I can't get in! I've tried wehatechris and chrislovessneaky but they don't work! Can anyone please PM me the new password? Thanks.
I've got a better idea:Let's PM the FBI so they can arrest Sneaky Bunny,Winged Creature,and Rex.
Yea then we can obsessively go around and punch people in the face because I'm sure they were thinking badly about us.

Right, Chris?
MisterJLA: The forum got moved. The new site is http://www.chrisoakleyisadisgrace.com

I'll PM you with your new ID and password...
Hey,it's not like I can just grin and bear it when Sneaky Bunny levels one of her verbal barrages against me.
We can tell.
You know,if the situation were reversed,you guys would be cheering sneaky bunny on to the bitter end.
Actually, Chris, Sneaky Baby DID take a cheap shot at me. Once. I confronted her, she pointed out what caused her to take the shot. Then we mutually apologized and have had sweet wonderful peace ever since. And it was done without me whining to anyone and everyone like a baby. Maybe you should follow my lead...
god joe make me feel old by reminding me bout that. sorrys again
Posted By: Chris Oakley Maybe you're forgetting,Joe... - 2004-09-16 3:05 AM
...that Sneaky Bunny fired the first shot in this war.

sneaky bunny said:
god joe make me feel old by reminding me bout that. sorrys again

No apologies, Sweetie Bunny! You an' me, we're all about the love!
Aagghh! Too much love in this room!

Joe Mama said:
MisterJLA: The forum got moved.


NurikoK98 said:
Aagghh! Too much love in this room!

I love you, too, Nuriko!
that period of time when oakley wasn't here and/or didn't say anything when he did was the best time i've ever spent here.

NurikoK98 said:
Aagghh! Too much love in this room!

Love?Around here?You're joking.
Rex just PMd me the new password, we'll continue this conversation in the other forum so Chris doesn't see it.
You're not supposed to post here, I already made a topic about this in the secret AntiOakley forum.
Hey! How come I've been banned from that forum?

Son of Mxy said:

I wish someone would reset this entire forum so that Sneaky Bunny and her partners crime weren't a part of it.

Kristogar Velo said:
Hey! How come I've been banned from that forum?

Becuase I know you're Oakley, Kristopher. Everyone knows. Stop trying to get into the secret forum, because we use it to plot our plans against you.

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Kristogar Velo said:
Hey! How come I've been banned from that forum?

Becuase I know you're Oakley, Kristopher. Everyone knows. Stop trying to get into the secret forum, because we use it to plot our plans against you.

Kristogar isn't me and I'm not him.He wouldn't have the guts to give Sneaky Bunny what she deserves.

Chris Oakley said:
He wouldn't have the guts to give Sneaky Bunny what she deserves.

Good lovin'???
Hell, I'd have the guts to give her a sound spanking if she were mine!

But frankly, Oakley, sneaky's not the one who called me a "wuss" and continues to insult me, so she deserves nothing but respect from me. You, on the other hand, will be my bitch until you apologize for these continued assaults on my character.
There's only one person who's owed an apology around here,and that's me.
Unfortunaly God ain't around.
Very funny,Mxy.

Chris Oakley said:
There's only one person who's owed an apology around here,and that's me.

You attacked me unprovoked because you're feeling insecure about a girl making fun of you, and then refuse to apologize?

So now you're a hypocrite on top of being an all-out racist. Where will it end, Chris?
Unprovoked?You supported the insulting bogus claim that I was just one of your alt IDs;if that's not provocation I'd like to know what is.
pro·voke ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-vk)
tr.v. pro·voked, pro·vok·ing, pro·vokes

1. To incite to anger or resentment.
2. To stir to action or feeling.
3. To give rise to; evoke: provoke laughter.
4. To bring about deliberately; induce: provoke a fight.

play along

Cooperate or pretend to cooperate, as in They decided to play along with the robbers, at least for a while [Colloquial; 1920s]
Because I don't have faith in your deductive skills, Oakley, what I'm saying is that I was just "playing along," not "provoking" you to do anything.
I suppose if you don't have a sense of humor, it ain't possible for me to have one!

And you wonder why people think you're my alt ID...
If I've lost my sense of humor,it's because Sneaky Bunny and her goon squad killed it.
Why are you using the word "if", Chris?
yeah dude. Your sense of humor was a horse that sprained its ankle and shot itself over and over and over, but it doesn't die. and then the farmer's like "what the fuck are you doing horse? it's only a sprained ankle!" and the horse says "yes, but every time I finally stand up and try to kick you I slip and sprain it again. SO FUCK YOU, FARMER! YOU DID THIS!" so the farmer says, "here, let me shoot you in the head so you can shut the fuck up." and then the horse finally died. but it didn't have to if it didn't treat a sprained ankle like the end of the world.
Dogg, are you trying to say something? Make a point, as it were?
it must be really late cuz i think i actually understood that analogy.
yeah same here.

Stupid Dogg said:
yeah dude. Your sense of humor was a horse that sprained its ankle and shot itself over and over and over, but it doesn't die. and then the farmer's like "what the fuck are you doing horse? it's only a sprained ankle!" and the horse says "yes, but every time I finally stand up and try to kick you I slip and sprain it again. SO FUCK YOU, FARMER! YOU DID THIS!" so the farmer says, "here, let me shoot you in the head so you can shut the fuck up." and then the horse finally died. but it didn't have to if it didn't treat a sprained ankle like the end of the world.

Look,SD,what part of "Sneaky Bunny,rex,and Winged Creature started it" is your brain not able to comprehend?

Chris Oakley said:
Look,SD,what part of "Sneaky Bunny,rex,and Winged Creature started it" is your brain not able to comprehend?

Cripes, man! How are you actually OLDER than me, yet can still, with a straight face, post things like "they started it!!!"? How emotionally stunted ARE you???
If I were truly emotionally stunted,Joe,sneaky bunny's personal attacks wouldn't bother me one bit.
Not true at all. Any normal human being would read these "horrible personal attacks" and think "whatever." or respond in kind in the spirit the original comment was made (which was probably joking, but it's been too long to be able to tell at this point). Or, if the comment truly WAS offensive, a normal human being would fire off an PM to Bunny saying, "That really offended me", and open up the opportunity for a legitimate apology and some peace-making - see my "feud" with Bunny months ago as an example.

You read a comment, flew completely off the handle, and posted near-hysterical rants about Sneaky Bunny, accusations about Wings that would've gotten you banned on other boards, and comments to Rex that bordered on "weave me awone, meanie!" (written phonetically). Emotionally stunted? There's no argument.

And let me cut you off before you inevitably post the obvious: you will get no sympathy from ANYONE about "gay incest" comments. EVERYONE here has referred to each other as gay. EVERYONE here has, at some point, either "accused" someone or "been accused" of having sex with a family member. And NO ONE has reacted the way you have. No one seriously thinks you banged a family member, least of all a family member that was MADE UP ON THIS FORUM!!! (How blurry is the line between real and make-believe for you?) EVERYONE else either takes the joke or deals with each other directly and discreetly. So stop babbling about "gay incest", "Got Milk ads", and every other joke that you lack the emotional maturity to laugh at.

Maybe Bunny, Wings, Rex, or someone else DID take the first crack. But it's probably safe to say that it was a joke. You, through your on-going rants, have turned it into a full-on war. And don't forget: you've created full threads dedicated to hoe much you hate certain people. That would get you banned on other boards and it shows incredible disrespect to the mods here.

Grow up. Shut up. And either do something to end this "war" or leave these boards. You're not even amusing anymore. And, yes, you definitely are "emotionally stunted".
Hey,Sneaky Bunny started the war,it's up to her to end it.
no see chris it was a joke til you attack me by accusing me/my faily of killing jews. by calling wings a terrorist, and then by saying all three of us are nazi pigs.
You meant every last word of it,Sneaky.
And by the way,do you really expect me to swallow that BS about you having a black stepdad and Native Americans in your family tree?
you jackass do you want pictures? do you fucking was a marriage license? my background isn't the4 point here. point is to just drop it or friggin leave1
Drop it?Why should I?You wouldn't drop the gay incest cracks.
no oakley this is way past gay/incest. you targeted my friend.
He targeted me first.
he didn't call you a fucking terorist.
He called me gay.
oakley go through the threads here. someone calls someone gay everyday!! and do they react like you did? no! there's a fine difference between calling someone a terrorist and callig someoen gay.
Yeah--Winged Creature calls me gay much more often than I call him a terrorist.
oh my god, your saying that being called a carpet muncher/rump ranger is worse then having someone accuse you of killing people?
Actually,no,I'm saying--and you'll know this if you look more closely at my previous post--that Winged Creature is more willing to use slurs than I am.

Chris Oakley said:
You meant every last word of it,Sneaky.

Go back to the "say something about the poster above you" thread where this all began. Read over every single post that was made before sneaky's "Got Milk?" one about you. Ask yourself, "did they mean every last word of it?"

Of course, you won't do it. That would actually take a bit of humility and respect for somebody other than yourself. Not to mention the guts and the bravery to actually entertain the mere concept that you might've, in some small way, overreacted.

(btw, to everyone else who may notice I'm acting a little out of character lately: the only reason I'm making posts like this is that it amuses me just how far away from reality Oakley is right now, and by making posts like this, it causes him to make responses that validate his insanity all the more.)
Overreacted?I don't think so.
gee what this war needs is a poll to see how we all friggin feelbout oakley.

maybe hat'll help.
We don't need a poll--we need you,Winged Creature,and rex to admit this whole mess is your fault.
thats a good idea, we should have a poll with all the members in this board, this will proove whose fault it is
I think it's crystal clear where the fault lies.
xactly my point.
but lets have a poll, we can see if everyone agrees with u or not. It will show the truth
yes oakley in your slimmy ahnds.
Nope,it's all on you,Sneaky.
then go ask, have a poll see what everyone ele thinks.

Chris Oakley said:
Overreacted?I don't think so.

Thanks for proving my point.

If you had even bothered to read half of the first page of the thread that started this whole thing, you would've seen many insults far worse than saying you decorate with Got Milk? ads.

Just because I find it funny as Hell to continue making you look like a total ass, here are a few posts, said about people other than Chris Oakley, from the first two pages of the thread I'm talking about:


His weiner tastes like poo!


kitten killer


During a routine medical check-up, his stomach was found to contain the semen of several endangered or extinct spieces of animals.


His wiener still tastes like poo. And Green Apple Skittles.


he's in his glory at family reunions!!!


The person who posted before me likes da cock.


In displays of generosity, has been known to tip crack whores as much as $2 for blowjobs.


was stalked by a fat blind lesbian until she realized he works at a seafood restaurant and has a peepee, even if it is so small he might as well be a woman.


closet gay.


Lives in a tree and likes the smell of cat arse!


Has three testicles.


Shoves sea urchins up his arse & wears a cantalope on his head!


Once harboured lustful thoughts for Captain Planet. Had to have the ring containing the power of 'heart' surgically removed from his arse.


Once harboured lustful thoughts for the monkey on Captain Planet. Had to have said monkey surgically removed from his arse.

Notice, Mr. Oakley, that not one of these posts or comments started a five months long and counting feud between the poster and the person being posted about.
Winged Creature beat me to it.
...those posts are even funnier when taken out of context like this...
yeah, god i miss FNB. now talk bout putting someone in hell.
I wish somebody would take Sneaky Bunny out--with an M-16.
ah gee chris thanks, anything else, rape? mushroom tattoo? anything?
Drop dead,you whore.

Chris Oakley said:
Drop dead,you whore.

ur a sad man Oakley
oh gee chris how much for a trick?

winged creature said:

Chris Oakley said:
Im a whore.

See,folks?Proof positive that sneaky bunny and her partners in crime are responsible for this whole thing.Winged Creature has taken one of my posts and edited it to smear me.
what are u talking bout oakley i didnt edit ur post, stop spreading lies! You modified that post to frame me!!!

Racist Liar!!
racist GAY liar.
That's a pretty low tactic to stoop to, Oakley, editing your posts to make winged creature look like a liar or a deception artist. You're getting out of control.

winged creature said:
what are u talking bout oakley i didnt edit ur post...

Yes you did.
i dont see any post being edited
This message has been edited by Chris Oakley
Ur editing everything Oakley!!
No,I'm not.
Now go help the IRA build more bombs.
go plus Llance's ass
Just because he's a small Persian man doesn't make him a terrorist, Chris.
So Oakley did u tell the KKK that ur a tranny?? Cause u being there leader and all im sure they would like to know

Disco Steve said:
Just because he's a small Persian man doesn't make him a terrorist, Chris.

Being Sneaky Bunny's friend,THAT makes him a terrorist.
You could work for the Bush Administration.
then they'll defently lose in nov.
Heh! Good one.

I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Joe Mama said:
MisterJLA: The forum got moved.


I don't get it.

Disco Steve said:
You could work for the Bush Administration.

Dubya already has a campaign advisor.

Disco Steve said:
I don't get it.

THATS What she said.

Disco Steve said:
Just because he's a small Persian man doesn't make him a terrorist, Chris.

When did i become persian???

And im alot bigger then u Disco
that'd be the truth!

winged creature said:When did i become persian???

Who gives a damn where you came from?You are,always have been,and always will be a complete horse's ass.
at least im not gay tranny like, that loves incest

winged creature said:
at least im not gay tranny like, that loves incest

Hey,Winged Creature,I hope the FBI arrests you and your whole stinking family and throws them in prison forever.
they cant im Canadian, its out of there jurisdiction. So i told them to go after u, u gay incest ridden tranny
All right,the Royal Canadian Mounties,then.
You still all deserve to be in jail.
yeah i heard oakleys finally getting what little he has cut off.
Die,you worthless Nazi-loving bitch.
bring me back some pride dots from your next gay meeting.
Say hi to Richard Butler for me.
tell rosie and ellen i love 'em!
Gas any Jews today?
you realize that isn't remotely funny at all?
Neither is accusing me of gay incest,but that didn't stop you for even a second.The shit I'm having to take from you makes 9/11 look like a beach party.

Chris Oakley said:
Neither is accusing me of gay incest,but that didn't stop you for even a second.The shit I'm having to take from you makes 9/11 look like a beach party.

Really? I'm reporting you to the 9/11 family foundation right now. Lets see if they agree with you.
How about you report Sneaky Bunny to the Animal Control office so they can give the bitch her rabies shots.

Chris Oakley said:
How about you report Sneaky Bunny to the Animal Control office so they can give the bitch her rabies shots.

Thats actually funny.
Being insulted on a message board makes a day when thousands of innocent people were murdered by terrorists look like a beach party?

Strangely, that's not a surprising statement coming from someone who thinks their situation is worse than the millions of the Jewish faith in Germany during Hitler's reign.
Sneaky Bunny says much worse things to me every day.
You could really use some fresh air.
stop teasing me!! i'm a crybabay!! stop!!!
What I could use is a full confession from Sneaky Bunny and Winged Creature about their plot against me.
someone help me i have anal leakage.
I think Oakley is the real terrorist he compared message board insults to 9/11 what a sick fuck, we all know whose the real terrorist here now

winged creature said:
I think Oakley is the real terrorist he compared message board insults to 9/11 what a sick fuck, we all know whose the real terrorist here now

9/11 was a onetime thing.The message board insults are being thrown in my face nearly every goddamn day.
you are the real terrorist, comparing insults to loss of life of thousands, and u think its funny u sick fuck
Oakley is the real terrorist!!

winged creature said:
you are the real terrorist, comparing insults to loss of life of thousands, and u think its funny u sick fuck

No,I don't think it's funny.And neither are yours and Sneaky Bunny's gay comments about me.You two have been ganging up on me from the minute you both first showed up on the RKMBs.
calling someone gay is nothing compared to the loss of life, u really are a sick fuck, ur the real terrorist here
Hey,it's not like I could just keep silent after Sneaky Bunny's gay incest comments.
got milk oakley?
tranny racist whore
Nazi slut.
tranny fucker
Fascist child-raper
The fact that you were serious when you said thousands of people dying is not as bad as you being insulted on a message board does make you sound like a terrorist, Chris. After all, most terrorists believe that killing people is justified when someone disagrees with them, a sentiment you obviously subscribe to when you say you wish death upon sneaky and her family.

sneaky bunny said:

I love you!
I remember the times when Chris and his brother joe would invite me over so we could have a threesome, oh how i love those days!!! Since chris became a tranny im hotter then ever!!!
play with it just play with it.
oh yes!!
take it alll in bitch
i love ur 2 inches
oh and i love your foot and a half.
i love it when u swallow

oh take that all in chris
ohhhhhhhhhh!! yeah...i like that.....OHHHHHHHH!
i know you do big boy i think joe should join us now suck it long and suck it hard
yes!! yes!! yes!!
oh dont stop now, joe is coming soon chris, then its gonna be double dippings
please more?? more!! harder!!! yes!! yes!! yes!!
just the way you like it baby

Kristogar Velo said:
The fact that you were serious when you said thousands of people dying is not as bad as you being insulted on a message board does make you sound like a terrorist, Chris. After all, most terrorists believe that killing people is justified when someone disagrees with them, a sentiment you obviously subscribe to when you say you wish death upon sneaky and her family.

Well, Kristogar, there's a distinct line between mere insults and outright slander and Sneaky Bunny crosses that line enthusiastically and often. 90% of her posts at the RKMBs are devoted to spreading those disgusting gay insect charges she's trumped up against me; the other 10% are desperate efforts to force me to take the rap for a war SHE started.
You love me damn it, and you know its your fault. I'm so sorry that you can't get hot ass like that anymore, but you have me Chris.

Chris Oakley said:

Kristogar Velo said:
The fact that you were serious when you said thousands of people dying is not as bad as you being insulted on a message board does make you sound like a terrorist, Chris. After all, most terrorists believe that killing people is justified when someone disagrees with them, a sentiment you obviously subscribe to when you say you wish death upon sneaky and her family.

Well, Kristogar, there's a distinct line between mere insults and outright slander and Sneaky Bunny crosses that line enthusiastically and often. 90% of her posts at the RKMBs are devoted to spreading those disgusting gay insect charges she's trumped up against me; the other 10% are desperate efforts to force me to take the rap for a war SHE started.

Gay insects.........BWAH HA HA!!!

Oakley is a raper of gay insects cause they are just the right size for is tiny cock!

Nowhereman said:

Chris Oakley said:

Kristogar Velo said:
The fact that you were serious when you said thousands of people dying is not as bad as you being insulted on a message board does make you sound like a terrorist, Chris. After all, most terrorists believe that killing people is justified when someone disagrees with them, a sentiment you obviously subscribe to when you say you wish death upon sneaky and her family.

Well, Kristogar, there's a distinct line between mere insults and outright slander and Sneaky Bunny crosses that line enthusiastically and often. 90% of her posts at the RKMBs are devoted to spreading those disgusting gay insect charges she's trumped up against me; the other 10% are desperate efforts to force me to take the rap for a war SHE started.

Gay insects.........BWAH HA HA!!!

Oakley is a raper of gay insects cause they are just the right size for is tiny cock!

Its true! Joe Oakley told me!!

Chris Oakley said:
Well, Kristogar, there's a distinct line between mere insults and outright slander and Sneaky Bunny crosses that line enthusiastically and often. 90% of her posts at the RKMBs are devoted to spreading those disgusting gay insect charges she's trumped up against me; the other 10% are desperate efforts to force me to take the rap for a war SHE started.

And that's worse than thousands of people being murdered how?
I swear you guys rip on me 23 or 24 more times and I'm out of here.

Chris Oakley said:

Kristogar Velo said:
The fact that you were serious when you said thousands of people dying is not as bad as you being insulted on a message board does make you sound like a terrorist, Chris. After all, most terrorists believe that killing people is justified when someone disagrees with them, a sentiment you obviously subscribe to when you say you wish death upon sneaky and her family.

Well, Kristogar, there's a distinct line between mere insults and outright slander and Sneaky Bunny crosses that line enthusiastically and often. 90% of her posts at the RKMBs are devoted to spreading those disgusting gay insect charges she's trumped up against me; the other 10% are desperate efforts to force me to take the rap for a war SHE started.

Chris, Sneaky never said anything about you raping insects... What are you trying to say? Have you ever raped an insect?

Chris Oakley said:
I swear you guys rip on me 23 or 24 more times and I'm out of here.

Hello lil' bitch!
I hear sneaky bunny's been going out with...SQUEAK!
That Oakley.
there's a Squeak Oakley?
Great now fetch the ball, bitch.

Stupid Dogg said:
there's a Squeak Oakley?





The're creepy and they're kooky!!!!

Nowhereman said:

Chris Oakley said:

Kristogar Velo said:
The fact that you were serious when you said thousands of people dying is not as bad as you being insulted on a message board does make you sound like a terrorist, Chris. After all, most terrorists believe that killing people is justified when someone disagrees with them, a sentiment you obviously subscribe to when you say you wish death upon sneaky and her family.

Well, Kristogar, there's a distinct line between mere insults and outright slander and Sneaky Bunny crosses that line enthusiastically and often. 90% of her posts at the RKMBs are devoted to spreading those disgusting gay insect charges she's trumped up against me; the other 10% are desperate efforts to force me to take the rap for a war SHE started.

Gay insects.........BWAH HA HA!!!

Oakley is a raper of gay insects cause they are just the right size for is tiny cock!

You're not funny,Nowhereman.And neither is the RKMB community's denial of Sneaky Bunny's evil.
I've admitted she was evil many times.

Chris Oakley said:
You're not funny,Nowhereman.And neither is the RKMB community's denial of Sneaky Bunny's evil.

Yes he is. And yes we are. See?

Great, now punch yourself in the face!

Chris Oakley said:
You're not funny,Nowhereman.And neither is the RKMB community's denial of Sneaky Bunny's evil.

Everyone here knows she made a joke about you, Chris... we just don't give a fuck.

Squeak Oakley said:


Squeak Oakley said:

The joke's on you for being friends with a worthless inhuman tramp like Sneaky Bunny. Have fun at your next IRS meeting.
fuck you chris just plainly fuck you
No secwet passwowd is gonna keep you away fwom me, you wascally wabbit! I'm gonna bwast you if it's the wast thing I evew do!


Chris Oakley said:
Have fun at your next IRS meeting.

Could someone explain this comment to me? Is Oakley changing tactics and calling Wings a government agent, or is he continuing the terrorist tact but is too stupid to realize that the terrorist group is the IRA. Dipshit.
once again the IRS cant get me, im Canadian!!
I dunno, the IRS is a pretty evil organization itself...I'd be offended if I was accused of being a part of them...

sneaky bunny said:
fuck you chris just plainly fuck you

Like I'd ever let those grubby Nazi-loving hands of yours touch me.
who the fuck would ever put out to you.
More people than would to you.
Then considering that you, by your own admission, have had sex with more people/me/women/whatever than Sneaky Bunny, AND in the interest of avoiding a double-standard, wouldn't that make YOU the slut and the whore???

Drzsmith said:

Disco Steve said:
I don't get it.

THATS What she said.

RACK Drzsmith