Posted By: winged creature male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-25 9:47 PM

see for urself, personally some of the stuff he said offended me, and im a guy.
Posted By: Bianca Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-25 10:24 PM
God no! [whaaaa!]

Leykass is a total ass. [...rassamnfrackin...]
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-25 11:20 PM
[no no no]
Posted By: harleykwin Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-26 3:24 AM
He can't be serious. Are you sure he's not kidding? Who is this guy?
Posted By: winged creature Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-26 3:39 AM
This guy is for real, he has his own show in LA or something, he gets hate mail and all.
Posted By: Bianca Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-26 12:26 PM
He's a talk radio guy...who used to have the 7-10pm slot here in the Detroit area...but got bumped to late nights (after 1am I think). He's based out of L.A. but he's syndicated so I'm sure you could find him on your dial somewhere...Infiniti radio stations I think.

And yes...this guy is for real... [no no no]
Posted By: Brian A. Ortiz Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-26 2:34 PM
...Which is unfortunate. He's the antithesis of what a friend and I do with our radio show during the fall and spring semesters; hence we have a female fan base as opposed to hate mail.

Originally posted by winged creature:
personally some of the stuff he said offended me, and im a guy.

My sentiments exactly.

How could anyone who respects women not be offended by that? I'm just grateful he's been pushed back to a time slot where just about everybody around here is either asleep or has something more constructive to do with their time.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-26 8:42 PM
Like Art Bell's radio show? The one with all the conspiracy theories and space alien stories? I discovered it by accident driving home (it's a long way) from school over a break, and I was appalled. The only people who hear these radio shows are usually long-haul truckers and guys coming home from the bar - two perfectly harmless subsets of Americana. [nyah hah]
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-26 9:39 PM
Kick me if you like, but I think this guy actually makes a few decent points. Only problem is, he fills it with crappy, chauvinistic reasoning and adds bullshit points for simple shock value.
Posted By: Jack Mehoff Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-27 2:43 AM
My God what a dumb ass. How the hell does a moron like that even get on the air?

Take a look at their forums. They're full of idiots just like him worshipping his every word. They say he teaches them to not be pussy's and stand up for themselves so the woman don't control them but they can't see he's the one controlling them. Although I wouldn't be one bit surprised if they were just him trying to inflate his ego even more. On a brighter note I think I finally found me a message board to raid.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-27 3:37 AM
he sounds like he has a superficial"L.A." mentality that I thought only existed in movies and TV...it must be for real..
Posted By: Sonhaven Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-27 11:46 AM
I know people like him.

He's wrong, goes without saying. but, at least he's honest.

I know alot more people, guys and girls, who lead people on for various reasons (sex, money, etc.) At least this guy is saying what he wants.

Sounds like he has a lot of trust issues though.
Posted By: mistress_knght Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-30 5:07 AM
hmmm.....and i wonder why he's been bumped up to 3am in detroit....could it be that everyone wants to dig their nails deep into his neck. i'm against capital punishment but guys like this are the perfect reason we should have it.
Posted By: Grimm Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-30 6:10 AM
Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
Like Art Bell's radio show? The one with all the conspiracy theories and space alien stories? I discovered it by accident driving home (it's a long way) from school over a break, and I was appalled. The only people who hear these radio shows are usually long-haul truckers and guys coming home from the bar - two perfectly harmless subsets of Americana. [nyah hah]

I find Art Bell to be quite amusing. [izzat so?]
Posted By: Sacman Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-30 6:58 AM
This guy sounds like a friend of mine...you know, the kind that give men a BAD NAME!! Dumbass.
Posted By: THE Franta Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-30 7:00 AM
Kinda like Howard Stern....but for some odd reason that a-hole is revered!!!
Posted By: mistress_knght Re: male chuvanist??? - 2003-06-30 6:18 PM
well anyone who follows or even listens to this guy has issues. sad thing is this guy gets paid to b3e an ass, passing off his phone screener for one night stands, inforcing traditional roles, and has a pole up his ass about women who want to be more indepent and have a socail life and a career, rating women on a 1 - 10 scale with two seperate scales. a LA scale and a south amboy new jersey scale. so if your a LA 8 your a south amboy 6 or 5. and good luck to this guy trying to find a june clever. can tell he's had lots of luck with that after 4 mariages. hehehe.....poor bastard