Posted By: Fused Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:05 AM
With video game movies riding on the coattails of comic book flicks, what game do you think should be adapted to film that hasnt been already?

I think my pick would be a full-length feature 3-D animation of the Soul Calibur series. Straight up cold.
Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:16 AM
I think that one is in development.
Splinter cell was announced recently, I think cowgirl jack asked about that one a while ago.

I really want to see a Final Fantasy movie that is more like the first games, when they were more fantasy based.
Posted By: Fused Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:25 AM
I know its based off FF7 and its not super old-school fantasy, but Advent Children is just gonna be evil.

Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:26 AM
That one looks good, but I still want my old school one.
Posted By: ZOD Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 8:42 AM
ZOD forgets, is Metroid still in consideration?
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 9:07 AM
My picks- Castlevania, Perfect Dark, and Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 10:21 AM
Now that I know Samus is a girl, I wouldn't mind seeing a Metroid movie.


rex said:
Splinter cell was announced recently, I think cowgirl jack asked about that one a while ago.

It would provide us with some non-Jack Ryan Clancy movies. Plus, Sam has such a commanding voice...;)
Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 11:19 AM
Whats wrong with Jack Ryan?

A Metroid movie would kick ass. They should get that girl who did Metroid 2 commercials to play her.
Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 11:42 AM
Here's an article about the Metroid movie:


John Woo options Metroid movie

Director John Woo confirms that he has optioned the movie rights to Nintendo's popular Metroid series.
According to a recent Reuters report, director John Woo has optioned the movie rights to Nintendo's popular Metroid series. Details on the movie are scarce at present, but it's believed that the storyline will focus on Samus Aran's origins, as well as her subsequent battles with the Metroids and Mother Brain.

"We are very fortunate that there is such an extensive amount of material to draw upon for the film, due to there being so many iterations of the game over the years," said Woo.

The movie rights for the Metroid series were originally optioned by producers Warren Zide and Craig Perry in January of last year but were allowed to expire. Woo's game studio, Tiger Hill Games, stepped in to option the rights from Nintendo when they became available again.

"We have to assume the mainstream audience is unfamiliar with the property," said producer Brad Foxhoven. "As for the rest of the film, we will stay true to the game and [will] have Samus battling the Metroids and Mother Brain in a fight for control of the galaxy."

We'll bring you more information on Woo's Metroid movie plans as soon as it becomes available.

That article is five months old, I don't know if there has been and updates.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 6:07 PM
Chow Yun Fat should kill John Woo like he did for Sydney at the end of The Killer.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:13 PM

rex said:
Whats wrong with Jack Ryan?

I love the first three movies, but then they screwed up Sum of All Fears.
Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:16 PM
Sum of all fears wasn't that bad. You can't put too much hope is a Ben Affleck movie.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-04 7:26 PM
I'd like to see "Lunar: Silver Star Story" turned into an animated series. There's too much going on for a two or three hour movie, and it won't work as a trilogy (besides, I'm sick of trilogies)
Posted By: Pariah Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-05 12:22 AM
I really wanna say Homeworld, but with the recent release of the "new and improved" Battlestar Galactica, it'd look like a rip off.

But my fall back pics are Fallout and Star Control. But I seriously think StarCon should be made into a series rather than a movie.
Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-05 12:24 AM

Pariah said:
I really wanna say Homeworld, but with the recent release of the "new and improved" Battlestar Galactica, it'd look like a rip off.

I think that would be a problem with most of the video game movies. They would be to similar to movies that were already made.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-05 12:50 AM
Deus X would be quite cool.
Metal gear solid would obviously have potential,as would Syphon filter.
Max Payne I believe is already on the cards.
The Soul reaver/Legacy of Kaine games would also be interesting movie properties.
Then of course theirs Silent hill.

The reason most of these games would work is because the games themselves are designed to be interactive movies anyway!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-05 1:01 AM
Dude, I forgot all about Silent Hill.

Metal Gear though, that's iffy. I don't think a movie would do it justice.
Posted By: Animalman Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-06 4:06 AM
If done correctly(which is always key), Metal Gear Solid could be great. It's practically a movie already, the way the game's designed.
Posted By: Chant Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-06 1:33 PM

Nowhereman said:
Deus X would be quite cool.
Metal gear solid would obviously have potential,as would Syphon filter.
Max Payne I believe is already on the cards.
The Soul reaver/Legacy of Kaine games would also be interesting movie properties.
Then of course theirs Silent hill.

The reason most of these games would work is because the games themselves are designed to be interactive movies anyway!

I agree on Soulreaver, and then again, NOT agree with it.

Sure, the story in Legacy of Kaine is one of the best there is, but adapting it to a movie might ruin it, or neglect a small but important detail...
Posted By: Chant Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-06 1:34 PM
oh, and one more thing..

I konw it'd never happen but I'd like to see Kotor on the big screen!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-06 1:57 PM

Chant said:
Sure, the story in Legacy of Kaine is one of the best there is, but adapting it to a movie might ruin it, or neglect a small but important detail...

I never saw the appeal for that series.

Didn't anyone else find Soul Reaver and such boring?
Posted By: rex Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-06 1:58 PM
As far I as know, the Star Wars TV series hasn't really been finalized as to what time period it would be in. The Kotor era is very popular right now and has plenty of room for expansion without going against the continuity of everything else.
Posted By: Chant Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-07 3:25 AM
I know most people didn't like The Chronicles of Riddick, but it could be cool to see TCOR: Escape from Butcher Bay on thw big screen!
Posted By: Chant Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-07 3:26 AM

rex said:
As far I as know, the Star Wars TV series hasn't really been finalized as to what time period it would be in. The Kotor era is very popular right now and has plenty of room for expansion without going against the continuity of everything else.

we are in agreement!
Posted By: Fused Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-07 6:34 AM
I was one of the few people that actually liked Chronicles the movie. I think David Twohy did some really nice camera work in both movies. Ive heard good things from the game so I'd watch another if Twohy did a film on it.
Posted By: Sideways Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-07 8:23 AM
One N64 classic they ought to make into a movie is Goldeneye 007!!!!


... forget I said that...
Posted By: Chant Re: Should happen video game movies - 2005-01-07 2:03 PM

Fused said:
I was one of the few people that actually liked Chronicles the movie. I think David Twohy did some really nice camera work in both movies. Ive heard good things from the game so I'd watch another if Twohy did a film on it.

We are in agreement!