If so, is it all you'd hoped it would be?

A guy at work bought one, but he hasn't opened it. He's betting on a short supply for Christmas and plans on putting it up on EBay in the next week or so.
If I ever get one, it's probably going to be in 2015, well after I get back.

So no. But it looks like certain game news outlets are starting to play up the bad press. Gamespot has always has an Xbox lean, and it looks like that hasn't changed.
I'm not going to fall into the Sony vs. Microsoft bullshit. They're both good systems. You should choose depending upon what you want. If you're a true hardcore gamer.... get a PC. But if you want a console, get the PS4. It'll probably fit you better. For me, I prefer the media hub aspect of XBox, so that's where I'm at. Plus, I have high hopes for Kinect. They are probably all just fantasies in my head that developers won't try for, but I can still dream.
You're hoping that devs will use the Kinect for a Virtual Sex with Hulk Hogan game.
I'm not Rob, you slant eyed bastard.

Macho Man Randy Savage.
Ooooh yeaaaah!
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
But it looks like certain game news outlets are starting to play up the bad press.

The 'Blue Line of Death' is starting to get a lot of buzz now.
Apparently it had something to do with disgruntled Chinese interns.
Goddamnit, SOM! Why can't your people let us have our gaming consoles?
This is payback for that war, the one where you kicked our ass!
Give us our gaming consoles and you guys can have Mexico and most of California.
Sony's now saying that units were damaged when shipped.
the mailman played with the units first.
No one wants to know about how the postman molested you.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
If you're a true hardcore gamer.... get a PC.

this. my system (i7-3770K, 8GB ram, GTX 560Ti) would be considered above average now, actually good a year ago, and it still absolutely destroys the living fuck out of anything my brother's 360 can do. on paper it is ridiculously ahead of the xbone and ps4 in terms of processing power and rendering power, but in all fairness I haven't had the chance to do a direct visual comparison in person yet. the difference is while I actually only paid a little more (~$450) altogether for this box, most people who don't work where I work would probably have paid about $750-$900 for the same machine, so I understand why people go for consoles as much as they do. though I still hate gamepads for modern games; you put two gamers on identical PCs head-to-head, gamepad versus keyboard-and-mouse, playing the exact same multiplayer games, and that poor gamepadding bastard is thoroughly fucked.
It looks like the PS4 just tarnished the Xbone in the UK.
Ok I got my PS4 when it launched here on Friday, and I love it.
Any negativity played up in the press about this or the XBone is like anything a very small % of units, but obviously the disgruntled are the most vocal so it makes it look like its a huge issue. Plus there has been a huge amount of trolling on the likes of Amazons review section with fanboys of both consoles pretending they bought faulty units etc.

Sony has obviously played it safe at launch, and a lot of features you would expect to be on it are missing. (things like not being able to play 3D blu ray)
When asked about these sort of things prior to its release, their stock answer was "not available at launch" which generally means they will come later with patches.

Sony seems to be winning this round so far (although in the end they won the last round as well seeing as the USA is the only territory the 360 dominated, and worldwide the PS3 keeps edging ahead by about half a million units sold), and has even taken the lead in the USA. This is why I laughed when Microsoft made a big song and dance about selling 1.5 million units at launch worldwide, when the initial PS4 launch was only in the USA and did similar figures.

All the negativity around Microsofts original plans of no game sharing etc has bitten them big style, as a lot of people seem to have switched allegiance. Plus the fact that big games like Battlefield 4 and COD Ghosts are only running at 720 upscaled to 1080 on the XBone but run at a native 1080 on the PS4, has hurt them I think.

While its nice to have all the extra features, at the end of the day a console is a gaming machine, and where Sony has benefited here is they are appealing more to the gamer who doesnt give a shit about watching tv on their console because thats what you cable box etc is for anyway.

The biggest downside to the PS4 other than the limited features is the rather poor launch line up. Yeah there were a few big games, but nowhere near enough for many, and a lot of them are games already on the PS3. The postponing of Watch Dogs and Drive club has been a big let down.

Of course, you give a man the technology, and he will use it for porn
Oh, and of course price was a big issue with the XBone as well.
I was able to get a PS4 with Killzone Shadow Fall and NFS Rivals for the same price as an XBone costs without any games.
What's your opinion of SF?

I hear a distinct lack of NPCs makes it less than buyable.
Not really played it to be honest. Been playing AC4 and NFS mostly. Will probably only move over to KZ once I have finished AC4.
Of the three games I think KZ is the better looking as it was obviously designed solely for the next gen PS4 whereas the other two are across all platforms, so more than likely didnt have as much attention to graphics. Although that said, both AC4 and NFS are incredibly beautiful looking games.

I must admit what I have played of KZ was a bit underwhelming, but thats because you start off as a small kid with no weapons n shit.
To what extent has the Dualshock 4's touchpad been implemented? What's your thoughts on it?
If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that he thinks that you're a cunt and that you should fuck off.
Yeah, prolly.
PCGay, you are a cunt and you should fuck off!
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
What's your opinion of SF?

I hear a distinct lack of NPCs makes it less than buyable.

Ok, so now I have made it to Killzone, my opinion on it is this.
The graphics are stunning, but facial animations are weak considering all the work thats gone into making this the prettiest game on the PS4.
Gameplay wise, because they have kinda rebooted the franchise with this one, setting it in the future with new characters and a new set up as far as the relations between both factions, it kinda leaves you somewhat detached from everything you know.

It doesnt have the manic waves of enemies like the previous outings and the maps are totally different to what you are used to, which once again kinda makes it feel less and less like a Killzone game.

I am enjoying it though. Being that it came as a bundle deal thingee, I can certainly see this one dropping quite quickly in price once the next wave of game releases kicks off, just as the likes of Resistance and Motorstorm did on the PS3.

The online though is very familiar territory, and feels much the same as the previous online experience.
Oh but one thing that is a huge fucking error on the developers part is the lack of game save points. There are checkpoints when you are playing a level, but if you close out of the game part way through a level, you will always have to start from scratch on that level next time you turn it on, forcing you to complete a level everytime you sit down and play it.

In this day and age, not having checkpoint saves is fucking ridiculous.
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
It doesnt have the manic waves of enemies like the previous outings and the maps are totally different to what you are used to, which once again kinda makes it feel less and less like a Killzone game.

Exactly what I feared.

I had no love for Killzone 3 largely because it didn't bother expanding on the strengths of Killzone 2 (that, and the story sucked). That skirmish on the bridge where you have to push the Helghast back epitomized what I wanted from a sequel to Killzone 2. I was hoping SF would rectify that. Sadly, nay.
KZ 3 I liked right up until the end, which was kinda anticlimactic as I didnt even realise it was the end of the game until the credits rolled.
This one I like, but its just so far detached from the standard KZ gameplay, that it feels like another series entirely.
I do like that they have switched to a more traditional controller layout as far as weapons etc go, and I do like the addition of the owl drone though.

Its a fun game, but if the trophies are anything to go by, its not a very long game either.