Posted By: rex IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 2:48 AM
This is a list of things everyone needs to stop arguing over right now.

Communism does not work.

Bush did not cause 9-11.

reagan did not spread AIDS or give out crack.

Bush won the last two elections. Get over it.

Hippies are weak parasites that mooch off stronger people and therefore worthless.

Please sticky and feel free to add anything I missed.
Does somebody need counsling or a support group or two, hmmn?
Posted By: the G-man Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 5:26 AM

Rex just laid down one of the most succinct, clear headed posts, yet on this board.

Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 5:51 AM

Matter-eater Man said:
Does somebody need counsling or a support group or two, hmmn?

I don't know? Do you?
I fail to see these arguments being argued here. I have recently seen:
Kerry is/was a traitor
Hillary is evil & a cunt
Liberals hate the President, the country & your grandma!

Perhaps I just lack moral clarity
nobody's arguing with you....all the things you just said are true.

rex said:
This is a list of things everyone needs to stop arguing over right now.

okay, let's see.

Communism does not work.

Communism works in theory but doesn't work in practice due to the nature of government and the corruption of leaders at the top.

Bush did not cause 9-11.

perhaps. perhaps not. but there are a lot of unanswered questions that raise suspicion about what the government knew ahead of time and allowed to happen.

reagan did not spread AIDS or give out crack.

AIDs is just a theory, and a wild one at that. but there is ample evidence that the CIA has been involved in the distribution of crack, heroin, and other various drugs.

Bush won the last two elections. Get over it.

Bush "won" the 2000 election based on a technicality and saw it as a "mandate."

Hippies are weak parasites that mooch off stronger people and therefore worthless.

"Hippies" as you clump every protestor/dissident/activist together would include the founding fathers and Jesus.
Go and get everybody some sodas bitch.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 6:48 AM
I love how this thread is pissing off all the left wing whackos.
Bush won in 2000 on a technicality..... Gore and the liberal Florida supreme court tried to stage a coup d'etat....they failed.......now press my clothes for tomorrow.....not too much starch.
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 7:43 AM

rex said:
I love how this thread is pissing off all the left wing whackos.

screw 'em.

Fucking homoes.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 7:51 AM
Here's a couple more,

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.

The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.

Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.

Schools need to be accountable for their spending.

We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:18 AM
Instead of invading Iraq looking for WMD's that didn't exist, we SHOULD have been focusing on North Korea, because lo and behold they DO have nuclear weapons. Also, Kim Jong Il seems very much like a Bond villain to me.

As for Bush, he won the election, but clearly came in second place in the popular vote.

rex said:
Here's a couple more,

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.

The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.

Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.

Schools need to be accountable for their spending.

We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.

you sound like a dumb red neck white guy.
If your so against social services, i wonder whose gonna pay for your medical bill if anything happens to you. Dumb red neck white guy.
It ain't going to be the hippies. They left thier money under the soap.
Dont you hate dumb rednecks!
I decide on a dumb redneck by dumb redneck basis.

gundamwingpilot said:
If you so against social services, i wonder whose gonna pay for your medical bill if anything happens to you. Dumb red neck white guy.

Insurance, maybe?

Just a suggestion.
He's a witch! Get him!
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

rex said:
I love how this thread is pissing off all the left wing whackos.

Well if your including me as a left wing whacko, I'm not pissed off. Pretty much use to this on this board. But some of the things your getting rightous about...like communism for example, who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.
I believe we need social services. It's just that these systems are too often abuse and scammed. People can be sick assholes.

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Isn't that pretty similar to what happens in socialized healthcare systems? Except this time the insurance agent is the government and they can refuse coverage to whomever they like - the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the elderly... Just strikes me as a potential vector for social engineering is all.

Edited to add quotation because this thread got busy in between the post I was replying to and my own post.
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:49 AM
Socialism is for useless leeches.

Matter-eater Man said:

rex said:
I love how this thread is pissing off all the left wing whackos.

Well if your including me as a left wing whacko, I'm not pissed off. Pretty much use to this on this board. But some of the things your getting rightous about...like communism for example, who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.

What world has this become when we can't stick it to the dirty commie just because?

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I believe we need social services. It's just that these systems are too often abuse and scammed. People can be sick assholes.

I agree with you, there just needs to be a good way to regulate it. Capitalism has its pluses so does socialism, anyone who says that one sucks and the other is the best is one uneducated dumb fucktard.
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:50 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I believe we need social services. It's just that these systems are too often abuse and scammed. People can be sick assholes.

I agree with you, there just needs to be a good way to regulate it. Capitalism has its pluses so does socialism, anyone who says that one sucks and the other is the best is one uneducated dumb fucktard.

Fucking hippie.

gundamwingpilot said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I believe we need social services. It's just that these systems are too often abuse and scammed. People can be sick assholes.

I agree with you, there just needs to be a good way to regulate it. Capitalism has its pluses so does socialism, anyone who says that one sucks and the other is the best is one uneducated dumb fucktard.

You regulate it by going to peoples houses with shotguns.
Socialism has its pluses on paper in a theoretical world that is sadly naïve when it comes to the harsh reality of human nature.

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

I believe it comes down to "The bad choice" argument. They deserve to die because they made a bad choice.

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Isn't that pretty similar to what happens in socialized healthcare systems? Except this time the insurance agent is the government and they can refuse coverage to whomever they like - the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the elderly... Just strikes me as a potential vector for social engineering is all.

Edited to add quotation because this thread got busy in between the post I was replying to and my own post.

well people who need healthcare in europe and canada get healthcare regardless of how much money they have, a much more comforting thought then relying on insurance you may not have.

some health care is better then no healthcare
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:53 AM

Matter-eater Man said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

I believe it comes down to "The bad choice" argument. They deserve to die because they made a bad choice.

Fucking A!

Survival of the fittest at it's most basic.

Captain Sammitch said:
Socialism has its pluses on paper in a theoretical world that is sadly naïve when it comes to the harsh reality of human nature.

Hey, that's enough common sense out of you for one day.
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:53 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Isn't that pretty similar to what happens in socialized healthcare systems? Except this time the insurance agent is the government and they can refuse coverage to whomever they like - the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the elderly... Just strikes me as a potential vector for social engineering is all.

Edited to add quotation because this thread got busy in between the post I was replying to and my own post.

well people who need healthcare in europe and canada get healthcare regardless of how much money they have, a much more comforting thought then relying on insurance you may not have.

some health care is better then no healthcare


Captain Sammitch said:
Socialism has its pluses on paper in a theoretical world that is sadly naïve when it comes to the harsh reality of human nature.

the same with capitalism
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:55 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:
Socialism has its pluses on paper in a theoretical world that is sadly naïve when it comes to the harsh reality of human nature.

the same with capitalism

Love it or leave it, commie.
I wouldn't leave this country on vacation.

In America you're always only ten feet away from a firearm and that makes me feel all warm and safe.
Posted By: PaulWellr Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:58 AM

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I wouldn't leave this country on vacation.

In America you're always only ten feet away from a firearm and that makes me feel all warm and safe.


Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Isn't that pretty similar to what happens in socialized healthcare systems? Except this time the insurance agent is the government and they can refuse coverage to whomever they like - the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the elderly... Just strikes me as a potential vector for social engineering is all.

Edited to add quotation because this thread got busy in between the post I was replying to and my own post.

Everyone gets there healthcare in Canada and parts of Europe, unlike the uninsured people of the US

PaulWellr said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I wouldn't leave this country on vacation.

In America you're always only ten feet away from a firearm and that makes me feel all warm and safe.

Suge loves America so much he never leaves prison!

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:
Socialism has its pluses on paper in a theoretical world that is sadly naïve when it comes to the harsh reality of human nature.

the same with capitalism

Actually, if you were to postulate a Malthusian/Huxleyan societal structure where survival of the fittest was the only operational principle, capitalism would mimic the mechanisms of selection almost perfectly. Capitalism is designed to not only account for but thrive off of human nature, which according to Ayn Rand (as well as some thinkers with whose basic worldview I actually agree) is self-centered, fiercely competitive, and concerned primarily with consumption, the motive force behind consumerism. Doesn't necessarily make it right, but it's observable and quantifiable, which makes it an empirically verifiable reality, unlike socialism which has yet to produce a society that can survive as long as the comparatively short-lived capitalistic society we have in the United States. I'm not making a value judgment here necessarily. I'm just maintaining that 'pure' socialism is still largely a pipe dream that looks pretty on paper but probably can't be implemented in the real world.

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Isn't that pretty similar to what happens in socialized healthcare systems? Except this time the insurance agent is the government and they can refuse coverage to whomever they like - the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the elderly... Just strikes me as a potential vector for social engineering is all.

Edited to add quotation because this thread got busy in between the post I was replying to and my own post.

Everyone gets there healthcare in Canada and parts of Europe, unlike the uninsured people of the US

You sure? I don't wanna turn this into a snore-fest of statistics, but I seriously doubt that Canada and the Euro nations of which you speak have never denied anyone health care.
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.
We refused to let the weak die and upset the natural process of things.

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Isn't that pretty similar to what happens in socialized healthcare systems? Except this time the insurance agent is the government and they can refuse coverage to whomever they like - the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the elderly... Just strikes me as a potential vector for social engineering is all.

Edited to add quotation because this thread got busy in between the post I was replying to and my own post.

Everyone gets there healthcare in Canada and parts of Europe, unlike the uninsured people of the US

You sure? I don't wanna turn this into a snore-fest of statistics, but I seriously doubt that Canada and the Euro nations of which you speak have never denied anyone health care.

Those stats beat the US stats any day. People who cant afford healthcare get it in those countries, in the US if u dont have insurance your fucked. Peope who cant afford medication or treatment dont get it in the US, not the case in Europe and Canada, even teh poorest in canada get treated, hell the homeless get antibiotics if they need it.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:12 AM
The only way socialism works is if they mooch off a capitalist country. What countries have made the largest contributions to science, medicine and technology? Not the socialist ones. What countries can defend themselves against evil terrorists? Not the socialist ones. Any type of government that limits some ones free speech and desire to do better in life is wrong.

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

gwp, I have cerebral palsy, my birth mother was a drug user, and the only reason I have good insurance with my adoptive (real) family is because my mom is a public school teacher. I'm thankful for what I have, but I'm not rich by any means and I am certainly not blind to the plight of unfortunate or impoverished people. I don't want to hear a bleeding-heart argument except from someone who has a pretty good experiential reason to advocate their cause so strongly. I respect your beliefs, but this is an open forum and I felt obligated to contribute my own as well. Don't tell me what I do and don't understand unless you've got a pretty damn impressive list of qualifications behind your assertions. We're on the same level in here, okay?

Edited to add quotation (I really need to start hitting the right buttons)
I hardly doubt European countries mooch off the US.
You really don't wanna pull out stats to verify that. Trust me.

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

gwp, I have cerebral palsy, my birth mother was a drug user, and the only reason I have good insurance with my adoptive (real) family is because my mom is a public school teacher. I'm thankful for what I have, but I'm not rich by any means and I am certainly not blind to the plight of unfortunate or impoverished people. I don't want to hear a bleeding-heart argument except from someone who has a pretty good experiential reason to advocate their cause so strongly. I respect your beliefs, but this is an open forum and I felt obligated to contribute my own as well. Don't tell me what I do and don't understand unless you've got a pretty damn impressive list of qualifications behind your assertions. We're on the same level in here, okay?

Edited to add quotation (I really need to start hitting the right buttons)

Im saying all this is cause i didnt get treatment in the US when i was ill cause i couldnt afford it, but i got it in Canada. So unless u walked in my shoes u dont understand.
What is your nationality?
Edit: look at the quote below

gundamwingpilot said:
Half American half Canadian, thats why i was able to get treatment in Canada


gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

gwp, I have cerebral palsy, my birth mother was a drug user, and the only reason I have good insurance with my adoptive (real) family is because my mom is a public school teacher. I'm thankful for what I have, but I'm not rich by any means and I am certainly not blind to the plight of unfortunate or impoverished people. I don't want to hear a bleeding-heart argument except from someone who has a pretty good experiential reason to advocate their cause so strongly. I respect your beliefs, but this is an open forum and I felt obligated to contribute my own as well. Don't tell me what I do and don't understand unless you've got a pretty damn impressive list of qualifications behind your assertions. We're on the same level in here, okay?

Edited to add quotation (I really need to start hitting the right buttons)

Im saying all this is cause i didnt get treatment in the US when i was ill cause i couldnt afford it, but i got it in Canada. So unless u walked in my shoes u dont understand.

Gotcha. I don't know how it makes you feel. Fair enough. I don't. That's a good argument by itself. Just don't start making big, sweeping assertions unless you have something objective to back them up with. Your personal experience is compelling enough on its own, but it's not going to offset the statistical evidence for or against the practicality of socialized healthcare.

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

gwp, I have cerebral palsy, my birth mother was a drug user, and the only reason I have good insurance with my adoptive (real) family is because my mom is a public school teacher. I'm thankful for what I have, but I'm not rich by any means and I am certainly not blind to the plight of unfortunate or impoverished people. I don't want to hear a bleeding-heart argument except from someone who has a pretty good experiential reason to advocate their cause so strongly. I respect your beliefs, but this is an open forum and I felt obligated to contribute my own as well. Don't tell me what I do and don't understand unless you've got a pretty damn impressive list of qualifications behind your assertions. We're on the same level in here, okay?

Edited to add quotation (I really need to start hitting the right buttons)

Im saying all this is cause i didnt get treatment in the US when i was ill cause i couldnt afford it, but i got it in Canada. So unless u walked in my shoes u dont understand.

Gotcha. I don't know how it makes you feel. Fair enough. I don't. That's a good argument by itself. Just don't start making big, sweeping assertions unless you have something objective to back them up with. Your personal experience is compelling enough on its own, but it's not going to offset the statistical evidence for or against the practicality of socialized healthcare.

fair enough, but i still believe social healthcare will save the little guy

gundamwingpilot said:
fair enough, but i still believe social healthcare will save the little guy

Maybe. Or maybe it'll be more affordable insurance. Or a better minimum wage. Or improved malpractice protection practices that makes medical less expensive by reducing the expenses incurred by crrent malpractice insurance. Who knows? Right now it's anybody's guess. I'm just hesitant to undermine our entire economic system for the sake of what might just be a quick fix. There's quite possibly another, better solution out there.
Like robot bodies?
I would have the strenght of ten gorillas.
Actually, it's historically been the mission of the church to care for those who can't care for themselves. The whole reason we have such a messy situation with government-subsidized health care and insurance and health care affordability is because the church largely shirked its responsibility to care for the impoverished or otherwise unfortunate members of society when it was needed most - during the Great Depression - and prompted the government to step in and assume responsibility for (and control over) the health and well-being of the American people.
Well they couldn't let taxpayers die. It would be bad for buisness.

rex said:
Here's a couple more,

oh, good.

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Socialism is quite different from communism. I'd like you to compare the healthcare and education systems of socialist vs. capitalist countries before you start saying which is better.

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.


The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

Several pre-9/11 statements show that several large US Oil companies were unhappy with the Taliban because it gave them trouble with building the oil pipeline. Since the whole point of that war was to get Osama, but now he's still out there but we're building that pipeline (and the opium trade/warlords are growing there), I'd hardly call that war justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Only if you justify it by saying we were cleaning up a mess that we made, since we helped to consolidate Saddam's power in the first place. Also, Iraq was switching its trade from dollars to the Euro, so if the UN sanctions were lifted, Iraq's oil being paid with Euros would have seriously undercut the dollar and destablized US strength and influence.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Prove it.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.


Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

Only because the media doesn't treat it seriously and the police now use too much force to subdue protestors.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.


Schools need to be accountable for their spending.


We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.

or maybe the focus should be on asking why people are coming here in the first place. why are their countries so poor that they need to come here? why are their countries so horrible that they need to come here?
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 1:05 PM
Lookie! r3x is trying to act smart again

Pariah said:
Lookie! r3x is trying to act smart again

Is this the catholic humility again? I generally tune out when you start spouting your drivel.
You have yet to come up with a single counterpoint to anything that I say. All you do is insult me and act like that's a valid response.
Just go and get me and pariah some sodas bitch.

r3x29yz4a said:
or maybe the focus should be on asking why people are coming here in the first place. why are their countries so poor that they need to come here? why are their countries so horrible that they need to come here?

Their problem.
Posted By: the G-man Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 7:57 PM

Matter-eater Man said:
who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.


I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I think what really happened here is that, since this was the world's first democratically elected goverment, and Chile was a fairly stable country (before you fucked it up for our own good, I mean), the circusmtances to find out if communism would really work under ideal conditions were finally given, and you were so scared that the answer might be yes ...

Posted By: thedoctor Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:05 PM

Captain Sammitch said:
unlike socialism which has yet to produce a society that can survive as long as the comparatively short-lived capitalistic society we have in the United States. I'm not making a value judgment here necessarily. I'm just maintaining that 'pure' socialism is still largely a pipe dream that looks pretty on paper but probably can't be implemented in the real world.

The US system has lasted so long because it isn't 100% capitalism. Capitalism in it's true form has absolutely no government intervention. This is not true of the US. Plus, we've created some pretty socialistic type programs like Social Security, Workman's Comp., Disability, Unemployment, and Medicare. It's more on the capitalistic side, but it works because it doesn't let one governmental philosophy run wild.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:06 PM

the G-man said:

Matter-eater Man said:
who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.


I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I think what really happened here is that, since this was the world's first democratically elected goverment, and Chile was a fairly stable country (before you fucked it up for our own good, I mean), the circusmtances to find out if communism would really work under ideal conditions were finally given, and you were so scared that the answer might be yes ...

Nice way of distorting Mxy's quote. Too damned bad that's not what he meant and only how you decided to take it.
Oh shit. What the fuck is the name of the stomp out communism docturn?

Isn't it actully written into American law that we stop the spread of commmunism?
Posted By: the G-man Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:12 PM

Matter-eater Man said:
who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.


I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I think what really happened here is that, since this was the world's first democratically elected goverment, and Chile was a fairly stable country (before you fucked it up for our own good, I mean), the circusmtances to find out if communism would really work under ideal conditions were finally given, and you were so scared that the answer might be yes ...


thedoctor said:
Nice way of distorting Mxy's quote. Too damned bad that's not what he meant and only how you decided to take it.

Mxy clearly indicated a belief that communism could work under "ideal" conditions. While not a ringing endorsement of the concept, it is still something of a theoretical endorsement.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:24 PM

the G-man said:
Mxy clearly indicated a belief that communism could work under "ideal" conditions. While not a ringing endorsement of the concept, it is still something of a theoretical endorsement.

The pure lawyer comes out. That is not what he said or meant. His statement clearly says that Chile was a testing ground for if communism would work and that the US was afraid that the country would stay that course. His earlier statement had clearly said that the government would have most likely been voted out in the next election. You're just trying to spin the quote to enforce your own need to lash out against anything "Anti"-American.

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:
Here's a couple more,

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.

The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.

Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.

Schools need to be accountable for their spending.

We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.

you sound like a dumb red neck white guy.

You're a racist. I don't mean that you're a racist against white people, you allready know that. I mea you're a racist against all minorities, insisting that they believe what you do or insisting (in your next post) that only white people can work hard and afford thier own health care. No wonder people like you are so ready and willing to overlook a clansman in your own rank (Byrd)
Posted By: the G-man Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:29 PM

the G-man said:
Mxy clearly indicated a belief that communism could work under "ideal" conditions. While not a ringing endorsement of the concept, it is still something of a theoretical endorsement.


thedoctor said:
That is not what he said or meant. His statement clearly says that Chile was a testing ground for if communism would work and that the US was afraid that the country would stay that course. His earlier statement had clearly said that the government would have most likely been voted out in the next election.

His statement

    (a) theorized that communism could work;
    (b) theorized that a communist government would, despite all historical evidence to the contrary (USSR, Cuba, China, etc.) abide by free elections and allow itself to be voted out of office

Again, while not a ringing endorsement, still more pro-communism than history would seem to justify.

gundamwingpilot said:
If your so against social services, i wonder whose gonna pay for your medical bill if anything happens to you. Dumb red neck white guy.

This is funny because it shows how much you damn dirty hippies rely on teh Dole to bail your asses out all the time. You said you "wonder" well alow the wondering tho cease because recently my family DID have something happen. My wife was injured recently and had to go to the emergency room and guess who paid for it..... WE DID. Is that really that difficult of a concept for you to understand? If YOU were to have a medical emergancy , you know who would pay for it? ME and PJP and r3xtardd (r3xtardd by proxy in that PJP would be able to pay him a little more than his meager pittance if he wasn't paying for your lazy no working ass). Just out of curriosity, where do you think the government gets it's money? The government gets money by taking it away from from the productive members of society.

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Why don't they get a job and buy insurance instead of relying on me to pay thier bills?

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I believe we need social services. It's just that these systems are too often abuse and scammed. People can be sick assholes.


Some social services are appropriate. Having social services isn't the same as socialISM

gundamwingpilot said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
I believe we need social services. It's just that these systems are too often abuse and scammed. People can be sick assholes.

I agree with you, there just needs to be a good way to regulate it. Capitalism has its pluses so does socialism, anyone who says that one sucks and the other is the best is one uneducated dumb fucktard.

Then call me an uneduacted dumb fucktard, because capitalism is better than socialISM (I'm sure since you are so enlightened I don't have to clarify to you why socialISM isn't the same as having social programs, The US currently has social programs, but isn't a socialist nation)
Posted By: thedoctor Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:38 PM

the G-man said:
His statement

    (a) theorized that communism could work;

This is an invalid claim since it is not what he said. He simply said Chile would be a testing ground to see if it would work. He never said it would. That's what you are reading into it. As a matter of fact, Mxy actually says later on that he and people he knows with more poli-sci knowledge don't think it would have worked. This is you not paying attention and going off on a rant.


the G-man said:
    (b) theorized that a communist government would, despite all historical evidence to the contrary (USSR, Cuba, China, etc.) abide by free elections and allow itself to be voted out of office

Again, while not a ringing endorsement, still more pro-communism than history would seem to justify.

It's not an endorsement at all. I think Mxy believed more in his people deciding their own future than the US imposing a harsh dictatorship on them.

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

First I seriously doubt you recieved any benifit whatsoever from the tax breaks second you clearly have no idea how the worl works. I would rather NOT have my healthcare coverage decline to the the point where I can't really depend on it just so that people like you who don't want to work can get health care for free. Do I think the government should provide healthcare for those who CAN'T work? yes, but do I also want to pay for stubborn lazy asses like you? no, I don't especcially when it means that teh healthcare i recieve is far less reliable than the healthcare I recieve now.

Captain Sammitch said:

gundamwingpilot said:
Sammitch, unless ur dying and your with out health care you wont understand. As long as you have money and wealth you think capitalism is the way to go. In all honestly i would rather have no tax break but know i would be treated for an illness if it ever arose then having a few extra grand in my pocket. And even if you do have insurance, sometimes it doesnt cover all procedures what then? Your insurance doesnt cover a heart transplant... oh well ur just gonna have to die. What happened to humanity.

gwp, I have cerebral palsy, my birth mother was a drug user, and the only reason I have good insurance with my adoptive (real) family is because my mom is a public school teacher. I'm thankful for what I have, but I'm not rich by any means and I am certainly not blind to the plight of unfortunate or impoverished people. I don't want to hear a bleeding-heart argument except from someone who has a pretty good experiential reason to advocate their cause so strongly. I respect your beliefs, but this is an open forum and I felt obligated to contribute my own as well. Don't tell me what I do and don't understand unless you've got a pretty damn impressive list of qualifications behind your assertions. We're on the same level in here, okay?

Edited to add quotation (I really need to start hitting the right buttons)

Isn't it amazing that people have been telling us what WE do and don't understant this week? Anyway, I thought it was pretty coincidental, I was adopted and my adoptive (real) parrents were (they're retired not dead) public school teachers.

gundamwingpilot said:
I hardly doubt European countries mooch off the US.

Oh, man, JLA, you really got me this time. Here I am arguing with this silly guy thinking he's serious, but he's really just another one of your joke alt IDs

Captain Sammitch said:
Actually, it's historically been the mission of the church to care for those who can't care for themselves. The whole reason we have such a messy situation with government-subsidized health care and insurance and health care affordability is because the church largely shirked its responsibility to care for the impoverished or otherwise unfortunate members of society when it was needed most - during the Great Depression - and prompted the government to step in and assume responsibility for (and control over) the health and well-being of the American people.

Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 8:57 PM

rex said:
The only way socialism works is if they mooch off a capitalist country. What countries have made the largest contributions to science, medicine and technology? Not the socialist ones. What countries can defend themselves against evil terrorists? Not the socialist ones. Any type of government that limits some ones free speech and desire to do better in life is wrong.

You stupid, ignorant fuck. You wanna talk mooching? Check the American import vs. export ratio, and couple that with the national debt load. Take a look at most of the leading advances in medicine lately...they don't come stateside. And you'll note that us socialist countries don't need to defend ourselves from 'evil' terrorists, as they are more interested in pompus fucks like you...when they're not just made up boogymen trotted out at your administration's convenience. And here in Canada we enjoy free speech to extents that you repressed fucks can't even begin to comprehend. Protesting in Canada works, and brings change. No one is above public scrutiny here (witness the ongoing sponsorship hearing as we speak).

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

r3x29yz4a said:

Pariah said:
Lookie! r3x is trying to act smart again

Is this the catholic humility again? I generally tune out when you start spouting your drivel.
You have yet to come up with a single counterpoint to anything that I say. All you do is insult me and act like that's a valid response.

Funny, that's the same reason I've stopped reading most of your posts.

klinton said:

rex said:
The only way socialism works is if they mooch off a capitalist country. What countries have made the largest contributions to science, medicine and technology? Not the socialist ones. What countries can defend themselves against evil terrorists? Not the socialist ones. Any type of government that limits some ones free speech and desire to do better in life is wrong.

You stupid, ignorant fuck. You wanna talk mooching? Check the American import vs. export ratio, and couple that with the national debt load. Take a look at most of the leading advances in medicine lately...they don't come stateside. And you'll note that us socialist countries don't need to defend ourselves from 'evil' terrorists, as they are more interested in pompus fucks like you...when they're not just made up boogymen trotted out at your administration's convenience. And here in Canada we enjoy free speech to extents that you repressed fucks can't even begin to comprehend. Protesting in Canada works, and brings change. No one is above public scrutiny here (witness the ongoing sponsorship hearing as we speak).

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

The Canuck Avenger emerges from hiding to hurl fecal matter with mighty vehemence.
Posted By: the G-man Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:04 PM

klinton said:

You stupid, ignorant fuck. You wanna talk mooching? Check the American import vs. export ratio, and couple that with the national debt load. Take a look at most of the leading advances in medicine lately...they don't come stateside.

Then why does nearly anyone who can afford it come from Canada to the United States for medical treatment?

I think a compelling argument could be made that this is a form of "mooching" off the United States.

And, of course, there's the whole issue of whether or not Canada could exist in its current form if its only land neighbor was anything other than the United States. For example, what would Canada's military have to be like if it didn't border a friendly superpower?


And you'll note that us socialist countries don't need to defend ourselves from 'evil' terrorists,

How are those Quebec separatist these days?


And here in Canada we enjoy free speech to extents that you repressed fucks can't even begin to comprehend.

I suppose it depends on what you mean by "free speech."

Canada has had some significant issues with censorship of broadcasting, including state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speech and, of course, censorship of English in Quebec.


And here in Canada we enjoy free speech to extents that you repressed fucks can't even begin to comprehend.

Is that why Howard Stern was yanked of the air for making fun of Canada?
"C'mon up and check out our system sometime, eh?"
I like Canada as a country. Nice people. Great scenery. I just happen to strongly disagree with how it's run. I'm sure that's how a lot of Canadians in here feel about us.

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Why don't they get a job and buy insurance instead of relying on me to pay thier bills?

I find it odd that this went untouched. Not sure what to make of that.

wannabuyamonkey said:

r3x29yz4a said:

Pariah said:
Lookie! r3x is trying to act smart again

Is this the catholic humility again? I generally tune out when you start spouting your drivel.
You have yet to come up with a single counterpoint to anything that I say. All you do is insult me and act like that's a valid response.

Funny, that's the same reason I've stopped reading most of your posts.

I disagree with you, I don't insult you. There are posters I disagree with (G-man, yourself) who I have respect for because they maintain civility. Then there are posters who basically just do one-liners, those guys I insult.
Or maybe I did insult you because you pissed me off. Who can say really. In my mind I don't remember insulting you or making any of our debates personal.

Captain Sammitch said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Why don't they get a job and buy insurance instead of relying on me to pay thier bills?

I find it odd that this went untouched. Not sure what to make of that.

do you work? Insurance is not cheap to buy, and most companies give somewhat pisspoor benefits for way too much money.
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:29 PM

the G-man said:

Then why does nearly anyone who can afford it come from Canada to the United States for medical treatment?

Because they don't wish to wait on a list. It's not a matter of mooching, as they are encouraged by these facilities to come, as they can't be bothered treating thier own countrymen with no cash.


And, of course, there's the whole issue of whether or not Canada could exist in its current form if its only land neighbor was anything other than the United States. For example, what would Canada's military have to be like if it didn't border a friendly superpower?

I'll agree with you there. This has been, until recent years, a huge element in the formation of our system. But if you really want to go there, we can discuss the concessions granted you by us that even let your country exist to begin with.


How are those Quebec separatist these days?

And you did exactly what in helping us with that situation?


Canada has had some significant issues with censorship of broadcasting, including state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speech and, of course, censorship of English in Quebec.

Nothing like the media blackouts you are party to. And state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speach....these are most often the topics of American media outlets. Everything from ball players to exposed nipples to television shows with gay content. The last time I recall anything like this was the 'Bush doll' incident. It aired as planned and the content was debated in public forums. You'll note that Don Cherry was merely chastised for his ignorance, not censored.
I'm a full-time student. I'm covered on my parents' insurance at the moment. I suppose it'll be an enlightening exercise when I graduate.
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:31 PM
And Rex, sorry about the tone there...That was uncalled for. Just finishing my first cup of coffee here. Really mate, sorry.
Plenty of caffeine junkies in here can understand that.

Excuse me - must polish off my soda here...

r3x29yz4a said:

Captain Sammitch said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Why don't they get a job and buy insurance instead of relying on me to pay thier bills?

I find it odd that this went untouched. Not sure what to make of that.

do you work? Insurance is not cheap to buy, and most companies give somewhat pisspoor benefits for way too much money.

I work, I own my own buisiness, wich means that the insurance I buy is alot more expensive than the benifits that some people get through thier employer. If we had fully socilized medicine I would be paying alot more and getting alot less.

Captain Sammitch said:
must polish off my soda here...

PJP, he got that soda himself.
My personal hippie valets have been on a smoke break since...


Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:43 PM

klinton said:

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

You can kiss my big fat hairy American ass. Yes I am pompous. Yes I am selfish. Do I care about other people? Fuck no. Everyone can take care of themselves. We shouldn't have to take care of every piece of gutter trash. If you want to spend the rest of your life supporting people weaker than you, go ahead. Just don't get in my way you fucking ass.
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:49 PM

klinton said:
And Rex, sorry about the tone there...That was uncalled for. Just finishing my first cup of coffee here. Really mate, sorry.

Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 9:56 PM
I win again.
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 10:01 PM

rex said:
I win again.

You win...what? The argument? Hell no. My sympathy, perhaps.
Posted By: the G-man Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 10:15 PM


the G-man said:

Then why does nearly anyone who can afford it come from Canada to the United States for medical treatment?


klinton said:
Because they don't wish to wait on a list. It's not a matter of mooching, as they are encouraged by these facilities to come, as they can't be bothered treating thier own countrymen with no cash.

Which would appear to indicate problems with your system that are alleviated solely through, if not mooching, a certain unstated reliance on our system.


And, of course, there's the whole issue of whether or not Canada could exist in its current form if its only land neighbor was anything other than the United States. For example, what would Canada's military have to be like if it didn't border a friendly superpower?


I'll agree with you there. This has been, until recent years, a huge element in the formation of our system.

Which, again, would seem to indicate that Canada does have a certain dependence on us.


But if you really want to go there, we can discuss the concessions granted you by us that even let your country exist to begin with.

I'm not sure how an historical issue weighs on current dependence.


How are those Quebec separatist these days?


And you did exactly what in helping us with that situation?

Why would you want our help? That could be seen as "mooching"?

Furthermore, my point was addressed at the fact that you seemed to be implying that terrorism is caused by US actions. If that were the case, you wouldn't have terrorism in Quebec.


Canada has had some significant issues with censorship of broadcasting, including state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speech and, of course, censorship of English in Quebec.


Nothing like the media blackouts you are party to. And state mandated content, prosecutions for politically incorrect speach....these are most often the topics of American media outlets. Everything from ball players to exposed nipples to television shows with gay content. The last time I recall anything like this was the 'Bush doll' incident. It aired as planned and the content was debated in public forums. You'll note that Don Cherry was merely chastised for his ignorance, not censored.

A lot of what you seem to think is government run "censorhip" in the US is actually individual station owners exercising their private right to air or not air something. That isn't censorship. Unlike a number of the incidences in Canada, in which the government was engaged in the restraint.

Furthermore, even if what you say is true, all you've done is concede that Canada isn't really the "free speech" haven that your originally made it out to be. In which case, you really dn't have any business attacking the US for its' alleged lack of free speech.
Posted By: PJP Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 10:24 PM

rex said:

klinton said:

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

You can kiss my big fat hairy American ass. Yes I am pompous. Yes I am selfish. Do I care about other people? Fuck no. Everyone can take care of themselves. We shouldn't have to take care of every piece of gutter trash. If you want to spend the rest of your life supporting people weaker than you, go ahead. Just don't get in my way you fucking ass.

your ass is hairy too huh.......
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 10:36 PM

the G-man said:

Which would appear to indicate problems with your system that are alleviated solely through, if not mooching, a certain unstated reliance on our system.

Not at all. Just the use of available resources. They would still get the treatment, they would just have to wait thier turn. If they choose to expedite the process, power to them. They do not need to turn to outside sources.


Which, again, would seem to indicate that Canada does have a certain dependence on us.

Had. This in no way applies to the current climate, wereby our administration is bullied by our 'benevolent' niebours. On the world scene, your interations with us is monitored by the world at large, most of whom respect our position...regardless of our niebours.


I'm not sure how an historical issue weighs on current dependence.

Because our beneficial relationship with you is fast becoming a footnote on historical records. Yes, you have played a positive role in helping us shape our country...as did we in your past.


Why would you want our help? That could be seen as "mooching"?

Furthermore, my point was addressed at the fact that you seemed to be implying that terrorism is caused by US actions. If that were the case, you wouldn't have terrorism in Quebec.

The initial argument was that we rely on you to protect us from terrorist threats. I was merely pointing out that the threats that Rex had in mind were of no consequence to us. Yes, the FLQ have been a pain in the ass. But in recent years, they have moved into more respectable arenas and have stated thier piece in parlement. The violent uprisings you refer to are a non-issue.


A lot of what you seem to think is government run "censorhip" in the US is actually individual station owners exercising their private right to air or not air something. That isn't censorship. Unlike a number of the incidences in Canada, in which the government was engaged in the restraint.

Furthermore, even if what you say is true, all you've done is concede that Canada isn't really the "free speech" haven that your originally made it out to be. In which case, you really dn't have any business attacking the US for its' alleged lack of free speech.

I didn't say it was government censorship...I said that it is rampant, regardless of the instigator. And I never said things are perfect here we have our issues. We just have less of them than America. Rex was saying how a socialist country represses free speach...I was saying that we are able to speak much more freely here and affect change with our opinions. If you really want to compare a case by case example of censorship in Canada vs. America, you can't possibly believe that we will come off looking bad.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-15 10:55 PM
One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he asked about his bill and the barber replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week."
The florist is pleased and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open, there is a thank-you card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept money; I'm doing community service this week."
The cop is happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a thank-you card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Later a Republican comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill, the barber again replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week."
The Republican is very happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open, there is a thank-you card and a dozen different books such as "How to Improve Your Business and Become More Successful."

Then a Democrat comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill, the barber again replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week."
The Democrat is very happy and leaves the shop. The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen Democrats lined up waiting for a free haircut.

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:
Here's a couple more,

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.

The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.

Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.

Schools need to be accountable for their spending.

We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.

you sound like a dumb red neck white guy.

You're a racist. I don't mean that you're a racist against white people, you allready know that. I mea you're a racist against all minorities, insisting that they believe what you do or insisting (in your next post) that only white people can work hard and afford thier own health care. No wonder people like you are so ready and willing to overlook a clansman in your own rank (Byrd)

I am white

rex said:

klinton said:

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

You can kiss my big fat hairy American ass. Yes I am pompous. Yes I am selfish. Do I care about other people? Fuck no. Everyone can take care of themselves. We shouldn't have to take care of every piece of gutter trash. If you want to spend the rest of your life supporting people weaker than you, go ahead. Just don't get in my way you fucking ass.

You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 6:39 AM

gundamwingpilot said:
You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.


rex said:

gundamwingpilot said:
You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.


your sick
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 6:43 AM
Actually I'm just fucking with you. I have plenty of compassion for people that are unable to function in society.
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 6:44 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

gundamwingpilot said:
You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.


your sick

Not sick...just fat, ugly and balding (with stubby arms, appearantly...like a t-rex, thus the nic). You can kind of understand why he'd be bitter at the world, can't you? You have to give the guy a little slack.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 6:45 AM

klinton said:

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

gundamwingpilot said:
You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.


your sick

Not sick...just fat, ugly and balding (with stubby arms, appearantly...like a t-rex, thus the nic). You can kind of understand why he'd be bitter at the world, can't you? You have to give the guy a little slack.

At least I'm not Canadian.

rex said:
Actually I'm just fucking with you. I have plenty of compassion for people that are unable to function in society.

i would hope so
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 6:50 AM

rex said:

klinton said:

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

gundamwingpilot said:
You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.


your sick

Not sick...just fat, ugly and balding (with stubby arms, appearantly...like a t-rex, thus the nic). You can kind of understand why he'd be bitter at the world, can't you? You have to give the guy a little slack.

At least I'm not Canadian.

Nope, you're not.
thank god for that
Go and get me a soda Bitch!

gundamwingpilot said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:
Here's a couple more,

Socialism is just as bad as communism. Any socialist country has to rely on other countries to defend them. coughcanadacough

Religious extremists need to be deprogrammed.

The war in Afganistan was completely justifiable.

The war in Iraq was also completely justifiable, but Bush should not have sold the war on WMD.

Capitalism is the greatest thing of all time.

Freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of a free society.

Protesting in America accomplishes nothing.

The government needs to be accountable for their spending.

Schools need to be accountable for their spending.

We need to stop all illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico.

you sound like a dumb red neck white guy.

You're a racist. I don't mean that you're a racist against white people, you allready know that. I mea you're a racist against all minorities, insisting that they believe what you do or insisting (in your next post) that only white people can work hard and afford thier own health care. No wonder people like you are so ready and willing to overlook a clansman in your own rank (Byrd)

I am white

So that's your defense against being a racist?
I only hate ignorant white red necks, that is all. I dont have anything against any other group.

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

klinton said:

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

You can kiss my big fat hairy American ass. Yes I am pompous. Yes I am selfish. Do I care about other people? Fuck no. Everyone can take care of themselves. We shouldn't have to take care of every piece of gutter trash. If you want to spend the rest of your life supporting people weaker than you, go ahead. Just don't get in my way you fucking ass.

You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.

You're very judgmental.

gundamwingpilot said:
I only hate ignorant white red necks, that is all. I dont have anything against any other group.

Why don't you acctually read my post.

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

klinton said:

Educate your stupid white trash self before you open your mouth.

You can kiss my big fat hairy American ass. Yes I am pompous. Yes I am selfish. Do I care about other people? Fuck no. Everyone can take care of themselves. We shouldn't have to take care of every piece of gutter trash. If you want to spend the rest of your life supporting people weaker than you, go ahead. Just don't get in my way you fucking ass.

You are a sad man, you have no humanity or compassion.

You're very judgmental.

well he did say he doesnt care bout other people, and last i checked people who have humanity care.

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:
I only hate ignorant white red necks, that is all. I dont have anything against any other group.

Why don't you acctually read my post.

Ok im racist against white rednecks.
Go and get me a soda you fucking Bitch!

PJP said:
Go and get me a soda you fucking Bitch!

fuck off im not trying to make this personal with you
Once upon a time there was an actual discussion in here...

That said, please carry on!

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone has insurance, so your gonna let people that dont have insurance die??

Why don't they get a job and buy insurance instead of relying on me to pay thier bills?

what if there disabled and cant work
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:11 AM
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

and that comes from your salary, more proof there has to be social programs
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:16 AM

r3x29yz4a said:
Is this the catholic humility again? I generally tune out when you start spouting your drivel.
You have yet to come up with a single counterpoint to anything that I say. All you do is insult me and act like that's a valid response.

Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:16 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

and that comes from your salary, more proof there has to be social programs

Yes, there are social programs, but they should only be for the people that cannot work due to handicap. Not some stupid whore that can't keep her legs shut or illegal immigrants.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:17 AM
For the legitimately disabled..yes. Not drunks, or druggies, or people with lower back pain, or lazy fucks..shit. I used to be a social worker so don't tell me that 90% of people on benefits don't deserve it and don't abuse it though. They do.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:17 AM

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

gundamwingpilot said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:
I only hate ignorant white red necks, that is all. I dont have anything against any other group.

Why don't you acctually read my post.

Ok im racist against white rednecks.

Wow, in response to me telling you to read my post, you accyually demonstrated that you didn't read it. Wow, I guess I can officially wright off all your future posts without having to read them. If your currious as to why you look like such a jackass..... read my post.

rex said:

gundamwingpilot said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

and that comes from your salary, more proof there has to be social programs

Yes, there are social programs, but they should only be for the people that cannot work due to handicap. Not some stupid whore that can't keep her legs shut or illegal immigrants.

not everyone is a stupid whore or an illegal immigrant. I agree with you that we need to police these programs so that there not abused, but they have to be there.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:20 AM

gundamwingpilot said:
not everyone is a stupid whore or an illegal immigrant. I agree with you that we need to police these programs so that there not abused, but they have to be there.

But if we kick them off the system we will have more money for the people that really need assistance.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:20 AM

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

Silly, rabbit SSI is for kids and the disabled..oh wait.

gundamwingpilot said:

PJP said:
Go and get me a soda you fucking Bitch!

fuck off im not trying to make this personal with you

You make it personal with one of us, you make it personal with us all.
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:21 AM
Guys, don't you get it? He's Canadian. Duh.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:22 AM

Pariah said:
Guys, don't you get it? He's Canadian. Duh.

He kinda reminds me of a liberal version of you.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:22 AM

Pig Iron said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

Silly, rabbit SSI is for kids and the disabled..oh wait.

its the truth, i'm better off moving to canada.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:22 AM
Rex,Isn't that R3X?
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:24 AM

rex said:

Pariah said:
Guys, don't you get it? He's Canadian. Duh.

He kinda reminds me of a liberal version of you.

Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:25 AM

sneaky bunny said:
its the truth, i'm better off moving to canada.

Please do.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:25 AM

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

Silly, rabbit SSI is for kids and the disabled..oh wait.

its the truth, i'm better off moving to canada.

Just move to Ohio..medicaid is better than 90% of the business health insurance..also pop out a few kids and you'll be set. I could probably help, but then I'd owe you alimony...cause I'm rich beeyotch.

Pariah said:
Guys, don't you get it? He's Canadian. Duh.

My dad is American so not entirely Canadian

Pig Iron said:
Rex,Isn't that R3X?

yes it is......if you'd like a soda he'll get you one.

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

PJP said:
Go and get me a soda you fucking Bitch!

fuck off im not trying to make this personal with you

You make it personal with one of us, you make it personal with us all.

stop being an asshole i dont want to take personal stabs at you
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:29 AM

Pig Iron said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

Silly, rabbit SSI is for kids and the disabled..oh wait.

its the truth, i'm better off moving to canada.

Just move to Ohio..medicaid is better than 90% of the business health insurance..also pop out a few kids and you'll be set. I could probably help, but then I'd owe you alimony...cause I'm rich beeyotch.

uh, no thanks, i'll stay with my blue cross insurance and the extra bit of benefits i got for saying i paid my mom rent.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:30 AM
We are all about asshole, boobie and cock here at the RKMBs.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:31 AM
Oh, and poetry.
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:31 AM

gundamwingpilot said:
My dad is American so not entirely Canadian

Any amount of Canadian is too much.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:33 AM
especially French-Canadian.
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:33 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

PJP said:
Go and get me a soda you fucking Bitch!

fuck off im not trying to make this personal with you

You make it personal with one of us, you make it personal with us all.

stop being an asshole i dont want to take personal stabs at you

Are you threatening to rape me?
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:36 AM
That's another thing. If the war in Iraq was all about oil wouldn't we be better served to just attack Canada? That way we would have a defenseless people (who only want medical benefits and liberal laws), lots of oil, and diamonds. And think of all the strip bars....

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

gundamwingpilot said:

PJP said:
Go and get me a soda you fucking Bitch!

fuck off im not trying to make this personal with you

You make it personal with one of us, you make it personal with us all.

stop being an asshole i dont want to take personal stabs at you

Are you threatening to rape me?

verbally, yes
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:39 AM
Does that mean orally?
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:40 AM
We're on a roll tonight gang!

Pig Iron said:
Does that mean orally?

I believe so.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:41 AM

Pig Iron said:
That's another thing. If the war in Iraq was all about oil wouldn't we be better served to just attack Canada? That way we would have a defenseless people (who only want medical benefits and liberal laws), lots of oil, and diamonds. And think of all the strip bars....

That just might be the greatest thing ever written on these boards.

Pariah said:
We're on a roll tonight gang!

you guys want anything to drink?
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:44 AM

wannabuyamonkey said:

Pariah said:
We're on a roll tonight gang!

RACK pariah.

rex said:

Pig Iron said:
That's another thing. If the war in Iraq was all about oil wouldn't we be better served to just attack Canada? That way we would have a defenseless people (who only want medical benefits and liberal laws), lots of oil, and diamonds. And think of all the strip bars....

That just might be the greatest thing ever written on these boards.

so your predjudice against Canadians too?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:44 AM

Pig Iron said:
We are all about asshole, boobie and cock here at the RKMBs.

Speak for yourself, bubba! I jes' want the ladies!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:45 AM
That's... that's brilliant! Let's invade Canada! At the very least, let's make an offer to Quebec to become the 51st state. I used to work as a telemarketer (a truly hellish ordeal), and without fail the nicest people I spoke with were the good people of Montreal ad the surrounding area. The French might be obnoxious, but the French-Canadians are very pleasant.
Posted By: rex Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:45 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

Pig Iron said:
That's another thing. If the war in Iraq was all about oil wouldn't we be better served to just attack Canada? That way we would have a defenseless people (who only want medical benefits and liberal laws), lots of oil, and diamonds. And think of all the strip bars....

That just might be the greatest thing ever written on these boards.

so your predjudice against Canadians too?

Have you not read anything I've written?
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:46 AM
eeerrrrrr....lesbian lumberjacks on poles...

rex said:

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

Pig Iron said:
That's another thing. If the war in Iraq was all about oil wouldn't we be better served to just attack Canada? That way we would have a defenseless people (who only want medical benefits and liberal laws), lots of oil, and diamonds. And think of all the strip bars....

That just might be the greatest thing ever written on these boards.

so your predjudice against Canadians too?

Have you not read anything I've written?

just wanted confirmation, you racist bastard
Where's my fucking soda bitch
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:47 AM

PJP said:
you guys want anything to drink?

I've had plenty, but I'll have another...

PJP said:
Where's my fucking soda bitch

go suck a cock
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:48 AM

gundamwingpilot said:

PJP said:
Where's my fucking soda bitch

go suck a cock

You are supposed to say "Go suck a cock, eh." Get it right.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:49 AM
there's not enough eh's in there
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:50 AM
How did another Canadian find these boards anyway? It seems to be a bloody magnet for those darn hosers--Or in your terms, "hosiers".
Posted By: klinton Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:51 AM

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

Silly, rabbit SSI is for kids and the disabled..oh wait.

its the truth, i'm better off moving to canada.

Cool. You can stay with us!
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:54 AM
She's practically Canadian already. Look where she lives.

gundamwingpilot said:

rex said:

Pig Iron said:
That's another thing. If the war in Iraq was all about oil wouldn't we be better served to just attack Canada? That way we would have a defenseless people (who only want medical benefits and liberal laws), lots of oil, and diamonds. And think of all the strip bars....

That just might be the greatest thing ever written on these boards.

so your predjudice against Canadians too?

You're one to talk, you racist rapist.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:54 AM

klinton said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pig Iron said:
Then they usually get disability benefits, which include insurance.

hah, state provided insurance sucks ass.

Silly, rabbit SSI is for kids and the disabled..oh wait.

its the truth, i'm better off moving to canada.

Cool. You can stay with us!

Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 7:56 AM

Pariah said:
She's practically Canadian already. Look where she lives.

don't make me sing the MI anthom
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:00 AM
I had to go to Michigan once to watch a sprit car race. It was the most boring three hours of my life.......No wait.....Fours hours......

Where the hell'd Gundam go? We scare him off?
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:01 AM
He probably has to share internet time with other socialist canadians.
Posted By: Pariah Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:02 AM
*nods* Makes sense.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:07 AM
his iglo probably had a power outage
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:09 AM
he might be drinking shitty Canadian beer.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:15 AM
how dare you say that bout canadian beer.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 8:16 AM

sneaky bunny said:
how dare you say that bout canadian beer.

It sucks....

sneaky bunny said:

Pariah said:
She's practically Canadian already. Look where she lives.

don't make me sing the MI anthom

Pfffffft. I like Michigan as much as the next Ohioan...
Posted By: McGurk Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 9:13 AM
Posted By: McGurk Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 9:23 AM
haw haw haw!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 10:40 AM

Captain Sammitch said:

sneaky bunny said:

Pariah said:
She's practically Canadian already. Look where she lives.

don't make me sing the MI anthom

Pfffffft. I like Michigan as much as the next Ohioan...

shut up you! ohio's only there for cheap fags and fireworks!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 10:46 PM

gundamwingpilot said:

just wanted confirmation, you racist bastard

Posted By: PJP Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-16 10:53 PM

PJP said:

Crispy Enchilada said:
And I suppose you want the people to pay for this. And I noticed that your letting prisoners have their nice health care still but yet your taking away TV.

go and get me a soda Bitch!

why don't you just drink that hersey trail dripping out of your ass.
Posted By: PJP Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-17 12:52 AM
Don't forget to put lots of ice in it Bitch!
go salad toss your boyfriend
Go and get me a soda Bitch!
trailer trash
go brush your teeth before you speak to me, your breath smells like ass.
Go and get me a soda Bitch!
go get your own fucking pop
You don't get it.....you get your teeth kicked in....either way I'm happy
my teeth kicked? really? i doubt you can manage to do that while sucking your boyfriends cock
Go and get me a soda Bitch
Hmm, I'm getting thirsty, make that two, thank you, bitch.
Crispy Enchilada=Dirty Taco=Yeasty Pussy divided by the square root of fucking moron = r3x

I was never great at algebra but I think I nailed this one pretty good.
maybe you shouldn't of learned algebra in the same car you had sex and and drivers ed in.
Don't knock it until you try it.......now go and get me a soda Bitch!
go back to massaging your mama's clit

the G-man said:

Matter-eater Man said:
who on this board is saying "yeah I'm for that"? Nobody, unless I missed a pro-communism post. Seems like your getting upset about nothing.


I'm Not Mister Mxypltk said:
I think what really happened here is that, since this was the world's first democratically elected goverment, and Chile was a fairly stable country (before you fucked it up for our own good, I mean), the circusmtances to find out if communism would really work under ideal conditions were finally given, and you were so scared that the answer might be yes ...

Did you miss my following post or are you stupid? why must everything be so simplistic for you guys? Anything that isn't ridiculously pro-american must be commie talk...
There's just not a whole lot of variety to this conversation, is there?

the G-man said:Mxy clearly indicated a belief that communism could work under "ideal" conditions. While not a ringing endorsement of the concept, it is still something of a theoretical endorsement.

I'm not gonna call you any names because I know you'd take it too seriously, but boy do I wish to right now.

What I was saying is that my country is a casualty of your fear of communism. I NEVER said communism would work... I said the conditions to find out if IT WOULD (since it had never been elected democratically in the past) were finally given, and suddenly all your certainties for the wonders of capitalism evaporated and you chose to fuck up a country instead of finding out.

the G-man said:

the G-man said:
Mxy clearly indicated a belief that communism could work under "ideal" conditions. While not a ringing endorsement of the concept, it is still something of a theoretical endorsement.


thedoctor said:
That is not what he said or meant. His statement clearly says that Chile was a testing ground for if communism would work and that the US was afraid that the country would stay that course. His earlier statement had clearly said that the government would have most likely been voted out in the next election.

His statement

    (a) theorized that communism could work;
    (b) theorized that a communist government would, despite all historical evidence to the contrary (USSR, Cuba, China, etc.) abide by free elections and allow itself to be voted out of office

Again, while not a ringing endorsement, still more pro-communism than history would seem to justify.

You fucking dumbass. You're a fucking idiotic fuck. I've seriously never been pissed at ANYONE in all the years I've been posting in Message Boards. Congratulations, you've managed to be the first to piss me off, you idiotic fuck. I'm not using words like motherfucker or cocksucker because I mean every word.
I've seriously lost all respect I had for you, G-Man, and in spite of appereances I had a lot.

I hunger!
You retard
that means you guys must be related.
Go and get me a soda Crispy Bitch!
An astounding display of creativity.
Dirty Taco has time for that but not his soda run huh......guess he won't be getting a tip.

not that I was gonna tip his punk ass anyhow.
Posted By: Jeff Gannon Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2005-02-17 10:39 AM

Captain Sammitch said:
An astounding display of creativity.

It's obvious Crispy and Jeff are the same person.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2006-08-11 9:57 AM
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! PLEASE READ! - 2006-08-12 8:52 AM
End of the World - Skeeter Davis

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world,
'Cause you don't love me any more?

Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don't they know it's the end of the world.
It ended when I lost your love.

I wake up in the morning and I wonder,
Why everything's the same as it was.
I can't understand. No, I can't understand,
How life goes on the way it does.

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world.
It ended when you said goodbye.

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world.
It ended when you said goodbye