Posted By: Drzsmith Why wont they let me in to The Deadpan Fury? - 2004-03-17 3:30 AM
Author Holy Gospel: I just received an e-mail
Member # 19
posted March 15, 2004 09:46 PM
From a certain Dr. Z Smith who admits to having tried to register here at Deadpan and says that he seems to be having trouble. I let him know that The Hat and Mki are the only ones who can approve him for registration and that I would start a thread. Here 'tis.
I would say that, although I did not always see eye to eye with the Doc, he did amuse me upon occasion and hey, we let Shane post.


From: The fuckin' Knoll, crotchweasel | IP: Logged

Member # 9
posted March 16, 2004 06:13 AM
I seldom approve regs, even though I have the capability... Da Hatter do dat when he's around. I just do backups, fix stuff that breaks, etc.
From: The land of sand | IP: Logged

Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 16, 2004 07:30 AM
I have heard that there were days when Shane's actions were somewhat questionable. I wasn't there for it, I don't know about it. From what I've seen of him, I've got no problem letting him in. And so I did.
From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged

Member # 63
posted March 16, 2004 02:26 PM
Funny, it took me less than a second to find the contact e-mail address at the bottom of the page.
From: Melbourne, Victoria | IP: Logged

Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 16, 2004 02:29 PM
I got an e-mail from him too, actually. I'm assuming that it says the same thing that Pale's did. I just deleted the thing straight away.
From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged

Member # 63
posted March 16, 2004 02:48 PM
Well that's sensible.
From: Melbourne, Victoria | IP: Logged

Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 16, 2004 03:01 PM
I thought so. The time it took for me to delete the e-mail and reply to this thread was still tenfold of what he deserves from me.
Still, we must occasionally swipe the gnats from our heads to have peace.

From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged

Member # 22
posted March 16, 2004 03:27 PM
Yeah, I saw Doc getting approved as being about as likely as Brodie getting in here.
I personally never had an issue with Doc, but the people he did piss off tended to be friends of mine.

Besides, yeh gotta wonder about someone who chooses the name of a blatant pedophilian character as an internet alias. One might initially assume it's subtle irony, but then yeh read a few of Doc's posts and you realize, no, it's just creepy.

Couldn't he come up with something more masculine, like C3P0?

(Now I wish he had access, just so I could see his indignant response, but that'd get old quick. I oughta leave him alone but, fuck it...)

From: Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Vixens | IP: Logged
web page
Since when was Dr Smith a peadophile?
I dont remember the episode he tried to molest Will Robinson!!
its gotta feel good that they still fear ya doc.....
They're jealous of his popularity and charisma but don't realize it only demeans them.
it's true!
They are scared of all of us!
Lets face it,if I'd tried to register as Nowhereman or Cap Howdy,they would never have let me in!

I can imagine theres a list of names that will never we let in:
Chris Oakley
Rob Kamphausen

To name a few!
Can I, as a relative newbie with no memory of past battles, ask a question?

Why do you guys even care?!?

Seriously. Having read the threads you guys posted from their board, it's obvious (at least to me) that they need their little exclusive boy's club to feel cool. So they banned you pre-emptively. Woo hoo. Is there really anything that they talk about that you're dying to discuss with them?

Leave 'em alone. To use a movie quote, they're "ants among Gods." At least, here, you don't need to pretend to be pretentious just to get acceptance. You can be as elite or as base as you want without worrying about whether someone will ban you for being "uninteresting".

Plus, for my money, you Nature Boys are a LOT more fun to hang with than those arses. And we've got Stareena, which must frost Dhaise's ass, that half-a-man.

Whoops. Now they'll probably reject the request for acceptance that I DIDN'T send. Darn.
Someone should try registering as "Tony Stark" or "Illegal Machine".

Joe Mama said:
Can I, as a relative newbie with no memory of past battles, ask a question?

Why do you guys even care?!?

Seriously. Having read the threads you guys posted from their board, it's obvious (at least to me) that they need their little exclusive boy's club to feel cool. So they banned you pre-emptively. Woo hoo. Is there really anything that they talk about that you're dying to discuss with them?

Leave 'em alone. To use a movie quote, they're "ants among Gods." At least, here, you don't need to pretend to be pretentious just to get acceptance. You can be as elite or as base as you want without worrying about whether someone will ban you for being "uninteresting".

Plus, for my money, you Nature Boys are a LOT more fun to hang with than those arses. And we've got Stareena, which must frost Dhaise's ass, that half-a-man.

Whoops. Now they'll probably reject the request for acceptance that I DIDN'T send. Darn.

Because we win again!
Oh. Okay. Well, that clears it up.

You friggin' goof...

Joe Mama said:
Can I, as a relative newbie with no memory of past battles, ask a question?

Why do you guys even care?!?

Seriously. Having read the threads you guys posted from their board, it's obvious (at least to me) that they need their little exclusive boy's club to feel cool. So they banned you pre-emptively. Woo hoo. Is there really anything that they talk about that you're dying to discuss with them?

Leave 'em alone. To use a movie quote, they're "ants among Gods." At least, here, you don't need to pretend to be pretentious just to get acceptance. You can be as elite or as base as you want without worrying about whether someone will ban you for being "uninteresting".

Plus, for my money, you Nature Boys are a LOT more fun to hang with than those arses. And we've got Stareena, which must frost Dhaise's ass, that half-a-man.

Whoops. Now they'll probably reject the request for acceptance that I DIDN'T send. Darn.

thats the point we dont care, but to them its their life, so its fun to manipulate people whose life is message boards! the one guy actually had a nervous breakdown over his old board.....
Athanon...damn I wish I was around for that shit. I was just gettin' my newbie feet wet at the Wizard Boards in them days.
The Long, Rambling Version

Dear Citizens of Athanon,

I’m sure that many of you are wondering what is going on. This is natural. In precise language, the Athanon boards have been closed indefinitely for a period of reevaluation. This means, simply put, that I’ve locked the place down until I figure out what I want to do with it.

Will they be reopened? Possibly. I really can’t say at this moment. I figure that I’ll open that can of worms when I get to it. And I mean can of worms.

You’re wondering why the boards are closed. Precise language: A number of events both public and private culminated in my stating that a single infraction along a set guideline would result in the closure of the boards. That infraction took place. The boards were closed.

Not so precise language: About three or four months ago, I stepped down as a Keeper. I had reached the point where I either stepped away from the boards entirely or I closed them down. Far too many games were going on for my liking. I offered to give them to someone who had put money and sweat into them and the person declined. I established that I could no longer run the place without losing my cool and I reiterated that Danny was in charge, promoted Dark Typhoid Dave to the position of Keeper, and I left.

I spent as much time as I could with my girlfriend or playing Everquest. I kept tabs on the boards. I helped out with the Herald. I’d post from time to time. I avoided the place as much as I could.

More reindeer games ensued. Most of which I disliked, some of which got me so angry that I started yelling at some of the people involved either by e-mail or on the phone. As a matter of fact, most of my anger and resentment stems from the actions of friends who manipulated things to be as much in their own best interests as possible. Part of it is directed at me for my inability to tell people that I care about when they are fucking up or calling them on a really bad decision. Petty squabbling went on behind the scenes. Danny kept in control as much as he could, however, life got in the way.

Hatter stepped down as Police Commissioner and Keeper. Ouschlander stepped up to the plate. Due to personal problems, Danny was not able to act as mayor. Theoretically speaking, this put me back in the hot seat I pretty much left things up to ouschlander—him being my roommate and best friend, I knew that I could trust him.

The Comic-Con in San Diego arrived and the Mad Hatter had to change real life plans when statements made by RONIN made him worry about the safety of both himself and his girlfriend. This was brought to both mine and ouschlander’s attention. Ouschlander made the decision, which I backed, to ban RONIN from Athanon. In my mind, RONIN was and for me still is an unknown. He could be the biggest teddy bear on the block. He could be a raving lunatic. Let’s look at some facts:

1. Hatter’s picture has been published in the yearbook. As such, he’s easily recognizable. RONIN, on the other hand, had not been seen by anyone other than Cassie at that time. As it stands, only a couple of people saw him in San Diego.
2. RONIN has a tendency to let his temper get the best of him. Hatter has a tendency to push people’s buttons. Even if RONIN hadn’t gone with the intention of fighting with Hatter, the possibility still remained that violence could occur.

Regardless, arguing is one thing. Making comments that put a person in a position to have to change his plans in regards to the safety of himself and his loved ones, is another thing entirely. RONIN justified the banning when he stole jack trades’ ID, changing the password after jack trusted him it.

I do owe RONIN one token of thanks for the whole thing—it got me out of going to the San Diego Zoo.

In the meantime, Franta was on vacation. One of his stops was Las Vegas, however, due to my plans with San Diego, I wasn’t in town the day that Franta was. Still, someone thought it would be funny to start the “Franta’s been banned!” rumor with RONIN’s ban being mentioned in the Town Crier. This got the Nature Boyz stirred up, so that when the real ban came, it was like L.A. after a trial.

Behind the scenes even MORE stupid human tricks were taking place. Part of this was based on the situation that led to the closing of the boards—The Angle in the Vault Affair.

Oakley told these guys to stop. Moorg told these guys to stop. Ouschlander told these guys to stop. Mkisofs e-mailed one of these guys to stop. Razorwitt e-mailed another of these guys to stop. That seems pretty clear to me. “Don’t post anything about Kurt Angle in the Vault or you will be banned.” It’s pretty simple. Pretty damned simple, really.

Franta posted about Kurt Angle in the Vault. As a result, he was banned. It is our habit to try to keep the details of a banning between us and the person banned. Everyone else feels that it is important that they know why the person was banned, perhaps so that they could run it through their personal radar and determine whether or not it was fair. Personally, I don’t think that it’s anyone’s business but the person involved unless that person wants to involve others.

So a number of people decided to show their support of Franta. Some did so in the Commissioner’s Office. Others did so in the Vault by posting threads about Kurt Angle. They got banned. Year of the Bastard came forth with a well written, well thought out request to know why. Ouschlander asked me to get involved, so I did. I stated in my response that I had grown tired with all of the games—and I mean ALL of the games. I stated that if one more incident occurred, I would shut the boards down.

I’d like to congratulate Loch Hexen for her winning entry of the new thread “Who is Kurt Angle?” located in the Vault of Tomorrow. Big round of applause for showing your support for the banned by posting under an alt-ID—you’ve really made the boys back at the home office proud.

Look, people, this isn’t Faber College, none of the Keepers are Dean Wormer, and you guys aren’t Otter and the rest of Delta House. This isn’t a fascist police state. We are not humorless automatons. We are, for the most part, a number of people with various degrees of maturity with the purpose of ensuring that the boards ran properly and that most people were having a good time. Just posters like you, simply in a position of ‘power’ on an Internet message board.

I haven’t necessarily agreed with a number of decisions that were made by the administration of Athanon, however, when that’s happened, due to my own rules of outward solidarity, I’ve sucked it up and watched people get treated like shit, usually with my name being waved around. I’ve had numerous arguments with people that have left me feeling physically ill (you know things are really bothering you emotionally when you’re internalizing them and they make you physically sick). We are capable—quite capable—of making bad decisions. I’ve been making bad decisions about this place since October of ’99. I’ve watched the others do the same.

“It’s for the good of the boards.” If I never hear those words again, it will be too soon.

I’m like a powder keg right now. Anger and frustration are so built up over this and other things going on in my life that the wrong thing could make me explode in someone’s face. I didn’t shut the boards down because of the fact that several people were being loud and obnoxious and acting at a level of maturity just under that of my thirteen year old nephews. I shut them down because I no longer desire to put up with the stress.

I was asked to explain the ‘reevaluation period.’ Simply put, I’m trying to determine whether or not the value of re-opening the boards exceeds the expense. The value is from the people like Bibbo, Razorwitt and jack trades and hundreds of others who post there and have fun, but don’t break the one rule I have. The expense is the emotional drain that comes from, to put it simply, trying to regulate adults consistently acting like children. That emotional drain is a high price because it’s one that affects you physically and mentally as well.

So I’m thinking about it. It’s going to take a while, so you may want to hit some of the other places out there. I’ve got a life to get in order.

And for those of you who were taken completely unaware by this turn of events, I want to say that I truly apologize. Unfortunately, this has consistently been the way of things at Athanon. Any major shakeups have been from a clash between the Keepers and an individual or a relatively small group. I hope that should we open our doors again in the future that you will join us again, or should we never reopen that you are not discomfited too much.

Keep an eye on this space for further information.

Martin ‘Mobius Infinity’ Hackett
Okay, see NOW I'm getting a sense of history. Gotcha.

A nervous breakdown? Really??? I don't know whether to feel real pity or laugh my balls off.

So I'll do both...


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
The Long, Rambling Version

Dear Citizens of Athanon,

I’m sure that many of you are wondering what is going on. This is natural. In precise language, the Athanon boards have been closed indefinitely for a period of reevaluation. This means, simply put, that I’ve locked the place down until I figure out what I want to do with it.

Will they be reopened? Possibly. I really can’t say at this moment. I figure that I’ll open that can of worms when I get to it. And I mean can of worms.

You’re wondering why the boards are closed. Precise language: A number of events both public and private culminated in my stating that a single infraction along a set guideline would result in the closure of the boards. That infraction took place. The boards were closed.

Not so precise language: About three or four months ago, I stepped down as a Keeper. I had reached the point where I either stepped away from the boards entirely or I closed them down. Far too many games were going on for my liking. I offered to give them to someone who had put money and sweat into them and the person declined. I established that I could no longer run the place without losing my cool and I reiterated that Danny was in charge, promoted Dark Typhoid Dave to the position of Keeper, and I left.

I spent as much time as I could with my girlfriend or playing Everquest. I kept tabs on the boards. I helped out with the Herald. I’d post from time to time. I avoided the place as much as I could.

More reindeer games ensued. Most of which I disliked, some of which got me so angry that I started yelling at some of the people involved either by e-mail or on the phone. As a matter of fact, most of my anger and resentment stems from the actions of friends who manipulated things to be as much in their own best interests as possible. Part of it is directed at me for my inability to tell people that I care about when they are fucking up or calling them on a really bad decision. Petty squabbling went on behind the scenes. Danny kept in control as much as he could, however, life got in the way.

Hatter stepped down as Police Commissioner and Keeper. Ouschlander stepped up to the plate. Due to personal problems, Danny was not able to act as mayor. Theoretically speaking, this put me back in the hot seat I pretty much left things up to ouschlander—him being my roommate and best friend, I knew that I could trust him.

The Comic-Con in San Diego arrived and the Mad Hatter had to change real life plans when statements made by RONIN made him worry about the safety of both himself and his girlfriend. This was brought to both mine and ouschlander’s attention. Ouschlander made the decision, which I backed, to ban RONIN from Athanon. In my mind, RONIN was and for me still is an unknown. He could be the biggest teddy bear on the block. He could be a raving lunatic. Let’s look at some facts:

1. Hatter’s picture has been published in the yearbook. As such, he’s easily recognizable. RONIN, on the other hand, had not been seen by anyone other than Cassie at that time. As it stands, only a couple of people saw him in San Diego.
2. RONIN has a tendency to let his temper get the best of him. Hatter has a tendency to push people’s buttons. Even if RONIN hadn’t gone with the intention of fighting with Hatter, the possibility still remained that violence could occur.

Regardless, arguing is one thing. Making comments that put a person in a position to have to change his plans in regards to the safety of himself and his loved ones, is another thing entirely. RONIN justified the banning when he stole jack trades’ ID, changing the password after jack trusted him it.

I do owe RONIN one token of thanks for the whole thing—it got me out of going to the San Diego Zoo.

In the meantime, Franta was on vacation. One of his stops was Las Vegas, however, due to my plans with San Diego, I wasn’t in town the day that Franta was. Still, someone thought it would be funny to start the “Franta’s been banned!” rumor with RONIN’s ban being mentioned in the Town Crier. This got the Nature Boyz stirred up, so that when the real ban came, it was like L.A. after a trial.

Behind the scenes even MORE stupid human tricks were taking place. Part of this was based on the situation that led to the closing of the boards—The Angle in the Vault Affair.

Oakley told these guys to stop. Moorg told these guys to stop. Ouschlander told these guys to stop. Mkisofs e-mailed one of these guys to stop. Razorwitt e-mailed another of these guys to stop. That seems pretty clear to me. “Don’t post anything about Kurt Angle in the Vault or you will be banned.” It’s pretty simple. Pretty damned simple, really.

Franta posted about Kurt Angle in the Vault. As a result, he was banned. It is our habit to try to keep the details of a banning between us and the person banned. Everyone else feels that it is important that they know why the person was banned, perhaps so that they could run it through their personal radar and determine whether or not it was fair. Personally, I don’t think that it’s anyone’s business but the person involved unless that person wants to involve others.

So a number of people decided to show their support of Franta. Some did so in the Commissioner’s Office. Others did so in the Vault by posting threads about Kurt Angle. They got banned. Year of the Bastard came forth with a well written, well thought out request to know why. Ouschlander asked me to get involved, so I did. I stated in my response that I had grown tired with all of the games—and I mean ALL of the games. I stated that if one more incident occurred, I would shut the boards down.

I’d like to congratulate Loch Hexen for her winning entry of the new thread “Who is Kurt Angle?” located in the Vault of Tomorrow. Big round of applause for showing your support for the banned by posting under an alt-ID—you’ve really made the boys back at the home office proud.

Look, people, this isn’t Faber College, none of the Keepers are Dean Wormer, and you guys aren’t Otter and the rest of Delta House. This isn’t a fascist police state. We are not humorless automatons. We are, for the most part, a number of people with various degrees of maturity with the purpose of ensuring that the boards ran properly and that most people were having a good time. Just posters like you, simply in a position of ‘power’ on an Internet message board.

I haven’t necessarily agreed with a number of decisions that were made by the administration of Athanon, however, when that’s happened, due to my own rules of outward solidarity, I’ve sucked it up and watched people get treated like shit, usually with my name being waved around. I’ve had numerous arguments with people that have left me feeling physically ill (you know things are really bothering you emotionally when you’re internalizing them and they make you physically sick). We are capable—quite capable—of making bad decisions. I’ve been making bad decisions about this place since October of ’99. I’ve watched the others do the same.

“It’s for the good of the boards.” If I never hear those words again, it will be too soon.

I’m like a powder keg right now. Anger and frustration are so built up over this and other things going on in my life that the wrong thing could make me explode in someone’s face. I didn’t shut the boards down because of the fact that several people were being loud and obnoxious and acting at a level of maturity just under that of my thirteen year old nephews. I shut them down because I no longer desire to put up with the stress.

I was asked to explain the ‘reevaluation period.’ Simply put, I’m trying to determine whether or not the value of re-opening the boards exceeds the expense. The value is from the people like Bibbo, Razorwitt and jack trades and hundreds of others who post there and have fun, but don’t break the one rule I have. The expense is the emotional drain that comes from, to put it simply, trying to regulate adults consistently acting like children. That emotional drain is a high price because it’s one that affects you physically and mentally as well.

So I’m thinking about it. It’s going to take a while, so you may want to hit some of the other places out there. I’ve got a life to get in order.

And for those of you who were taken completely unaware by this turn of events, I want to say that I truly apologize. Unfortunately, this has consistently been the way of things at Athanon. Any major shakeups have been from a clash between the Keepers and an individual or a relatively small group. I hope that should we open our doors again in the future that you will join us again, or should we never reopen that you are not discomfited too much.

Keep an eye on this space for further information.

Martin ‘Mobius Infinity’ Hackett

looks like its gonna be reopened! or has it been like that for a while now?
Thank you, BSAMS and Mr. JLA. That was both informative and damned funny!

"I spent as much time as I could with my girlfriend or playing Everquest."

"reindeer games"

"The Angle In The Vault Affair"


Stupid Dogg said:
looks like its gonna be reopened! or has it been like that for a while now?

At least a couple of years, I think. I missed all the fun, though. I Still can't believe the NB'z shut down an entire site. I got whomod and some other rejects here to meltdown, but I never did manage to close a board!

Yes, it is truly a great accomplishment.

Like JLA and Stupid Dogg I just wish I could've been there to see their reactions. It would've been priceless.
Not to mention the fact that we got rid of Speedy at the same time.
we hacked his computer and deleted all his bookmarks!
Yoohoo! You can "hack" my "computer" and "delete" my "bookmark" anytime, sailor!

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
Behind the scenes even MORE stupid human tricks were taking place. Part of this was based on the situation that led to the closing of the boards—The Angle in the Vault Affair.

My Gob that never ceases to crack me up.

I personally was confused as Hell when Athanon suddenly disappeared(I wasn't the most alert poster around at that point). It's collapse is what led me to this place.
Okay, color me curious and let slip the dogs of surrender etc. etc...

But what's wrong with Kurt Angle? Is Kurt Angle offensive to other people? Or does his name trigger a secret voodoo curse that kills people? (Also, does it mean that you could have said something like "FUCK NIGGERS AND JEWS!" back then and you won't be offending anybody but as soon as you mention Kurt Angle it all goes down the crapper?)

Pardon me for being so curious but the Athanon Story is kind of interesting(re: amusing/entertaining) from where I stand.
I never understood what the deal with the name Kurt Angle was. Most of the time I couldn't remember if the name that couldn't be said in that board was Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan or Casper the friendly ghost.

Drzsmith said:
Not to mention the fact that we got rid of Speedy at the same time.

I'll never forget when we changed "Speedys uncensored club" into "Drzsmiths kingdom".
Of course Speedy closed it down,thats how uncensored it was!

Son of Mxy said:
Okay, color me curious and let slip the dogs of surrender etc. etc...

But what's wrong with Kurt Angle? Is Kurt Angle offensive to other people? Or does his name trigger a secret voodoo curse that kills people? (Also, does it mean that you could have said something like "FUCK NIGGERS AND JEWS!" back then and you won't be offending anybody but as soon as you mention Kurt Angle it all goes down the crapper?)

Pardon me for being so curious but the Athanon Story is kind of interesting(re: amusing/entertaining) from where I stand.

Go ask Chris Oakley about Kurt Angle if ya wanna see what the deal is!

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
its gotta feel good that they still fear ya doc.....

It really does,in fact if they let me in I'm gonna conform and sell out because I could finally be one of them.

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
They're jealous of his popularity and charisma but don't realize it only demeans them.

Dont mention The American Zero in my forum you sicko!
Wheres Oakers when ya need him?

We really need to get Oakers & ROY back together again!
Stop wasting bandwidth!

Most people know I was on the other side of the fence back in the days of Athanon. Time consuming pain in the arse where too many peole including myself were taking themselves too seriously.
I'm a lawyer!
I aced high school!

Those were the days, bsams, spending hours insulting each other, when we could instead have been looking at porn....
Now we do both!

Drzsmith said:
Dont mention The American Zero in my forum you sicko!

RACK Drzsmith
Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this--no dog exchanges bones with another.
--Adam Smith 1723-1790 Scottish Politician and Economist.

When there is an old maid in the house, a watchdog is unnecessary.
--Honore de Balzac. 1799-1850 French Novelist.

A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
--Josh Billings

Nowhereman said:
They are scared of all of us!
Lets face it,if I'd tried to register as Nowhereman or Cap Howdy,they would never have let me in!

I can imagine theres a list of names that will never we let in:
Chris Oakley
Rob Kamphausen

To name a few!

I'll never understand why I was banned. It was either guilt by association or I was misunderstood. They failed to understand my genius and therefore was scared of me so much that they sit their pants twice daily. Pathetic...not to mention it stunk to high hell in the hot summer months!

Nowhereman said:
Since when was Dr Smith a peadophile?
I dont remember the episode he tried to molest Will Robinson!!

I remember the episode very distinctly. DRZSmith was molesting young Will Robinson, you were molesting yourself Nowhereman (again!), and I was molesting the Robot. Woohoo! That bag of nuts and bolts was hung like a Buick on steroids!
We don't care. We just wanna see if they're stupid enough to let us back in. Seriously, I was saddened to see the place disintergrate before my eyes. We had many a good time at the 'ol 8-Ball Manor! Too bad they had to play Fascist w/ the Nature Boys! They paid dearly for their arrogance.
 Originally Posted By: Drzsmith
Author Holy Gospel: I just received an e-mail
Member # 19
posted March 15, 2004 09:46 PM
From a certain Dr. Z Smith who admits to having tried to register here at Deadpan and says that he seems to be having trouble. I let him know that The Hat and Mki are the only ones who can approve him for registration and that I would start a thread. Here 'tis.
I would say that, although I did not always see eye to eye with the Doc, he did amuse me upon occasion and hey, we let Shane post.


From: The fuckin' Knoll, crotchweasel | IP: Logged

Member # 9
posted March 16, 2004 06:13 AM
I seldom approve regs, even though I have the capability... Da Hatter do dat when he's around. I just do backups, fix stuff that breaks, etc.
From: The land of sand | IP: Logged

Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 16, 2004 07:30 AM
I have heard that there were days when Shane's actions were somewhat questionable. I wasn't there for it, I don't know about it. From what I've seen of him, I've got no problem letting him in. And so I did.
From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged

Member # 63
posted March 16, 2004 02:26 PM
Funny, it took me less than a second to find the contact e-mail address at the bottom of the page.
From: Melbourne, Victoria | IP: Logged

Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 16, 2004 02:29 PM
I got an e-mail from him too, actually. I'm assuming that it says the same thing that Pale's did. I just deleted the thing straight away.
From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged

Member # 63
posted March 16, 2004 02:48 PM
Well that's sensible.
From: Melbourne, Victoria | IP: Logged

Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 16, 2004 03:01 PM
I thought so. The time it took for me to delete the e-mail and reply to this thread was still tenfold of what he deserves from me.
Still, we must occasionally swipe the gnats from our heads to have peace.

From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged

Member # 22
posted March 16, 2004 03:27 PM
Yeah, I saw Doc getting approved as being about as likely as Brodie getting in here.
I personally never had an issue with Doc, but the people he did piss off tended to be friends of mine.

Besides, yeh gotta wonder about someone who chooses the name of a blatant pedophilian character as an internet alias. One might initially assume it's subtle irony, but then yeh read a few of Doc's posts and you realize, no, it's just creepy.

Couldn't he come up with something more masculine, like C3P0?

(Now I wish he had access, just so I could see his indignant response, but that'd get old quick. I oughta leave him alone but, fuck it...)

From: Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Vixens | IP: Logged
Back in the New York groove....
what the...?
who's a pederast? google doesn't know.
Did they ever let you in, doc?
They let me in.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Okay, see NOW I'm getting a sense of history. Gotcha.

A nervous breakdown? Really??? I don't know whether to feel real pity or laugh my balls off.

So I'll do both...

<img src="/images/graemlins/nono.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Best reaction, really...though it really sucked to lose The Manor at the time.

Fuck 'em. Their loss is Rob's gain.
Damn near killed 'em!
sure JQ, surrrrrreeeeee.