He just looks so forlorn!

Posted By: ZOD Re: I wish more people hated wannabuyamonkey. - 2004-09-19 8:32 AM
That boy ain't right!
Posted By: ZOD Re: I wish more people hated wannabuyamonkey. - 2004-09-19 8:38 AM
Hey, pay attention son and you might learn sumtin!
That kid's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver.
Alfred Pennyworth: When you told me your grand plan for saving Gotham, the only thing that stopped me from calling the men in white coats was when you said that it wasn't about thrill-seeking.
Bruce Wayne: It's not.
Alfred Pennyworth: What would you call *that*?
[points to a TV news report showing a helicopter shot of the Batmobile being chased down the freeway by police cars]
Bruce Wayne: [as he fixes his tie] Damn good television.

Earle: Mr. Fox... I seem to remember firing you.
Lucius Fox: You did. I got a new job. Yours.
Earle: By whose authority...?
The avalanche has already started; it is too late for the pebbles to vote.