Posted By: TK-069 Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-15 12:34 PM
Honestly now.

Tonight, I get a call from a girl I haven't talked to since she found herself a boyfriend months ago. So in my head I was thinking, "That's cool." But she stopped talking to me completely after snagging her man. So I simply thought "Fuck her." and continued with my life. That was around... St. Patty's Day, I think. A couple days after.

Anywho, she calls. "Where have you been?!" Bitch, where the FUCK have YOU been?! YOU'RE the one who stopped calling me, Ho! I'm not at your beck and call! FUCK YOU! ... I said in my head. She's mad at me for not calling her when I made a few attempts before and she didn't respond. Yeah. Logical to the last, you ladies are.

I'm not even gonna start with the nymphomaniacs who want to tell me about their fucking escapades, but don't wanna fuck me. Ain't THAT a bitch?!

Probably for the best... they most likely have teh AIDZ!
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-15 6:34 PM
Yes TK.........they are.

Except for our sweet lawyer friend from NYC with the brooklyn accent!

TK-069 said:
I'm not even gonna start with the nymphomaniacs who want to tell me about their fucking escapades, but don't wanna fuck me. Ain't THAT a bitch?!

The worst.
TK, women our age are scandalous crazy hoes. It's just the way it is. Once you accept that it's a little easier to deal with them without expectations of common sense or human decency.

I've been in those exact shoes, and if and when the bitch tries to talk to me I'll feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I tell her to get fucked.
RACK the Doog.

500 points.

PJP said:
Yes TK.........they are.

Except for our sweet lawyer friend from NYC with the brooklyn accent!

Nice save, bitch. *grin* And I don't have a B'klyn accent!

TK - seriously, you need to start dating older women who are past this kind of shit already.
You wanna talk of insanity, TK? It's not as if she said "wanna have kinky sex with a water pick and a riveting machine?", but in that case you can call her next time Rob needs a new mod.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 12:57 AM

harleykwin said:
TK - seriously, you need to start dating older women who are past this kind of shit already.

You remember what I wrote earlier...

But I dunno. Things might be different in the next few months. But I'm not holding my breath.

TK-069 said:

harleykwin said:
TK - seriously, you need to start dating older women who are past this kind of shit already.

You remember what I wrote earlier...

Yes. I still stand by what I said, though - there is bound to be a woman out there who is willing to see past the age dif.


But I dunno. Things might be different in the next few months. But I'm not holding my breath.

I'll cross my fingers for you.
Posted By: klinton Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 12:59 AM

harleykwin said:
And I don't have a B'klyn accent!

That's true. It's more of a husky smoker purr than anything.
i once told a woman if she edited my posts again id flood the forum and she did, and then she was upset i flooded the forum! women!
Marlboro or Camel?

TK-069 said:
Marlboro or Camel?

Cools menthol.
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 1:05 AM

klinton said:

harleykwin said:
And I don't have a B'klyn accent!

That's true. It's more of a husky smoker purr than anything.

it's very sexy whatever it is.
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 1:06 AM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i once told a woman if she edited my posts again id flood the forum and she did, and then she was upset i flooded the forum! women!


PJP said:
it's very sexy whatever it is.

As was evidenced by your keen attention to it?

harleykwin said:
Yes. I still stand by what I said, though - there is bound to be a woman out there who is willing to see past the age dif.

Not in this state.


I'll cross my fingers for you.

Thanks, but it's cool. I think I'll stay single now. Since I tested the waters and I didn't find the catches that alluring.

klinton said:

PJP said:
it's very sexy whatever it is.

As was evidenced by your keen attention to it?


klinton said:

harleykwin said:
And I don't have a B'klyn accent!

That's true. It's more of a husky smoker purr than anything.

Thank you, klinton.

TK-069 said:

harleykwin said:
Yes. I still stand by what I said, though - there is bound to be a woman out there who is willing to see past the age dif.

Not in this state.


TK...can I be brutally honest with you?
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 1:14 AM
oh no

klinton said:
TK...can I be brutally honest with you?

Lemme get my stun gun first. ... OK. Shoot.

General Zod said:

does Zod know you're impersonating him? He's gonna be pissed. I'd email drzsmith and ask for temporary immunity until Rob changes your username.
Posted By: rex Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 2:16 AM
95% of all women are insane.
4% are tolerable.
1% are good.
and that's with a 1% error probability?
Posted By: rex Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 2:18 AM
Pretty much.
Something else I've learned in life: The crazier the chick, the better the head. Doubly so if she's Jewish.
how about jewrican?
Most sex centers 'round the ass.

TK-069 said:
Something else I've learned in life: The crazier the chick, the better the head. Doubly so if she's Jewish.

You rang?

Stupid Doog said:
how about jewrican?


TK-069 said:
Most sex centers 'round the ass.



harleykwin said:

You rang?

More like I flicked.

TK-069 said:

harleykwin said:

You rang?

More like I flicked.

Pity, I didn't feel anything. You need to do better.


TK-069 said:

If you move east, you can try again...
I KNEW there was a catch!

rex said:
95% of all women are insane.
4% are tolerable.
1% are good.

And the 95% insane, logic-lacking women include the woman that TK described in the original post. They only pursue you after it's too late and, therefore, are stuck with their original choice not to keep you, because like the saying goes, you snooze and you lose!

Call me insane too if you wish, but I believe that 95% only manage to get with anyone because of alcohol.
Yup.....all woman have a psycho side. Without a doubt!
A psycho side or just plain psycho?
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-16 10:24 AM

TK-069 said:
Most sex centers 'round the ass.

Only the virginal and closeted Pariah thinks so.

TK-069 said:
Something else I've learned in life: The crazier the chick, the better the head. Doubly so if she's Jewish.

This news should please Darknight613.

PrincessElisa said:
Yup.....all woman have a psycho side. Without a doubt!

As the father of two daughters, I can only hope this isn't true.

Yet as a man once married, I know that it may very well be true.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-17 12:54 AM
Why else would you be gay?

It certainly isn't environmental influence or genetics. Crazy hos...

A psycho side or just plain psycho?

Depends on the girl...all of us have psychotic tendancies: clinginess, bossy, manipulative, cruel, easily angered, and just plain pissy.

Some of us can control these feelings more often than not......still every girl has a crazy side. How many girls have you known that actually made sene or follow a logical pattern of thought with their thinking?
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-17 1:16 AM

TK-069 said:
Why else would you be gay?

It certainly isn't environmental influence or genetics. Crazy hos...

actually I think it was proven photographically by the ninja turtles to be caused by sunspots.

Stupid Doog said:

actually I think it was proven photographically by the ninja turtles to be caused by sunspots.

1,000 points.

PrincessElisa said:

A psycho side or just plain psycho?

Depends on the girl...all of us have psychotic tendancies: clinginess, bossy, manipulative, cruel, easily angered, and just plain pissy.

Some of us can control these feelings more often than not......still every girl has a crazy side. How many girls have you known that actually made sene or follow a logical pattern of thought with their thinking?

Well, if the guys on this board use you as the measuring stick to judge all women, then I can see why they think this way.

PJP said:



harleykwin said:

PrincessElisa said:

A psycho side or just plain psycho?

Depends on the girl...all of us have psychotic tendancies: clinginess, bossy, manipulative, cruel, easily angered, and just plain pissy.

Some of us can control these feelings more often than not......still every girl has a crazy side. How many girls have you known that actually made sene or follow a logical pattern of thought with their thinking?

Well, if the guys on this board use you as the measuring stick to judge all women, then I can see why they think this way.

Takedown! Two points!!!
Yeah totally.......I nominate Harley for racking points!

**Attention JLA!*****
Maybe so, but much like I'm a guy that knows nothing about football except that players run to bases, there are occasional exceptions to the typical non-logical/insane gal; they do exist somewhere.

But still, isn't that just something you can write off as a character flaw? We all have them. Some are just easier to accept and/or overcome than others.
A character flaw, as in individual? Nein.

Not when multiple women display the same or similar characteristics. It's an epidemic.
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-17 3:13 PM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:


Except for you sweetums!

TK-069 said:
A character flaw, as in individual? Nein.

Not when multiple women display the same or similar characteristics. It's an epidemic.

I'm convinced it's pandemic now.

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:


Except for you sweetums!

I thought so.


Stupid Doog said:

TK-069 said:
A character flaw, as in individual? Nein.

Not when multiple women display the same or similar characteristics. It's an epidemic.

I'm convinced it's pandemic now.


TK-069 said:
A character flaw, as in individual? Nein.

Not when multiple women display the same or similar characteristics. It's an epidemic.

Perhaps. But an all too common charactaristic shared by multiple women is something you can at least talk to other males about. Chances are they've already figured out what to do in some situations, some more effective than others, or at least have some ideas of what they might have done.

For example, your original post. You told us what you were thinking, but what did you say to her? I'd have said:

"Why haven't YOU called ME in two months, one week, six days, and and odd number of hours???"
"Where were you on the rare occasions when I DID call you?"
"Where were you when I needed you the most?"
"News flash, I don't give free samples; it's all or nothing."

Of course I don't know the full story, but what you tell us suggests that she willingly chose to become part of your unchanging and unforgiving past. All had been said and done, she didn't hit the iron while it was still hot, it's that simple. You have no reason to forget all that brought you to the point you're now at on the day she called you.

My point here is that I've known women who have done similar things, so I am able to at least share all this and to hope it helps at least a little.

But then there are those character flaws that are so uncommon with women in general that when you're faced with it, you just don't know what to do about it, and everyone you ask says "Never happened with me before, can't help you." In which case, you just do the best you can.
Ok, I just have to add to this. To make a long story short I dated this dumb chick who ended up being completely fake, deceitful, slutty, etc. Naturally I discovered this, and that she had an abortion, towards the end and after the relationship. She drifted away afterwards then ran away with some guy. Not even a year later she comes back, cause the relationship was over, and dates one of my best friends...which was weird. She uses him and breaks it off for someone else (after two weeks). Several months later she disappears with the same guy she ran away for a year or so ago. She's not seen or heard from (by me) for about a year. She's about $1000 dollars in debt to my best friend right now. Flash forward to now, she's home after breaking up with this guy...again. She calls my buddy saying we should all get together "like old times". Hello...bitch! She's the one that's hurt everyone she's ever known. Including her parents. She's out of my life now, and I couldn't be happier.

Women are insane.
Holy shit.

Glad I haven't met one of those yet.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-19 10:08 AM
Worst part is that she's an evil temptress. Beware the Siren's song.
heh yeah i can understand jers's issues. had/have my own

It's sickening when years go by and you find out that someone hasn't grown up at ALL, so you're fully in your rights to keep her out of your life.

She may one day quit making the same mistakes, but you and/or anyone else that have given her a chance to prove she wasn't a temptress (I call them holograms) certainly don't need to expand any time or effort on her. If she is to one day turn over a new leaf, she'll have to let someone new give her the benefit of the doubt. Getting back together with anyone she's used or faked "for old times sake" will be an even larger risk of her slipping into old habits.

sneaky bunny said:
heh yeah i can understand jers's issues. had/have my own

Eddie Money rox the hiz-ouse!

Jeremy said:
Ok, I just have to add to this. To make a long story short I dated this dumb chick who ended up being completely fake, deceitful, slutty, etc. Naturally I discovered this, and that she had an abortion, towards the end and after the relationship. She drifted away afterwards then ran away with some guy. Not even a year later she comes back, cause the relationship was over, and dates one of my best friends...which was weird. She uses him and breaks it off for someone else (after two weeks). Several months later she disappears with the same guy she ran away for a year or so ago. She's not seen or heard from (by me) for about a year. She's about $1000 dollars in debt to my best friend right now. Flash forward to now, she's home after breaking up with this guy...again. She calls my buddy saying we should all get together "like old times". Hello...bitch! She's the one that's hurt everyone she's ever known. Including her parents. She's out of my life now, and I couldn't be happier.

Women are insane.

Don't want to offend, but your best friend's dumb.

MisterJLA said:

sneaky bunny said:
heh yeah i can understand jers's issues. had/have my own

Eddie Money rox the hiz-ouse!

damn right...where's my lighter waving graemlin?!
Posted By: TK-069 OK, maybe not ALL women are insane. - 2005-06-20 3:39 AM
There are actually a few out there that really do wanna fuck me! Without any crazy as all shit.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: OK, maybe not ALL women are insane. - 2005-06-20 3:53 AM
hey i told you the only problem is 2796 miles.

TK-069 said:

harleykwin said:
TK - seriously, you need to start dating older women who are past this kind of shit already.

You remember what I wrote earlier...

But I dunno. Things might be different in the next few months. But I'm not holding my breath.

Just make sure they aren't 48...
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-20 6:03 AM

Pig Iron said:

TK-069 said:

harleykwin said:
TK - seriously, you need to start dating older women who are past this kind of shit already.

You remember what I wrote earlier...

But I dunno. Things might be different in the next few months. But I'm not holding my breath.

Just make sure they aren't 48...

More like 23, 27 and 30...


Jeremy said:
Ok, I just have to add to this. To make a long story short I dated this dumb chick who ended up being completely fake, deceitful, slutty, etc. Naturally I discovered this, and that she had an abortion, towards the end and after the relationship.

Your baby?
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 5:26 AM
Go for older women....they are more mature and you shouldn't have to deal with AS MUCh of the flakey immature BS.

Meeko said:
Go for older women....they are more mature and you shouldn't have to deal with AS MUCh of the flakey immature BS.

Worked for me - even though you're only a year older!

Maybe it's just because you're awesome or something.
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 5:59 AM
Yeah, don't forget it
Go Meeks!
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 6:01 AM
Thanks Harely!!

How ya doin' doll??

Captain Sammitch said:

Meeko said:
Go for older women....they are more mature and you shouldn't have to deal with AS MUCh of the flakey immature BS.

Worked for me - even though you're only a year older!

Maybe it's just because you're awesome or something.

You're so gay.


Joe Mama said:

Captain Sammitch said:

Meeko said:
Go for older women....they are more mature and you shouldn't have to deal with AS MUCh of the flakey immature BS.

Worked for me - even though you're only a year older!

Maybe it's just because you're awesome or something.

You're so gay.

Dating Korina is about as conclusive as it gets when it comes to proving my heterosexuality.
Don't you sass Meeko's Enforcer, boy. I'll turn my caustic wit on YOU.


Meeko said:
Thanks Harely!!

How ya doin' doll??

Hey sweetness! I'm ok - was a Jones beach today with a friend (them thar water is cold!) and off to a spa for the next three days - I'll be back Friday early evening! Yea!

How's by you? Sammitch treatin' you right?
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 6:12 AM
I'm so jealous!! I wanna go to the Spa...you lucky woman..the beach too!!!

Sammitch knows i'll kick his arse if he doesn't
just what i like another older woman in a relationship!!! Granted it's only a week for me

Meeko said:
I'm so jealous!! I wanna go to the Spa...you lucky woman..the beach too!!!

Sammitch knows i'll kick his arse if he doesn't

It's true. She wears those pointy heels sometimes too.

Meeko said:

Sammitch knows i'll kick his arse if he doesn't


Meeks you're a girl after my own heart!
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 6:19 AM
If you give'em an inch.....they take a mile. I like to prevent that
True dat.

I'm so jealous!! I wanna go to the Spa...you lucky woman..the beach too!!!

yeah......I SO vote for a spa day! That would totally rock!
I vote for spa day for all the RKMBs women.
Just remember to take plenty of pic.

crazy drunk reax said:
I vote for spa day for all the RKMBs women.
Just remember to take plenty of pic.


Glacier16 said:

crazy drunk reax said:
I vote for spa day for all the RKMBs women.
Just remember to take plenty of pic.

Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 7:40 AM
Who's pay'n???

crazy drunk reax said:
I vote for spa day for all the RKMBs women.
Just remember to take plenty of pic.

don't worry, my camera's a nice one. glorious 7.1 MGP
Wow Meeko.. you're lookin' pretty good..
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 8:00 AM
Thanks buddy--- tried to IM you the other day, but I think I miss ya! I hope all is well with you

McGurk said:
Wow Meeko.. you're lookin' pretty good..

Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 8:08 AM
Settle down BIOTCH!

Let me enjoy my five minutes of fame! It's taken me a year to get my own thread with more than 5 posts in it!
ha ha!


Captain Sammitch said:

McGurk said:
Wow Meeko.. you're lookin' pretty good..

Keep digging, Watson! Derp!
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 8:17 AM
I'm Dickeemoe!

Meeko said:
Thanks buddy--- tried to IM you the other day, but I think I miss ya! I hope all is well with you

Did you change you IM name since you last caught me? It may not be the same as the one in my buddy list.
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 8:27 AM
That might be it.

I'm either on MsKorina29 or ChrryVanilla06
How's the sis, Meeks?!
Posted By: Meeko Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-21 10:42 AM
Young and stupid. I love her to death, but she's stuck in the worst relationship of her life and doesn't see it. I dont know what she's thinking. She georgous and dating some jerk that treats her like crap. She's only 19...and thinks that it would be the end of the world if they broke up...or did you really wanna know??

TK-069 said:
Honestly now.

Tonight, I get a call from a girl I haven't talked to since she found herself a boyfriend months ago. So in my head I was thinking, "That's cool." But she stopped talking to me completely after snagging her man. So I simply thought "Fuck her." and continued with my life. That was around... St. Patty's Day, I think. A couple days after.

Anywho, she calls. "Where have you been?!" Bitch, where the FUCK have YOU been?! YOU'RE the one who stopped calling me, Ho! I'm not at your beck and call! FUCK YOU! ... I said in my head. She's mad at me for not calling her when I made a few attempts before and she didn't respond. Yeah. Logical to the last, you ladies are.

I'm not even gonna start with the nymphomaniacs who want to tell me about their fucking escapades, but don't wanna fuck me. Ain't THAT a bitch?!

Probably for the best... they most likely have teh AIDZ!

YES! My Dad has quite a sense of humor.
....Oy, now i remember why i converted.
That's not cool.
to answer the question... Yes women are insane!

difficult kind said:
to answer the question... Yes women are insane!

arod! wtf!
Posted By: rex Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-23 1:51 AM
they also like to turn on themselves.
yes they are, howza about this ex o mine. bi, alcaholic, jealous flirt, picked fights, then wanna to fuck like an animal, then pretend nothing happned, then repeat, it was like a 4 day cycle with her. only reason i hung around so long was, hey, she was bi, and sex was good, but, then again she was fuckin crazy.
This thread is redundant. Asking if women are insane is akin to asking if New York is a large city.
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-06-24 5:45 PM
New York is a large city................oh.

difficult kind said:
to answer the question... Yes women are insane!

damn skippy!
dammit, why can't women be sane. but ya know, still be sexy and easy to score with. the crazy ones give the best bootay. dammit
sorry katfox! I just happened to go insane in this thread!
just happened tooo

suuuuuure it happened now not earlier........
damn it! you figured me out!!!
ain't that hard, y'er not southern.
My nickname is peter north....
sorry, i only date man dingo's
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa man dingo's!!!!!!
What about Mini dingos?
sorry i don't date any less then pauly shore.
Pauly Shore's weasel is ferret-sized?
you know how?
You said it!
i uh

i did

oh crap.
i've had a woman plead for 6 months to try and get back with her, to wanna split after 2 months, whatta waste of my time, dammit
I'm beginning to think guys are.......not all but some!


sorry i don't date any less then pauly shore.

Speaking of which, the boy's less than an hour away in Denton!

Pauly Shore "minds the store"

Pauly Shore will take over Denton Movie Tavern on behalf of his new TBS series,
"Minding the Store"

WHAT: Pauly shore is in charge and running the show. The stage is his, as he makes a special appearance at Denton Movie Tavern. Playing by his rules and his rules only, Pauly will lead the staff and customers in chaotic and crazy antics. Autograph signing to follow.

WHO: Pauly Shore, star of TBS's new unscripted comedy series, "Minding the Store." Best known for his roles in "Encino Man," "Son in Law," and most recently, "Pauly Shore is Dead," Shore will be in town to launch his new TV series.

WHEN: 4:30pm-5:30pm, Pauly Shore is given full control of the Denton Movie Tavern 5:30pm-6:00pm, Autograph signing in Main Lobby

WHERE: The Denton Movie Tavern 916 West University Drive Denton, TX 76201 4:00pm-6:00pm
how do you know that? i know it because i read it in my denton paper. but how did you know it?
Tim I live in Texas......remember

Actually saw it in QuickNotes the same day I found out about Brandon's band playing!
Pauly Shore supervising a store in Denton by UNT......

Did you not read my post JLA....where's the love man? Where is the reading love?!?
well i guess i did forget, i live by unt actually
No way.......your out in Denton???????? Whatcha doin tomorrow :P

Im only bout an hour away from you!!!!!!!!!
well, i got my errands to run, and got to get stuff together for my kids, for the fourth
A brief yet shining moment forever tortured and blackened.........

Congrats on the kids Tim.

Seriously...this has to be what? Married guy number SIXTY MILLION!???!!!!
Sixty million and one.
never said i was married, but i am, seperated actually, have been for awhile, lol
Posted By: PJP Re: Jesus CHRIST. Are all women fucking INSANE? - 2005-07-02 4:03 PM

Tim said: never said i was married, but i am, seperated actually, have been for awhile, lol

Awwwwww well I hope it works out and ya'll get back together! How old are your kiddos?
4 and 4 months, and it's all good, divorce is workin it's way
So I sent a "friend" a birthday package full of her favorite shit and a little more (harley's seen it... she knows.) It was enough that I put $500 insurance on it. So she got it. Said thanks and all that. But I've barely heard from her since last week.

Fuckin' women.
Just goes to show I'm too fuckin' nice for my own good. I try to make the day better for her, spend my semi-hard earned cash for nice things and nothing...

I really wish I could be the Asshole and use women like they've done me over the years, but I can't. It's not in my nature.
Seems like you are way too nice for your own good. Some women just dont like the affectionate, heres a shit load of nice stuff for you, approach. It actually turns them off. Guess those are the woman who just crave bad boys that treat em' like shit

Different strokes
Posted By: TK-069 Fucking shit man! - 2005-07-10 12:20 PM
Saturday afternoon, three women told me their feelings for me in their individual fashion. I mean, one after the other, after the other, after the other. Weird man...

What. the FUCK.

This is bad. Very very bad.

Just when I thought I had cut it down to two chicks I find the most attractive to "hang out" with on a more personal level...

By the way, none of them are Sailor Mouth from back in May or the girl I just sent the birthday package to.
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Fucking shit man! - 2005-07-10 8:26 PM
Further evidence that women are stupid......