Posted By: The TARDIS 'Naked' pool opens in Las Vegas - 2011-04-17 10:03 PM

With adult party pools a hot Vegas trend -- including some where women can sun and strut topless -- you just knew someone would up the ante when it came to naming one.

There already is a Bare pool (at The Mirage, and bottoms stay on).

This weekend marks the official opening of Naked Pool at the Artisan Hotel Boutique. The obvious question: Can you strip down? Nope, but women are allowed to doff bikini tops. Its sister swimming hole is Gossip -- The Pool at the Rumor boutique hotel. Here, tops stay on.

Both pools aren't new, but they're going with the Vegas flow and have morphed into party venues with sexy staff, deejays and themed soirees. A caveat: Both are off the Strip and not as big or glam as adult pools of the well-known resorts. So don't expect celeb-packed, ultra-luxe surroundings. A plus: Women often get in free and the average entrance fee for out-of-town males is $10. That's cheaper than the big Strip venues.

"While at the mega-resorts you are stuffed into the pool crammed with bodies, our pool parties will offer a completely different feel and vibe," Michael Crandall, director of business affairs for The Siegel Group, which owns both resorts. "It's about having a great place to chill for the day, have some drinks, enjoy great music, and escape from reality. No long lines and thousands of people."

Each pool is open 10 to 6 daily. Naked's events include "Beer Goggle Monday" and "Wasted Wednesday."

If you want celeb presence, look no further than the Encore Beach Club, which opens Saturday with Olympic swimming winner Michael Phelps hosting. The LIQUID Pool Lounge at ARIA had its grand opening yesterday, and deejay "Treasure Fingers" spins today. (Deejays are a hot in Vegas now, but I confess, I am not up on who's in or out.) At both pools, music blares but tops stay on.

And for those who want to witness a Woodstock-like pool party that draws thousands, including lots of off-duty strippers, this Sunday marks the return of weekly "REHAB" parties at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Lines form before noon at this Vegas institution. Though women must keep tops on, expect teeny bikinis revealing surgically enhanced chests, booty-shaking and making out. Quite a spectacle. Sunday's opening promises to make an even bigger splash than usual: Hotel spokespeople say a helicopter will hover over the pool and drop 3,000 lightweight balls. Instructions printed on the balls tell those who catch them to text a certain number, and when they do, they find out what they won. More than $100,000 in cash and prizes will be given away.
BREAKING NEWS FLASH! Any skinny dipper will tell you that naked means no stitches. I dare question Vegas's integritah.