When ZOD is not around, URSA is in charge of you worthless puddles of homeless guy urine! And URSA wants her pie!

Bring it forth to me, or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remind me again why we're supposed to conquer planet Hooston?

Are our slaves hiding from us or did we kill them all?
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Due to popular demand...

1. The Comic Book Forum, which gradually became the only place worth visiting to me, had become an uninteresting sludgehole where people preferred to take part in the same repetitive banter that makes the entire board a huge self-referential inside joke rather than actually discuss things aside from how modern comics suck and all the creators are betraying pointless shit that happened decades ago.

2. The entire board is one big, stale self-referential inside joke.

3. MisterJLA, The G-Man, rex, and Wannabuyamonkey. They're ignorant, jingoistic parodies of themselves. A doodle of a Chinese man with bright yellow skin, 2334293084 children, an indecipherable accent, and a masturbatory love for Chairman Mao is less of a stereotype than these people. I refuse to share a common space with such wastes of sperm and egg. I've realized I don't hate republicans or Bush supporters. I just hate fucking assholes like them. Even people who should be agreeing with them can't because they're shitheads.

4. I've realized I have better things to do with my precious time than post on a message board. Like writing. Or homework. Or reading. Or looking at manga porn. Or, y'know, having a life.

5. I talk to most of the people I like from the boards on IM, with the exception of a few, like Dave.

6. I've found that I don't fit in with most of the people on the boards and merely just intervened in conversations to call everyone morons for their stupid, stupid opinions. Or to accuse others of Nazism.

7. I'm Disco Steve, the guy who's only known for saying "Heh" a lot because he has nothing worthwhile to say. Good riddance, I think. Off to new ventures, without being known for monosyllabic sarcastic-sounding laughter.

The End.


URSA said:
Remind me again why we're supposed to conquer planet Hooston?

Are our slaves hiding from us or did we kill them all?

URSA!! You dare question why?! There is no need to wonder WHY!! Planet Houston is a place to be conquered for it is there!! That is all you need to know!!

KNEEL before ZOD!!
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2004-12-28 8:27 AM
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2004-12-28 10:00 AM

Made you look
Made you stare
Made you eat Llance's underwear!
Ursa! I want to taste your pie!

I want to take your moist pie in my hands and then smoosh it on my face and lick it again and again and again!

And after I'm done eating maybe I can touch your vagina.
No one can touch URSA's special places, she is to remain a virgin! A symbol of pure womanly evil!!
Ursa's pie has yeast infection
Get away from her PIE!!!
You damn dirty ape!
Ursa's pie is stale. She needs to wash sometime. I heard she gave the Real Barry Allen herpes.
It was undesirable enough being hounded on Krypton, now I'm getting the same treatment on Houston, not that any of these microscopic vienna sausages are strong enough to make me go "mmm", let alone scream with passion.

URSA now hungers for another harcore lesbian.
Big Barda?
Nicole Bass.
she said lesbian. Nicole is a man.
Oh yeah...sorry.

Lance Bass.

URSA said:
URSA now hungers for another harcore lesbian.

ZOD is curious! It's bad enough for a man to turn their old girlfriend to lesbianism, but how does the lesbian feel if she turns her "life partner" into a heterosexual?

ZOD said:
ZOD is curious! It's bad enough for a man to turn their old girlfriend to lesbianism, but how does the lesbian feel if she turns her "life partner" into a heterosexual?

Like a dick!
heh heh

Rack little Jaburg person.
What was I on?
Shutup.....talk of desserts are forbidden with girls present! We have sweet cravings ya know!
To be quite honest I always thought that URSA was a matronally enraged grizzly bear
rex User daffy asshole
15000+ posts Sun Jan 27 2008 10:56 PM Viewing a list of posts
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