Posted By: rex Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 11:07 AM
We will tell you what we want. We do not play the guessing games like you do. If you show us something while shopping and we say something like "thats nice", that means we don't want that for christmas. We do not want clothes. We want DVDs, video games and TVs. We do not want tools to build shit for you. The only underwear you can buy that will make us happy is lingerie for you. No, nevermind, thats just another thing to get in the way when we want sex. Sex is also another great christmas presents.

If you follow these rules we will continue to open doors for you, make all the money, and maybe even put up with your parents.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 3:03 PM

rex said:
...make all the money...

Everything else was funny and true.
Posted By: rex Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 3:12 PM

rex said:
We do not want clothes.

I connot stress this point enough. Every year my mom gets me thick wool socks that are too small for my feet. I tell her every year not to get them. She laughs everytime I open them.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 4:35 PM
I don't mind getting clothes, but I do mind when Mrs G tries to buy me clothes that reflect her tastes more than mine.

I prefer extremely preppy clothes: Brooks Brothers, Polo, Eddie Bauer, etc. My wife is more "earthy."

Every once in a while she'll try to buy me something that is more a reflection of her own wishful thinking of what I should wear than what I actually wear (sort of that "I love you, you're perfect, now change" that women often engage in).

Other times, she comes to her senses and realizes a nice shirt from Ralph Lauren is always appreciated.

So, to recap, this man doesn't mind clothes, but other than that (and the "we'll make the money"), Rex's advice is pretty much on target.
Posted By: Steve T Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 4:55 PM
I bet she's trying to slowly move you over to urban street wear.

I can just see you in incredibly baggy low slung jeans and a hoody!
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 8:17 PM

rex said:
We will tell you what we want. We do not play the guessing games like you do. If you show us something while shopping and we say something like "thats nice", that means we don't want that for christmas.

That sounds like making her play a guessing game to me.

Here's what I do. If I'm out with the kids and they ask me, "Do you like this," I will tell them plain as day whether or not I would want it as a Christmas gift or birthday gift (my birthday's in December, too). I used to do this very same thing when my ex and I would be out together browsing ro shopping.

Guys, you might as we be upfront about it, if somebody asks you about something or shows you something as a possible gift. No point being coy.

Here's what my family and I finally ended up doing: We all write up our Xmas lists, including sizes and colors if we want any clothes. We also write down where the items can be purchased.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 8:57 PM
If my gal doesn't know by now what kinds of clothes and gifts to get me, then why the fuck have I spent six years with her, I asks ya!

Actually, I'm blessed that I don't have these problems. She has no problem offering up XMas and birthday ideas, and has the presence of mind to ask me directly what I want. And we both get each other gifts that the other one didn't know about or forgot that she/I mentioned. Makes for easy gift-giving.

Of course the Amazon Wish Lists help in a pinch.
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 9:37 PM
Sorry Rexy......I dont know why girls just can't be happy with the way thier b/f's or husbands are!

And Jim thats an awesome idea.....I need to tell my dad bout it :P He is THE Hardest person to shop for
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 10:18 PM

Jim Jackson said:

rex said:
We will tell you what we want. We do not play the guessing games like you do. If you show us something while shopping and we say something like "thats nice", that means we don't want that for christmas.

That sounds like making her play a guessing game to me.

I think you're missing the tone of voice. When I say "that's nice" in a mall, it's usually with a "meh", a shrug, or many a quick hop denoting that I have to go the bathroom, to clearly show that my taste for said item is, at most, that of total apathy, which is not quite the reaction one hopes to recieve for a Christmas gift.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 10:48 PM

King Snarf said:

Jim Jackson said:

rex said:
We will tell you what we want. We do not play the guessing games like you do. If you show us something while shopping and we say something like "thats nice", that means we don't want that for christmas.

That sounds like making her play a guessing game to me.

I think you're missing the tone of voice. When I say "that's nice" in a mall, it's usually with a "meh", a shrug, or many a quick hop denoting that I have to go the bathroom, to clearly show that my taste for said item is, at most, that of total apathy, which is not quite the reaction one hopes to recieve for a Christmas gift.

Why don't you just tell her whether or not you're interested in the darned thing? Can't you just say, "I like it" or "I hate it" and have those words mean what they mean?
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 10:49 PM

PrincessElisa said:
And Jim thats an awesome idea.....I need to tell my dad bout it :P He is THE Hardest person to shop for

Glad to be of service...
Posted By: Pit Pat Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 11:19 PM
What the fuck? I mean it's my fucking money. If I want shit I'll buy it and if the woman wants shit she's better ask for it and if she's putting out she might get it eventually. I don't understand telling women and kids what we want for Christmas THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY. They just spend yours so just buy yourself what you want for Christmas or your birthday or any other day of the year and let the woman wrap it up pretty so that she feels good about herself.
Posted By: rex Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 11:30 PM
Looks like my alt id is back.
Posted By: rex Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-01 11:47 PM

Jim Jackson said:

King Snarf said:

Jim Jackson said:

rex said:
We will tell you what we want. We do not play the guessing games like you do. If you show us something while shopping and we say something like "thats nice", that means we don't want that for christmas.

That sounds like making her play a guessing game to me.

I think you're missing the tone of voice. When I say "that's nice" in a mall, it's usually with a "meh", a shrug, or many a quick hop denoting that I have to go the bathroom, to clearly show that my taste for said item is, at most, that of total apathy, which is not quite the reaction one hopes to recieve for a Christmas gift.

Why don't you just tell her whether or not you're interested in the darned thing? Can't you just say, "I like it" or "I hate it" and have those words mean what they mean?

Have you ever told a woman you hate something? Its not a pretty site.

I also have another rule, gift certificates are acceptable if you get them for the right stores.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-02 12:04 AM

rex said:
Have you ever told a woman you hate something? Its not a pretty site.

Dude, I was married for 17 years. Of course I have said, while browsing, "I don't like that."

How whipped are you that you can't tell a woman you don't like something?
Posted By: Pit Pat Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-15 9:22 PM

Jim Jackson said:

rex said:
Have you ever told a woman you hate something? Its not a pretty site.

Dude, I was married for 17 years. Of course I have said, while browsing, "I don't like that."

How whipped are you that you can't tell a woman you don't like something?

Isn't it sad, Rex, that the boards resident homo is ten times the man you are?
Posted By: rex Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-15 9:32 PM
Shut up uschi.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-15 10:14 PM

Pit Pat said:
Isn't it sad, Rex, that the boards resident homo is ten times the man you are?

OK, now that was funny.
Posted By: Bianca Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-15 10:30 PM

rex said:
We will tell you what we want.

That is sooooooooooo not true with all guys.

The standard answer is, "I don't know."
Posted By: rex Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-15 10:32 PM
I don't know means that they have been discouraged by years of getting the wrong presents.
i personally am a big fan of christmas lists! This way you can get exactly what the peron wants and theyre not surprised or taken a back by creativity of the gift.
Posted By: rex Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-26 5:58 AM

rex said:
I connot stress this point enough. Every year my mom gets me thick wool socks that are too small for my feet. I tell her every year not to get them. She laughs everytime I open them.

Guess what I got in my stocking today?
I gotta find the reciept this time.
Posted By: THE Franta Re: Christmas shopping advice for women - 2004-12-27 10:50 AM
Click here

rex said:
I also have another rule, gift certificates are acceptable if you get them for the right stores.

Mall gift certificates are the best when you really just don't give enough of a damn to risk it.


Jim Jackson said:
Dude, I was married for 17 years. Of course I have said, while browsing, "I don't like that."

How whipped are you that you can't tell a woman you don't like something?

I grew up a momma's boy. My mom would take me grocery shopping and clothes shopping all the time. I learned early on to tell my mom (and, hence, any other woman) that I liked her choice of clothing, since it seemed women take it rather personally when you disagree with their fashion selections. That and they always seemed to know more about fashion than I did, especially when it came time to tell me how ugly my choice of clothing was.

So I can understand rex's POV.

When I got back from the military, however, I had a different mindset. The first time I went clothes shopping with my mom after my return to S. Fla, she pulled out a purse and asked me if I thought it would look good on her. Well, I'd actually learned something about fashion (men's and women's) after all the years of shopping with my mom, ex-girlfriends, and female friends, and I told her the truth: it was one of the ugliest purses I'd ever seen. She asked me why and I told her, complete with complicated words like "composition". I pulled 90% of that little speech out of my ass, of course, but my mom, an ex-pattern maker, looked at the purse and told me I was right about it being ugly. We actually had a good laugh.

Nowadays, I tell girls that their fashion choices are ugly all the time. I find it's good to start a relationship off that way.