. Anyways, they can find decent linemen in the 2nd and 3rd round. But I'm TELLING you, that should be their list of priorities.
staley has been one of the few bright spots on the line IMO
 Originally Posted By: TK-069
I'm surprised he's still playing after all this time. It's cool and all that he can play on the line being as "undersized" as he is... but yeah. Time to start anew. Lawson's on IR, sure. The LBs need more depth though. Roderick Green (WHO?) isn't going to help them much. In my opinion, this is what I think the team needs to focus on draft day, top being the most important...


To simplify, I think the Niners need to overhaul just 3 aspects of their team completely.

Special Teams
See? Simple...

My damned Niners Starter jacket's been in mothballs forever... c'mon, guys...! \:\(