Posted By: klinton We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 1:18 AM
I was expecting some enthusiastic reviews of the new Nintendo console this weekend...but no one here seems to have ventured out and bought the new hardware. That, or they are so disgusted with it they darent post thier feelings out of respect for Rob's lover.

Did no one pick this up? I thought several of you had per-ordered this shit (shoulda, me...had the money at the time, but I drank it...now I gotta wait until this weekend and hope a retailer has stock).
Posted By: Kaz Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 1:26 AM
Personally, I think the idea of waving a remote at the TV is kinda silly. But at least it'll make the fatass kids who do nothing but play games a little less tubby.

What with all the people getting murdered over the PS3 and all... maybe folks are hiding out with their Wiis!

At any rate, I'll wait before making my next gen game console choice until after the three have been out a while. So a) the price can drop, b) a clear winner or loser can seperate itself from the pack and c) so I don't have to deal with the rush.

I did talk to a girl in class who picked it up and she seemed to be really happy with her choice. (She dogged on MUA for the sole reason that she couldn't pick her own team to start the game with.) Otherwise, she's a major dork and her lovey dovey love for the Wii didn't impress me.
Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 1:37 AM
i am a fatass kid and i gots the new nintendo system on sunday!
Posted By: Kaz Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 2:06 AM
Well, why aren't you waving your remote at your TV right now?
Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 2:15 AM
cuz i had to do work.

but otherwise, i've been playing madden and rayman and zelda for a crapload of time since sunday morning
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 2:57 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 2:59 AM

Wednesday said:
gay dork.

Posted By: rex Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 3:29 AM
I was expecting to see some long post about it from rob.

I want to get one but no money for it now and I'm too addicted to warcraft to try anything new.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 3:57 AM

rex said:
I was expecting to see some long post about it from rob.

He'll just cut and paste a nice review from someone else...

Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 4:49 AM
i would NEVER copy and paste!!!!

the system is basically the most amazing thing of all amazing things. i haven't really had the time to review it, and no one would like the review anyway, but its pretty easy to sum up.

but... quickly....

i haven't even really gotten into zelda yet, cuz i wanted to hold off on that and get some fun outta the other games first. but from what very little i've delved into it, it could very quickly surpass metroid prime as my favorite game in the past decade.

i've spent a lot of time on wii sports, which is ridiculously fun. its not a full game of anything, its a collection of 5 mini games. were it a standalone game, it probably wouldn't be worth the full price purchase. but because its free, and because it beauitfully illustrates to new control schemes, it rocks.

monkey ball and excite truck are two games that use the motion sensitivity to a perfect degree. the monkey ball games were great on older platforms, but simply moving the wii remote around to alter the whole on screen universe is so much more intuitive -- similarly, rocking the controller around to drive in excite truck is exactly what you wanted to do 20 years ago in excite bike

madden is the biggest surprise of all the games i've purchased, cuz normally, i HATE madden games. they're too realistic, too detail oriented, and get pretty boring. but this game involves the player in so many ways not previously possible. its friggin aweshome. waving your controller around to block tackles, or making realistic passing motions to throw a hail mary, or even creating your own touch down dance... just so much fun.

red steel is sortuva disappointment so far, though i've admittedly not given it much attention yet. it just seems like a game that coulda been amazing if it wasn't rushed for launch. but, because it was, certain aspects (some as basic as "control") get clunky.

rayman is another game i haven't realy gotten into yet, but my otehr friends that have the system claim that is their second favorite behind zelda.
Posted By: klinton Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 6:59 AM
See...I knew Robbers would be first in line. Your lack of any comment on it without solicitation seems odd though.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 7:15 AM
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-22 3:11 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
cuz i had to do work.

i thought you were fired for ruining DC Comics.
Posted By: Fused Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 1:34 AM
Rob might be the only poster on here with a next gen console. I cant buy into the hype right now either really. I have simply too many current gen and PC games begging me to play them to justify getting shot over a toy that expensive right now.

Although, I would happily play with someone elses Wii. . .
Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 1:37 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 8:06 AM

Fused said:
Rob might be the only poster on here with a next gen console.

I finally broke down and got me a 360! I've only been playing Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. I'm on the fourth act, and while it is a fun game, the story mode is very, very easy.

Some of the comic missions have been a challenge, though...
Posted By: Fused Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 9:08 AM
I havent had much time to dig into it. Been dyin to though.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 12:28 PM
i wanted to buy a wii but it sold out and i didnt preorder like i planed...
Posted By: rex Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 3:57 PM
Nintendo and sony are going to have weekly shipments of their consoles from now on. It shouldn't be that hard to get a Wii.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-23 9:37 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
the system is basically the most amazing thing of all amazing things.

Yup! It is addictive! I was worried about the way the controller stuff would workout but it is easy and fun!


i haven't even really gotten into zelda yet, cuz i wanted to hold off on that and get some fun outta the other games first. but from what very little i've delved into it, it could very quickly surpass metroid prime as my favorite game in the past decade.



i've spent a lot of time on wii sports, which is ridiculously fun. its not a full game of anything, its a collection of 5 mini games. were it a standalone game, it probably wouldn't be worth the full price purchase. but because its free, and because it beauitfully illustrates to new control schemes, it rocks.

Easily the one I've been playing the most! (Next to Rampage)Boxing, Tennis, and Bowling.

All around the system is great. Wireless right out of the box and easy to setup and learn.
Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-26 4:36 AM
the other difficult thing about reviewing the wii system or games is that as great as the descriptions are, it is really a hands-on kinda experience.

with ps3 and 360, they're really pushing the graphics and the audio, and it shows. they're both incredible. and after playing a game, you can go on and on about how beautiful or detailed or real the imagery is.

with all these wii games, y'really honestly just have to play them to know what they're like. the level of involvement with the motion sensitivity controllers isn't comparable to any other gaming experience.

its friggin aweshome. y'really gotta go to a bestbuy or whatever just to give it a shot if you haven't already.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-26 4:42 AM
Nintendo is a nigger!
Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-26 4:44 AM
huh. i never thought about it like that.
Posted By: rex Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-26 4:44 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
its friggin aweshome. y'really gotta go to a bestbuy or whatever just to give it a shot if you haven't already.

I've been to just about every store (except best buy) and I haven't seen a playable Wii yet. Several PS3s, but no Wii. For a system thats supposed to get everyone playing video games, Nintendo isn't doing a very good job of promoting it.
Posted By: Rob Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-26 4:47 AM
i know the best buy near my office has a whole video game couch set up, one for each system. its great for homeless people.

and all the gamestop / ebgames i've been to have had them ... though almost every one has been partially broken in some fashion.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: We don't Wii? - 2006-11-26 4:49 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
huh. i never thought about it like that.

Listen to Kramer.........he knows stuff
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: We don't Wii? - 2007-05-24 2:26 AM