
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – A new national alert system is set to begin in New York City that will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones.

It’s called the Personal Localized Alert Network or PLAN. Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.

“The lessons that were reinforced on 9/11 is the importance of getting clear and accurate information to the public during a crisis,” New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference on Tuesday.

Verizon and AT&T, the nation’s largest cell phone carriers, are already on board. Consumers would be able to opt out of all but those presidential messages.
WTF? Why should we be required to listen to his crap?

1984 doesn't seem so much like fiction anymore.
i always thought it strange that we've forever had TV and radio interrupted by tests for the emergency broadcast system - only to have no real information come out during 9/11. that was your big chance, guys! stop ruining my late-night episodes of roseanne!
But why would we be forced to receive messages from the President? If the tv emergency thing comes on, you can turn the channel. This is a requirement to receive the message.
I like how I get the monthly warning one a week during Conan.
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
But why would we be forced to receive messages from the President? If the tv emergency thing comes on, you can turn the channel. This is a requirement to receive the message.

it's not a terrible idea, in theory, to have a system to "get the word out" in case of emergencies.

but neither is the original "emergency broadcast system", which is (was?) already more widespread and readily available via free airwaves (despite quickly disappearing). and, as far as cell phone usage, it's tough to get a signal in NYC on a regular day -- on 9/11, people went hours with no connection.
exactly why this isn't for true emergencies but a way to force his message on others.
in the end, it all relates: what doesn't kill us is making us stronger

President Obama’s aides have quietly turned the key in the engine of the massive campaign-in-waiting that’s been operating under the name Organizing for America for the past two years, and will begin his reelection with the sort of online and field organizations most presidential campaigns would be glad to have 16 months from now.

The leadership of the field organization — with hundreds of employees, tens of thousands of volunteers and massive online assets (primarily, a giant email list) — is shifting from the Democratic National Committee to the new campaign in Chicago. And in mass emails and in a quiet series of one-on-one meetings with volunteer leaders, the group is resetting its relationship with its supporters.

And while many Democrats have complained that Organizing for America’s vaunted abilities began to sputter once Obama became president, people watching the organization closely say it has succeeded in what may have been its central mission all along: building an unparalleled reelection organization while staying under the political world’s radar.

 Originally Posted By: Rob
in the end, it all relates: what doesn't kill us is making us stronger

if the last two years are any indication, getting stronger won't be the option for the country.
Why does it need a "special" chip? All phones can receive text messages?
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
 Originally Posted By: Rob
in the end, it all relates: what doesn't kill us is making us stronger

if the last two years are any indication, getting stronger won't be the option for the country.

 Originally Posted By: Rob
stop ruining my late-night episodes of roseanne!

obscure roseanne reference, for! the! win!!

Can you ever really win with a Roseanne reference?
Wouldn't there be less hassle to just build a bunch of loudspeakers everywhere, like they do with cameras? I mean from a technical, legal and economical P.O.V.; it would be about as "1984" as the special chips.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Can you ever really win with a Roseanne reference?

we'll find out at the next 9/11!