Posted By: PixieP WWE RAW Results: 2-28-11 - 2011-03-01 6:59 PM
Results courtesy of PWTorch.com (direct link to Caldwell's full report). Condensed here to mostly in-ring results.

- Triple H hyped his match against The Undertaker, then dropped Sheamus through the announcer table with the Pedigree.


The bell sounded and Bourne smashed Sheamus with a corner dropkick. Bourne followed with a spin kick before going straight to the top. Bourne set up for the Air Bourne and connected flush. Bourne with the cover and it was good for a three count. The crowd popped as Bourne waved to the crowd and smiled.

WINNER: Bourne at 0:35. Sheamus gets two for the price of one, and Bourne looked good in victory. It was what it needed to be for Bourne, but Sheamus is on the wrong road to Mania right now.

- Cole accepted Lawler's challenge if his personal trainer can be at ringside and if he can pick a special guest referee. Lawler says yes and Jack Swagger comes down and puts Lawler in an anklelock.

- RAW GM makes an Orton-Punk match at WM with stipulations: Over the next few weeks, Orton will face individual members of Nexus. If Nexus wins, they get to be in Orton's corner. If a Nexus member loses, he is banned from Mania. If Nexus gets involved in any of the matches, the GM will personally disband New Nexus.


Orton dominated, then cleared Mike to the outside early on. He posed for the crowd and they cut to break one minute in. Back live, Orton and Mike were battling in the ring as Cole recapped the "major stipulations" involved. Mike cut off Orton's momentum as the announcers continued to try to explain the five bullet-point stipulations in-play leading to WrestleMania. Orton made a comeback with clotheslines, followed by a snap powerslam. Orton then measured Mike for a fallaway backbreaker. Orton got in his zone and measured Mike for his classic spike DDT from the middle rope. He then dropped down to the mat and measured Mike for the RKO and he connected. Orton rolled him over and it was good for a three count. Mathews noted Mike will not be representing Nexus at WrestleMania. Cole said it's one down for Orton.

Post-match: Punk walked out on-stage and peered into the ring. Orton seemed to sense Punk's presence and slowly, slowly, slowly turned toward the stage to eye Punk. Orton then stood over Mike's fallen body and slowly backed up looking for The Punt. Punk told him to stop. He said Orton has done enough and he doesn't want to do this. The crowd roared they want to see it. "Do...not...punt him in the skull," Punk said. Orton then reset in the corner and connected with Mike's skull.

Orton then bailed from the ring as Punk tried to chase him down. Orton ran a few flights of stairs, then looked back to Nexus. Orton pounded his chest and shook his head like Brock Lesnar telling him he's ready. That was great imagery. They cut back to Punk shooting Orton a wide-eyed glare. Cole shouted that Orton should be arrested. Punk then led Nexus back into the ring to check on Mike before they went to a replay of Orton delivering The Punt to Mike's head. Back live, Mike continued to sell the effects as Orton stood tall on the arena steps.

WINNER: Orton at 7:18. The match was just there to get over Orton's signature moves, establish his quest to WrestleMania, and set up the post-match. Orton really turned it up a notch with his post-Punt celebration on the steps looking like Brock Lesnar. Nice intensity. (*)

- Miz and Cena exchanged words (about 13 minutes too long!) and a steel cage match was made between Cena and Riley. Cena wins, Miz fires Riley. Riley wins, then Cena must admit Miz is the greatest of all-time.

3 -- DIVAS BATTLE ROYAL -- #1 contender match

A random assortment of Raw Divas were already in the ring. It quickly came down to Maryse, Gail, and one of the Bellas. Maryse was eliminated, then Gail eliminated Bella #1, but the Bellas pulled the Switcheroo and Bella #2 eliminated Gail while the refs were occupied with trying to get Maryse away from ringside. Eve then stormed the ring trying to report the injustice. The Bellas beat her down, though, and left Eve out cold.

WINNER: Bella #2 at 2:02. That was the fastest battle royal ever.

- The Rock talk via video from Los Angeles. Yep...over 8 more minutes of talking.

- Shawn Michaels talks about the Underaker-Triple H match. Then The Miz jumps Daniel Bryan from behind and takes him out.

4 -- JOHN CENA vs. ALEX RILEY (w/The Miz) -- steel cage match, only way to win by escaping

Cena dominated the early portion of the match as Miz stretched an analogy putting Rock in the same category as Pee-wee Herman and Mini-me as former guest hosts. Cena then tried to leave through the cage door, but Miz bolted from the announce table to slam the door in Cena's face. Mathews noted Miz gave his word he wouldn't get involved. Riley then slammed Cena into the cage door to take control. Miz then snapped a photo on his phone and Tweeted it. He proceeded to slide his phone to Riley, who used it as a foreign object blow to the forehead. We've seen it all now. Ref Armstrong then casually moved the phone out of the way using his foot for unintentional comedy. Riley tried to escape through the door, but Cena grabbed his feet to pull him back in. Miz ran back over to the door and tried to pull Riley out of the cage, but Cena fought him off. Cena then tried to climb over the cage, but Miz slammed a chair against the cage wall from the outside trying to threaten him. Riley took advantage of the distraction by executing an electric chair. They went to an overhead shot of the cage as Cole fed to a commercial two minutes into the over-run.

Back live five minutes past the top of the hour, Cena bounced off the ropes, then took a dropkick from Riley. Miz stood up to applaud Riley as the announcers recapped the stipulations involved. Cena then made his standard comeback and Miz stood up to sell concern. Cena dropped the Shuffle on Riley and Cole warned Miz he could be looking at his fate at WrestleMania. "Oh, shut up, Cole," he retorted. Riley and Cena then battled on the top rope while hanging on the cage. Riley knocked Cena off the ropes, then tried to climb out as Miz encouraged him. Cena came to life, though, and pulled Riley back inside the cage to deliver a bulldog from the top rope. Cena then dropped Riley with the Attitude Adjustment center ring.

Cena picked up Miz's phone, which was still inside the cage, and took a picture of Riley KO'ed. The crowd didn't react much to the bit. Cena approached the cage door again, but Miz ran over to close the door again. Cena popped his knuckles, then did a "feat of strength" to pry open the door. Miz let go of the door at the last second, though, and Cena fell to the floor in victory. Miz then quickly capitalized with the Skullcrushing Finale on the floor.

To close the show, Miz took his WWE Title belt to the top of the ramp as Cena sold the effects. "Take that John Cena, take that Rock!" Cole shouted as the show ended eleven minutes past the top of the hour with Miz standing tall on this night.

WINNER: Cena at 12:46, Riley is "fired" from Miz's employ on next week's Raw. A bit gimmicky, too cute for their own good, and really heavy on the "social media aspect" of this Rock-Cena-Miz issue that will apparently be the central theme leading to WrestleMania. The match just didn't seem to click. (*1/2)

- Show had over 40 minutes of talking segments and about 23 minutes of in-ring action. The crowd in Buffalo really wasn't into this show, especially toward the end.