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Love & Sex

10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say

    Ever wonder what guys talk about when we're not around? Here's your chance to eavesdrop. iVillage and AskMen.com have joined forces to reveal what's really on guys' minds ‑- and just how bluntly they discuss it. Welcome inside the men's locker room.

    Ever wonder what guys talk about when we're not around? Here's your chance to eavesdrop. iVillage and AskMen.com have joined forces to reveal what's really on guys' minds ‑- and just how bluntly they discuss it. Welcome inside the men's locker room.

    10. I've been thinking...

    If she actually tells you she's been thinking, it's serious. And you can bet it involves marriage, cohabitation or the bitter end. It can take many forms, such as: "Why do you love me?" and "Have you ever thought about the future?" Again, have a brilliant exit plan at hand. A severed finger, for instance.

    9. Be a man.

    Nothing is quite as injurious as having your very manhood questioned. You could give in to her shame tactics and do what she wants, or deflect it by saying, "How about you be a woman and quit nagging?"

    8. My parents want to meet you.

    This means two things:

    * The relationship has crossed an important milestone of seriousness.
    * You're about to be psychologically cavity-searched under the family microscope.

    All you can do is hope her father doesn't mention that he has some rusty wire cutters he wants to put to use.

    7. I have a headache.

    That means no action for you tonight, buddy. But you can beat her to it. If you sense she's particularly tired when you're horny, give her an unsolicited aspirin and hope for the best.

    6. That's not the way my ex did it.

    You never talk about your ex in front of her. So you obviously weren't prepared for this. Now you're being measured against the man she dumped. Ouch. Defend yourself, quickly.

    5. What are you thinking about?

    Women are curious. They need to know your every thought, feeling, hunch and inkling. Men, on the other hand, don't like to discuss and explore everything; we're content to keep quiet.

    4. Do you find her pretty?

    She already caught you looking at that mind-blowing blonde that walked by, no matter how covert your glance. So if you say "no," she'll know you're lying and an argument will ensue. This is the time for very artful tact, such as, "Kind of, her ass is huge." Now pray.

    3. Do you notice anything different about me?

    You know you're in trouble if you don't. And the longer you take to answer, the more frustrated she'll become, which makes you more frantic. And when you finally bellow, "Oh, you got a new haircut!" she storms out, throwing her new earrings on the floor.

    2. My friend is pregnant/engaged.

    This seems harmless enough, until you catch that thinly veiled hint of disappointment in her voice. At this point, you know she really means, "When will we be engaged/pregnant?" Be prepared with an expert diversion at this point, such as faking a seizure. Unfortunately, nothing will help you when she comes at you with the even more chilling, "I'm pregnant." Good luck, buddy.

    1. We need to talk.

    What everyone should know about these words is that no good news ever follows. These four ominous words signal a problem with the relationship. Expect a breakup, or at the very least a long talk about how you're not meeting her needs. Either way, it's not pleasant. And there is little you can do to avoid it. And though this one is a real bruiser, nothing is quite as caustic, as savage, as utterly cataclysmic as, "Do you think I'm fat?" You're on your own.

    A rite of passage

    While no man likes to hear any of the aforementioned phrases, every man will, at some point, endure them. The best you can do is be prepared.
I agree with the content, but personally I'd reorder the list.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-07 7:39 PM
Some of its true.

That last one though - "we need to talk" - is bad no matter who says it.
Posted By: Grimm Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-07 7:55 PM
Yah. "we need to talk" is always bad and usually the end.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-07 9:10 PM
Posted By: TK-069 Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 12:12 AM
I'm so used to "We need to talk" that it doesn't bother me as much as comparing me with the ex while still in the relationship. That irks the shit outta me.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 12:16 AM
Ok, seriously, that's one of the things I raised my eyebrow at. Who the fuck does really does that? That's a fuckin' moron, right there.
Posted By: PJP Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 12:17 AM

harleykwin said:
Ok, seriously, that's one of the things I raised my eyebrow at. Who the fuck does really does that? That's a fuckin' moron, right there.

wqe need to talk.....or comparing?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 12:25 AM
The comparing one. Everyone has uttered "we need to talk" - that's, like, the universal heads up that you're gonna dump someone.

The other one, the comparison one that TK mentioned - only an absolute asshole would do that - you may think it - but to utter such stupidity outloud is another thing entirely. If a bf ever compared me negatively to an ex, there would be fuckin' hell to pay - and its no better if a woman does it to a man.
Posted By: PJP Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 12:29 AM
yeah no good comes out of it.....the other person can always say "then go be with that person"
Posted By: TK-069 Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 12:43 AM
That's what I did! "Then you go be with fucking Kyle... what the fuck."
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 1:04 AM
Posted By: TK-069 Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 1:22 AM
Is that the name of some new form of birth control?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 1:34 AM
Oh, you know what i was trying to say, don't bust my chops over this...
Posted By: TK-069 Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 1:36 AM
I'll bust on you wherever I please!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 1:42 AM
Posted By: TK-069 Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 1:53 AM
"I'm gonna cut your penis."
Stuff like this makes me happy to be gay!
Posted By: klinton Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 6:28 AM

Matter-eater Man said:
Stuff like this makes me happy to be gay!

Because most gay men are twice as bitchy?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 6:30 AM

klinton said:

Matter-eater Man said:
Stuff like this makes me happy to be gay!

Because most gay men are twice as bitchy?

Daaaaaamn.... lol

klinton said:

Matter-eater Man said:
Stuff like this makes me happy to be gay!

Because most gay men are twice as bitchy?

I forget. I'm lucky that my boyfriend & I are not like most couples, whatever their orientation.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
"I'm gonna cut your penis."

Fireman! You're supposed to call it a fireman or Drzsmith's gonna spank you!
Posted By: Kaz Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 8:11 AM
How the hell does "I'm pregnant" not get top billing?

Holy shit...
Posted By: McGurk Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-08 8:58 AM
Because that's not scary at all. At least not to me, or Pariah or Snarf.
Well, Pariah's gay, so that part makes sense...
The scariest thing I could ever hear a woman say is "Son, you have to move out of the basement."
Posted By: Uschi Re: 10 Things He's Afraid to Hear You Say - 2005-10-10 2:21 AM
How about, "I was born a man."
Rex would shit himself if his girlfriend said anything to him.
I think we would all shit ourselves if our socks started speaking though!
it's true!
The key is to be armed with "I'm glad to hear you say that, because I am not a millionaire."

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
it's true!

Its damn true!
i liked this article! good job!