Posted By: allan1 Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-02-16 1:14 PM
Back when the Wii,PS3 & X-Box 360 came out,I swore that whichever console I get would be the last console I would buy. Well that went out the window. After seeing some games come out that really stoked the old game flame,I first thought maybe getting a PS3/X-box 360,as they were now in my price range, would be the way to go but finally decided on making the quantum leap to either X-Box One or PS4. It took a lot of asking around of friends who owned one or the other before I finally settled on the PS4. I hooked it up a couple days ago and am enjoying it. I went pretty basic with a couple of games to get used to the controller after using a Wii remote the last 8 years.Lego Batman 3 & Lego Marvel are what I got and so far have found them a lot of fun. Messing around with the other features that the PS4 has to offer is also been fun. A fried at work reccommended games like Diablo 3 & Dying Light as well as some cheaper family friendly fare like Monopoly. Anywho,look toward a future "Gamin' With Al" review once I'v played through a game or two.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-02-17 2:56 AM
I' happy with the hardware, but I am very unhappy with the games thusfar. Killzone and Infamous are beautiful, but they suck. The Last of Us Remastered is great, but like the title suggests, it's nothing new.

And I could barely get through the first hour of Watch Dogs, Evil Within was an incomplete game, and Sleeping Dogs, while good, is yet another throwback to the previous generation.

The only real home run this gen for me is Far Cry 4--a multiplat.

I have high hopes for Uncharted and The Order, but morale is shit right now.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-02-19 3:01 AM
Yeah,there isn't a lot out there but there's enough to keep me occupied for a bit and give enough time for more titles to be released. With not much free time to devote to playing(at most a few hours a week),I can stretch gametime out over a while. The Order does look intriguing and a friend of mine is going to loan me Diablo 3 so I'll be ok on games for a few months.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-02-24 11:20 PM
I agree and disagree with Pariah. Infamous was a great game (I dont get all down by the so called political statements like he does), Killzone was a good game, just not great, but was graphically stunning. Certainly both worth a punt as they are now cheaper.

Far Cry 4 you cannot go wrong with.
Watch Dogs was really good, just not what it promised.

Assassins Creed 4 and Unity are also good games (4 is much better than Unity though).

Destiny is a good game, albeit online only, but is a bit of a rip off as its essentially only half a game, and you have to buy the expansion packs to get the full game.

Call of duty ghosts was ok, not bothered with Advanced warfare though.

Wolfenstein the new order was a fun game as well.

Worth picking up though are last gen games getting a bit of spit and polish for the current gen.
Tomb raider was amazing graphically and gameplay wise too.
Last of us IS essential.
Sleeping dogs is a fun GTA style game.
GTA 5 you cannot go wrong with if you like GTA games.
Injustice gods among us is a great Mortal Kombat style game, but has very little improvement over the last gen graphically. But for a comic book fan, its gotta be checked out.

Also if you are into driving games, Driveclub is stunningly beautiful (especially in the rain conditions), and now most of the bugs are gone, its a fun game.
The Crew is decent, and has a free roam map bigger than pretty much any game out there.
Need For Speed Rivals, was fun, though nothing really that new.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-02-24 11:21 PM
Oh and Thief was fun, but graphically was very poor.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-03-03 3:18 AM
Thanks CC. I'll check some of those out. Wolfenstein for sure.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-03-04 12:53 AM
Two new games worth checking out are Dying light and The Order 1886.

I havent finished either yet, but both are really good looking games, and fun to play.
There has been a lot of negativity around The Order pertaining to how short it is (with no multiplayer to make it last longer), but to be honest the whole "5 hour playthrough" is bullshit. I have played about that so far and am still only half way or so through as far as I can tell.

Dying light should appeal to anyone who liked the Dead island games as its made by the same team. Its amped up a bit more by the addition of free running making it seem like a mix between Dead island and Far Cry in places.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-03-04 1:35 PM
Dying Light is on my birthday wish list. The Order looks good also. I'll probably be picking up The Lego Movie game and Monoply for the kids to play. One game I was looking forward to playing was South Park:Stick of truth,but alas there's no PS4 platform for it which I thought was odd.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Great Gob!! I now own a PS4! - 2015-03-07 10:23 PM
Stick of truth was supposed to be out more than a year before the PS4 came out (and even before it was announced if I remember correctly), but due to problems with the publisher (THQ) going out of business, Parker and Stone were not happy with the fact that another publisher bought the rights, and contested it saying the deal needed to made with them, or something like that.
Basically it meant the game hung in limbo for over a year before it was finally released, and by that time the PS4 was out or coming out soon.
This is why I didn't pick it up as I no longer buy PS3 titles.